"Take the flamethrowers", Sara told us as she brought out several more flamethrowers for us to use.
We quickly grabbed the weapon to fire at the locusts.
Many locusts were burned by our fire. However, the locusts were many and they were spread out over a wide area, so our flame couldn't destroy the insects or chase them away.
In fact, we were burning the cotton in the field as much as we killed the insects.
"Please, don't harm the cotton plants", Nicklas pleaded with us when some of our flames burned the cotton plants.
The cotton plants that were burned immediately transformed into children who were burned and charred by the flame.
"The cotton plants are the children, don't burn them", I told them and warned.
"Shyte, what are we going to do with those damn pests if we can't use our flame?" Melroy complained to us.
"There might be something that I can do", Rinna told us suddenly.
"Are you summoning your ethereal serpents? Does your magic work here?", I asked her.
"I don't know but my serpent isn't the kind of magic that can be cast", Rinna replied to me.
Rinna summons magic from her soul realm just like my soul magic. Although I lost all my soul magic after the Dark Angel took control of my soul realm, Rinna's soul magic was intact.
"Please try but don't kill the cotton children", I said to her.
Suddenly, an enormous serpent appeared before us with the body of an overweight python. On its head were three heads, the head of a large cobra on the right, a fanged serpent on the left and the head of a woman with a crown of smaller snakes in the middle.
"Medusa the Queen of Serpents"
"Don't kill our children", Luspius pleaded with the giant serpent.
Suddenly, the hood of the serpent on Medusa's left opened. Thousands of holographic serpents emerged that rushed toward the swarm of locusts.
The holographic serpents bit the locusts, immediately petrifying them and transforming them into stone. The locusts once petrified, quickly dissolved into dust and disappeared.
"What is this great serpent?" Luspius asked in wonderment at Rinna's Medusa.
"She's Medusa", Rinna told her and us.
"Medusa? You gave your serpent a name?" I asked her.
"My serpents have grown in union as one and I don't have a name to call her. I decided to call her Medusa because that is what people call me in my temple", Rinna told us.
"So, you are the Goddess Nahase", Nicklas said to Rinna in recognition.
"Why do you call Rinna a Goddess?" I asked him.
"Isn't it obvious, she's so beautiful", Luspius told us.
"Because lady Nahase is the goddess and guardian of the Garden of Eden. If you are as old as I, you will recognize her", Nicklas told us.
"Nahase is the last of the Trinity of Revelations. Is it possible?" Meera asked us suddenly.
"What do you mean?" I asked Meera.
"Nahase, the mother of Serpents, Guardian of the Garden of Eden is the third of the Trinity", Meera told me.
"Nahase is a part of the Revelations too? Like the Dark Angel or the Savior?" I asked her.
"Yes, Nahase is the last of the Trinity, the original gods and goddesses who rebelled against Heaven during the first Revelations, but little is known about her", Meera told us.
"Why is that? Shouldn't Nahase be well documented in your books if she is integral to the Revelations?" Sara asked her.
"That is because Nahase was never revived during the following Revelations. Only the Dark Angel and the Savior were revived. So, we seldom talk about the ancient Mother of Eden", Meera told us.
"What Meera said is true. Nahase is the mother of the Garden of Eden, and her magic nourished the Seven Deadly Sins", Ratatouille told us suddenly.
"You know about the Mother?" Chash asked him.
"The mother Serpent is the Guardian of the Garden of Eden and we the Deadly Sins are Eden's guards. That was before the Revelations of course", Ratatouille told us.
"What happened to the Mother of Serpent?" Rinna asked him.
"The Mother of Serpent was defeated in the first Revelations and was never resurrected. That was one of the reasons none of the subsequent Revelations succeeded. The Trinity isn't complete", Ratatouille told us.
"Is my Medusa the Mother of Serpent?" Rinna asked Ratatouille.
"No, unfortunately and she is far from it. The power of the mother nourishes the Deadly Sins, and I couldn't feel her magic after you summoned Medusa", Ratatouille told us.
"Ah, my children", Nicklas said out loud as he rushed to his cotton field.
"So, is Medusa the Trinity of Revelations?" Cassandra asked.
"The old tree is probably senile", Sara told us about the most logical explanation for Nicklas' claims.
Suddenly the whole cotton field was uprooted from the ground to our surprise.
The cotton plants took on humanoid shapes and ran toward Nicklas and us to thank us for saving them, but we were unable to shake their all their hands one by one. There were too many of these friendly children, erm cottons.
"You helped save us, so you are our friend", Nicklas said to us.
"It's nothing. What are these cotton people?" I asked the tree.
"Oh, they are the resting children", he told us as all the cotton plants turned into children and the tree turned into an old man.
"Hey, I can do that too", Ratatouille told the children as he turned into a cotton plant to play with the children.
"Who are you, people?" I asked Nicklas.
"We are the keepers of Delirium", he told me before he signaled his children and us to follow him before he said, "Let's go back before darkness arrives".
"What Darkness are you talking about?" I asked the old man.
"It's Lucidity of course", he replied to us.
"What is Lucidity? Or Who is?" I asked him.
"The Queen of Delirium, not a very nice person", he told us as he brought us away from the fields back on the golden path.
"Are you sure this is the right way? We are going back the way we came from?" Chash asked us.