Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

Two Deaths, One Killer

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A month after the first murder in Luijiang, Li Wei stood at the edge of a freshly dug pit, his face impassive as he surveyed the second victim. The body, like the first, was desiccated beyond recognition, as if drained of its very essence.

"Same method as before," Li Wei noted, his voice steady. He turned to the local constable. "Who discovered the body?"

"A group of children playing in the woods, Captain," the constable replied, visibly shaken.

Li Wei nodded, his mind already cataloging the similarities and differences from the previous case. "Gather everyone who had contact with the victim in the past week. We'll conduct interviews at the town hall."

As the constable hurried off, Li Wei methodically examined the crime scene. No signs of struggle, no obvious clues left behind. The killer was meticulous, perhaps even more so than Li Wei himself.

Later, in the makeshift office he'd been assigned, Li Wei pored over the documents spread across his desk. Town records, witness statements, and historical accounts filled the space. His eyes narrowed as he came across a mention of the 1000 Poison Sect, a group reportedly destroyed two centuries ago.

A knock at the door interrupted his reading. "Enter," he called, not looking up from the papers.

Chen Wei, his deputy, stepped inside. "Captain, I've brought the information you requested about recent herb purchases in the area."

Li Wei gestured for Chen Wei to continue.

"There's been an increase in purchases of rare herbs." Chen Wei reported. "Most notably, a series of purchases made by a masked buyer. The descriptions match across several vendors."

Li Wei leaned back, considering this new information. "Cross-reference these purchases with our list of new arrivals to the village and surrounding areas over the past two years."

As Chen Wei left to carry out the task, Li Wei returned to his research. The similarities between these murders and the historical accounts were too striking to ignore. If this was indeed the work of the 1000 Poison Sect, their resurgence posed a significant threat.

The day progressed with a series of interviews and investigations. As night fell, Li Wei made his way to a clearing on the outskirts of the village for his daily training. Moving through the forms of the Iron Sand Palm, he mentally reviewed the day's findings.

Two victims, both drained of yang essence. A masked herb buyer. Increasing fear among the villagers. Li Wei's palm struck a nearby tree, the impact sending tremors through the trunk. He noted the deepening impression left by his strike. Progress, but still not enough.

As he continued his practice, Li Wei's mind worked on the puzzle of the murders. The lack of obvious motive, the unusual condition of the bodies, the rising tension in the village—all pieces that didn't yet fit together. But they would, in time.

Li Wei knew that every move he made from this point on could tip the balance between solving the case and allowing more innocent lives to be lost. With his characteristic calm and focus, he returned to his training, preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead. The pressure from his superiors to solve this case quickly was a constant presence, but Li Wei remained steady. He would solve this mystery, not out of personal ambition or stubbornness, but because it was his duty to protect the people under his jurisdiction.

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