Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

The Shadows of Luijiang

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Li Wei returned to Luijiang under the fading light of dusk. The village had changed subtly since his last visit. Strings of talismans now hung from doorways, marking the villagers' quiet belief in protection, but it wasn't fear that gripped them as it once did. The tension in the air had lessened, but Daoist Chen's influence, though slow-growing, was starting to spread.

His investigation had revealed something troubling: Daoist Chen's backstory was fabricated, and Chu Li, who had accompanied the priest to the village a year ago, was no simple assistant. Chu Li's role was more dangerous, his actions hidden beneath a veil of loyalty to the priest.

Later that evening, Li Wei gathered with Zhao Jun and Chen Wei in his dimly lit office. A map of the village and its surrounding lands was laid out on the table, as they began discussing their findings.

Zhao Jun tapped the map, pointing to two properties marked in red. "Both victims owned these lands. Chu Li tried to purchase them before their deaths."

"And now he owns one of them," Li Wei added, his voice thoughtful but sharp. "It's not about business. Chu Li isn't here for profit."

Chen Wei, standing near the window, crossed her arms. "So why take the land? What's his endgame?"

Li Wei glanced at the map again, the pieces of the puzzle starting to align. "It's not just the land. The victims' bodies were drained of blood—this points to something much darker. They're not just after property."

Zhao Jun's expression darkened. "The 1000 Poison Sect…"

Li Wei nodded. "Exactly. They're using a method from the sect's old practices. It's not a ritual; it's crude, simple medicine-making. Instead of herbs, they're using human blood to make an elixir. It's a method that helps warriors break through to higher levels, like the 2nd-rate warrior level."

Chen Wei frowned. "That sect was destroyed years ago. How is this happening now?"

Li Wei's voice was calm but serious. "The knowledge didn't disappear with them. Someone learned those methods and is using them here. Chu Li and Daoist Chen are involved in this together."

Zhao Jun clenched his fists. "If they succeed in making the medicine and someone breaks through to 2nd-rate, it'll be disastrous. We're talking about a warrior capable of killing us all."

Li Wei nodded grimly. "That's why we have to act fast."

Chen Wei leaned forward, her voice thoughtful. "But what do we have? We can't just accuse them based on theory. The villagers might not trust us, but we don't have the evidence to make an arrest."

Li Wei considered for a moment. "We have Chu Li's land acquisition, the murders, and the blood-drained bodies. It's circumstantial, but it paints a clear enough picture."

Zhao Jun's gaze hardened. "We can't wait for them to strike again. If we do, we may be too late."

Li Wei nodded in agreement. "We'll need to move carefully, but we can't afford to wait for perfect proof. If we let this go on, more people will die."

Chen Wei, ever cautious, raised an eyebrow. "You're proposing we arrest them based on what we know now?"

"Yes," Li Wei replied, his voice firm. "We don't have solid proof, but we have enough circumstantial evidence to act. If we hesitate, they'll finish making the elixir, and we won't be able to stop them."

Zhao Jun leaned forward, his voice low but decisive. "Then we arrest them—both of them—before they can make their next move."

Li Wei's eyes narrowed with resolve. "It's risky, but it's our best chance. We arrest Daoist Chen and Chu Li, and we stop whatever they're planning before more lives are lost."

The decision was made. They couldn't wait any longer. Tomorrow, they would act. If they were right, they'd prevent a catastrophe. If they were wrong, the consequences could be severe, but doing nothing wasn't an option.

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