Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

Mayor Xu arrives, Criminals apprehended.

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The mountain road twisted perilously along the cliff's edge, with steep drops on one side and rugged terrain rising sharply on the other. As the carriage rumbled forward, the ex-captain glanced at his companions, a mixture of determination and disdain etched on his face.

"We have two hours to reach Guanshan," he announced, his voice steady. "Once we're past the town, we can take the road that leads to the plains. That will give us a clear path to escape into the forest."

Another 2nd-rate nodded. "Mayor Zhao is the only second-rate fighter we need to worry about, and to be honest, he's not much of a threat with two of us combining our forces. We'll be long gone before they organize large group to block us."

"What about mayor of Guanshan Mayor Xu?" One asked.

"Tsk. There is no way he could stop two us alone", said the Ex-captain.

Another member of the group scoffed, "In a place this big, you'd expect more than a couple of second-rate warriors. But they are none, even the one that exist are pawns sent by sect in guise of government officers."

The ex-captain's eyes narrowed slightly. "True enough. This region lacks real martial talent, which is why we can operate without much fear here. Still, we shouldn't have taken four kids within a month. It was a bad move."

"The organization wanted more supplies this year," one of the second-rate warriors replied, his tone resigned. "We didn't have a choice. But once we hit the plains, we'll be out of their reach. "

"Let them catch up to us," the ex-captain said, dismissing the concern. "If the mayor Zhao's group catches up—and they likely will—we'll deal with them swiftly so that they can't team up with Mayor Xu. Quick elimination is necessary if we want to move on."

"They're on solo horses, its faster than our carriage" another warrior remarked. "They will catch up. But there is something I don't understand, Do you really think mayor Zhao will even chase after us? I mean he doesn't know how strong we could be. Why would he risk his life for 4 kids? It's not worth it."

"Haha.. Mountain folks are a bit too honest and don't really understand the reality of Jianghu. Also, there is one more important reason. Mayor Zhao has been here for years. He is used to thinking that he is the only 2nd rate around these parts because there are so few of them here. High level warrior hardly even visit this region. That's why mayor Zhao is used automatically assuming that others are weaker than him in this area. I bet He will chase after us."

Meanwhile, Li Wei's group of five was making their way swiftly along the mountain path. They reached a clearing just twenty minutes before the carriage was set to arrive in Guanshan.

"Get ready," Li Wei instructed, signaling for his group as they overtook the carriages. 

"Prepare yourselves!" the ex-captain shouted, drawing his sword.

Li Wei stepped forward, his expression calm and focused. "You have nowhere to run."

The fight erupted quickly. The ex-captain engaged Li Wei directly, his strikes heavy and calculated.

"You're stronger than you look," the ex-captain said, pressing forward.

"I've had my training," Li Wei replied, sidestepping a powerful swing and countering with a precise thrust that the ex-captain narrowly avoided.

As they exchanged blows, the ex-captain's surprise became evident. "Damn it!" he cursed, realizing Li Wei was a second-rate warrior. 'We miscalculated '

Li Wei seized the moment of hesitation, pushing forward with calculated strikes, forcing the ex-captain onto the defensive. He kept his movements precise, conserving energy while wearing down his opponent.

The ex-captain struggled to regain control. "You think this will end well for you?"

"I think you've underestimated us," Li Wei replied, his eyes steady.

Nearby, the other members of Li Wei's group were engaged in fierce combat, holding their ground against the kidnappers. The air was thick with tension, the sounds of steel clashing echoing through the clearing.

Li Wei's muscles burned as he dodged another powerful swing from the ex-captain, sweat pouring down his face and stinging his eyes. Each clash of their swords sent shockwaves through his arms, but he forced himself to stay focused, gritting his teeth against the pain. He could feel his heart racing, the seconds stretching painfully as he desperately hoped for Mayor Xu's arrival. Just hold on one more minute, he thought, gasping for breath, his grip tightening on his sword. Across from him, the ex-captain was no less strained, his brow furrowed with frustration as he struggled to land a decisive blow, the fatigue beginning to show in his movements. They were locked in a deadly dance, both combatants aware that the tide could turn at any moment—and the wait was becoming unbearable.

Just then, the sound of galloping hooves broke through the din. A figure burst into the clearing—Mayor Zhao of Longjiagong, his sword drawn and ready for action.

"Hold your ground!" Mayor Zhao commanded, charging into the fray.

The ex-captain's expression shifted from anger to alarm as he realized the odds were no longer in his favor. "We need to regroup!" he barked, panic creeping into his voice.

Li Wei and Mayor Zhao coordinated their attacks, pressing the advantage. The ex-captain's group began to falter under the combined pressure, their earlier bravado replaced by desperation.

With every strike, the ex-captain fought harder, but fatigue began to show. "Don't let them wear you down!" he shouted, trying to rally his men.

The fight ensued and the criminals were captured after fierce resistance.

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