Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

Breakthrough! (And Bathroom Breaks)

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At 20 years old, Li Wei was entering the prime of his martial arts journey—or, as he sometimes called it, the phase where eating like a horse and visiting the bathroom 10 times a day became his new normal.

The months following the Festival of Fights had been transformative, both for his skillset and his digestive system.

His relentless training in the underground arena had sharpened his techniques, but more importantly, he could feel that a major breakthrough was coming.

This wasn't just any regular milestone. No, this was the breakthrough, the one that would take him from a mere third-rate fighter to the prestigious second-rate level. He'd heard legends of what this transformation could do—strength beyond comprehension, speed that defied the human eye, and... well, a digestive system that worked overtime.
For the next two months, Li Wei was laser-focused on training. He took a break from everything else: no arena matches, no visits to the local inn, and—much to the widow's disappointment—no casual drop-ins for tea.

His life revolved around two things: his breakthrough and tracking down the elusive Three-Eyed Phantom.

But to fuel this next stage of his martial arts journey, he needed food. Lots and lots of food. His three meals a day quickly became monstrous banquets. "Breakfast" started looking more like the buffet at a wedding reception, with mountains of meat, vegetables, and grains stacked so high they almost fell off the table.

And then, there were the snacks. In between those hearty meals, Li Wei developed the eating habits of a squirrel preparing for winter. Roasted nuts, buns, dried meat—he ate it all, and then some. If it wasn't nailed down, Li Wei considered it food. This wasn't just about hunger, it was survival for his training!

The Side Effects
Of course, with all that eating came some, uh, complications. His bathroom schedule turned into something of a military operation. It wasn't long before he found himself visiting the bathroom five times a day. Then seven. Then ten. At one point, Li Wei was convinced that breaking through to second-rate involved spending more time on the toilet than actually training.

He'd read about the hardships martial artists faced during breakthroughs—intense hunger, rapid growth, and constant fatigue. What nobody had mentioned was the real challenge: trying to remain focused on training when your body demanded bathroom breaks every hour like clockwork.

"I guess this is the price of greatness," he muttered one day, stepping out of the bathroom for the fourth time before lunch. He wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but hey—if turning into a martial arts powerhouse meant a few extra pit stops, so be it.

Strength Gains (and Bathroom Gains)
Despite the frequent interruptions, the breakthrough was real. Li Wei could feel his strength surging. He went from being able to lift a respectable 499 kilograms to an awe-inspiring 695 kilograms in just two months. His muscles bulged with power, and his punches felt like they could knock down walls—literally. During one sparring session with a training dummy, he accidentally sent it flying across the room and through the back wall. Oops.

Clue Time
During one of his many breaks (between training and bathroom visits), Li Wei dove back into his files on the Phantom Thief. He noticed a pattern: the thief always struck on nights just before the full moon. It was a breakthrough, one that gave him a small edge. Aha! Timing!

However, there was a slight problem. While he could anticipate that the Phantom would strike before the next full moon, predicting the exact night? That was like trying to guess when you'd get struck by lightning. Could be two months. Could be five. Could be never.
Still, it was progress. Li Wei meticulously documented this new finding alongside the other clues he had gathered:

Symbol: The thief left behind a distinct mark at each crime scene. (Probably just to be extra dramatic.)
Height: Witnesses described the Phantom as tall. Not freakishly tall, but tall enough that people noticed.
Hair: The Phantom reportedly had dirty brown hair—messy, like someone who hadn't used a comb in years.
Timing: One night before each full moon, but good luck figuring out which one. [This was the pattern Li Wei found analyzing the timing]

Li Wei grinned. "Got you now," he said to the pile of notes, feeling like a detective in one of those stories where the hero cracks the case while eating donuts. Except, in this case, his donuts were full meals and his stakes involved a notorious thief.

Breakthrough Complete
As the two months of intense training and frequent trips came to a close, Li Wei felt stronger and more prepared than ever. The breakthrough had not only pushed his body to new heights, but his mind felt sharper. Every muscle felt honed, every movement precise.

Sure, he'd spent more time than he cared to admit running to the bathroom, but now, standing stronger and sharper than ever, he knew it was worth it.

With his breakthrough complete and newfound insights into the Phantom Thief, Li Wei was ready for whatever lay ahead. And next time, hopefully, fewer bathroom breaks.

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