Reborn and Ready: The Not-So-Awesome Adventures of Li Wei

Breaking the seal for the first time

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Li Wei sat by the window of his new house, watching the quiet street outside. He had rented this house for one reason: to catch the Phantom Thief. For months, he had waited and watched, sure that the thief would strike nearby merchants house. He had figured the thief out. Li Wei had checked the locations of the thief venue and realized that the three eyes phantom thief as trying to draw a symbol on a map. So, it was pretty easy to deduce where he would strike next. Now, he just had to patiently wait and survey the next house every 1 night before full moon.

As days turned into weeks, Li Wei began to doubt. Had he made a mistake? But he didn't give up. Every day, he practiced his martial arts in the backyard, staying ready for when the thief would appear. During these 8 months he had starting building his road had already done 300 meters. As a 2nd rate martial artist, he was able to do work of 10 men alone.

One night, Li Wei felt different. Something in the air told him this was the night. As the sky began to lighten, he saw a shadow move where it shouldn't. Li Wei quickly put on his town guard uniform and went outside.

He heard a noise in an alley and went to look. Suddenly, a figure ran past him. "Stop! Town guard!" Li Wei shouted, chasing after the thief.

The chase was hard. The thief seemed to disappear into shadows and reappear in unexpected places. Li Wei followed through narrow streets and over rooftops, never letting the thief out of his sight for long.

In a small square, Li Wei thought he had lost the thief. He looked around carefully, listening for any sound. Then he heard a soft noise. Without hesitating, Li Wei reached into a dark corner and grabbed the thief.

They fought briefly, but Li Wei's training paid off. But it was a girl instead of a guy whose description he had gotten previously. He promptly grabbed back of her neck push her down the ground and using his knees to pin her down tied her hands. He grabbed her hair from its root and pulled her up from the ground.

 When he removed the thief's hood, he saw it was a young woman. She was the most beautiful person Li Wei had seen in his two life times.

He took her to his house and tied her properly. 

"Where are the stolen things?" Li Wei asked. The girl didn't say much. Looking at the girl barely. She couldn't be the three eyed phantom thief because the phantom thief had been stealing for last 7 years. Many possibilities came to mind. But first he decided to investigate her identity.

He had finally caught the Phantom Thieves - a brother and sister team named Zhao Wei and Zhao Mei. Well, her brother was the phantom thief. She was just a beginner. Had it been the phantom thief at night, Li Wei wouldn't have been able to capture him. But the siblings were unfortunate, he caught the sister during night and through the sister caught the brother during day .

During the first round of questioning, Li Wei kept Zhao Wei and Zhao Mei in separate rooms. He questioned them many times, always checking their answers against each other. Slowly, their story came out.

Ten years ago, when Mei was 7 and Wei was 12, their parents had died. Wei, already trained in thievery because of their family history of having descended from thieves sect, started stealing to survive. 

"At first, it was just to get by," Zhao Wei had told Li Wei. "But I was good at it. It became a habit, and then..."

"And then?" Li Wei had asked.

Zhao Wei looked down. "I got arrogant. I started leaving a symbol at each theft, taunting people. It was stupid, but I couldn't help myself. Also, Mei has not done anything big. So, please let her go."

"Can you tell me where you have stored the things you stole over last 10 years?" Li Wei asked.

Zhao Wei went silent.

"I am willing to let your sister go if you tell me the location of the hideout." He tempted.

Zhao Wei seemed to have already notice some inconsistency with Li Wei because many things didn't make sense. Firstly, instead of a jail cell they were in a house and there was only one officer there. It didn't make sense.

It felt to as if Li Wei was a fake towns guard but he had seen Li Wei as captain of the guards for a years. So he was extra confused. However, he was sure of the fact that Li Wei was not on official business and was doing this privately.

The moment he acquired the location he might finish off the sibling to get the stolen wealth. 

Thus, Zhao Wei was stubborn and didn't reveal the location.

Li Wei knew that his disguise could be easily seen. He understood that Zhao Wei would not reveal the location easily. So he had to use the alternatives.

"Your sister, such a delicious looking girl. I haven't seen such a sexy bitch in my life. I am sure she used disguise in day to day basis. And that body. shhh " Li Wei whispered quietly in his ears.

Zhao Wei went mad after hearing this but he still didn't dare to give the location of the hideout.
"Hehe...just 17 years of age but the figure is just perfect to my liking. I wonder if her cunt is as good as everything else.. you can't imagine things I am gonna to to her", saying this he pretended go to other room.

After hours of trying all kind of methods, Li Wei gave him a proposal which was beneficial for both of them.

"Okay. Here is the deal. Marry her to me. Give me the treasures as dowry. I wouldn't kill my wife's brother, would I?" He said.

Zhou Wei gave a contemplative look. Li Wei was a powerhouse around these regionHe could protect his sister better than anyone else.

"I will have to ask her opinion on this", Zhao Wei replied.

"What's there to ask? Aren't you her brother? You are responsible for arranging marriage for her. She has no say in this. Plus, she is already 16, a bit too old to get married." Li Wei said.

After that bother and sister discussed and finally accepted the offer. 

Then Li Wei got to break the seal for the first time in both of his lives. It was not as good as he had fantasized it to be. 

In this primitive society, once you break the seal of a girl, the girl was basically yours.

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