Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 544

Chapter 544 The last one

The country felt that it owed Zhang Qianxiu and gave him many special treatments and honors in the country, but most of them were turned down by Zhang Qianxiu.

During the development period, Su Yuwei held up half of the sky for Zhang Qianxiu, and Su Yuwei helped to win at least half of the market.

Now Zhang Qianxiu took the initiative to give up the personal computer and system he had been obsessed with for the country to enter W and kick O. He felt that Su Yuwei lost a lot of money. It was also this year that Zhang Qianxiu and Su Yuwei married.

The wedding did not take place, but some relatives and friends were invited to witness, and the country also arranged for someone to come and congratulate.

After the marriage, Zhang Qianxiu temporarily postponed his career development and prepared to live a relaxed and comfortable life with Su Yuwei.

Soon after the marriage, He Daoxun, who had been adhering to the education of Chinese culture at school, was in critical condition.

Before his death, He Daoxun took Zhang Qianxiu’s hand and told Zhang Qianxiu that he was worth his life. Many students have done well in promoting Chinese Studies in the school, but he hopes that Zhang Qianxiu can continue to fulfill his dream.

After finishing the funeral for He Daoxun, Ji Yinyao also passed away within a few days.

The death of two old people in a row has a great impact on Zhang Qianxiu’s heart. On the company’s side, because the United States and China have signed a land contract, even if many people in the market want to snap up Zhang Qianxiu’s products, they are basically out of stock.

Zhang Qianxiu is actually able to produce all the parts and components, chips, memory, graphics cards, and his own system at this time, but he can’t produce it. As long as he does, the country will withdraw from W and O, the domestic economic development will definitely be hit, and the country will be done. Without production transformation, it is impossible to become the country with the most complete industries in the world, let alone to have future development.

At this time, the combination of Intel and Microsoft with the same configuration was 30% lower than Zhang Qianxiu’s performance. Zhang Qianxiu’s products gradually moved to the high-end, and the low- and mid-range markets were fully occupied by other countries.

At the end of the year, Ge Qingshan was critically ill.

Zhang Qianxiu hurried to visit.

Ge Qingshan apologized to Zhang Qianxiu, because Zhang Qianxiu originally had better development. Zhang Qianxiu had countless opportunities to become a giant in the country, but he did not develop in the country. When the domestic enterprises had not yet established a firm foothold, he went abroad alone.

When Zhang Qianxiu develops abroad and is attacked by many countries and companies, the country cannot protect him for the sake of the overall situation.

When Zhang Qianxiu succeeded in the siege and interception of many countries and enterprises, because the country wanted to join W and O, Zhang Qianxiu took the initiative to give up the market he had obtained.

Zhang Qianxiu said that he had never blamed anyone. From the beginning to the end, he wanted to live a stable life with Su Yuwei, without worrying about money, and doing whatever he wanted. Now he is worth hundreds of billions, and the world is richer than him. There are not many of them, and he has nothing to regret.

Ge Qingshan held Zhang Qianxiu’s hand and told Zhang Qianxiu that he must keep his own PC terminal. The country cannot do without its own chips and systems. If such passive development continues, Zhang Qianxiu’s market will definitely not be able to hold.

The old people passed away one after another, and Zhang Qianxiu ended his global travel with Su Yuwei.

Su Yuwei also persuaded Zhang Qianxiu to go back.

In mid-2001, Zhang Qianxiu continued to return to the company to take power, with Su Yuwei as his deputy.

Zhang Qianxiu renamed all of his products, Chaos, Tai Chi, Xuanniao, and Kirin, each of which represents the Chinese culture, and used the chips, systems, graphics cards, memory and other components.

Zhang Qianxiu re-formulated his strategy, adhered to 40% of the market, and promoted his products to the world.

At the same time, other industries continue to make efforts, and all funds are invested in new research, the field of mobile phones.

Originally, Zhang Qianxiu only planned to break through the PC side in ten years. This time, he will use another ten years to break through the mobile terminal and occupy the mobile market before I am crazy 4 comes out.

In order to avoid the blockade, Zhang Qianxiu abandoned the existing ARM architecture and re-studied the architecture.

Because of Zhang Qianxiu’s return, everyone was once again excited to study a new chip architecture suitable for mobile phones.

When other countries knew that Zhang Qianxiu had returned, they once again put pressure on domestic officials, demanding that Zhang Qianxiu’s share of each country must be reduced by another 10%, and only 30%.

The domestic government did not immediately agree, but solicited the opinions of Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu only calmly agreed, and continued to shrink his PC share.

At the same time, in other areas, Zhang Qianxiu continued to be excluded.

However, when Zhang Qianxiu was squeezed out, everyone was surprised to find in 2006 that Zhang Qianxiu’s business empire has almost spread all over the world, entering 80% of the world’s industries, even military industry.

Even people in China are afraid that Zhang Qianxiu will become a terrifying commercial entity, a “monster” that can control the world.

Many newspapers are discussing Zhang Qianxiu, saying that he wants to control the world through business.

Zhang Qianxiu has been under tremendous pressure. At this time, he has the ability to launch a huge financial turmoil and set the global economy back for decades, but it is inevitable at home.

The people around Zhang Qianxiu are repairing injustice for Zhang Qian.

During this period, Zhang Qianxiu was promoted to be a father, and Su Yuwei gave birth to a daughter.

On October 1, 2008, Zhang Qianxiu released the world’s first full-screen smart phone, and announced that this phone is called the Great Wall, which means that our people are not aggressive and we are willing to work together with the world to develop and prosper, but we Chinese people are like the Great Wall. No matter how many winds and rains they experience, foreign enemies can never cross the Great Wall, which we have built with culture, flesh and blood, and spirit. The Great Wall mobile phone marks the world’s entry into the era of smartphones.

On the same day, Zhang Qianxiu announced that he would retire and would never participate in any commercial activities or manage any company. Ninety percent of his assets would be given to the state.

At the end of the press conference, foreign reporters interviewed Zhang Qianxiu: “Why do you want to hand over such a large business empire to the country?”

Zhang Qianxiu just faintly replied: “In the hearts of our people, everything will disappear in the long river of time, but China will last forever.”

Foreign reporters could not understand this sentence, but Zhang Qianxiu had already left surrounded by everyone.

After the press conference, Zhang Qianxiu really handed over 90% of his property and company to the state. The market value of 90% of his assets was nearly 10 trillion yuan, but this figure was not announced.

As a result, Zhang Qianxiu received special honors and special treatments from the country, and was promised by the state that as long as Zhang Qianxiu’s descendants do not treason, the Zhang family will inherit this honor and these special treatments and coexist with China.

After retiring, Zhang Qianxiu held 10% of his original assets and still earned trillions of meters.

Zhang Qianxiu jokingly asked Su Yuwei: “Am I giving less to the country? I gave 90% and still so much.”

Su Yuwei smiled and glared at Zhang Qianxiu: “If you get a bargain, you still sell well.”

In 2009, Su Yuwei was left with a pair of twins again.

Later, when someone studied Zhang Qianxiu’s legendary history, he discovered that in addition to his achievements in semiconductors and systems, he also made significant contributions to the country’s automobiles, steel, smelting, agriculture, and education, and praised him.

It is because no one has investigated exactly what Zhang Qianxiu’s assets are. Some people on the Internet have always questioned whether Zhang Qianxiu really donated 90% of his assets to the country and listed the so-called evidence.

Regardless of whether the public praised him or criticized him, praised him or questioned him, Zhang Qianxiu no longer showed his face in public at this time, and no one knew what he was doing.

However, whenever someone raises questions, the state will immediately stand up for a clear position, but will not release any details and data about the donation, because this Zhang Qianxiu’s donation has become a pending case in the eyes of the public, not even ordinary. People know the honor and special treatment Zhang Qianxiu received.

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