Chapter 24: sweet revenge
3 years later
I was back.. back at the woo mansion.. I was just as before, but I was more cold... Yohan sat beside me looking sad.. " babe can't you just forget about it" he said looking at me with pleading eyes.. " you very well know what she did to me.. to you.. to my family" I say.. " but babe she's your..." I cut him off" even if she is, what she did can't be forgiven" I say.. an evil smirk played on my face.. " I'll give her a sweet revenge" I say...
3yrs ago..
After we explore the island, the next day... I washed off after we had sex like 4 times that morning.. I dressed up and went out.. I wanted to explore the shopping mall there... But something unexpected happened.. we were attacked... I was kidnapped...
The kidnapper's home
I was tied to a chair..
" Even if your father takes you to an invincible place, I will find you" the voice maliciously rang from the far end of the room.. click click click.. the hill was heard making contact with the floor as the speaker approach me.. my heart was beating fast... I wanted to cry but I couldn't.. " I might be your mother, I I will do bad things to you" she smirk.. I see silver light shimmering in the dark... Was I going to die again.. this can't be .. not like this.. I have to take my revenge on my mom who is standing right here...I was thinking "hahaha" she chuckle" I can kill you, but no.. I want money.. and I will use you to get it.. do you understand?" She say like a lunatic.." you.. you're insane" was what came out of my mouth... She laugh like a lunatic... " Yes.. for money.. I can do anything" she say..
Flash back end...
My thought was disturbed by the pleading Tae... " I know Kim.. but you don't have to do what she did to you" he said " oh baby you have no idea how I plan to ruin her life" I smirk.. " Kim.. are you really the Kim I knew 3 years ago? Give my Kim back.. I want my boyfriend back" be cried.. I pull him in a hug.." shh babe.. it's still me.. only my thirst for revenge is noticeable" I say patting his hair.. he snuggle closer to me.. sniffling" baby.. I miss the old you" he say.. I rub his back in slow motion.. " I'm sorry love but the old me was dead three years ago" I say... He sniffles and nods.. " I understand" he said.. I smile.." are you mad at me?" I ask... He was silent, but still hugged me... I put him on my laps so he could straddle me.. I lift your chin.. " my love.. even if I have changed, I am still your Kim" I say.. " I said I understand" he said I look at him mischief dancing in my eyes.. " I won't argue" I whispered in his ear... Mmm he moan.. I look in his eyes.. "I am yours" I say.. kissing his neck.. giving him hot kisses.. he moan.. " shameless.. Kim we are in the living room" he say his voice husky... " I don't care baby.. they can leave if they can't stand it" I smirk claiming his lips... I kiss him passionately and he kissed me back with the same passion.. mmn. I moan.. "what da!! Please you can't be this shameless to do this in the living room please you have your room" Hyung's irritated voice sounded from the door.."hey" I greeted.. Yohan was blushing.. "please Kim don't make me jealous... Why are you so shameless" Hyung said and went to his room.. I chuckle "baby let's stop here.. we can't be more shameless than this..let's go inside the room" Yohan said.. " hehehe.. are you shy.." I giggled.." shameless" he pout.. " ok fine fine" I surrender.. " you've changed a lot" he said.. " in a good or bad way?"I ask.. he sigh.." both..but I like you the way you are" he said.. I kiss him again.. intending to stop, but our kiss became more wanting, more hungry.. and I succumb to it.. ahh I love it.. in his straddle position, he began to ride me.. mmn" baby.. so impatient" I chuckle.. he continues to ride me and we were both loving it.. " what!!" Mom scream on entering the living room.. " hey mom" I say.. he hid his face in my shirt.. "Kim.. why are you so shameless" she said.. trying to look stern but I couldn't see her blush.. " come on mom.. we were not doing anything" I say.. " please go to your room... You have a room" she say.. "and you Yohan" she said.. " aunt Jiang" he say in a tiny voice.. " Kim please go to your room ok" she said and left.. " argh now she will think I'm so shameless..." He say hitting my chest playfully.." you're such a perv" he screams.. " I'm only like this for you" I said with a chuckle.. " argh" he screams.. I pull him for another kiss.. he refused to let me into his mouth, but I bit on his lover lips and he opened his mouth then was my chance... I immediately slip into his mouth.. kissing, sucking and nibbling on his lips.. my hand slip into him pants and grab his dick"ahh.. fuck Kim" he moan... " Kimmy.. what are you doing here" old Woo asked surprised.. "just catching some fun" I smirk.. " oh you probably go to your room and catch the fun" he said and went out...
Hi guys how have your day been.. love you all