Rebirth of the Vampire Empire

Chapter 5


After my meeting with that boy, I continued wandering through the slums and watching the streets until dusk, but something surprised me:

the boy I had scolded and paid for, started following me from afar, but how could he escape the my perception and seeing him follow me, I decided to enter a dead end just to confirm.

After entering, I waited a few minutes and as I thought, he appeared.

Seeing me standing there, looking at him, with a poker face, the boy was a little shy and awkward but, bowing, thanked me and we ended up talking a little.

He told me his name was Drake and I asked him several questions, some of which surprised me and he stuttered a lot, as if he wasn't used to talking normally.


Today was a very strange day, when I was going to steal the wallet of a better dressed boy than people here normally, I didn't find a single coin in his pockets and to make matters worse, he grabbed me by the arm.

I tried to escape but, nothing I did, it felt like I was stuck to a piece of cold and firm metal.

I looked at him expecting him to spank me; feeling anger and fear burning through me, as it usually does, but instead he gave a small smile and said the following sentence to:

"Did you know that trying to steal from someone who can see you even before you approach is dangerous?"

When I heard this, I was very surprised after all, I have always succeeded in stealing without being noticed.

I wanted to ask how he found me, but that wasn't important now. What would happen to me? Suddenly, he took a bag of coins out of his shirt and handed it to me; I was suspicious because here nothing is free, but he just looked at me smiling.

I looked at the coins and a joy filled me at last, I could eat until I was satisfied with that amount of coins and I felt grateful. Even though I tried to rob him, he didn't attack me and even gave me coins!

When he released me, I ran out so I could eat and ended up forgetting to thank him. He was already gone when I remembered the thanks.

I started looking for it and managed to spot it near the red light district. So I followed him for a few minutes and he went into an alley.

I walked in the back and found him looking at me with a poker face; I was then, very embarrassed after all, I followed him again and couldn't explain. Bowing down I said:

"Thanks for the coins, lad! If it weren't for them, I'd be starving another night!"

He smiled and told me his name was Mikael and that there was no reason to thank him, he had only done it because he had no use for the coins and also because I seemed to need it.

I told him that I was still grateful; then said my name and we started talking. He asked me several questions, the main one was about my age and I honestly replied that was 14 years old.

He was shocked because I looked like I was only 10 years old and shook his head as if he understood something but as I'm not used to having very long conversations, I started to stutter at times.

I asked him his age and why he was there in the favelas; he smiled and said he was 17, and answered the next question, saying he was a secret. Soon it would start to get dark and he had to leave telling me to be careful.


As night fell, I had to go back to my hiding place and see if I could escape today. I said goodbye to Drake and told him to be careful after all, orcs can come in the slums, maybe... He nodded and walked away.

Seeing him walk away, I ran to my hiding place, but halfway there, I heard a shout in a familiar voice: it was Drake. It was enough to see him being carried by two brute men. I was undecided on what to do, but in the end, I decided to follow them.


Arriving at a secluded alley, the men threw Drake to the ground and tied him up.

Mikael seeing this, was a little furious. Unknowingly, Mikael considered Drake one of his friends, and a vampire when he considers anyone, is not to be trifled with.

The men started beating him and laughing with derision, infuriating Mikael even more, but he couldn't reveal himself yet, something told him he was about to see something special.

Unfortunately, one of the men found the bag of coins he had given to Drake and looked mockingly at the poor boy, in that instant, anger filled Drake completely, making his eyes turn orange-red with a hint of yellow and his aura came.

For a few seconds, that was characteristic of the demon-eyed race and men didn't even notice it, but Mikael as a Proud Vampire Progenitor, how could he not see this change?

Shocked, he noticed that he had found a hidden treasure and coming out of his hiding place, Mikael flashed a smile to the men, which came to cause shivers and, a deep and ancient fear, was awakened deep in their souls...

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