Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Giant unawakened upstarts run wild

Eastern United States, Armonk, New York, IBM headquarters, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO Frank Cary is at a regular meeting, listening to the work reports of various departments.

After all the affairs were processed, Kari scanned the managers under him and slowly said, “Is there any new plan for the evaluation of personal computers for me?”

Everyone looked at each other, and one of them opened his mouth and said: “Although the market attention of microcomputers is increasing, but the performance of microcomputers is low, and the application fields are really limited. Stepping in, with IBM’s deep background in computers, there is no problem in catching up from behind.”

“The Ministry of Justice’s anti-monopoly investigation is still underway. It is best not to simply rely on acquisitions.” Someone immediately retorted.

“The remaining time of the term of this government is running out. I believe our lobbying partners will play an active role in the policies of the next president. When the antitrust investigation is over, the sword of Damocles hanging over our heads will be removed. Now, our business methods will naturally not be in such a dilemma anymore.”

Cary frowned as he listened to the argument at hand. These arrogant guys are still immersed in the glory brought by the great success of mainframes and minicomputers, and they despise the value of personal computers so much. It’s obvious, it’s really annoying, but a giant like IBM has its own unique mode of operation. It’s not a single word. Cary waved his hand helplessly, “Let’s do it, I hope that in this year’s time, personal computers The market will not leave us too far.”

Western United States, Cupertino, Silicon Valley, Apple’s office, company executives and other directors are beamingly discussing the successful development of the European market. Tang Huan with bloodshot eyes is also present.

After a successful demonstration a few days ago, the second batch of orders was immediately signed, and Tang Huan launched the Italian version of the office software requested by the other party, and immediately added a number of partners.

European character languages ​​like English are relatively simple to process in computers, but East Asian languages ​​represented by Chinese characters are a bit tricky, and the cheap computer developed by Tang Huan is meant to face the market here, and the problem cannot be avoided.

Thinking of the glory of the Japanese economy in the 1980s and the take-off of the four little dragons in Asia, Tang Huan raised his hand and rubbed the beard stubble on his chin. He made a decision in his heart and worked harder to learn more from the DOS era in his previous life. Hanka’s technology and experience must overcome this difficulty, and it is estimated that the foreign devil engineers under him will have to complain again.

“Tang, although French, Spanish, and Italian are available, you can’t ignore other foreign language versions. There are still large European movies waiting for us to develop.” The energetic Steve Jobs turned his eyes to the man who was in deep thought. Tang Huan’s body.

Nima, this guy Jobs is really a weird person. He has touched countless nails in his place. He always gets more and more frustrated and takes the initiative to strike up a conversation. Do you want to get involved, but I’m not good at this.

Because of Teresa Teng’s affairs, Tang Huan’s temper has gradually become hot recently.

“Or I will release the Russian version immediately, and you sell Apple computers to Moscow?” Tang Huanyu asked sarcastically.

Upon hearing this, Jobs gave a high-five excitedly, “This idea is wonderful. Let the Soviets use our American computers to work, and they feel dependent. When I think about it, I feel like I’m going to tremble all over, as if I’ve inhaled a hallucinogen. same.”

Seeing this guy’s divergent reaction, Tang Huan rolled his eyes. There is nothing new about your non-mainstream cultural content, except for psychedelics.

However, Jobs does have the magical charm of the legendary bewitching people. Even Markkula, who has always been a gentleman, was a little moved and even made a joke, “If we can do it, maybe the president can give it to you.” Apple awarded the medal.”

Hearing this, Tang Huan raised his brows. Not to mention that people like Apple did it. In 1985, Reagan, then US President, was in the White House and awarded Jobs and Woz the first National Technology Medal.

“Tang, how is your cheap computer or game console project progressing? Don’t delay the software business.” Jobs, like a blood-sucking mosquito, kept turning around Tang Huan, not letting anyone go in public. Opportunities to attack and prick.

At Apple, Tang Huan was reluctant to mention the details of this project, but he had to explain in the face of the doubts of other directors, “I am working on a game console project, and there will be no conflict of interest with Apple Computer. Don’t worry, everyone.”

In order to divert the attention of these profit-oriented guys, Tang Huan hurriedly switched the topic after speaking, “I think Apple should be more active in its marketing strategy. It should not only be limited to commercial use, but should popularize the use of consumer electronics for home computers. Concept, after all, there are now a large number of game programs on the Mac platform.”

Because of the frequent confrontation with Jobs, Scott and Tang Huan have the same affection as comrades-in-arms, so he was the first to respond to Tang Huan’s proposal, “Tang’s idea is good, any ideas for specific implementation?”

“Find some entertainment stars, preferably young and beautiful girls, and make a series of advertisements. After all, young people are more capable of accepting the latest technology products.” Tang Huan gestured to Sco.

A director living in Los Angeles took the conversation, “Then we need to find some famous Hollywood child stars. As far as I know, Brooke Shields and Judy Foster have good images, and apart from English In addition, they seem to understand some languages ​​of other European countries, such as French and Italian, which fits well with the multi-language support of our Apple computers.”

Everyone was in good spirits, and the work efficiency was naturally high. The proposal that Tang Huan said casually passed unimpeded. I don’t know if it’s because Tang Huan’s role is getting bigger and bigger, and accordingly his position on the board of directors. It’s also getting higher and higher.

Tang Huan was too lazy to investigate the cause, but this advertisement reminded him of Celine Dion, who is about to return to Canada because the summer vacation is about to end. It’s better to recommend this little loli to participate, to increase his experience, and to make some extra money. To subsidize the family, the little girl’s family is still quite poor.

Tang Huan returned to Zerone’s office and continued to work overtime. The company’s logistical support for food, rest and other aspects was well done, so there was no inconvenience in his life.

Simeone has officially taken up his post, and led the WordEasy project team and its competitor WordStar to start a fight between you and me in software functions and market needs. This kind of near-war atmosphere made him enjoy it, and working overtime has almost become a routine. . Of course, Tang Huan will not treat this capable cadre badly. He has long used the means of getting high salary, shares and friendship with friends.

The cheap computer designed by Tang Huan is strictly a word processor, except that in addition to the built-in WordEasy, there is also CGrid, which already covers most of the functional needs of small and medium-sized companies.

The two softwares are directly stored in the read-only memory, which not only speeds up the operation efficiency, but also effectively prevents piracy, but the software upgrade is a little troublesome.

The mainstream read-only memory on the market that supports erasing and writing functions is an erasable programmable read-only memory. UU Kanshu is EPROM. When rewriting the data inside, you need to remove the circuit board through the reserved quartz window. , UV irradiation, the whole process may take an order of magnitude of hours.

Intel developed an electronic erasable programmable read-only memory, or EEPROM, last year. It can omit the trouble that EPROM needs to remove the circuit board to be rewritten by ultraviolet radiation. It can be erased and written directly by voltage, which takes several minutes. Software maintenance is very convenient, but I dare not say whether this new product technology is mature, and the price is definitely not low, but Tang Huan still plans to find a time to visit Intel for this.

Because there are so many ready-made solutions in mind, the hardware design of cheap computers and game consoles is progressing very quickly, but there are some obstacles in the software, such as support for Chinese characters and Japanese. Fortunately, the reborn people know the right direction to solve the problem. The time and resources consumed by the project can be controlled more clearly.

In addition to various technical considerations, Tang Huan has also thought about the names of cheap computers and game consoles in advance. The computer name is taken from the Confucian cultural meaning of Tianyuan, called Fangyuan Computer. As for game consoles, he almost Instinctively thought of the three words Xiaobawang.

If you can name the game console with this unoriginal term and stir up trouble in the old American market, it will be a very interesting thing. Tang Huan can’t help but smile every time he thinks about it.

But every time you step into a new field, you will have to face new opponents. Nintendo, Sega, and Sony in the game console industry, no matter which one is not easy to deal with, but what a madman needs is this kind of challenger. The excitement of killing the Quartet.

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