Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 2nd Gold Rush Opportunity

Jobs was so nervous, the atmosphere was completely destroyed afterwards, and everyone broke up in the end.

The people who are familiar with Steve Jobs did not take this matter to heart at all, but the employees of Zerone were very angry, feeling that their hot faces were pressed against their cold ass.

Tang Huan didn’t take it seriously. His biggest worry now is Gates. This old man has successfully stolen the graphic interface from Jobs in history. Now he may not get the inspiration of the electronic calculation form from himself, don’t look at the person who is leaving. At that time, he looked so calm and light, maybe he was thinking of something in his heart.

“Well, everyone is working calmly. Apple is afraid to take us. They need our products to cheer. In addition, I officially announced that from now on, the products of other platform versions of CGrid will be named CGridFORCP/M. Next I will turn my attention to this and surprise the guy who is jealous of us.”

After pacifying and encouraging his men, Tang Huan picked up the camera and took Deng Lijun out for a drive. There are a lot of fun places in San Francisco, and he also needs to change his mind after hard work.

“Why don’t you seem to be worried at all, arguing so fiercely with them will not affect the business?” Deng Lijun asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, these foreign devils will calculate their benefits. They won’t turn their faces in a short time, and in a month, my company will be a different story.”

“I was terrified at the time, but you can still hold these people.” Looking at Tang Huan’s confident and handsome face, Deng Lijun obsessively kissed him.

It has been a long time since the two of them had a blind date, and the beauty took the initiative to give him a hug, and Tang Huan immediately became happy.

At this time, the atmosphere in Apple’s office was a little dull.

“For a disobedient collaborator, we must let him know what the price is.” Jobs said slowly with a sullen face.

Markkula did not speak up. He brought back a copy of CGrid1.2 and was watching the demonstration seriously.

“This software can meet the needs of commercial users to the greatest extent, and its functions are getting more and more perfect. It is destined to be a successful product. We can’t suppress it at all.” Markkula commented from the perspective of investors.

“Then set him up an opponent and let Gates help us develop a similar software.” Jobs smiled sinisterly.

“This is probably not so easy. CGrid is very cleverly written. Many features are implemented on the bottom hardware of Apple computers through sophisticated program codes, and with the help of a display enhancement card, it provides more practical functions, such as lowercase. Letters, floating-point calculations, and switching the screen to a mode that displays 80 letters per line…” Woz, obsessed with technology, stared at the demo computer and shook his head.

After Apple’s second-generation computers were successful in the market, Wozzi’s focus has always been on how to improve and enhance the functions of this product. Since the establishment of friendship with Tang Huan, the exchanges between them have allowed him to understand his own work. There are more inspirations for perfection.

Scott, who had always been at odds with Jobs, had a trace of impatience on his face. “CGrid and its supporting products can help us continue to expand the market. I don’t understand, Jobs, why you insist on targeting them.”

“Because they challenged our authority, once CGrid appeared on the competitor’s computer, what would other partners think?” Jobs had a sarcasm that you didn’t understand.

“Don’t think that we can dominate the market just because the financing is relatively smooth. Apple is not that powerful. Besides, CGrid is currently unique to Apple Computers. There is nothing wrong with Tang’s idea of ​​opening up the market. We can bring him to us. Come to the camp, everyone has common interests, and they will naturally stand on the same line to consider issues. Didn’t he say that he agreed to cross-shareholding.” Scott did not show any weakness in his words.

“Dreaming, his small company, which has only been established for more than a month, wants to get our stock, you idiot, what is in your head.” Jobs roared.

Scott moved his head tit-for-tat, “Can you be more normal in your thinking?”

This Mike Scott, who dared to argue with the founder of the company for reasons, has a lot of history. He and Mike Markkula joined Fairchild Semiconductor on the same day in 1967. At that time, the two offices were adjacent to each other, which is even more coincidental. The thing is that they not only have the same name, but also have the same birthday, so they celebrate their birthdays together every year. This shows how the relationship between the two is going.

Later, Scott became a production manager of National Semiconductor, and he managed a production line there. He was an all-round talent who was good at both management and technology.

After Mackula invested in Apple, he really had a headache to deal with all kinds of weird troubles caused by Jobs’s perverted temperament, so he thought of Scott, and prepared to drag his friends into the water, oh no, hire a friend to be the company. The president, hope that this can put a tight spell on Steve Jobs and restrain this geek.

As a result, Scott got into trouble with Steve Jobs as soon as he arrived at Apple. One said that Jobs should always take a bath and take care of hygiene. Another said that Scott, you have to eat fruits and vegetables to reduce weight because Scott is a fat man and he is overweight. obvious. In the end, the two people won or lose. Jobs only improved to take a bath once a week, while Scott had difficulty accepting a vegetarian diet to successfully lose weight.

The next nonsensical quarrel was due to the assignment of employee numbers. Scott gave Wozniak “1” and “2” to Jobs. Jobs was very dissatisfied with this situation and asked himself to be “Number 1.” “Scott refused to agree, so Jobs lost his temper. Later, Jobs proposed a solution. That is, he went to be “No. 0”. In the end, Scott compromised on the employee number, but in fact, the Bank of America’s salary system requires that the employee number be a positive integer, so Jobs is still “number 2.”

Seeing that these two enemies started to blush again and their necks were thick, Markkula rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, “This matter is temporarily set aside, we should not change anything. After all, we have only cooperated with Tang for more than a month, and we will observe it for a while. ”

So, under Markkula’s decision, Apple and Tang Huan continued to maintain the previous cooperation method, but they were indifferent to his printer solutions. U U Reading

Tang Huan saw his head and got such a result. After swearing insanely, he let the company employees start selling the printer accessory products on their own. This will undoubtedly increase operating costs, but it is not unbearable.

At the same time, Tang Huan decided to put some pressure on Apple and speed up the development of CGridFORCP/M. Finally, at the end of May, he came up with the 1.0 version of the finished product. It was so smooth that the engineers involved were unbelievable, and the halo of Tang Huan’s chief software architect became more mysterious and admirable.

CP/M is an operating system specially designed and developed by Digital Research Corporation in 1974 for personal computers based on 8-bit CPUs such as Intel8080 and ZilogZ80. At the dawn of the microcomputer market, it became the most widely used operating system. However, it is a pity that when CP/M converted to 16-bit CPU, it missed the opportunity and lost miserably to Microsoft’s MS-DOS in the 16-bit PC market centered on IBMPC/AT and IBMPC compatible machines, and thus disappeared from the market. Although CP/M also introduced the “CP/M86” designed for Intel8086 and the “CP/M68k” designed for Motorola68000, there are almost no users, and it was finally merged by Novell in 1991. This is another IT A tragic song in the history of development.

But at this time, CP/M is the preferred operating system for microcomputers using Intel and its compatible CPUs. CGridFORCP/M has a broader market prospect. Tang Huan’s second gold rush opportunity without competitors has come.

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