Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 : Sandstorm is coming

“No, you go with me!”

“It’s still unclear if the wolf has already gotten inside. I will protect you and go back first. I have a gun in my hand. Don’t worry if you go back, I will go back with you. I am not that brave! Besides, Zheng Miaomiao is still there. To the toilet, I have to go to her! Can’t let her have an accident!” Xiang Qianjin whispered to Weng Weiyi.

“Okay! Then you pay attention to safety!” Weng Weiyi knew that now she can’t use a gun. Xiang Qiang has a May Fourth pistol in her hand, at least she can do self-defense. If you take her, things will be different, she is nothing more than a burden.

Weng Weiyi quickly ran into the room, Xiang Qiang headed for the toilet with a pistol. To be honest, Xiang Qianjin’s hands kept shaking when he walked to the toilet. Does Xiang Qianjin use a gun? Of course, he basically carried a pistol when he was working at the White Eagle. After all, there was no guarantee for his safety, and he had also practiced some self-defense skills. These skills are enough to save lives, but they cannot reach the point where they can come out to fight wolves.

When Xiang Qiang walked with a gun, he felt that his feet did not step on the ground, as if he was drifting past. The speed of the heart beats like a full-powered machine in an instant.

The wolf is basically a nocturnal creature and comes out to hunt for food at night. Especially the wolves on the Gobi Desert are basically hungry. When they encounter food, they will basically not miss it. Xiang Qiang held the gun, which felt a bit of a bottom, but there were seven bullets in this gun, and he was not a sharpshooter. It shouldn’t be a problem to kill a wolf, but wolves are basically group activities, usually more than one comes out for food, and when there are wolves in action, if you encounter wolves, these seven bullets are not enough for what!

Xiang Qianjin cautiously arrived at the toilet. At this moment, the voices of wolves outside were one after another. Zheng Miaomiao just came out of the toilet, and she saw Xiang Qianjin at a glance. Xiang Qianjin whispered: “Go, don’t make a noise!”

“Senior? Why are you here? Why are there so many wolves around here?”

Xiang Qianjin whispered: “Shhh! Don’t make a sound, there is a wolf nearby.”

“Wolves?! How come there are wolves?” Zheng Miaomiao asked in surprise.

Xiang Qianjin took Zheng Miaomiao and said, “Follow me and go back to the dormitory first. It’s not safe here.”

Xiang Qianjin took Zheng Miaomiao and walked into the house. After a few steps, two sentries came over. They said hurriedly, “Classmates, go back to the dormitory, the wolves are here!”

“But can we go back to the dorm like this? Is it useful?”

Let the female students’ association dormitory first. There are iron bars on the door of the dormitory, which can be installed from the inside. Sandstorm is coming!

Xiang Qianjin nodded. He followed the two little soldiers quickly into the dormitory. The little soldiers came with backpacks. There were only a few of them in the experimental base. After entering the room, Xiang Qianjin whispered: “There is still room in the workshop. There is a sample machine!! That must be stored in the safe.”

“No, it’s too dangerous!”

“Once the sample is lost, everything is for nothing!” Weng Weiyi said excitedly. She rushed out regardless of what she said. The little soldier was going to chase. Xiang Qianjin hurriedly said: “You protect classmate Zheng, give I’m a backpack! If it doesn’t work, we will hide there.”

“But there is no heating there!”

“Okay, it’s better than letting the wolf eat it! I take things, and you two protect Classmate Zheng. She is the granddaughter of Old Zheng. If something happens, you will be miserable! There is a leather box in the cabinet, Even if I die, I have to protect the leather case, which contains all the engine data parameters. This thing is a national heavy weapon! Understand?” Xiang Qianjin picked up a backpack and chased with a pistol after he said it. Going out with Weng Weiyi, after all, the sample machine really can’t happen. It was the hard work of the big guy. Xiang Qianjin could understand Weng Weiyi’s thoughts, but the proving ground was really very dangerous. When Xiang Qianjin was about to leave, suddenly a little soldier said in a hurry, “Classmate, wait a minute!”

While speaking, he took out two magazines from his armed belt and said: “Take them, in case you need it!”

Xiang Qianjin nodded. He put on his backpack and rushed out after Weng Weiyi. Xiang Qianjin chased Weng Weiyi and ran towards the factory. From a distance, he saw two wolves running along Xiang Qiang and Xiang Qiang. He felt cold all over, and his blood was cold when he raised his hand. Xiang Qianjin raised his hand and shot at the wolf.

boom! ! !

With a shot, the wolves seemed to be frightened. Xiang Qianjin took advantage of this time to run out of milk. When he ran up, he pulled Weng Weiyi into the factory building and rushed into the proving ground. In the factory building, Xiang Qianjin hurriedly closed the door again. At that time, the desert wolves had already felt it. They hit the door several times, but did not open it. After entering the house, Xiang Qianjin and Weng Weiyi were both dressed roughly. People who are not training, are already out of breath after running. Xiang Qianjin said in a low voice: “First put the sample machine in the storage room. If there is no way, we will hide in first. Let’s go!”

Xiang Qianjin stood up. After he pulled Weng Weiyi up, the two quickly put the sample machine back into the box, and then put it on the cart and quickly walked straight to the special warehouse where the samples were stored. The two of them had just walked a few steps, and they heard a crash and the sound of glass being smashed. Xiang Qianjin looked at the direction of the sound in amazement. It turned out that a window was smashed by a wolf! I didn’t pay attention at that time. The inside of the window was open. It was originally double-glazed. The windows inside were still covered with barbed wire. Because the windows were too long, there were steel bars welded on the bottom, but none on the top! The wolf jumped in from the upper ventilation window! I don’t know how Xiang Qianjin jumped in, anyway, the wolf has already come in, and after the first wolf came in, a lot of wolves jumped in behind him! At this time, there was actually a car parked outside the window. This car was parked during the day by Xiang Qiang. The bottom of the car was facing the window. It was for the convenience of unloading things! As a result, this car became a springboard for the wolf!

“Hurry in!!” Xiang Qianjin yelled, Weng Weiyi rushed to the warehouse with an ugly expression. She hurriedly opened the door of the warehouse. After Xiang Qianjin pushed things in, a wolf rushed towards them. Xiang After advancing in, he hurriedly turned back and opened the door. In such a short time, the wolf had already rushed in and had already entered. Xiang Qiang exhausted all his strength, kicked the wolf on the face, and then opened it to the outside. Gun, this shot really hit the wolf.

Then Weng Weiyi shouted: “Get out of the way!”

After Weng Weiyi finished speaking, Xiang Qianjin took a step back. Weng Weiyi pushed the gate up at once, and Xiang Qianjin hurriedly plugged it in. He continuously turned the handle to directly lock the inner lock of the door!

Boom boom boom boom!

The sound of wolves hitting the door keeps coming out, but the door here is specially made, it’s hard to pick it up!

He breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the dark warehouse. There were several ventilation fans on high places. Xiang Qianjin whispered, “It’s safe for the time being.”

Weng Weiyi took out the flashlight from her pocket. After looking around, she finally found the light switch.

Electricity in the test site is all underground cables, and the wires here are special ground wires to prevent the line from being interrupted by the storm. This line is dozens of times the cost of a normal power supply line. This is a special underground passage. The wires are inside the passage. The entrances are all high places, and they are all special buildings. Although it is a stupid method, the wires can be continuously increased according to the needs of the experiment, so although it is a waste of manpower during construction, it is still very easy to use!

The dust storm quickly arrived. Xiang Qianjin could hear the wind whistling outside. Xiang Qianjin and Weng Weiyi looked around in the warehouse to look at the surroundings. There were rocket engines and some other experimental models. The engine should be the engine that failed to ignite.

So I left it here. Some of the fuel ports of the engines were open. Xiang Qiang took a look and closed all the engine ports. Although the fuel was discharged from it, the fuel was highly toxic. There is also a small one-size engine that is entirely an experimental model. Xiang Qianjin walked over and took a closer look, then smiled and said, “It’s a kerosene engine!”

Weng Weiyi asked suspiciously: “What are you doing? Fireworks are strictly prohibited here!”

“I can’t wait here to freeze to death? Let’s deal with it first. We can’t go out for a short time.” Xiang Qianjin said with a smile.

Weng Weiyi whispered: “But it’s too dangerous to start a fire here.”

Xiang Qianjin smiled and said, “Use fire safely! Otherwise, what should I do?”

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