Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 : Design Framed

Liu Ruoxin persuaded Xiang Qianjin first, and then hurriedly sent someone to get the contract sent over. After checking that there was no problem, she secretly signed the contract with Xiang Qianjin behind her back.

As far as Liu Ruoxin is concerned, when he enters the company before closing the project, this kind of remuneration is nothing at all. Compared with what Cheng Zhi takes, it is nothing. But the problem is that giving Xiang Qiang a high treatment now is also very detrimental to Xiang Qiang. First, it will incur jealousy, and second, it will make it difficult for Xiang Qiang to do it in the future.

Therefore, Liu Ruoxin’s salary still meets Xiang Qiang’s needs. With a salary of 700 a month, at least Xiang Qiang’s current life has been settled again. Lin Kexin gave Xiang Qiang a lot of meal tickets and handed it to Xiang Qiang. “There is also a company-mandatory meal ticket. You must keep up with nutrition in the future. I will give you a meal ticket of 300 yuan per month. Yours is with the company’s seal. I and the school are here. Having said that, you have to finish it.”

Xiang Qianjin accepted the meal ticket. He looked at Lin Kexin gratefully and said, “Thank you, Director Lin!”

“Our company never makes our own scientific researchers hungry. The next experiment depends on you. Let’s continue!” Lin Kexin finished, Xiang Qianjin nodded with a smile, he entered the laboratory and continued below experiment of.

Liu Ruoxin felt that the physical characteristics test in the morning should be a coincidence or Xiang Qiang had a very detailed understanding of the data, so she made a correct judgment. However, in terms of electrochemical properties, it is generally very difficult. Basically, in the research and development stage, projects stuck in this stage are almost common and can no longer be common. She also specially applied in the afternoon to enter the laboratory to help. After all, Liu Ruoxin had also followed the project, and she could still help. She was mainly not to watch the experiment, but to watch the project.

On the outside, Xiang Qianjin looked honest, simple and honest. But once he entered the laboratory, this little man changed completely!

If he is an ordinary grassroots kid outside, then in the laboratory, he is the master inside. He can perfectly control the experiment’s entry into the city, and with him, I don’t know why I feel that everything is in my mind. Particularly grounded. Just standing there, Xiang Qianjin made people feel very visiting. There are definitely a lot of small problems in the experimental project, but Xiang Qianjin can always explain things to people calmly, and then quickly solve the problem with a smile.

It felt like he was a different person in the laboratory, completely different from the one outside.

This is talent!

Liu Ruoxin could see that this was due to Xiang Qiang’s talent and nature. He was simply a natural science and technology explorer. He could always stand steadily in front of unknown things and unrecognizable fog to achieve peace of mind.

“The data is out!” After busying for a while, Lin Kexin took the data that was just checked, and Liu Ruoxin came hurriedly. She compared the data with the data on the plan. The estimate given by the plan is completely in the floating of the data. Within the scope, it is as if Xiang Qianjin drew a circle, and the experimental data slowly floated in this circle. There are also some characteristic issues. If there is no description and labeling of the item advancement, it is easy to skip at this stage of the laboratory, and thus cannot be found!

This kind of thing is very common, not found in the laboratory, and serious problems are discovered after mass production. At that time, the loss will be very large. But Xiang Qianjin got all the data perfectly.

Xiang Qianjin walked over by himself. He glanced at the data, then nodded and said, “Well, the data is pretty self-explanatory.”

Lin Kexin looked at Xiang Qianjin and said, “Are you self-justified? I feel that what you gave us is not a plan, but a design manual! Now there is nothing that jumps out of the estimated value of this plan. The estimated value and the data are so consistent. I am still the first I saw it once. In other words, your estimation of lithium iron phosphate is very accurate, and the business progress can prove it. I think this project can be launched.”

“Slow!” Xiang Qianjin suddenly said. Liu Ruoxin and Lin Kexin were both stunned. Xiang Qianjin said in a low voice, “I could hear that the company is difficult now, and now Cheng Zhi’s father is trying to squeeze you out. Huacheng Research or he wants to hollow out the company, right?”

Liu Ruoxin nodded, she looked at Xiang Qiang. Xiang Qianjin whispered, “So this project cannot be done. I have several reasons. First, since the company has no money now, we cannot realize it with such a large production line. If it cannot be realized, we I couldn’t start this project. In the end, I could only make wedding dresses for others.”

Xiang Qiang’s sentence really woke up Liu Ruoxin, this is indeed something that is easy to happen, and if she is really on this project, it will be easy for Cheng Bojun to play with the bottom of the salary, which is really very uncomfortable for Liu Ruoxin. .

Liu Ruoxin asked in a low voice: “What do you mean?”

“Jointly build a production line.”

“Joining hands?” Liu Ruoxin looked at Xiang Qianjin in surprise. Xiang Qianjin nodded and said: “We can authorize several production lines to use our technology and develop simultaneously with us. We sell part of the technology, or through the method of splitting shares. The project is coming up. We only need to get the bonus on this project. We are now authorizing the technology of the current plan. We also have an upgraded version, a titanium lithium battery. And we can continue to do communication. My communication is Expertise. We can develop a lot, but the premise is to protect the company’s foundation first!”

The things Xiang Qianjin said were all very realistic things. Liu Ruoxin thought about it, and she whispered: “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure that we have received enough money to start researching remote communications. If we get this technology, the country will not be less concerned about us.” Xiang Qianjin said this, Liu Ruoxin asked suspiciously. Said: “Remote communication, how far?”

“The kind that can be the distance between the earth and the moon, and also related to optical fiber communication technology. We can also get a lot of money. If our company wants to develop, we must attack from all sides. Find a way to expand our market and don’t keep catching it. If you don’t let go of a project, any project is considered good at the moment, but not necessarily in the future. After all, technology is developed! We only need to receive money and stand at the forefront of scientific research and development. Benefits are basically not an issue we have to consider. It seems that first-class companies sell standards, second-rate companies sell technology, third-rate companies sell products, and less influential companies sell labor. This is the true portrayal of today’s technology market!” Xiang Qianjin said that, Liu Ruoxin took a deep breath, and she whispered. Said: “Is the company’s main business…communications technology in the future?”

“I am correcting, it is high-tech. We started from small to large!” Xiang Qianjin said of the heat, Liu Ruoxin didn’t know why suddenly there was a strong sense of confidence in her heart. Because Xiang Qianjin was right, Liu Ruoxin thought for a while, then nodded and said, “Thank you for going forward, you did me a great favor!”

Cheng Zhi first received the notice of the suspension of the project. Cheng Zhi took the notice and said angrily: “What did you say? The project was stopped? Why? Who allowed it?”

This project is also very important to Cheng Zhi. In this way, he can enter the management office, at least he can become the deputy director second only to Lin Kexin, but the project stopped when he said it stopped? !

“Yes, this is an order from President Liu personally. She said that she can’t wait. Your project has stopped!”

“Damn!!! Liu Ruoxin! You really take our family offended!” Cheng Zhi patted the table angrily in the office, but there was no way. Liu Ruoxin was the chairman of the company, and his father was just a major shareholder, despite his status. Not low, but Liu Ruoxin still accounts for the bulk, and this woman is still very powerful. So now he can’t afford it either. Liu Ruoxin’s father is the boss of the pharmaceutical factory, so of course she has no fear. If they fail, they will go back to inherit the family business. Cheng Bojun’s family property is basically in Huacheng’s scientific research. So there is no way to compare it. It was crazy to be able to spend a million to do this kind of thing back then!

Now Cheng Bojun wants to break up with Liu Ruoxin, want to take Liu Ruoxin up, but so far, his control of equity can not exceed 40%, because Lin Kexin has 20% of the shares, and Liu Ruoxin has 100%. Of forty. So he has no advantage in decision-making.

When Cheng Zhi knew the news, of course he called his father to complain. Cheng Bojun frowned and listened to it. He asked, “Have you taken out your project?”


“Then what are you farting with me here! Isn’t it normal that you don’t have a project to cut this project for you? What did you do to let you come back? What have you been doing in college these days? I think you are already undergraduates Have you talked a few?”

“Dad, I am now…”

Cheng Bojun hated iron and steel and said: “Enough! Don’t say it, the project is cut down on your own unsatisfactory!”

“No, Dad! It was Zheng Qiaomin who became a team alone, our project was cut, and the whole project was not cut. Besides, the project Liu Ruoxin invested was led by Zheng Qiaomin and Wang Feng. They It was a three-person team, and I told you that this project might not come from the right way!”

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