Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 128 The Selection Process (3)

Eren's heart pounded in his chest as he maintained his magical barrier, refusing to yield to the relentless pressure emanating from Vlad, the Scarlet Scoundrel. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, but his resolve remained unbroken. The room seemed to close in around him, and the weight of the confrontation pressed heavily on his shoulders.

In the intense silence that filled the room, the elderly representative from the Tower of Wisdom continued to observe the standoff with an air of serenity, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the underlying dynamics at play. Her presence, despite her silence, added an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

Minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, and just when it seemed like Eren's strength might waver, Vlad's piercing gaze finally shifted away. The oppressive force he exerted slowly receded, leaving Eren with a palpable sense of accomplishment. He released a relieved breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

Vlad leaned back in his chair, his enigmatic demeanor unchanged. "You possess more resilience than I expected, Eren Pendragon," he remarked, his voice carrying a touch of begrudging respect. It was a rare admission from the formidable Scarlet Scoundrel.

Eren, although physically drained, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. He had faced a formidable adversary and come out on the other side with his dignity intact. "Thank you, Sir," he replied with a nod, his voice steady despite the lingering adrenaline.

With the tension in the room dissipated, the other tower representatives exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by the unexpected turn of events. The Tower of Diligence, known for its demanding standards and unyielding tests, had made their evaluation clear, and Eren had passed their trial.

The interview proceeded with questions from the other representatives, each one delving deeper into Eren's knowledge and understanding of magic. Eren answered with confidence, his earlier confrontation with Vlad bolstering his self-assuredness. It became evident to the panel that Eren was not just academically proficient but possessed the resilience and determination required to excel in the world of magic.

As the interview concluded, Vice-Master Aurnox from the Tower of Justice spoke, "Eren Pendragon, you have demonstrated not only knowledge but also the mental fortitude we seek in our candidates. We will deliberate on your candidacy, and you will be informed of our decision in due time."

With that, Eren left the interview room, his steps feeling lighter than they had in a long time. He had faced a hard challenge and emerged victorious. Now, all that remained was to await the tower representative's decision, which hung over him like a pendulum.

Outside, Julia and Evan, who were next in line for the interview, waited anxiously, eager to hear how Eren's interview had gone. Eren smiled at them, conveying a sense of reassurance. Before they could exchange further words, their names were called, and they had to part ways for the time being. 

Since there was still a significant amount of time before the interviews were scheduled to conclude, Eren decided to return to the dormitory and take some much-needed rest. The weight of the day's events settled on him, and he knew that whatever the outcome, he had given it his all in pursuit of his aspirations.Numerous eyes were drawn towards him as he made his way towards the dormitory, but nevertheless, he was getting used to them now. 


Time passed, and it was currently noon, with the setting sun casting an orange hue over the horizon. The tower representatives gathered on the stage, drawing the attention of all the students who had assembled in the grand auditorium, standing in neat rows. The anticipation in the auditorium reached a fever pitch as the representatives prepared to make an announcement.

"Dear 'warriors' from the Freljord Academy. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for attending the interview with such enthusiasm," began the blonde woman from the Tower of Purity, starting her speech. The eyes of every student were fixed on her, hanging on her every word.

"Out of the 150 of you who have attended the interview, we, the representatives, have decided to provide 100 students with an opportunity to advance to the next round of the selection process." A gloomy cloud cast a shadow over the students as they feared being among the eliminated 50. However, Elara, the Tower of Purity's representative, had some good news to share.

"But fret not! We, along with the academy, have decided to pass all 150 of you in the midterm exams. As for those who didn't make it through the first selection process, a separate assessment will be prepared." Her words brought a collective sigh of relief from the students, who had been on edge until that moment.

"Now, as for the next round of the selection process, Madam Lysandra will explain it to you," she continued.

The students of Freljord Academy, upon hearing the name Lysandra, instinctively straightened their backs, an aura of respect coursing through them. This reverence was especially evident among those from common backgrounds; they gazed at her with eyes filled with admiration.

Lysandra Traumen, a 7-star mage of the Wisdom Tower and the wife of Lucas Traumen, one of the supreme stars and the Prime Minister of the Mauryan Empire, was a figure of immense prestige. However, the source of her respect stemmed from a wholly different realm.

Lysandra Traumen was also known as the "People's Darling." She had risen from humble common origins to attain the pinnacle of magical prowess, reaching the coveted 7-star level. Her journey within the Wisdom Tower was marked by a remarkable dedication to the betterment of society. She had founded numerous orphanages and small academies, offering free education to those hailing from common backgrounds.

Rumors circulated that Lysandra donated over 50% of her income from the Wisdom Tower to support the impoverished. Some questioned the necessity of her receiving a salary, considering her position as the wife of the Sage of Wisdom. However, Lysandra vehemently disapproved of individuals who ascended to power through connections. She had deliberately refrained from pursuing the role of Vice-Master of the Wisdom Tower, despite having the means to secure it.

Her guiding principle was clear: 'One should only receive what they are capable of and can achieve through their own efforts.'

Anyway, as the old lady, still displaying remarkable strength despite her age, stepped forward once more, she addressed the assembled students of Freljord Academy.

"Esteemed students of Freljord Academy, we have a special announcement to make regarding the upcoming selection process. To be perfectly clear, each and every one of you will be entrusted with a mission that must be successfully completed."

Whispers of curiosity spread like wildfire through the crowd. It was indeed an anomaly for first-year students to be considered for tower missions, let alone given the opportunity to work alongside their fourth-year counterparts.

The representative continued, her voice carrying the weight of the students' concerns. "I can sense the thoughts running through many of your minds. You might be questioning whether you possess the strength and knowledge to undertake missions typically reserved for fourth-year students, am I right?" She asked, her smile carrying a hint of reassurance.

"Rules, my dear students, are sometimes meant to be bent," she continued. "But let me alleviate your concerns. You will not be embarking on these missions alone. This year's mission teams will be composed not only of two fourth-year students but also two first-year students. Each team will represent a fusion of fresh talent and seasoned wisdom, ensuring a diversity of perspectives and strengths."

A collective gasp swept through the students. This was a remarkable opportunity, a chance to learn from and collaborate with senior students who had honed their skills over the years.

The representative paused, allowing the anticipation to build, before delivering the next piece of news. "Given that the first-year students have already formed teams of two, as instructed by Freljord Academy, we will now proceed to pair you with the fourth-year students."

It was clear to all that the first-year students might not possess the strength and experience required to tackle these missions alone. However, the towers also sought to assess the potential and worthiness of the first-year students, making the current arrangement - partnering the newcomers with seasoned fourth-year students - an excellent compromise. The auditorium buzzed with a mixture of excitement and curiosity, as the students contemplated the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.


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