Rebirth of the Earth Immortal Venerable

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Tit for tat

Chen Mo smiled at Jiang Yao’s mother and put his hands over: “I wish my auntie has a prosperous business and full wealth!”

Jiang Yao’s parents are both honest and honest people. When she heard Chen Mo’s congratulatory message, Jiang Yao’s mother smiled suddenly and watched Chen Mo’s eyes light up: “Classmate Xiao Mo can really talk. No wonder my Yaoyao talks all the time. It’s not bad, it seems Yao This kid Yao is very discerning!”

Jiang Yao stomped her feet anxiously. She was already extremely inferior. Her face was flushed to the root of her neck. In front of so many classmates, she was ridiculed by her mother. After going to school, she would have no face to see people. ?

“Mom, go and go, go, my classmates are all in a hurry!”

With that said, Jiang Yao pushed her mother into the kitchen.

Chen Mo wanted to finish the congratulatory message and gave the red envelope, but Jiang Yao’s mother was blasted away by Jiang Yao, and Chen Mo didn’t know what to do.

If it was given to Jiang Yao, this little Nizi would definitely not accept it, so Chen Mo quietly threw the red envelope on the desk at the cashier without paying attention, and then stood in place as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Yao pushed his mother away, then turned around, looked at Chen Mo embarrassedly, pointed at the two large round tables that were not full, and said, “Chen Mo, they are all classmates in our class. Which table do you want to sit at?”

“Chen Mo, sit here!” Zhao Gang, the fat man who reminded Chen Mo in the examination room that day, shouted enthusiastically.

“Okay!” Chen Mo smiled and walked over, sat down and chatted with a few classmates who were better in his previous life.

Seeing Chen Mo seated, Jiang Yao relaxed and smiled at the classmates: “Let’s talk first, I’ll go and see if the food is ready?”

“Yaoyao, don’t be busy, you are all classmates, you are polite, you quickly find a place to sit down, the big guys are waiting to talk to you!” a boy shouted at Jiang Yao, and immediately attracted most of his classmates. look.

Chen Mo looked over, and this boy remembered Wang Lei, who was very organized, and was a representative of ordinary students in high school.

“Yes, Yaoyao, sit down quickly, we won’t have the energy to talk if you are not!” said a girl with pimples on her face, pulling Jiang Yao.

The other classmates were also booing and asked Jiang Yao to sit down.

Chen Mo did not speak, but looked at Jiang Yao with a smile, hoping that she could sit down and chat with everyone. After all, she was the initiator of this party.

Seeing everyone’s eager invitation, Jiang Yao had to agree: “Okay, then I will sit down and talk to everyone.”

There were two tables at the scene, and each table had two or three empty seats. Everyone was clamoring to invite Jiang Yao to their table.

Jiang Yao’s gaze swept between the two tables, and he stayed on Chen Mo for a moment.

The careful Zhao Gang around Chen Mo immediately caught it. The corner of his mouth curled up and he hurriedly got up and said, “Yaoyao, you sit here. This position is in the middle. It just happens that the classmates at the two tables can take care of it. I just need to sit in the empty seat in front.”

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Chen Mo, as if he owed him a favor.

Chen Mo laughed dumbly and shook his head helplessly. He could only appreciate Zhao Gang’s kindness.

The other boys who also wanted to invite Jiang Yao suddenly looked ugly and scolded Zhao Gang for being slippery, but the excuse they found was so high-sounding that people couldn’t refute it.

Jiang Yao was about to sit with Chen Mo, but it was hard to say clearly. Seeing Zhao Gang giving way and finding such a good reason, she was naturally very happy: “Okay, thank Zhao Gang!”

Seeing Jiang Yao sitting next to Chen Mo, still so close, some boys who have thoughts about Jiang Yao were suddenly unhappy.

The two boys secretly glanced at each other and nodded lightly. Then one of the boys pretended to ask casually: “By the way, Zhou Hao, today is the day when Jiang Yao’s restaurant opens. What gift have you prepared?”

Zhou Hao, who kept his head split, straightened up his chest and pointed to the pot of fortune tree at the door with some triumph: “See you, that fortune tree was given to Yaoyao by me. It’s not expensive, it’s only more than three hundred!”

More than three hundred!

The classmates at the two tables couldn’t help looking at Zhou Hao, with envy in their eyes. Some classmates couldn’t help but look at the small gift they bought for dozens of dollars, and quietly bowed their heads.

For the students of these ordinary families, only their close relatives and elders can get the more than 300 gifts. And among the classmates, most of them spent dozens of dollars and bought some small gifts to show that it was fine.

Zhou Hao is proud of this gift!

Feeling the envy, jealousy and hatred from the surrounding students, Zhou Hao’s face was even more smug, and he glanced at Chen Mo inadvertently, revealing a touch of provocation in his eyes.

Jiang Yao doesn’t care whether the gift is expensive, but since he has given it, he must express his gratitude: “Zhou Hao, it cost you money!”

Hearing Jiang Yao’s thanks, Zhou Hao’s vanity suddenly burst, and he waved his big hand and his face was sullen: “Small, when you celebrate your birthday, I will give you a gift of 500 yuan!”

A birthday gift of 500 yuan, in the small groups of Zheng Yuanhao and An Keyue who is rich in the second generation, would only make people laugh at it, but in these small groups of ordinary students, it is already an incredible gift.

Some girls, looking at Zhou Hao’s eyes, are about to show small stars.

There are also some boys who are secretly unreliable. They can’t understand Zhou Hao deliberately showing up in front of Jiang Yao, but family conditions are there, they can’t compare with Zhou Hao, they can only swallow their breath.

Although they are all ordinary families, ordinary families are divided into three, six or nine classes, and they will also have the heart to compare. Zhou Hao’s family is clearly among the top in this circle.

Jiang Yao smiled as a response, but her smile was a bit awkward. She didn’t like Zhou Hao deliberately showing off in front of her classmates.

Zhao Gang and a few classmates who are better than Chen Mo looked gloomy and looked at Chen Mo. They had already seen that Zhou Hao had deliberately targeted Chen Mo.

However, Chen Mo’s face was plain, with a faint smile hung at the corner of his mouth, and his star-like eyes drooped slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhou Hao looked at the flat-headed boy who questioned him: “Li Qiang, how about you? What gift did you give Yaoyao today?”

Li Qiang sighed: “Oh, I am not as big as yours. I just bought a wall clock for Yaoyao, only a hundred!”

Zhou Hao smiled and comforted: “More than a hundred, not a lot, much better than some people who come empty-handed!”

After that, Zhou Hao turned his head and looked at Chen Mo with a smile: “You say yes, classmate Chen Mo!”

All the students were taken aback for a moment, and the scene was suddenly very quiet.

The classmates only saw Chen Mo come in empty-handed, but did not see Chen Mo quietly throwing the red envelope at the cash register. Zhou Hao clearly wanted to find Chen Mo to be ugly and to humiliate Chen Mo.

Some boys who were originally jealous of Jiang Yao and Chen Mo getting too close, looked at Chen Mo with a sneer in their eyes, waiting for a good show.

Zhao Gang stood up abruptly and glared at Zhou Hao: “What do you mean? How do you know that Chen Mo didn’t prepare gifts for Yaoyao? Maybe Chen Mo just forgot just now and didn’t have time to give it to Yaoyao.”

Zhou Hao looked innocent and spread his hands together and said, “Zhao Gang, why are you so excited? I just asked casually, soliciting Chen Mo’s views on my point of view, and I didn’t say that Chen Mo was empty-handed and ate and drank.”

“By the way, when you said that, I remembered it. It seems that Classmate Chen Mo came in empty-handed just now?”

Li Qiang immediately cooperated and said: “Yes, I have seen it too, Chen Mo came empty-handed.”

Hearing what Li Qiang said, some boys who were jealous of Chen Mo’s close relationship with Jiang Yao suddenly made waves of malicious sneers.

Several girls who watched the excitement covered their mouths, lowered their heads and snickered secretly.

Those classmates who were originally inferior to Zhou Hao and Li Qiang because of their gifts, looked at Chen Mo contemptuously. They were much better than Chen Mo who came empty-handed.

Several boys who had a good relationship with Chen Mo, each with an angry expression, secretly scolded Zhou Hao and Li Qiang for being mean.

Zhao Gang’s face was red, and he wanted to stand up for Chen Mo, but he didn’t want to be self-defeating, so he was used by Zhou Hao.

Suddenly, Zhao Gang looked at Chen Mo apologetically, hoping that he could take the initiative to prove that he had brought a gift.

However, Zhao Gang discovered that Chen Mo’s eyes were drooping, with a Ruowuruowu smile on his face, and he had no intention of coming forward to clarify.

Reluctantly, Zhao Gang had to continue to speak for Chen Mo, but his voice couldn’t help being lowered: “What’s wrong with empty hands? How do you know that Chen Mo didn’t secretly prepare a red envelope?”

After Zhao Gang said this, he didn’t even believe him. If Chen Mo really prepared the red envelope, he would definitely take it out as soon as he came in. Who gave the gift and waited until the meal was over? Isn’t there powder on your ass?

Zhou Hao naturally thought of this, and the contempt on his face deepened: “Red envelopes? Student Chen Mo, did you prepare red envelopes for Yaoyao? How much? Ten yuan? Or twenty? Quickly take them out and let the students open them. Vision!”


The classmates burst into laughter, and looked at Chen Mo’s gaze even more contemptuously.

Zhao Gang and the classmates who had a good relationship with Chen Mo looked at Chen Mo anxiously. Even if Chen Mo hadn’t prepared a red envelope, he still had to stand up at this time.

It’s just a red envelope, they don’t believe that Chen Mo can’t afford it!

Jiang Yao couldn’t help it anymore, and felt extremely revolted by Zhou Hao and Li Qiang’s behavior, but she was inferior by nature and was not good at losing her temper. And everyone came to cheer for her restaurant today, even if she was angry, she couldn’t say too much.

Jiang Yao stood up and said with a serious face, “Okay, I invite everyone to come, just to let the students gather and have fun, not to covet your gifts! For the students who gave gifts, I thank you all, no I also sincerely thank him who gave the gift.

Stop the matter here, don’t mention it again! ”

Although Jiang Yao’s words seem to be said to everyone, everyone can feel her intention to relieve Chen Mo.

Asking a girl to come forward and rescue herself, involuntarily, everyone looked at Chen Mo’s gaze, disdain to the extreme.

Zhou Hao laughed, “Don’t be angry, Yaoyao, it’s all my fault, I shouldn’t be joking with Chen Mo.”

As soon as the conversation turned, Zhou Hao looked at Chen Mo, with a hint of cunning in his eyes: “But so did Chen Mo. He didn’t give a gift to stand up and apologize to Yaoyao. Everyone is misunderstanding, so guess here!”

Chen Mo didn’t want to bother about these trivial matters. Zhou Hao wanted to show off, so he let him show off. In Chen Mo’s eyes, it was just like a monkey grinning in front of a tiger, arrogant and sensational.

But Zhou Hao happened to be endless, provoking Chen Mo over and over again, it was tolerable or unbearable!

Chen Mo’s originally drooping eyelids slowly opened, and a murderous opportunity loomed. The Li family still could not insult the dignity of the great cultivator of the gods, let alone a Zhou Hao.

Chen Mo raised his head slightly and looked at Zhou Hao faintly, placing one hand on the table and tapping his fingers gently on the table top.

“Zhou Hao, I didn’t want to be familiar with you, but you repeatedly provoke me. Is it true that Chen Mo is really bullying me?”

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