Rebirth of Noble Mage

Chapter 31


Chapter 31 spell quiz (Part 1)

“Finally First Rank? Not bad! It’s a bit of my style!”

“I’m proud of you, my child!”

At breakfast on the second day, on the long white table, Duke Karrot immediately praised Anves, and Duchess Elena also congratulated.

“Thank you, father! Thank you, mother!”

With the praise and blessings from her parents, Anves naturally also goes along with the flow of thanks.

“Congratulations on your progress to First Rank, big brother.”

After the duchess, sitting opposite Anves, in a light azure dress with white wavy lace and long light blonde hair The little girl hanging down to her waist opened her mouth cutely.

She blinked her big blue crystal clear eyes, looking at Anves happily, her face was flushed, and her tone was a little excited, as if she was the one who just advanced.

“Thank you for your congratulations too, Fei.①”

With a warm smile like sunshine, Anves thanked Fiona for the nod.

He intends to use every move in his daily life to establish a label for himself, such as being knowledgeable, gentle and humble, and graceful in manners, and shape himself into a traditional aristocratic scholar image.

Compared to the big brother and the second brother, who are lords, each has private power, and the third sister who is the leader of the Howling Knights.

A scholar who focuses his energy on study and research is always more harmless.

Fiona doesn’t know what Anves thinks, she just simply admires her big brother.

All kinds of course knowledge can be understood immediately after listening, and even new content can be introduced through the knowledge previously learned.

The daily demeanor is very elegant, and he can deal with everything calmly, as if he was born with an aristocratic demeanor.

After each day’s class, I will sit quietly in the library, read those densely packed books, and even memorize them when my father asks questions!

Looking back at myself, compared to my big brother, my learning speed is much slower, and I occasionally forget some etiquette…

I want to read books together, but I can’t stand it temper. Wow! Those books are esoteric and boring, and I don’t know how Anves big brother reads it!

Hmm… It seems that only innate talent is stronger than Anves big brother, after all, I advanced last year… but the advancement process is a little confused.

The initial spell mentioned by the big brother doesn’t seem to have been built, except for the two spell models that came up when I advanced… Should it be considered the initial spell…?

Counting to the end, Fiona couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged, her cute little nose wrinkled.


At the end of the one-day course, Anves rarely went to the family library, but went to the spell test field in the castle. He wanted to try his first Power after Rank.

The test site is located in an open field. According to the various types of magic, there are different test environments and targets in the test field.

Test the black yao crystal tablet of spell formidable power, test the various grades of living devil beast, magic crystal, magic item, and common objects such as ordinary stones and wood.

Leonard cleared the field ahead of time because Anves was going to experiment with spell, so the field was empty.

Anves discreetly activated the high-level protection and restraint array inscribed in the field to deal with the possible damage caused by the runaway spell if the spell fails.

There are many wild rookie wizards every year, and they are often lucky to get a certain meditation method or a certain wizard’s notes.

Then, under the hard work of several times the ordinary sorcerer apprentices, desperately squeezed into the ranks of the official sorcerer.

But due to lack of inheritance and the excitement of breakthrough, these wild mages are often impatient and unsuspecting to test spells.

There is a sorcerer in the Magic Council who has done experiments specially. In this state of mental excitement, when the spell is cast for the first time, the probability of spell collapse is as high as 70% to 80%!

And in this just advanced, not yet stable state, spell crashes, and the result is catastrophic. The Divine Sea was severely injured, and at worst, died on the spot, which is one of the reasons why there are so few sorcerers from civilians.

Upon entering the field, Anves did not activate the fog directly, but cautiously started with the other spells.

After weighing it, he chose the Wind Blade Technique as the first spell to test.

As a first rank spell with a very simple model, the formidable power of Wind Blade Technique can only be regarded as quite satisfactory in the same order spell, but its speed and concealment are very eye-catching.

After confirming that the defense array was functioning properly, Anves leaned on his staff and spoke in a low voice, reciting a long series of obscure Gumani syllables in a strange tone.

The staff is a common family standard staff. After he officially advanced to the First Rank, the Duke gave him an ordinary spell book and a standard staff to familiarize himself with its use.

“Ao, ф~Jacn! do—ho—Avij! fl~Ogk, dor…”②

Accompanied by Anves’ singing, the colorless crystal on the head of the staff The stone lit up slightly, and a light blue transparent wind blade surrounding the spiral airflow took shape in front of him.

“it’s been a long time since we last met…”

Looking at the wind blade quietly floating in front of him, Anves felt a conflicted feeling in his heart, and seemed very excited , and it seems very bland.

From the perspective of the identity of the ordinary person in the previous life, this is the ecstasy of mastering unprecedented power.

From the perspective of seventh rank Archmage’s identity, this is just an instinct like eating and drinking.

Shaking his head, suppressing his complicated emotions, Anves’ thoughts moved slightly. The wind blade accelerated instantly and flew towards the translucent crystal pillar in the field.

With a bang, the wind blade that hit the prism collapsed and turned into a turbulent stream.

The Hei Yaojing Monument flickered slightly, and a bright red beam of light quickly rose from the transparent black body of the body. It didn’t stop rising until it approached the height of 2/3/2022 of the body of the body.

This kind of crystal tablet comes from the hands of a ninth rank in the Magic Council, which can measure the spell damage below the ninth rank more accurately.

Among them, the color of the light column is red, which means that the spell formidable power is at the first rank level, and then it is orange light, yellow light, green light… until the white light of the Eighth Rank.

The height of the beam represents the level of its formidable power within the same order. The higher the height, the stronger the formidable power. If the beam of light reaches the top of the stele, it means that the spell formidable power has reached the Peak in the same order.

“The formidable power close to the First Rank high level? Not bad.”

Anves was slightly nodded, feeling quite satisfied.

When he is the same rank as himself, Anves consumes the wind blade of the same spirit strength, and the formidable power only reaches the level close to the First Rank intermediate level.

Compared with the same period in previous life, Anves’ magic affinity and spirit strength quality are quite high.

This is closely related to his high absorption rate of various treasures when he was young.

Because of the memory advantage brought by rebirth through rebirth, Anves can consciously control his body at a very young age, guide and absorb the power of various resources, and better strengthen himself.

Instead of being like ordinary children, they can only passively accept the nourishment of resources, so that most of their power is lost in vain.

①: Fiona’s nickname

②: The transliteration of incantation will only appear once and will be omitted thereafter.

(End of this chapter)

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