Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1191

Chapter 1159 Shallow Hiromi’s dusty past

Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture.

This small city by Lake Biwa has almost no high-rise buildings. It is not surprising to call it a country, because it is not far from Kyoto, and many places retain their ancient appearance, and there are many historical buildings left behind.

It looks like a relatively large town, but the streets are clean and fresh, not noisy, and the surrounding environment is beautiful, with a strong historical atmosphere. It is a very suitable place for tourism.

“All said, I am here to investigate the case, not to travel.”

Gao Cheng looked helplessly at the garden around him.

In the end, he decided to take a trip to Shiga Prefecture by himself, and hand over the washing of the bridge photos to Kaga and Takagi, and wait until the photos are sorted out for him to deal with.

When it comes to the important clue of Asagi Hiromi, it is better for him to investigate it personally.

“I can also help,” Yuanzi snorted, “Asaki Hiromi was still in junior high school here 26 years ago. Her junior high school classmates have many people besides Otani Michiko. I have already asked someone to find out. It should be fine. Collected a lot of information.”

“How do you know this?” Gao Cheng asked in surprise.

The search information has not yet been made public, and he has not told others.

“The news has already reported that the murdered Michiko Oshiya was a junior high school classmate of drama director Hiromi Asai…Aren’t you investigating Hiromi Asai? Xiao Ai said that you checked a lot of her information on the Internet.”


Asagi Hiromi had a few junior high school classmates who ran a homestay shop, and they happened to be in contact with a company under the Suzuki consortium, so Gao Cheng took Yuanzi directly to these people for questioning.

“Asami Hiromi in junior high school?”

“Uh, it feels difficult to talk to her, and only Xiaodao has a good relationship with her, Xiaodao is Oshitani.”

“At that time everyone liked to bully her.”

“Her mother ran away from home, and many people like the underworld often went to her store to collect debts, so everyone…”

Over the past few decades, the junior high school students of Asami Hiromi can’t remember very clearly, and finally revealed some clues under the guidance of Gao Cheng.

A man close to the age of Toshi Mambe was mentioned. 26 years ago, Mr. Miaomura, the head teacher of about 40 years old, is now exactly 6 or 70 years old.

It’s just that this teacher Miaocun disappeared after the students showed up at the class reunion 6 years after graduation.

“Mr. Miaocun cares about Qianju very much. We are not allowed to bully Qianju when we are in school. We seem to be in contact after Qianju transfers…”

“I found it!” The owner brought a photo album, “One was when the graduation photo was taken, and the other was when the classmates reunion 6 years later.”

Gao Cheng looked along, and almost didn’t recognize the same person in the two photos.

It was obviously only six years, but the teacher Miao Village seemed to be terminally ill. His face was thin and old, his hair was gray, and his expression looked a little hollow, which was in stark contrast to the smile in the graduation photo.

“Do you remember the transfer of Hiromi Asari?” Gao Cheng asked again.

“I don’t remember it very much, it seems that she disappeared without knowing it. Then the teacher told us that she was transferring school… Maybe her father died too hard.”

In the afternoon, after dinner, Gao Chenghe Yuanzi went to Hikone City Police Station again.

“Is there no clue?” After coming out of the police station, Yuanzi looked at Gao Cheng who hadn’t spoken for a long time and said worriedly, “I feel that those people are not very reliable. Will they lie?”

“It’s not so much a lie, it’s more a conjecture,” Gao Cheng stopped in front of the police station. “What they said was ambiguous in many places… I doubt that Asagi Hiromi’s father really committed suicide.”


“I asked them about the place where Qianju’s father committed suicide, but they didn’t even know the exact location except that they knew that it was the suicide by jumping off the building.”

Gao Cheng carefully reviewed it in his mind.

Twenty-six years ago, Hikone did not have a tall building suitable for committing suicide by jumping from a building. The only tall tower that met the conditions had no impression of people nearby, and the Hikone Police Station had no relevant records.

And Hiromi Asaki only said that his father committed suicide, and did not say that he jumped from the building. Why is it that everyone is convinced that he jumped from the building when he came to the junior high school classmates?

The reason is that the teacher from Miao Village told the students that “Shuanju’s father committed suicide by jumping from a building nearby.”

“Go to the Shiga Prefectural Police Headquarters.”

“No,” confirmed the relevant personnel in the data room of the Shiga Prefectural Police Headquarters, “There is no record of Asai Tadao jumping from a tower, but at the same time, he committed suicide by jumping off a cliff in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture.

There is a confirmation survey of Asai Tadao’s body in the area under the jurisdiction of the Noto Department. I’ll get a copy for you. ”

“Jumping off a cliff to commit suicide?”

Standing in the busy police station office, Gao Cheng seemed to be in another space, full of clues in front of him.

The key person 26 years ago was undoubtedly the teacher named Miao Village, who concealed the fact that Tadao Asagi jumped off the cliff elsewhere, and lied that Asagi Hiromi had already transferred.

Gao Cheng’s words echoed in his ears.

“Mr. Miaocun cares about Qianju very much. We are not allowed to bully Qianju when we are in school. We seem to be in contact after Qianju transfers…”

“I don’t remember it very much, it seems that she disappeared without knowing it. Then the teacher told us that she was transferring school… Maybe her father died too hard.”

“Ms. Miaocun doesn’t know where he is going, it seems like the world has evaporated…”

Leaving the Shiga Prefectural Police Headquarters with the corpse confirmation investigation book, Gao Cheng still buzzed in his ears, and a large number of clues gathered together.

Among these clues, the character line becomes more complicated.

“There is a problem with the corpse confirmation letter,” Gao Cheng gathered his thoughts and said with clear eyes. “The police confirmed the identity of the corpse based on the testimony of Asai Hiromi at the time and the fingerprints on Asai Tadao’s belongings…

However, these evidences are not entirely without problems. Fingerprint physical evidence can be faked, and personal evidence can also lie. ”

“No?” Yuanzi couldn’t believe it. “If Tadao Asagi died, what about Tadao Asagi?”

“do not know.”

For the time being, Gao Cheng is not good at explaining the details of the case to Yuanzi. If it is a private investigation, it would be okay, after all, he is now a member of the search team.

“Let’s go, and meet someone again.”


“Miao Village’s ex-wife.”

Nae Village’s ex-wife was named Imai Kayoko, and she lived alone by Lake Biwa. Only after receiving the police contact did she know that a detective from Tokyo was looking for her for questioning.


The surface of Lake Biwa is wide. It is said to be a lake, but it looks like an inland sea, and the wind keeps blowing as the waves beat.

In the living room on the second floor facing the lake, Takasaki and Sonoko sat down opposite Imai.

“He just cheated and ran away from home.”

Imai was a little surprised at the visit of two teenage girls like high school students, but he choked up thinking of the police’s instructions.

“No matter how I ask, who is that woman…he just said,’I’m sorry, let’s divorce’. This situation lasted for a year, and when I was about to give up…”

Kosei frowned and looked at Imai who was hesitant to speak.

Sure enough, it was not appropriate for him and Yuanzi’s age to come and ask how much.

If it were Kaga, it might be better.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.” Yuanzi got up and left the living room.

It was getting late. When I left from Miao Village’s ex-wife, the sky had already appeared at sunset, and I had to stay in Shiga Prefecture for one night.

“Then Yuanzi was waiting downstairs, when he saw Gao Cheng come out to meet him and asked, “What did she say? ”

“In the credit card records of Miao Village, I don’t know who bought a 500,000 ruby ​​cross necklace,” Gao Cheng speculates. “I suspect that the target of Miao Village’s derailment is actually Hiromi Asaku.”

Here in Japan, teacher-student love doesn’t seem to be a strange thing.

It’s not impossible for junior high school girls who have encountered problems in their families and been bullied at school to like to show their own teachers.

And Nae Village, it is not surprising that he likes young and beautiful students, anyway, he thinks this way after seeing Kayoko Imai himself.

They are all problematic characters.

In such a comparison, the environment he is in is really good, there is no messy relationship.


If his speculation is correct, it seems to be very close to the truth of the incident.

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