Rebirth In the End of the World Raising Buns

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Water System Ability, Go To The Supermarket

After checking the outside world, Wen Luming had nothing to do. The thin spiritual power here was polluted again and could not be used for cultivation, so she practiced the fire technique. She stretched out her palm and rubbed her two fingers, but there was no small flame as usual. Wen Luming tried several times, but it was still the same, nothing happened to her finger, she was shocked, thinking that it was because of the changes outside that she couldn’t even use the fire technique.

Wen Luming panicked for a while, tried his best, and with a “pop”, what appeared from his fingertips was not fire, but water! Wen Luming thought that she suddenly remembered the water-making technique as the fire technique, but she read the formula for the fire technique, and the water came out! This is how the same thing?

Wen Luming suddenly remembered that there was still a mass of breath in his dantian that he didn’t know what it was. While looking inside her dantian, she launched a fire technique, and found that the strange aura was consumed. Could it be that my wood spirit root has become a water spirit root? Wen Luming was puzzled.

She controlled herself not to touch the strange aura, but to use her wood-type spiritual power. Sure enough, this time the envoy’s ignition technique was successful, and flames rose from her fingertips. She tried again the breath that she had acquired inexplicably yesterday, and found that a small water column was emerging between them. It seems that what has changed in her body, she hasn’t figured it out yet, but since it doesn’t affect her spell use and cultivation, one more ability is also good, Wen Luming thought very much.

Suddenly, she found that someone had attacked the barrier of the house. She expanded her mental strength and found that there were several men in jackets at the door of her house, who didn’t look like good people. They kept kicking the door with their feet.

One of the yellow-haired youths holding an axe slashed the door with the axe a few times, and found that it was completely useless, so he stared at the wooden door strangely, and said in surprise: “This wooden door is really strange! You can’t even split it with an axe! It doesn’t even leave a mark, isn’t it a little evil?”

When a few people around heard it, they looked at the unscathed door, which was really weird. They kicked the door, said “bad luck!” and left. They are not stupid. Looking at the outside world, they know that strange things can happen in this world now.

Wen Luming didn’t care when she saw that they had left. If they continued to attack, she would definitely let them try to provoke someone they shouldn’t have done. Wen Luming never thought of herself as a kind and generous person. On the contrary, she is a person who takes vengeance and vengeance, and she believes in the principle of “a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye”. ?

After a morning of tossing, Wen Luming felt a little hungry. Although she had already established her foundation, she still had to eat. After all, she could only enter the state of inedia at the Jindan stage, and she is still some distance away from inedia. If this The spiritual energy of the world has been polluted, and she can imagine that the Golden Core Stage is a long way off for her.

Now the most important thing is to fill your stomach! Her son is still hungry. Wen Luming walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, which looked a few years old, but found that it was empty and nothing, as clean as if it had just been washed! Wen Luming reluctantly closed the refrigerator door and sat directly on the floor, racking his brains to think, what should I eat?

If the outside is still orderly and orderly, of course, she would go out to buy food without hesitation, but now it’s all messed up, and someone tried to break into the house just now! If you go down, you will not be eaten by zombies, and you will also be robbed by people with bad intentions.

If only there was a bigu pill! Wen Luming very much misses the days when she used bigu pills as food in the Thousand Layers School, but unfortunately even if she can make bigu pills now, she can’t find spiritual medicines and medicine furnaces!

She packed herself up and put on a gray sportswear that was easy to move around. Oh, it’s too big. Those were the clothes “Wen Luming” wore before losing weight. Now she can wrap two of hers, especially the waistband of her trousers. It will fall off immediately. Wen Luming had to find a rope to tie around his waist and tie his pants to prevent them from falling down. It’s really embarrassing, as the “old ancestor” of the Thousand Layers School, she has never been so disheveled! It seemed that she went out not only to find food, but also to find clothes that fit her.

Wen Luming found a smudged rolling pin in the corner of the kitchen and used it as a weapon. In fact, there is no need for her to use this “weapon” at all. The cultivation base of the foundation period is enough for her to deal with the zombies and people outside. It’s just that it’s not the past life, so I still have to pretend to be an ordinary person. Wen Luming held the thick and long rolling pin in his hand and measured it. After getting used to it, he opened the door and walked out.

The corridor is no longer as clean as it used to be. The floor is full of rubbish. There are newspapers, plastic bags, dark red blood, and red and white brains sprayed on the walls. It feels like a murder scene. Wen Luming carefully bypassed the dirt and walked downstairs.

As soon as I got to the gate of the community, I saw several corpses lying on the ground. They were blue-black and purple, their intestines were pierced, and there was no human appearance at all. Not far away were human stumps, bones and minced meat stuck to the ground, buzzing flies flying on it, so disgusting that she almost vomited out when she heard the sound of the deer, it was the first time she saw zombies and corpses at close range. Human body being eaten.

Wen Luming endured the stench, and thought that he had to find a mask. The smell was too bad. When she went out to the community entrance, there was actually no one on the street. This was the first day of the apocalypse. Maybe there is some food left at home to eat for a few days, maybe everyone is scared so they hide at home? So Wen Luming, a daring woman who didn’t have a grain of rice at home, came out.

Wen Luming walked to the big supermarket in her memory, which was relatively close to her house, about 500 meters away, and it didn’t take long to get there. The streets that were bustling yesterday are eerily quiet today. This quietness does not mean no sound, but no human voice, because there are still zombies roaring.

The zombies roaming the street smelled Wen Luming’s stranger, so they roared towards Wen Luming. It’s just that their limbs are stiff and their movements are slow, like an 80-year-old old man. As soon as they arrived in front of Wen Luming, she used a rolling pin to blow their heads one by one. As soon as they hit the right button, she walked towards the supermarket invincible.

The apocalypse came too suddenly and too quickly. In one night, countless people turned into zombies. The government and army were in chaos, too busy to take care of themselves, and it was too late to preside over the search and rescue work. And people haven’t reacted yet. Most people still have a sense of morality and self-control. If they don’t endanger themselves, they won’t dare to attack their fellow human beings yesterday.

Therefore, most people just stay at home, hoping that the government will send the army to rescue.

Of course, there are also bold people who need to come out for food and leave the house.

A young and thin boy joined in with a steel pipe, and hurriedly hit the zombie in front of him. He originally wanted to hit the head, but he was unskilled. He hit the shoulder of the zombie, the zombie shook, and only the arm was hit. Dropped, and continued to pounce on the boy.

Seeing that he hadn’t defeated the zombie, the thin boy screamed “Ah” and jumped behind Wen Luming, as if to shrink himself into a ball.

Wen Luming glanced at him speechlessly, shot the armless zombie head-shot with a stick, and looked at the cowardly boy with a blank expression: “Go away! Don’t get in the way!”

“Yes… I’m sorry! Can I follow you?” the boy asked weakly, “My name is Chen Shan, and I won’t hinder you!”

“I’m not burdened!” Wen Luming exposed his attempt mercilessly, “I won’t protect you!”

“I… I can fight it myself!” Chen Shan shook the steel pipe in his hand guiltily.

“Are you looking for food? Me too, can we have a company together?” The weak-footed man asked flatteringly.

Wen Luming didn’t bother to look at him anymore, and walked towards the supermarket gate while killing the zombies that came up.

Chen Shan saw that Wen Luming seemed to have acquiesced to his following, so he hurriedly waved after him.

When I got to the door of the supermarket, I found that the door was locked. It seemed that it was locked shortly after the riots started last night. There was also the roar of zombies, mixed with the sound of ping ping pong pong, it was obvious that there were many zombies inside.

After Wen Luming finished cleaning the zombies outside the supermarket, he found it difficult to see the locked door. This is obviously not a lock that ordinary people can open.

If she was alone, she would be able to directly blast the door with her spiritual power. Wen Luming stared fiercely at Chen Shan, an annoying weak chicken man, it was too much of a hindrance!

“What do we do now? Shall we look elsewhere?” The weak chicken man suggested cautiously.

Wen Luming impatiently knocked on the supermarket door with a rolling pin. A deafening sound startled the weak chicken man. The zombies inside heard the loud noise and immediately let out an excited roar. knocked on the door.

The weak chicken man was so frightened that his face turned pale: “How about… let’s go?”

“Go away!” Wen Luming shouted impatiently.

The weak chicken man couldn’t wait any longer, and immediately ran away, but he still had the courage to mock Wen Luming after running away: “What kind of prestige! Curse you to go in and be eaten by zombies!”

This kind of person with less courage than the eye of a needle, Wen Luming was too lazy to bother with him. When he disappeared, she thought about how to enter the supermarket. It must be impossible to enter through this door. The loud noise she just made attracted all the zombies to the door.

Wen Luming raised his head and looked up. This supermarket is a three-story building. There is a window in the bathroom on the second floor. You can climb up from the window.

After thinking of the method, Wen Luming used his mental power to scan a few hundred meters around, no one, just right, no one would see what she was going to do next. So, she jumped directly to the window on the second floor in three or two times, and this little difficulty could not trouble her at all.

Climbing in through the window, it happened to be the women’s toilet. When the zombies in the toilet saw the people who came in, they immediately swooped on them. Wen Luming unceremoniously one-handed, and in a short while he got a few female zombies.

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