Rebirth and return, solitary devil

Chapter 3 Crazy Upgrade

Chapter 3 Crazy Upgrade
According to the statistics of later generations, in the early days of the end of the world, 60.00% of the global population failed to evolve and turned into zombies, while the remaining 40.00% spent the first day of the end of the world in horror, fear, confusion, and helplessness.

It was also known as the first day of darkness, half of the 40.00% of the people who had successfully evolved in the world died at the hands of zombies, and then became infected and became zombies.

Mo Yu held the cold weapon and ancient knife presented by the system in his hand, opened the door of the room directly, stepped forward and kicked over a desk standing in front of him.

"Boom!", the desk rolled down the steps between the audience seats.


Hearing the sound, dozens of zombies suddenly looked in the direction of Mo Yu, and then surrounded Mo Yu desperately.

The apocalypse has just erupted for less than half an hour, and these zombies are only the lowest level of first-order zombies. They are slow in movement, weak in strength, and dull in senses. Apart from their scary looks, they are actually not very lethal.As long as you have a weapon in your hand, and kill the zombies before they completely surround the people, or run away quickly, basically nothing will happen.

It's a pity that fear, blood, and cowardice made many people not even have the courage to fight back, and died in the hands of zombies for nothing.

Mo Yu looked at the zombies that gradually surrounded him from a distance. The number of zombies in the entire competition venue must exceed thousands, and the dozens here are just people who were later infected, not the first batch of zombies that failed to evolve. Run to hunt down the fleeing people.

Mo Yu raised the ancient saber, and it was like a different person in an instant, his calm eyes turned into indifference, sternness, and cruelty.

The familiar end of the world, he came again!

"Boom!" With a sound, a zombie bumped into the collapsed desk, and its body swayed forward inertially.

With the knife in hand, a head fell to the ground, and slightly blackened blood flowed down the steps.

"Ding, kill a first-order zombie, gain 10 experience points, and gain 10 points."

Mo Yu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. It takes 1 experience points to upgrade to level 100. You only need to kill ten of them to level up. It's simply too simple.

In the previous life, I chose the first novice gift package, ate ten upgrade pills in a row, and directly broke through to the bronze rank. Because the monster level was too low in the early days of the end, the early self killed low-level zombies for three consecutive months. Each time it is mandatory to gain 1 point of experience.

That kind of taste, don't mention how sour it is.

Mo Yu stepped forward, because the auditorium was full of seats, so the only ones who could pass were the aisle in the middle and the small passages in each row of seats. Therefore, this natural blocking position made it easy for Mo Yu to kill zombies.

"Ding, kill a first-order zombie, gain 10 experience points, and gain 10 points."

"Ding, kill a first-order zombie, gain 10 experience points, and gain 10 points."

"Ding, kill a first-order zombie, gain 10 experience points, and gain 10 points."


"Ding, congratulations on the upgrade, it is detected that the host has a skill, and it is automatically practicing..."

Mo Yu ignored the system's prompts and focused on hunting zombies. Feeling a sudden surge of energy in his body, he couldn't help being shocked.

Although he knew that it was the power cultivated by the Daoyan Devil's Embryo Sutra, what shocked him was that the power cultivated by this novice gift was actually better than the god-level kung fu he snatched after becoming a demigod in his previous life. The strength cultivated in the early stage is a hundred times more pure.

"Ding, the training is automatically completed, and the kung fu has broken through the first level of physical training."

Mo Yu could clearly feel that his fragile body had strengthened by more than three times in an instant, and a zombie corpse weighing hundreds of catties could be easily lifted with one hand.

"Okay! System, isn't this exercise too powerful?"

The system said a little lazily: "Of course, my master's exercise, but the more troublesome thing is that after this exercise has completed the sixth level of martial arts, you need to find some exercises to integrate into it later. Dao Yan The Devil's Embryo Sutra uses all the ways in the world to develop the Devil's Embryo, and the formula is only three thousand words, and there is only the initial chapter, which can be integrated with other exercises and continuously perfected."

"Everyone's path is different!" Mo Yu said in a low voice, "I like this exercise. It's a exercise that can walk out of one's own path."

The Six Realms of Martial Dao is a training system in another world, which is different from the material universe.

If there is no skill, evolution is black iron, bronze, silver, gold, extraordinary, and the king directly strengthens the physical body.

With kung fu, the evolution is to directly cultivate the inner strength and the physical body together, separate the body, expand the pulse, open the acupuncture points, shed the body, the soul, and the body.

In his previous life, Mo Yu didn't have any exercises, he followed the path of black iron and bronze, which was modified after entering another world.

Now, with the cultivation method, it is much more convenient, because practicing the cultivation method has many advantages than directly strengthening the physical body.

"Ding, kill a first-order zombie, gain 5 experience points, and gain 5 points."

"Ding, kill a first-order zombie, gain 5 experience points, and gain 5 points."

"Ding, kill a first-order zombie, gain 5 experience points, and gain 5 points."


Because of the breakthrough, the experience gained was halved sharply. After killing dozens of zombies in the auditorium in one go, Mo Yu still didn't get promoted to level two.

After killing all the zombies, Mo Yu put the ancient knife, which was not stained with blood and still emitting a faint cold light, into the furnace space, and began to squat down to collect evolutionary meat.

During this period, no one knew that there was something called evolutionary meat in the body of zombies.

Eating it can speed up the evolution of the human body.

With the advent of the end of the world, all species are fair, and every creature is evolving, but the more intelligent creatures, the slower the evolution. For example, human beings are the slowest evolution of all species.

A dog can evolve to the first level in a day.As for normal humans, if they don't rely on external objects to increase their speed, it will take a month to evolve to the first level of black iron.

In other words, even if he doesn't do anything, if a human being can survive ten years in the last days, then he can definitely become a master.

Flip over the building with one hand, jump several kilometers, just like playing.

It's a pity that this is purely a dream. With the arrival of the end of the world, life will be more difficult as we move forward. If we can't speed up our evolution, we can only be used as food by other creatures.

The place where the evolutionary meat grows is on the zombie's chest, next to the heart, it beats like a small heart.

After quickly collecting the evolutionary meat of all the corpses and randomly throwing them into the furnace space, Mo Yu quickly ran to the back of the performing arts center.

He still remembered where he saved Xu Linglong's life in his previous life.

With the advent of the end of the world, some gifted people among human beings have evolved strange abilities and are called evolutionaries.

But among the monsters, those with extraordinary talents are called bosses, and among the zombies, those with extraordinary talents are called aliens.

And behind the Tiandi Performing Arts Center, an extremely powerful alien species appeared.

Within an hour of the end of the world, the alien species had evolved to level five.

In my previous life, I was addicted to drugs and directly broke through to level 10. Killing that alien species was as easy as crushing an ant.

But when he was reborn, he lost the upgrade pill, and now he is only at the first level, not even the second level. With the knife in his hand, the skills and martial arts in his mind, can he really kill the alien species again and save the beauty?

 Ask for support.

(End of this chapter)

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