Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 18: you are getting married today

Two serious-faced men in military uniforms entered Kuoshantun and went to Zhao Liangcai's house after inquiring.

The whole village was alarmed, and everyone stood in their yard, looking at Zhao Liangcai's house.

what happened? Are you going to meet again? This time, who is criticizing and fighting?

Everyone is nervous.

Zhao Liangcai was also very nervous.

As a result, the other party asked about Hua Zhao, which made him stunned for a moment, and then thought again, could it be that there is something wrong with Hua Qiang?

Still being liquidated at such an old age? Still sick, sorry.

"Hua Zhao's child, I haven't done anything bad." It's not a bad thing to eat and drink a lot, and you don't eat or drink other people's food, right?

As for beating his parents, his father was long gone, and his mother was gone, anyway, he never heard anything.

As for not working... so fat, he seems to be struggling to walk even a step, and he understands if he can't work.

Hua Zhao's uncle sentence two days ago helped a lot. Coupled with Zhao Liangcai's sympathy for Hua Qiang, he didn't say any bad words.

The two asked Hua Zhao, Hua Qiang, and Hua Qiang, mainly because they were concerned about his life in the past few years.

These two people had already checked Hua Qiang's identity before they came. If they didn't check it, they didn't know. When they checked it, they were shocked. Is there such an old hero in their valley?

Shouldn't all such old heroes be aged in a compound in the capital? No matter how bad it is, it should be in a nursing home in the province!

This is definitely not wanting to add a burden to the country! Even the allowance is the lowest level that is actively requested, what a hero!

Both of them were in awe, and their questions to Hua Zhao were also routine. What's wrong with the granddaughter of an old hero who hasn't been out of the valley since birth?

Zhao Liangcai saw that the two had a very good attitude, and it didn't seem like they were going to arrest someone, so he dared to say tentatively: "The two are here to see the old hero Hua? His house is on the mountain, so I'll take you there?"

"Next time, this time we have something else to do," said one person.

It stands to reason that they should go to Hua Zhao's house for an interview, and there are forms that she needs to sign.

But the above specifically explained that there was no need to go, the girl was shy, and Ye Shen wanted to give her a surprise or something. They don't know about young people either, they just follow orders anyway.

This is what Ye Shen specially explained to Qin Xiangdong. He was afraid that his uncle would object to knowing Hua Zhao's appearance...

Zhao Liangcai asked cautiously, "What's the matter?"

The two looked at each other, and it was not a bad thing. They were afraid that they would guess and disturb the old hero. One of them said, "Comrade Hua Zhao is going to join the big family of the military sister-in-law. Let's do a routine political trial."

Now is not the future, the political review of military marriage can be solved in writing. Now everything is very strict, especially Ye Shen's special status, and the investigation is extraordinarily strict.

The person who came not only had to ask the team leader directly, but also went to the village to find the villagers to inquire about Hua Zhao. If there was a major ideological problem, it would definitely not work.

Zhao Liangcai blinked a few times, and suddenly remembered the young man in military uniform he had seen a few days ago. He was so handsome that he looked back several times!

Hua Zhao matches others? .....Why do you suddenly feel a little hot? He even regretted for a moment that he didn't say a few bad words just now.

But his reason returned quickly, he said nothing and took the two out to find other villagers.

He specially took people to the Ma's house in the east of the village.

This morning he also heard the Ma family's daughter-in-law praise Hua Zhao.

Sure enough, in the Ma family, Hua Zhao was praised as a flower.

Then went to Liu Laosan's house again.

Hua Zhao bought 4 pigs from his family at once, and they are also big customers. They also like to say good things.

Besides, his children are honest, and they have never been beaten by Hua Zhao in the past, so Hua Zhao has no grievances with his family, and they are not stingy to say good things.

I went to a few homes where the children had been beaten, but under Zhao Liangcai's stare, no one spoke ill of Hua Zhao.

The two wrote and drew in their notebooks with satisfaction, and another excellent woman was about to join their military sister-in-law family.

The two left, but the village was fried.

When Ye Shen came that day, many people actually saw it.

That young man was so handsome that he didn't dare to climb high, so why did he let Hua Zhao climb up?

"My grandfather is amazing! I heard that he and that young man's grandfather are comrades-in-arms." This was the news that Hua Xiaoyu heard when she was leading the way, and she spread it out.

"This has to be a life-saving comrade-in-arms, otherwise how can I catch up with a grandson." Someone has an inexplicable truth!

However, he thought it was Hua Qiang who was dying and caring for an orphan. In order to repay the kindness of saving his life, he gave up a grandson to match Hua Zhao.

This guess is accepted by most people, but there are other versions. Anyway, the village exploded.

But no matter how much it was fried, it didn't reach Hua Zhao's house.

After lunch, everyone went to work again. During the spring sowing period, unless they were dying of illness, they had to go to work.

There is no one in the village who is too lazy to die and can not work like the original owner.

And she even got the acquiescence of the whole village when she did not work. Now that she has become more diligent, no one has come to mention it to her.

No one came to tell them about it.

Besides, if you want to get married, can you not know? They all thought that Hua Zhao knew about it, and no one would come over to say it on purpose.

Logically, relatives should walk around and ask, but Hua Qiang's relatives in the village are only the Huashan family.

The Huashan family is going to be pissed!

Where will he come to announce the good news to his family? What they hope most is to go to his house for a funeral!

Hua Xiaoyu cried while working, why is she not Hua Qiang's granddaughter? Why didn't such a good thing fall on her head?


Hua Zhao doesn't know anything, she only knows how to farm happily.

Cabbage, spinach, rapeseed, beans, eggplant peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, common vegetables, all have seeds in her family.

In the end, outside the yard wall, she also has to plant a circle of sunflowers. With such a large yard, she can collect a sack of melon seeds in one circle!

After quickly working on her yard, she went to the private plot with the **** again.

According to the current policy, each person has 3 points of private land, and can grow some grain and vegetables, and the production is all his own. In this way, plus the 360 ​​catties of grain given by the brigade each year, they can basically be self-sufficient.

Of course, this is an ideal state, but the reality is that in a production team, there are basically few families who can eat enough all year round.

Because the output at this time was small, the labor force was large, and people didn't see meat and fish, so they ate more. Produce less, eat more, it is a vicious circle.


6 points of private land, not big, not as big as her yard, but this is the first time that Hua Zhao has come here to pick up since the beginning of spring.

No, this is the first time she has come to this private plot in more than ten years, but it has kept her busy.

I didn't finish cleaning it that day, and I cleaned up the next day and planted all the seeds. It is suitable for planting some field vegetables, potatoes, cabbage and radishes.

But now is not the season to plant cabbage and radish, those who need to plant in autumn, "Toufu radish, Erfu cabbage".

Hua Zhao planted corn, soybeans and potatoes in this six-point land, and when the time came, they just happened to grow cabbage.

Just after she was done, she saw Zhao Liangcai running towards her, shouting, "Xiaohua! Come home quickly!"

Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment, threw the **** and ran away, she thought something had happened to Hua Qiang.

As a result, Zhao Liangcai continued to shout: "You are getting married today! Your father asked you to go home to arrange the wedding!"

Hua Zhao's legs trembled, and his waist almost flashed.

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