Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Companions
Shoun was feeling a bit nervous at that moment. Whatever his new artifact turned out to be could mean the difference between survival and death. But he didn't delay any longer. With a deep breath, he infused the mineral with his electricity.
At that moment, Shoun felt isolated from the outside world. Whether Kaze was moving or not was irrelevant—he was entirely focused on his artifact and the process.
Slowly, the material in his hands began to glow with a white light. Kaze, noticing this, turned his head and watched as the object in Shoun's palm grew brighter and brighter, until the light suddenly vanished.
Now, in Shoun's hands and before Kaze's eyes, was a new artifact. It had a black hilt, a guard of the same color, and a pale white blade that emitted a faint glow, reminiscent of the white light that illuminated the Mirror World during the day. The blade was double-edged and straight, ending in a sharp point—an unusual design for what seemed to be a dagger.
—Woah... that felt...
—Yeah... I think so. It felt like I was in my own world—just me and the artifact.— Shoun had naturally read up on the process of creating an artifact for a Seeker. Even though he hadn't expected to ever claim one, it didn't hurt to dream a little. On paper, the idea of being isolated from the world for a few seconds seemed terrifying, but surprisingly, it felt good—even uplifting.
—What's its ability?— Kaze asked, snapping Shoun out of his thoughts. It was only then that Shoun used Inspect, causing a screen to appear with all the information about his new weapon.
The artifact was named "Stinger." Its enchantment caused the dagger's cuts to have a venom-like effect, gradually weakening and slowing down whoever was struck. The effect could stack with each additional cut.
It was only then that Shoun connected the artifact's design to his previous enemies. He had overlooked this detail when recalling how artifacts worked. Most artifacts, when materialized, took on characteristics of the Vestiges that dropped the material.
—It has a paralyzing venom effect. It should slow down and weaken enemies, and the effect can stack.
—...Interesting. You won't need to borrow my weapon anymore, though it's still more useful if I use it, considering the enemies we'll be facing.
Kaze's last words left a bitter taste in Shoun's mouth. He knew he wasn't as strong as Kaze. The rank difference alone gave Kaze a significant advantage, and on top of that, Kaze seemed exceptionally skilled.
—Anyway, what's your plan?— Kaze asked in his usual monotone voice. Shoun couldn't see him, but he could hear the floor creak as Kaze adjusted his position, likely to "look" more directly at Shoun.
—...I want to get out of this place. I really do. But facing that trial right now would be suicide... The truth is, I've been a Codex bearer for seven years, but I never killed another Vestige after obtaining the Codex until today. I have no experience other than the fight earlier.
Kaze listened attentively to Shoun's explanation. The masked man considered it for a moment before responding:
—I think you did well. Your inexperience showed in your fighting style, but you had the will to keep going and not give up. Against Vestiges, you can't afford to make those kinds of mistakes, and at least you didn't.
—Thanks.— Shoun's gratitude was curt. The resentment he felt toward Kaze for forcing him into that fight was still there, but that wasn't the main reason. The truth was, Shoun found it hard to believe Kaze's words because of how he spoke. In the short time he'd known him, Kaze had always spoken in the same tone, with the same expression, the same emotion—or lack thereof. The only exception was when Kaze apologized for dragging him into this situation, and even that was questionable because it was so subtle.
—I have a recommendation for what to do in your situation. Do you want to hear it?
—I'm all ears.
—Become my companion.
—...What does that mean?
—Right now, you're at the very bottom in this place. In the trial, we'll at least have to face a Wretch. At the very least, you need to gain some points and practical experience to stand a chance. I'm responsible for your current situation, so it's my duty to take care of you. But for you to get out of this place and grow stronger, you need to become my companion. That way, you can trust me to watch your back, and I can trust you to watch mine... It's reasonable, don't you think?
Shoun struggled to decide. Part of him said he couldn't trust Kaze—he was an unreliable stranger who had dragged him into this strange world, forced him to fight, and gotten him hurt. But another part of him knew there was no other way out of the Mirror World. So he had to accept reality.
—Fine... I'll trust you. But if you betray that trust and I end up dead, I'll drag you to hell with me.— After those words, Shoun extended his free hand for a handshake.
—Alright. I expect the same from you.
—...Hey, Kaze...
—Why aren't you shaking my hand?
—What's that?— Kaze asked innocently, tilting his head to the side.
—Well... it's a gesture people make when they reach an agreement with someone. How do you not know that?— Shoun replied incredulously, squinting at Kaze.
—Why?— Kaze asked again, dodging the question. Shoun explained, but he made a mental note that Kaze had actively chosen not to tell him something that might be important. He was already doubting the "trust" they were supposed to place in each other, and now that feeling grew stronger.
The next morning, Shoun woke up. Once again, the room was illuminated by the white light. Thanks to the light, he could now see his body and his "new" clothes more clearly. Surprisingly, there were almost no scabs left from his previous fight.
—(I'm not supposed to be that far beyond a normal human's capabilities, but I still heal pretty quickly from those kinds of injuries... I wonder how long it would take to heal a broken limb.)— After that random thought, Shoun rubbed his eyes and looked at Kaze, who was already watching him.
—Good morning.
—Good morning, Kaze. How long have you been awake?
—Not long. I was watching you, waiting for you to wake up. You sleep a lot.— Kaze said the last part without much consideration, which slightly annoyed Shoun, but he let it slide. He was always a bit grumpy in the mornings anyway.
—Well, I guess you don't have a bathroom or anything, so let's get to the point and share our abilities.— Shoun said as he approached Kaze and sat down across from him.
—Let me start. You already know my first basic ability. The next one is my sword. It's called Cutting Wind. It can take different forms, as you saw earlier, though I'm most comfortable with its current form. Besides changing shape, it allows me to shoot wind gusts and manipulate the wind, though the latter isn't very flexible. Lastly, there's my Apprentice ability. It's rank B-
—Rank B?!
—Correct. Is there something wrong with that?
—Kaze, that's the third most powerful rank of abilities! Do you have any idea how rare it is to find someone with an ability above rank E or D?!— Shoun was shocked. He hadn't even heard the effects of the ability yet, but based on its rank, he knew it had to be incredibly strong.
When you reach the Apprentice rank, you're granted an ability that essentially shapes your path as a Codex user, becoming your cornerstone and primary weapon. Abilities range from F to S, from weakest to strongest. The higher the rank, the rarer the ability, with ranks E and D being the most common. Even a rank C ability was considered lucky.
—Huh, I didn't think having an ability of that rank was such a big deal. I guess I got lucky.— Kaze said nonchalantly, shrugging. Shoun could only internally facepalm at that reaction.
—Have you been living under a rock your whole life? How do you not know something so basic?... You know what, never mind. Just tell me what your ability does.
—Alright. Basically, it allows me to manipulate the wind more effectively. It's conveniently called Wind Cloak. It's the thing I used to let us move stealthily through the city. That's not its main use, but it works for that too. What it does is, while I'm surrounded by it, I become much faster. I can stop, accelerate, and change direction without losing any momentum. It also makes me much harder to detect. That's how I got close to that Brute and saved you without it noticing me. The only downside is that it drains spiritual energy the more I abuse its acceleration and braking effects.— After hearing Kaze's explanation, Shoun didn't think the ability sounded that powerful at first. But after reflecting on it, he realized the potential of such a flexible ability. With its speed and freedom of movement, it made Kaze unpredictable in any situation.— Lastly, I have one artifact.— After those words, a glow lit up Kaze's palm. When the glow faded, an amulet with golden contours and a green gem in the center appeared.
—What's its rank? What does it do?
—It's an Apprentice-rank artifact. It can heal wounds, though only minor ones. If you lose an arm, this artifact won't help. Thanks to this thing, you didn't bleed out earlier. That's all from me.
—Well, at least we have the assurance that we won't die that way... I guess now that you're done, it's my turn.— Shoun told Kaze about his Electric Core and his powers over electricity. He also mentioned that his enhancements were much more potent than those of normal Seekers. According to someone in the military, he could even take on Apprentices.
—There's something that doesn't add up. How are your abilities so powerful if you're just a Seeker?
—I had powers before obtaining the Codex. Supposedly, the Codex amplifies and develops those abilities for people who already have them. That's why my abilities are stronger than those of a normal Seeker.
—...That makes sense. Thanks for telling me. I didn't know that.
—Hmm? Don't worry, it's supposed to be common knowledge.— Shoun was starting to worry about how little his masked companion knew about such basic things, but he dismissed it to focus on more important matters.— So, what are we supposed to do now, Kaze?
—We're going hunting, obviously. What else would we do?