Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Recruitment
The description of the vestige opened before Shoun's eyes, and it read as follows:
[Remains of the Chaos Bearer: Alpha Grunt. As if it were undead, chaos and resentment pieced this creature back together, though now it is but a shell of its true self after being decimated by...]
Reading this description, Shoun visibly frowned. He understood the first part—after all, the vestige was almost an exact copy of the one he had faced years ago. But the second part was confusing. Shoun had only faced two Alpha Grunt vestiges, and both had been nearly identical.
He couldn't really judge the true strength of the Chaos Bearer. After all, he had only killed it after it had suffered significant damage and thanks to a stroke of luck. Meanwhile, the remains of the Chaos Bearer were of the same rank. It was definitely stronger than a normal Grunt, but he didn't know if it met the standards of an Alpha of that rank.
—(Also... it says here that the Chaos Bearer was killed by someone. I'm sure it was me, so why doesn't the Codex mention my name?)—Shoun thought it might be because he still didn't have a title. A title, as the name suggests, is a distinction provided by the Codex to its user. While the title itself doesn't serve a specific purpose, it represents the achievements and true essence of its bearer—(Anyway, the titles provided by the Codex can sometimes be confusing... for example, Kaze. From what I found online, it literally means "wind" in an ancient language, but that's it. His title is just "Wind," which is accurate given his powers, but you'd expect more from a title. Though, considering he curiously doesn't have a name, Kaze is relatively fitting. It would be funny if I had to call him "Silent Blood" or "The Last Bastion" as his first name)—The titles he referred to belonged to famous Rank 4 Codex bearers. After closing the Codex, Shoun hadn't learned much more about what chaos or the ancients were. In fact, he might have uncovered more mysteries because of it. But in the end, it wasn't that important. There were more pressing matters on his agenda, like getting enough sleep to make it to school on time, for example.
—Today, I'll ask Sein to come over so I can explain the plan to him.
—That's... fine—Kaze said between bites. At his request, Shoun had made pancakes for breakfast—But didn't you say we'd only go on the weekend? Today's Tuesday.
—Yeah, but we're not going to the mirror world today. First, Sein has to agree. Then we need to go through the legal process to make Sein a Seeker. After all, the whole point of this plan is to hide the mirror world. If Sein becomes a Seeker out of nowhere, it ruins that purpose... Also, I was wondering if you could be Sein's teacher.
—In what sense?
—Teach him how to fight—the basics. Ideally, during his encounter with the vestige, he'll have your weapon, and no one knows how to use your weapon better than you.
—I guess I can try.
—Perfect—Shoun said as he started gathering his things to head to school. He was still nervous about the whole situation with Sein. He knew his friend would agree, but he was afraid he wouldn't be strong enough to protect him—(I guess it's a risk I have to take... I have to protect Sein if he agrees. It's my responsibility).
When he arrived at school, as usual, he ran into Robin. They didn't notice anything unusual, and after the usual recruitment spiel, they went on their way.
—(Luckily, my body doesn't hurt as much anymore. Thanks to that, I can act like nothing's wrong and avoid getting caught... I really need to find a way to fight vestiges without getting hurt)—This last thought came to him as he remembered how he had let himself get caught by the deer's roots, how he had overloaded himself against the Hydra, and yesterday, when he let himself get hooked by the remains of the Chaos Bearer.
While lost in thought, he suddenly felt a few taps on his back and saw Sein lightly punching him, imitating a boxing stance.
—That's a thousand points for me! If you don't step up your game, I'll end up winning our competition—Sein said with a smile. He was still wearing a white shirt and black pants, looking quite elegant and clean if not for his messy hair. Shoun knew with certainty that his grandmother forced him to comb his hair every morning, but as soon as he left, he messed it up again.
—...What the hell are you talking about?... It's obvious you'll never beat me!—Shoun quickly grabbed Sein's neck with his left arm and started ruffling his hair with his right hand.
—Ahhh! That's not fair... you're a Seeker—Sein whispered after breaking free from Shoun's weak grip.
—Listen, Sein... I need to tell you something, but it has to be at my house. Can you come over after school?
—No problem! But why can't you tell me now? I'm really curious!—Sein said enthusiastically.
—It's a secret—With those words, Shoun started to leave for class, only to be followed by Sein, who kept insisting he at least give him a hint.
—Listen, Sein, I have to warn you that what you're about to see might scare you, but don't worry, nothing will happen to you.
—It's fine! I'm not afraid of anything!
—Last time we watched that puppet movie, you were covering your eyes.
—Those things were staring into my soul!—Shoun could only shake his head at that response and opened the door.
Just like the day before, Kaze was on the couch watching TV until he heard Shoun open the door. He looked over his shoulder, and his gaze quickly met Sein's.
The boy felt his blood pressure drop as he saw the masked figure in the darkness of Shoun's house.
—Hi, Shoun. How was school?
—Good, Kaze. Thanks for asking. Let me introduce you—Kaze, this is Sein. Sein, this is Kaze—Shoun dragged his friend over so he could get a good look at Kaze. Sein, realizing it was a person and not some strange entity, quickly lost his fear and enthusiastically greeted Kaze.
—Nice to meet you!—Sein said, grabbing Kaze's hands and shaking them as a greeting.
—The pleasure is mine—Kaze replied in his monotone voice.
—Why do you talk so weird?
—It's just how I talk.
—That's fine. It's different, but being different makes it special and cool!—Shoun could only shake his head again as he watched his two friends complement each other perfectly—Sein with his usual lively personality and Kaze being... well, Kaze.
After the introductions, the three sat at the kitchen table, with Kaze and Shoun on one side and Sein across from them.
—So, Shoun, what did you want to tell me? I'm guessing it wasn't just to introduce me to your new friend.
—That was surprisingly insightful coming from you, Sein.
—Thanks... wait, what does that mean!?
—Well, I brought you here for a proposal, but before that, you have to promise not to tell anyone else. Can you do that for me, Sein?—Shoun asked, ignoring Sein's question. Sein hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded, agreeing to keep the secret—Good... first, let me reintroduce Kaze. He's an apprentice who lost his memory, and his name isn't really his name—it's his title.
—What? How is that possible? You have a title!? That's amazing!
—Ugh... this is going to take longer than I thought—Shoun complained a bit before continuing to explain Kaze's situation to Sein. After that, he explained how they met and the mirror world itself—So, after passing that test, I was finally able to leave.
—That sounds...
—No, I mean, yes, but mostly it sounds incredible.
—...You know what's the worst part? I expected that response from you—Shoun couldn't help but sigh again. Kaze had stayed quiet during the entire exchange since Shoun had already explained everything well enough.
—Hehe, but I have a question. Why are you telling me all this, Shoun?
—Well, you know about my situation with Robin. Our plan is to keep going to the mirror world, but eventually, I'll become an apprentice. We need an alibi, and I thought the best way is to pose as an adventurer. But I can't leave the city alone as a Seeker...
—So, you want me to become a Seeker?
—Yes... and to come with us to the mirror world... I'm sorry to ask this of you, but—
—I accept!
—Sein, are you sure about this? I'm the one asking, and I'll be responsible for you, but in the end, it's a dangerous world where no one is 100% safe. It's something that could kill you. Even knowing that, do you still accept?
—Of course! I've always thought about becoming a Codex bearer, but if I can do it while helping a friend, even better.
—Ugh, well, there's nothing I can do to change your mind. Welcome aboard, Sein. From now on, we're teammates—As soon as Shoun finished saying that, Kaze extended his hand and shook Sein's—You're learning, Kaze. But one more thing, Sein—you have to ask your grandmother for permission.
—Ahhh... alright...—Sein said, a bit reluctantly—When can we start training?
—When your grandmother says yes.
—Sein is 15, right? From what you explained, if a 15-year-old or older wants to become a Codex bearer, they can do it legally and be protected. So why are you telling him to ask his grandmother for permission?
—I respect her a lot. I don't want to go over her head and not let her express her opinion on this decision.
—I'm sure my grandmother will agree!
—Let's hope so.
The young men spent the rest of the afternoon answering questions about the mirror world and trying to calm Sein's excitement about becoming a Codex bearer. It wasn't until the end of the day that a bold thought crossed Shoun's mind.
—(Wait... now that I've recruited Sein, doesn't that make me a better recruiter than Robin? Considering that idiot just hands out business cards...)