Reality Collision Online(A VRMMORPG story)

10 – Quest?


"Hyup!" Vermouth hopped over a large boulder before looking up at the mountain's summit, taking in the beautiful view.

The mountain was covered with small vegetation like grass, bushes, and moss, but not a single tree could be seen, the environment proving to be too rocky for anything bigger than a bush to grow.

It had turned night when Vermouth reached this place, the bright full moon shone down onto her and brightened her surroundings, the stars shimmered across the sky, showing off the beauties of the celestials.

Oddly, Vermouth hasn't encountered a single monster. Granted, it has not been long yet since she stepped into this area, but monsters are usually scattered all over the place, to the point that you would encounter at least two in a single minute. This makes Vermouth think that maybe the monsters residing here are not active in the night. Which was weird because shouldn't mountain areas be full of caves, the perfect nest for a bunch of bats? Strange.

Pushing that strangeness aside, Vermouth simply continued to venture higher by following the path circling around the mountain in the hopes of finding anything interesting.

Minutes passed, and Vermouth was starting to feel impatient. The mountain range was huge, so maybe she just needed to travel higher in order for anything to show up. After all, she's still at the foot of the mountain, nowhere near the summit.

"Following this path will bring me nowhere where I want to be," she muttered before derailing from the trail and walking aimlessly up the mountain slope.

After a long while of impatiently waiting for something to happen as she walked and skipped over rocks, Vermouth heard loud rumbling from afar. Glad for a new development, Vermouth quickly jogged toward the direction she heard the sounds from.

The rumbling sound became louder and louder as Vermouth neared its source. Hiding behind some boulders, Vermouth looked around for whatever was making such loud noises. It didn't take her long to find it, the source of the loud sounds came in the form of a large tortoise. The largest she had ever seen, it was as big as a haul truck. She had never seen one in person, but she was sure it was just as big.

Its skin was grey, as grey as the rock around it, and it was covered in moss and vegetation. It had a long white beard that touched the ground. On its back was a dome as rocky as the mountain serving as its shell, with several spikes majestically protruding across its sides in a symmetrical manner.

Its long four legs were just as rugged as its tail, covered in thick and large scales whose surface was reminiscent of that of a boulder.

Its head was rough and rugged, but its snout was smooth and clean. It had a pair of horns protruding over its eyes and curved backward, forming a crown.

"Woah…" Vermouth couldn't help but utter inadvertently, stunned by the majestic presence of this being.

As if reacting to Vermouth, the tortoise turned its head toward the large boulder that Vermouth was hiding behind. Vermouth hurriedly pulled back and hid. afraid that this being might attack her. Who knows, it might be a field boss that she is unprepared to fight!

But to her surprise, what she heard was a low and deep chuckling voice, directly from behind her. Vermouth wondered who it was, but from who else could it be aside from that large tortoise? Its voice was raspy and deep, telling much of its age.

"Stop hiding, you there. You aren't even trying to suppress your large magical presence, a boulder could never hope to hide you from me," and to her further surprise, the tortoise talked! It was an NPC!

Vermouth reluctantly peeked at the tortoise. Surely enough, its head was turned to her, its slitted eyes looking straight at her. Vermouth gripped her staff with both hands as she stared at the tortoise anxiously.

As if amused by Vermouth's actions, the tortoise let out another low chuckle before it spoke.

"Worry not, I will not eat you. Besides, you are too inadequate to serve as a proper meal," it teased.

Agitated, Vermouth jumped out of hiding before she pointed her staff at the tortoise and shouted. "I'm still growing!"

"That, you are," the tortoise nodded, clearly amused.

"Is that sarcasm I hear!?" Vermouth accused.

The tortoise only let out yet another deep chuckle in response, further annoying Vermouth.

Having enough of its games, the tortoise spoke once more, ignoring the glowing projectiles floating over Vermouth's head, completely unthreatened.

"My musings aside, may I humbly ask how you stumbled upon this place?" It asked before turning its entire body to better take a look at Vermouth. "I surely remember putting up a barrier to stop any unwanted intruders. How come you are in here?"

Although the tortoise's tone sounded calm and welcoming, it certainly didn't feel like it to Vermouth. It felt threatening, and she immediately understood the message.

"Lie and you're dead," was what he clearly wanted to convey. Simple as that.

However, there was no need to be afraid. It's not like she actively tried to destroy such a barrier, neither did she stumble upon any. So, telling the truth here is as easy as breathing!

"I heard some rumble and I followed it! There was no barrier or anything!" She responded confidently, her head held high. "I was so bored out of my mind for encountering nothing here aside from large boulders and cliffs that I searched for whatever was making those sounds! I do not regret my decision!"

It seemed that the tortoise was quite taken aback by Vermouth's declaration before it started chuckling in amusement.

"Haha, I see, I see," the tortoise replied. "But child, I hope you don't mind if I test something? It would be over in a flash, I promise. It would hopefully help me understand how you managed to walk past my barrier. As someone who specializes in such magic, I find it utterly unbelievable for some nobody to just simply walk through unharmed."

Sensing no danger from the tortoise's words, Vermouth nodded. "Sure, I don't mind?"

'I mean, it's not like he will attack me or anything, right?'

"Gratitude," it nodded in response before raising one of its rugged legs.

Vermouth looked at its raised leg curiously, wondering what he was going to do. Maybe some kind of magic that will identify why she was able to walk past its barrier without even noticing it?

Wrong. Oh how wrong she was.

It brought its leg down to the ground harshly, making small pebbles bounce into the air and shaking the ground with such force that Vermouth almost tumbled.

Before Vermouth could recompose herself, the pebbles in the air forgot that gravity existed and gathered into a single point in front of the tortoise, forming a large ball of pebbles the size of her head. Vermouth didn't have the time to wonder what that was for as she found out quickly.

It flew through the air toward right where Vermouth stood with so much speed that it was impossible for Vermouth to dodge. Thankfully, the projectile safely passed through Vermouth's chest without dealing any actual damage.

Vermouth stood stunned as she processed what just happened. Upon getting over her shock, her anger quickly bubbled up as she pointed her staff at the large tortoise.

"What was that for!?" She shouted angrily. "Want me to blast you away, huh!?"

"Calm down," the tortoise calmly said. "You had given permission, had you not?

"Yes! But had I known you would attack me, I would have never!" Vermouth shouted in anger. "Again! What was that for!? What were you even trying to achieve with that aside from killing me!?"

"It helped me understand why you were able to walk into my barrier," it responded.

"Yeah? How so?" Vermouth asked, frowning at the tortoise with growing annoyance.

"Simple. Skill, Totemist," he said, and Vermouth could almost taste the smugness of this tortoise. "Color me surprised, you are not a nobody."

Vermouth's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the tortoise's words, not expecting him to say that word at all.

'Wait! What!? How!? When!? That's all it took!? Some barrier!? And he already knows!? Just like that!?' Vermouth screamed internally.

"A powerful ability that allows one to be neither physical nor magical and completely intangible. Had I known users of this skill like you still existed, I would have set up a barrier to stop your totems from being able to pass through," the tortoise continued to speak, further proving that he knew what her skill was.

Vermouth couldn't believe what she was hearing, and it immediately put her on edge. However, she reigned in her distress and pondered how she was going to deal with this issue.

"To be completely honest, I had not expected to stumble upon any more users of this lost skill," the tortoise continued to ramble on its own, sounding nostalgic for some reason. "After all, all of its users were supposedly wiped out."

Vermouth was brought out of her mind upon hearing that, surprised and frightened by the revelation. Sensing the sudden change, the tortoise quickly spoke to clear up any misunderstanding.

"I didn't word that quite as well as I should have," the tortoise said to which Vermouth nodded.

"They disappeared due to their own arrogance and selfishness. As said, the Totemist skill is an extremely powerful ability, one of the most powerful on the right hands with the right skills and spells. And its users from older days selfishly kept the technique to themselves. Inevitably, they all soon died from either old age or accidents, and no other users were found. None of them passed down the skill to anyone, not even their own descendants," the tortoise explained, his tone disapproving of the ways of these users. "In simpler words, they would rather die with their secrets than keep their techniques alive."

"Now, it is a pleasant surprise to find another user. One of my old friends was a totemist," it kept on rambling with a joyful tone. "Until he was brutally killed by his enemies, that is."

'How the hell am I supposed to take all that in?' Vermouth thought to herself, overwhelmed by this bombshell of a lore dump.

'No, why is this tortoise telling me this in the first place? Is he telling me to not be like them and pass on my skill? How do I even do that? Not being arrogant is easy, I would know after I got humbled in the slums. But pass on my skill? What, am I supposed to find myself a disciple or something?'

The tortoise chuckled upon sensing her confusion. "Just so you're informed, I am not telling this to seem wise or to warn you. I'm just feeling somewhat nostalgic today upon meeting you. After all, I am anything but wise."

'Now what is he talking about?' Vermouth thought with mild confusion.

The tortoise let out a hearty chuckle. "Girl, you sure wear your heart in your sleeves. I have never seen someone express their confusion as clearly as you do."

'Now he's making fun of me!? What did I do to you!?' Vermouth thought, slowly becoming irritated by this tortoise.

"Whatever! If you're not going to say anything else, I'm leaving!" She shouted before turning around with a humph.

"Ohoho, you're kind is as impatient as the other guardians have said," it mused. "Now, I'm sure this would interest you."

Vermouth simply ignored his ramblings and continued walking. That was when her vision was suddenly taken over by an interface, almost face-planting onto it.

"Whaa…?" Vermouth muttered. Vermouth took in the contents of the interface and was taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise. "Whaat!?"

[Gift Received]   [Sender: Alarga]

Random Class Skill Scroll x3 | Broken Circlet of Noesis | Unlit Candle of Ypar | Claimed Phoenix' Ashes

[Regional Quest Offer]
Alarga, the Guardian of Rock, has offered you a quest that involves the entirety of the Olfor Mountain Range.

[ Yes | NO ]

"What do you think? Enticing offer, is it not?" The tortoise said followed by a hearty chuckle. "You will receive more after you complete this task. Better than these items, I might add."

"…" Vermouth's mouth was left hanging, not expecting to receive such a huge offer out of nowhere.

'A regional quest! I don't even know what that is, but I can tell it's crazy important! And this is my first quest too! What!?' Vermouth's brain almost short-circuited from the shock.

Vermouth looked at the tortoise, now named Alarga, and the interface alternately at a frantic speed. She didn't know what to do, and the damned tortoise wasn't giving her a different expression other than amusement.

She gulped audibly while her eyes remained glued to the interface.

"Let me look at these things first! Then I'll decide!" Vermouth said to which Alarga simply nodded patiently.

Vermouth opened her inventory and quickly pressed the equipment filter to look at the three new additions, completely ignoring the scrolls she received. She honestly was not expecting the latter two to be pieces of equipment, just the first one. But that is a pleasant surprise!

Now, the first one!

[Broken Circlet of Noesis]   [Headgear]   [Rank 7(10)]
[M.def -- ]   [P.def -- ]

[Cst.Spd -5 secs]   [Wis +30%]
[Elementless Magic +20% dmg]   [M.atk +45%]

[Unique Passive - Converse With the Witness]

"The broken circlet of the dead god Noesis. As its creator, he, and only he, knows the secrets to the creation of this godly circlet and the workings behind it. It is said to grant the wearer access to the knowledge of a thousand Suns."

Vermouth's mouth started to quiver, just as much as her hands. She opened her mouth, only to close it again. Once more, she opened her mouth.

And then squealed.

She squealed so loud her voice echoed into the distance, disturbing several birds into flying away. So loud, she surprised herself she could make such a loud noise. So outlandishly loud that Alarga was reminded of an old trauma, prompting him to cough out loud which pulled Vermouth back to earth from heaven.

Vermouth looked at him and laughed awkwardly as she seemed to shrink down into herself, ashamed of her sudden outburst.

With excited and quivering hands, Vermouth pressed the next new item she received. Her eyes were wide and filled with anticipation.

[Unlit Candle of Ypar]   [Accessory]   [Rank 7(9)]
[M.def -- ]   [P.def -- ]

[All Stats +175]

[Unique Passive - Light Through The River]

"The unlit candle of the Goddess of death, Ypar. Upon abandoning her duty as the guide through the river separating the mortal realm and afterlife, Ypar put out the flames of her candle that lit up the way to the afterlife, never to provide light through the thick mist ever again."

Immediately, Vermouth placed both her small hands on her mouth to stop herself from bursting out again. Vermouth tried. She really tried. She tried incredibly hard, but even her hands weren't enough to completely stifle her loud squeal after she read the item description. It was too amazing!

Watching over the trembling and excitable child was Alarga, smiling with contentment as the girl reigned in her understandable joy. At this point, her cooperation is a hundred percent guaranteed.

Much like a fish. Hook, line, and sinker.

With much more anticipation, Vermouth closed the description and tapped on the last item of the three with her shaking fingers.

[Claimed Phoenix' Ashes]   [Accessory]   [Rank 7(9)]
[M.def -- ]   [P.def -- ]

[HP +17,500]   [END +30%]
[Fire Attribute +20%]   [M.def +35%]

[Unique Passive - Unfleeting Flames, Endless Rebirth]

"The remains of a phoenix permanently claimed by death, never to defy the universal law of life and death ever again."

It was not something for her class, but it was great nonetheless! She could give it to her bro once they meet in-game!

'And I get much better stuff after the quest!? I'm in! I'm so so in!' Vermouth thought with overwhelming excitement.

"I'll do it!" She shouted, promptly gathering Alarga's attention. "I'll do it! Count me in!"

Upon getting his attention, Vermouth hurriedly pressed the yes button on the quest interface and accepted the quest.

[World Announcement]
[Olfor Mountains - Regional Quest Accepted]
Player Vermouth has accepted the regional quest "The end of Earth's Reign"

Vermouth ignored the interface and turned to stare at Alarga, completely missing its contents.

"Great," Alarga replied. "Your cooperation is much appreciated."

"So?" Vermouth asked impatiently, too excited for her own good. "What do I do now?"

Alarga let out a hearty chuckle. "First thing, calm down. Be patient with me, I'm old."

Vermouth didn't seem to care as she continued to stare intently at him in anticipation, making him sigh in defeat. "I suppose that's just youth for you. Very well."

He raised one of his feet and lightly stomped it onto the ground, spooking Vermouth for a bit much to his amusement. The stones on the ground in front of Vermouth rose to the air and hovered at her eye level. The stones slowly turned to dust and formed a bigger stone in the shape of a slab. Words were etched onto its surface, like a stone tablet.

"This tablet will inform you of the details of the quest I've left to your hopefully capable hands," Alarga said with a smile. "Its contents will change according to your progress, so please take good care of it.

"I see, you got it! I'll take a look at it later!" Vermouth replied before taking the slab and dropping it into her inventory. "Is there anything else you need to add?"

"The tablet will inform you of everything that needs to be done, any further input from me is unnecessary as the tablet will provide the same information," Alarga reassured.

Vermouth nodded, satisfied with his answer. "Alright. I guess there's nothing else for me to do here?"

"Indeed. I'll fix my barrier, and this time I'll make sure that you won't be able to return once you leave," Alarga nodded. "Until you complete your quest, that is."

"Right! Until then! I'm going out to prepare for this quest now!" Vermouth saluted before running off, leaving the gargantuan tortoise to his own.

"Hmm. I wonder how she will react. I would love to see it, but I prefer staying here more," Alarga uttered to himself, his voice full of dread and gloom. "In preparation for the future."

Alarga stared at the running form of the child that he had left his fate to. The one who will decide whether he passes on in peace, or remains on this earth as a mindless and violent monster. The fate of this entire mountain range is in the palm of those small hands.

"Will I be able to regain freedom, or will I suffer the same end as you, Ragar?"

Truly, only time will tell.


Throwing in the biggest lore bomb so far! Make sure to read the item descriptions, they have lores too!

I just realized that I've been misusing the word "mutter" this entire time! And no one called me out for it! 4 freaking years of writing and NO ONE called me out! Wow! Not even my readers on other accounts. Dang it.

YES, I'm ashamed of it. Dang it.

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