RE – Naruto Universe

Nagi’s Chronicles II – Nagi x Yuna

The East-West fire route was a route connecting major villages, towns and cities at the central location of Land of Fire from the eastern port city of the Land of Fire Nobishi near the borders of Land of Hot water to the border town of Kochi near Land of Rivers. The route also include Tanzaku town from the central west, moving eastwards Shukuba town, Akashi town, the land of fire capital Owari, followed by a major land of fire port city Nobishi, the route also connect to the land of hot water capital Onsen-to. The hidden ninja village of Konoha (Konohagakure) is located between Tanzaku town and the capital Owari. To have a smooth and easy journey from where Nagi is at, the best route to use is by using the East-West fire route. Going to the capital Owari then make way to Konoha as Konoha is not located directly by the East-West fire route.

When Nagi was about to reach the border of the land of fire from the land of hot water using the East-West fire route an incident that changed his future happened. He saw unmarked ninjas attacking a convoy. When one of the ninjas caught on to Nagi at the vicinity of their operation, they attacked him as well. Nagi made short work against all of them, letting no one alive but one the leader of the operation. Nagi wanted to kill him as well when a girl from the convoy stopped him. She asked him to let her associates deal with him, Nagi agreed and gave her the captured leader. The next action made his eyes wide open, where she opened a seal scroll and made a spatial seal inscription she then sealed the captured shinobi leader to the seal scroll.

Nagi never expected someone to be able to use such advanced sealing techniques at that time, moreover the user seemed slightly younger than he does by a year or two. Looking at her, she did not have Uzumaki physical characteristics, however he came to a conclusion that she may be a mix blood Uzumaki as she had the skill set that makes her an Uzumaki.
He based his judgement on her expertise regarding advance-sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan. Not to mention she manage to execute the technique flawlessly at her age. She also did not show the Uzumaki physical characteristics of having a scarlet red hair. Because of the evidence he has seen he concluded that she is from Hina-hime clan the Yuki clan.

The young girl was also curious about Nagi as him to her. The feat he has done prove that he is very experienced and he was very much involved in the recent war making a name for himself. She obtained a list from her parents regarding ninjas that showed exemplary performance during the recent war. Looking at his age there was no one in the list that matched him. This made her feel on edge as he may turn to be an enemy as well. However, what give her a slight sense of comfort is that his taijutsu techniques have some familiarity to her fathers. Which made her want to know him better.

Both of them was observing each other trying to figure out the identity of the latter. The one that came on top was Nagi, based on his judgement he is almost certain that he knows her identity. Since he knows her identity, he started to communicate in friendly term towards her, telling her that he is not her enemy. He introduced himself with his real name and told her that he is just passing through where his final destination is at Konoha. Accepting his friendly offer, the girl introduces herself as well and she suggested that they could complete their journey together as the direction he is heading is same as hers as she is going to Owari as her final destination.

When the girl introduced herself, Nagi was completely certain of her relation to Hina-hime as he know that Hina-hime has a daughter named Yuna, which is same as her introduction. With that he was quite relaxed towards her, while Yuna on the other hand also felt that he is not going to harm her at all, but she also felt a mysterious fog around him as she feel that he knows her identity but she do not. She decided to inform her parents about him when she get back.

The journey to Konoha for Nagi and Yuna was calm and quite enjoyable for both, as both manage to converse to the point of familiarity. The situation amaze both of them as they did not know when it happened but they just felt that they know each other for a long time already based on their vibe towards each other. When they reached Owari, they bid their farewell at the time promising to meet one week later for tea at a popular Konoha teashop that Yuna gave Nagi the direction to get there.

Nagi then left to continue his journey while Yuna rushed to tell her parents of her encounter. When she told her parents about her encounter with Nagi and told them his name, both of her parents was shocked. They know who he is, with Yuna description of him and his name, his resemblance of taijutsu techniques plus his friendly attitude towards her after how they encountered. They suspected he is the rumored Uzumaki clan young genius Uzumaki Nagi. It was difficult for them to believe that they found another survivor of the clan and the survivor is a young genius of the clan. His showed great skill in inscription sealing, a uzumaki that have affinity to fire nature beside the wind and water natures, and highly skilled in weapons and taijutsu techniques as well. However, they also felt something is wrong about the situation as from what they know about Uzumaki Nagi, the Nagi they knew has red hair the characteristics of a Uzumaki but based on their daughter description the Nagi she encountered do not have the Uzumaki characteristics.

To get to the bottom of this they decided to meet with him as well. They also suggested inviting him over for dinner at their high-class restaurant they establish in Konoha where usually the Daimyo and the elites that issue missions to Konoha have their meals when they visit there so the discussion would be private to avoid Danzo and his people snooping around. Yuna agreed with their suggestion after a while of internal debating within her.

On the day of their promised meeting, Yuna saw that Nagi was already at the place earlier and he was waiting for her. She do not know why but she felt happy when she saw him there. They enjoyed the company of each other that they did not realize it was already evening. Yuna hesitated for a few seconds before she invited Nagi for dinner, Nagi looked at Yuna, smiled and agreed with her invitation. Yuna turned shy the moment Nagi looked at her with his smile. She became excited when Nagi agreed with her invitation. Yuna happily brought Nagi back for dinner where her parents is waiting to meet him.

When Yuna reached the restaurant with Nagi, she brought Nagi to a private VVIP room where her parents was waiting. Just when she was going to introduce Nagi to her parents, Nagi went ahead of her and respectfully greeted her parents which she have not introduce to him yet. It shocked Yuna but for her parents they just smiled towards Nagi and his greeting, as they knew that their assumption that Nagi was the Uzumaki Nagi that they knew is right. Although they do not know how Nagi manage to change his natural hair color of the Uzumaki clan, as from their observation it is not a technique recognized, and the hair they see is natural as he is born with them.

Yuna shock continue when her parents acknowledge his greetings and invited him to sit down in a manner that it seem they already know each other for a long time already. Yuna recovered from her shock a while later but then she felt alienated when she saw Nagi and her parents was already sitting down while looking at her. Yuna face grew red realizing that she messed up in front of them especially Nagi, her parents just smiled in laughter while Nagi smiled at her. Feeling embarrassed Yuna quickly sat down not realizing that she is sitting down next to Nagi, and she was again shocked when she realized it with her red shy face. Ren and Hina saw her expression and they laughed, making Yuna more embarrassed.

Looking at Yuna state, Hina switched topic to save her daughter of further embarrassment. The topic piqued Yuna interest as well as her mother asked Nagi about his hair color. Nagi realizes what she was asking and he deactivated the seal he had that helped him change his color, when he did that his hair color changed back immediately to his natural color red which amaze everyone around him.

Looking at Nagi now, Yuna figured out the reason why he felt mysterious before as well as her parents familial response towards Nagi. She knew she was the only one out of loop, and she felt she was being wronged in a way she cannot describe.

The observant Nagi saw her expression and he immediately apologized to her, blamed himself for not telling her sooner. Yuna accepted his apology, and willfully place his self-blaming as the reason she felt the way she is right now. It was their first time that Yuna parents saw how Yuna is behaving, it made them laugh and realize that Yuna ‘Spring’ has arrived. They also very much agreed with her selection of their son in-law although it was really their first time meeting him.


Some light hearted romance chapter if I could call it that. I am also adding some places which are non-cannon. In general all my non-cannon areas will be making reference from real life Japan regions.

I hope that you're enjoying my story.

Just for a heads up for my readers, the holidays is over. I need to start work on 4th January, hence I will not have a proper release date. Although I am currently working from home due to the current global situation; I do not want to overestimate myself which may actually be detrimental for me and everyone.
However I am quite certain I can release a chapter or two on the weekends unless something comes up. 
Keep safe, be healthy, be happy.
Thank you for your continuous support.

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