RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 26 – Konoha Northern Forest (Performance Examination)

Sorry for the long wait, this will be a long chapter. Enjoy. More notes after the chapter... 


The Konoha Northern Forest is a small part of the Land of Fire central Alps mountain range, the examination starting point is from the lower part of the area. From there the students will start their mission, hiking up the forest trails to their designated mission points. The area is lush with greenery and wild life, and it’s considered an external training area for Konoha students. Although it is the furthest training area within Konoha jurisdiction, it is considered a safe training location compared to Konoha Forest of Death.

The core idea of this examination is two folds the first is to evaluate the students’ survival, decision making and planning skills. The second is to evaluate the students’ ninja skills and teamwork.


During the exam will involve two different type of examiner, Special Jounin and ANBU.

The first examiner is the monitor examiners. They will monitor the student’s actions accomplishing the mission, only intervening when the students are in serious trouble where death or serious injury are involved.
The testing of students will be the responsibility of the mission examiner. Beside the environment, the students will be facing the mission examiner obstructions during their journey.

Both of them will be the ones to first to response if the student’s safety is at risk during the examination.

The Special Jounin and ANBU involvement in the exam will be monitoring the wild beast activities around the Konoha Northern Forest.     




Azuma team was on the way to their first relay point. As planned Azuma is taking the lead during the first part of the exam…


‘I expect to experience the tree branch hopping scene… sigh… guess it’s not always the case…’


“So when do you think we will face the examiner obstacles” – Seiji (feeling board)

“I do not know, but I like what we are doing currently. It’s relaxing.” – Azuma

“… We still need to be careful about traps, but I agree with Azuma its better not facing problems on the way than getting into one. It could be that the route Azuma chose was the right one. If we hastily went to accomplish the mission, we may face the obstacles and traps.” – Rumia

“Indeed, we have a week to complete our entire mission; we do not need to rush things. A proper planning and execution to the goal is the best. In addition, we have to really thank Ino in this. Her experience and skill helps us a lot now.” – Azuma ‘Ino and her sensing ninjutsu, to actually have her in the team especially in my team is the best. I did not expect to be able to get a glimpse of her sensing chakra. Thanks to that, I will be able to improve my own sensing ninjutsu...’

“Yea, thanks to her we avoided a few packs of wild wolfs.” – Rumia

“(Blushing, while feeling proud of herself) I am just doing what I can to help” – Ino


Azuma was able to use Ino sensing chakra to complement his own sensing chakra. In doing so he manage to develop a new sensing chakra foundation making it better for Azuma purpose. While thinking about it, Azuma was also emitting his new modified sensing chakra to test its feasibility…


‘This new sensing chakra is better than expected… oh two unknowns… that guy should be our monitor, while this other one…’

“… At our pace we will reach the relay point in a few hours, if we continue on like this we could complete this exam in about four days.” – Azuma

“A few hours? I think it will be in an hour or two…” Azuma interrupted Seiji by pushing him down. “Hey wh…” Two shruikein went pass the place where Seiji was originally standing hitting the tree. “On guard! It’s an attack!” – Azuma


Hearing what Azuma announced the team went into defensive position. Azuma was in front as the vanguard while Ino and Rumia went to the center and Seiji stand guard at the rear of the formation.


‘Oh! Swift action, the defensive formation is also well arrange. Two taijutsu ninjas, one as vanguard another as rear guard. The sensory and support ninja at the center. Uzufuyuki Azuma… for this part you guys passed. Let’s see how you all handle what’s next…’

The examiner took out two scrolls “Release” (Poof) ““““Grrr”””” Four wild black wolfs was released from the scroll. After their released the examiner immediately flickered away letting the wolfs direct their sights to Azuma and his team.


‘… four mutts… seriously… if it was wild beast wolfs it would be something…’

The wolfs turned their sights to his team, howling.
“““Wolfs!””” – Seiji/Rumia/Ino
Hearing their loud voice, one of them then took the lead and ran straight towards their location, while the others followed behind the leader. Azuma calmly observed and took out several kunai in his ninja back pouch. He calmly waited for the wolfs to be closer to him. The wolfs continued running towards them.

Looking at the wolfs getting closer to them, Rumia turned agitated “Azuma! What are you doing! We need to act!” Ino on the other hand started to move back slowly she was feeling slightly nervous but she tried to keep calm. Seiji guarding the rear was holding his kunai, “Azuma! Move! You’re blocking my view!”

Within seconds the wolfs has already reached a distance of 10 meters. Before Rumia, Ino and Seiji acted Azuma threw his kunais consecutively towards the four wolfs when all of them crossed the 10 meters range. Due to his speed, flow, accuracy as well as the short distance between them, all four of them was downed immediately with a kunai piercing through their head. Due to their running momentum the wolfs collapse right in front of Azuma.


Silence… no one beside Azuma expected it to end like that. The flow from observing the wolf’s action, taking out his kunais, his calm behavior in face of the wolf running towards him, and finally his execution. The flow was perfect. There were nothing to complain or to improve. It was flawless, even the examiners was flabbergasted by Azuma’s flawless action.


‘… for a civilian to reach this level, is the Uzufuyuki that good? Is he that good? Are we missing something? Huh? What is he…’ – Mission Examiner

‘Heh, I didn’t expect for a student to reach that level, it reminds me of our days, we have to be skilled and capable if not only death awaits… huh…’ – Monitor examiner

‘… Azuma-sama, he is Strong! And I thought he was stunned just by the wolfs appearing’

‘That was so cool…’

‘Azuma… is that his strength?’


‘SHIT! Why did I move like that without thinking about it? I totally forget about acting like a ninja student… what should I do…’ Azuma was under Cold sweat; he regretted and did not know what to do next. His mind was blank at a moment and the examiners caught on that condition he was in.

‘Hmm… he is anxious… heh, I got it… Adrenaline rush... And I actually thought that he was that great, he got lucky…’ – Mission Examiner

‘Is he actually feeling cold sweat? … Anyway I don’t actually care if its luck or not. But to actually act like that prove that he did it out of instinct. I wonder what gruesome practice he has undergone to reach that state…Anyway based on my judgement he passed this round either way…’ – Monitor examiner


After a while Azuma was still standing still and Ino thought that something was wrong “…Azuma? Are you all right?”

“Huh? Ah Ino… yea I am fine thanks for your concern… let’s get ready to continue our journey.”

“Alright…” “…Agreed” “…Okay”

‘Damn I blanked out for a moment there. There is nothing I can do, it is already done. Sigh, just go on with the flow for now. I better make sure I don’t do that again for the rest of the exam period…’ Azuma then walked and collected his kunais, after wiping it clean with a cloth he just threw the blooded cloth away.


“Let’s go, based on my estimate we will reach the first point in a few more hours. We need to keep vigilant about any possible test by the examiner…”

“… by the way Azuma thanks for just now.” – Seiji

“You do not need to thank me for that, we are a team remember.”




As they restarted their journey, the team was vigilant. They observed their surroundings being alert until they reached the first mission point. When they reached there they saw an unmarked seal sticking on a rock, Azuma noticed the peculiarity of the seal when he first saw it.

When they reached closer to the seal, Azuma emitted his sensing chakra towards the seal in hope of studying the seal. That’s when he realize the purpose of the seal, it’s a genjutsu trap seal as well as a seal marker. If they reach close proximity of the seal, the genjutsu trap will activate. The reason why Azuma notice the peculiarity of the seal is that to deactivate the trap, someone need to remove that seal. The seal marker will move to the seal scroll he was holding and in doing so the trap will deactivate as well.


It was a seal that no matter what, the students need to go and face it. To accomplish their first seal mission they will be facing the genjutsu trap. It’s a trap that need to be sprung to accomplish the seal mission. 


‘So this is the last test for the first relay point… first was probably to see if we can work as a team when facing an attack, that will probably allow the examiner to also see the combat capability of the students… but I totally ruined that… then it’s a genjutsu test… I should tell them to be careful about it…’   

“Guys… ! Seiji! Wait do not…” Right before Azuma was going to inform his team regarding the seal, Seiji went ahead wondering what the seal was. As he do not have experience regarding fuinjutsu seals he went close to see it…

“Huh? What the...”          




‘… damn I was too late… I should not move for now… I must not let the examiner know that I nullified the genjutsu effects on me immediately when it activated. Lucky Seiji was in front of me and I could copy his reaction. If not I probably screw up again… hmm how long should I act for… lets see…’ Azuma expand his sensory chakra to observe Seiji, Ino and Rumia.

‘They are all under the genjutsu effect… if this was not an exam, although I already know what type of genjutsu they are in based on the seal they are a good observation subject right now. I would love to try to see if I can go into their minds to see what scene they are in, how they manage them… (a few moments later) I guess it’s enough. Time to show that I broke the genjutsu and complete this first part…’


‘Oh, he broke out. That’s was fast, I expect them to be like that for at least half an hour more… that kid has good mental strength at his age. I device this seal with the help of the Yamanaka clan so that even their clan members will need some time to break it. Based on Inoichi-san estimates his daughter will be the first to break it but it need time… this is unexpected…’ – Monitor examiner


“… hmm, (tear out the seal from the rock)”

“Huh? What’s going on?” – Seiji

“Urgh… I do not feel good…” – Rumia

“… same here… that genjutsu… when I get back my father will get it from me…” – Ino

“… I guess it is best to set up camp today, we need to rest up our mind was exhausted initially during our journey and we triggered a genjutsu trap right after…”

“Agreed, we need the rest. Physically we are fine but mentally we are totally exhausted.” – Rumia

“Alright, I will set up the camp, I will leave the first guard and the cooking of food to you guys.” – Seiji

“… Let me prepare the food.” – Ino

“I will accompany you… Azuma you will be the first guard.” – Rumia





The following day, as planned Rumia took the lead.

‘Hmm… yesterday we walked through a forest path towards the first relay point which was on a hill top, today it’s a rocky hiking to the next point… at least we are walking past multiple cascades of waterfalls and rivers. I wonder if she plans for rock climbing as well…

What will the exam topic be today? … I need to make sure that I do not screw up like yesterday…’


The journey to the second relay point was peaceful. The journey was a relaxing way to past time for Azuma and he liked it. Hiking with a peaceful environment, sound of waterfalls and stream flowing, birds chirping and wind breeze. He just had to bear the grumble by Rumia and Seiji about lack of ninja action.

When they reached the second relay point everyone beside Azuma thought the day has smoothly passed and the next day Ino will take charge.


It was during the late night that the supposed examination took place. This time the topic of the exam was survival training facing night raid.

The mission examiner stealthily walked closer to their camp location, he then opened a few scrolls and quietly unsealed the seals. After the scroll was unsealed, the examiner moved away swiftly…


“Awoo~” The scroll released a pack of six wolfs. The sudden existence of the wolfs shocked the three of them. Azuma on the other hand decided to act similar to them, ‘This time I will just act as support unless they face serious trouble…’
Ino unexpectedly acted earlier than Rumia and Seiji, she got up and moved into a fighting position. Azuma looked at Ino action and decided to move to support her when she acted. Seiji realized his mistake rushed to act as a vanguard, as for Rumia she finally acted after found out that she was left out.
However, looking at the way Rumia acted Azuma knew that she is not calm. She was disturbed internally. Azuma did not know why she was disturbed but because of it, she totally forget about forming a team defensive formation. She rushed ahead of everyone. Noticing her moving out of formation Azuma rushed to assist, while directed Seiji and Ino to chase after her.

When Rumia faced the wolfs she finally realize that she did something stupid. She was not good in physical combat but she rushed to the front. Because of her mistake the wolfs was going to surround her at a moment.
Luckily, Rumia noticed Seiji, Ino and Azuma coming in to assist her. Seiji and Ino manage intercept and engage a wolf each that was going to attack her at her back. While Azuma moved in the wedge that Seiji and Ino created. Azuma then took out two kunai and threw them swiftly and accurately towards one of each wolf that were going to attack Rumia at her both flanks. With their help, Rumia only need to worry about the two wolfs in front of her. With no time to waste, she threw a barrage of kunai and shuriken towards them. The wolfs noticed her action and tried to evade however, due to their distance and Rumia strike speed it failed to evade. She manage to kill both of them from her barrage.


“Thanks guys… Sorry I didn’t know what happened to me that time…” – Rumia

“It’s good that you’re alright, however what happened to you then?” – Azuma

“… I do not know, before I knew it I was facing the wolfs.” – Rumia


“… I think I know why Rumia acted like that.” – Ino

“Huh?” – Azuma

“Guys look at this wolf, its fur color is slightly different compared to the others. Based on my father’s description of possible wild beast that we may face, I think this fit the description slightly. Looking at this wolf fur it is probably already a half-wild beast. Father told me that sometimes wild animals may evolve to wild beast if it meet all the necessary requirements. Although father did not know the requirements but he said that there are evidence of that occurring.”

“Wild beast? ... If it is a beast that knows how to use chakra then is there a chance that each beast have different skills like us? Or they have similar chakra skills?” – Azuma

“I do not know, I have to ask father about it…” – Ino

“… Ah!, I remembered one time from the escort convoy guards told me that some wild beast have genjutsu skills, could it be that Rumia was effected by a genjutsu?” – Seiji


‘Genjutsu skills… Ah the howls, I remembered there was one time that the toads that Jiraya summoned also used genjutsu skills… Sound genjutsu… there is a lot more I need to learn on this world.
But why it effect Rumia and not others? Is it directed or something else, I didn’t detect any change in my chakra circulation, if its sound then everyone would have been effected. No one except Rumia…
Did the examiners do something? ...’


“… This time we were caught off guard… genjutsu… wild beast… lets us clean up for now and get back to the camp for now…” – Azuma

“…Alright” – Ino/Seiji

“…” – Rumia ‘… what really happened? Could it be like what Seiji said that I was under effect of a genjutsu? ...’  


Meanwhile the examiners were also puzzled about the whole situation, which was especially true for the mission examiner as the wolf was the one that he prepared. That wolf was indeed like Ino said it’s evolving to be a wild beast, but he was sure that during capture he made sure that they were all wild animals. What is more was that even if it was a half-wild beast, it should only have the genjutsu skill to effect a civilian. Rumia was a ninja student; she is already practicing chakra circulation. Only a wild beast would have enough skill to put her and Genins under genjutsu.


The examiner decided to have this event reported.




The following day as planned Ino took the lead, she followed through her initial plan where they will take the alternative route. However, they found out that the new route was not forthcoming as planned. A landslide blocked the route, after some discussion they decided to take another route. Since they have excess time to spare, they decided to take an even longer route but safe to reach the third relay point just to be on the safe side. The event yesterday night made them more vigilant hence their decision.

This was their first time in the mission not camping at the relay location. Each of them took guard on alternate time in pairs. They completed their journey the following day.


Seiji took the lead for the final point.    


“Ok kids, this will be your last test for this examination. Let us see how you all handle interception situation… Kage Bunshin no Justu!” – Mission Examiner 1

““Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”” – Mission Examiner 2/3

“Let’s get started.” – Shadow clone leader


A total of four shadow clones was created by the examiners for the last test. The last test scenario was an interception scenario where a hostile ninja team will move in to intercept the other ninjas on a delivery mission. Their interception purpose is to get the item that the other ninja was delivering.

The clones stealthily move to their interception point and waited for Azuma team.  


Seiji was guiding the team to the last point. While walking towards their final location Azuma sense four humanoid chakra hiding beyond the pass. He did not know that they were Shadow clones but he felt that it was probably their last test so he quietly alerted his team through their discussed hand signals.

Seiji, Rumia and Ino notice Azuma hand signal that indicate that there may be an ambush up ahead. They went into formation and got ready for the ambush.


Seeing that the kids noticed them, they gave a high praise to their vigilance. The examiner clone also praise Ino sensing skills, as he assumed Ino was the one that noticed.
Since they were already found out, they revealed themselves while charging straight towards them.
This time Seiji was the one that acted as a vanguard, Seiji took out his shuriken and threw several of them consecutively towards them. Rumia and Ino followed suit creating a barrage of shuriken directed towards the clones. Noticing their move all of the clones swiftly jumped to different directions to evade the shuriken barrage. Azuma observed their move and threw his own shuriken towards them when they were going to land.

The clones, Seiji, Rumia and Ino was amazed by Azuma move. For Seiji, Rumia and Ino they thought that the battle will end but they were wrong. To avoid Azuma move the clones were forced to use substitution jutsu.

What followed was the clones manage to hide from their sight. Although Azuma noticed their location, he decided to keep quite about it and followed the rest of the team by acting trying to look for the clones.


Since it was a test the clones decided to make some errors during their hiding to see if the students can catch on to them. Ino did just that and threw her kunai towards one hidden clone. This made the other clones sprung back to action by moving closer towards them to engage in taijutsu combat.


A team taijutsu combat ensued, Azuma realizing that it will end up in a taijutsu combat moved near Rumia to assist her. This helped Rumia greatly as she is able to move easier to go back to ranged attack. Through Azuma assist, they manage to corner two clones while Seiji and Ino was still doing fine at their end. Azuma moved in, he manage to direct his kick towards the body of the clone. Doing so the clone that was hit by Azuma disappeared. Realizing that they were shadow clones Azuma told the others to go for the kill not to worry about injury towards the examiners.

Hearing what Azuma said to his team the clones broke out of combat.


“Huff… you all pass” – Clone examiner

“““!!! Huh?””” – Seiji/Rumia/Ino

“…” – Azuma ‘As expected of them…’

“Your results will be given later on, have a good break at the final point kids! Release!” – Clone examiner

“What???” – Seiji

“So we passed?” – Ino

“I supposed so, if we believe what they said…” – Azuma

“…” – Rumia

“Anyway I think we just need to continue to the final point as planned just to be safe.” – Azuma

“““Agreed!””” – Seiji/Rumia/Ino


I decided to condense four chapters to one. Originally I plan for a chapter for each relay point. However looking at things after editing many past chapters the past week I decided against it.
After reading through my past chapters I think I know what I did wrong... I tried to maximize word counts through many dialogues, which ended up disrupting my original flow on how I write my story. 

I tried to edit to improve them, but I also decided not to do a complete rewrite as a whole. And have a better author notes for some chapters as well.
I will try to balance my written narration and dialogue for now.

As always, I welcome constructive feedback towards better written chapters, so I can improve.

Have a nice weekend, my next chapter will probably next weekend.

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