RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 16 – Basic Ninjutsu skillset

“Ok dear, it is time for Ninjutsu training, and we began with the easiest ninjutsu training for us. The bloodline limit ninjutsu.

After learning this it will be easier for you to learn the water and wind elements ninjutsu as well.” – Yuna

“Yes mum, I am ready.” – Azuma

“I will start by explaining generally on what ninjutsu is and the skillset needed to actually use them.” – Yuna


“In general ninjutsu is a ninja technique that utilizes chakra and hand seals. There will be variations towards the amount of chakra and hand seals being used for the technique. However, it is usually based on the ninja using it.

Most ninjas will only able to use the technique with hand seals.


For example this …

‘Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox →…’

(after additional 37 more hand seals)


“Suiton Suiryudan no Jutsu! (Water release: Water Dragon bullet technique)” – Yuna


After Yuna completed her seals and announced the skill name, water rises from the lake forming a shape of a dragon; it then crashed upon a tree that was targeted by Yuna.

The tree was destroyed and after that, the dragon just splashed out like water.
Azuma looked at the scene in awe as it was now his first time seeing such a feat in real life and not one of the anime show in his past life.


“From your clone and shadow clone introduction during your taijutsu and weapons training you should have an understanding about the use of hand seals.

There is a reason why the hand seals is being used for practically all ninjutsu technique.

Hand seals helps the individual to picture and mold the chakra necessary to perform the technique.

The more powerful or complex the technique will usually need more complex hand seals or a longer amount of seals as the molding process takes longer. For instance the technique I used earlier need 44 hand seals before completing it.

However, it is not necessary the case if you are proficient enough look…


‘Ox → Tiger → Ox → Dragon’

“Suiton Suiryudan no Jutsu!” – Yuna

Azuma this time watched as a torrent of water in the lake rises forming a shape of a dragon crashing upon another tree, which destroyed it in the process.


“As you see I only used only four hand seal to have a complete picture and chakra molded to perform the technique.

Sometimes you don’t even need to use hand seal and call the technique name, look.” – Yuna


“Hyoton Soryudan no Jutsu!” – Yuna


Azuma was completely in shock and awe looking at his mother as he saw an ice dragon coiling his mother.

When his mother pointed at another tree, the ice dragon moved and crashed at the tree destroying it while leaving a streak of frozen path towards the target. The target area is also frozen solid.


“For you to achieve any of these three feats you need to train two skill.

Learning the basics of both the skill will allow you to perform the first example with a minor success. To reach the level of what I did in the first example you need to be at around the intermediate stage. Intermediate stage is where most ninjas are.

If you advance further in the skill mastery, you should be able to reach the second example with the amount of success depending on yourself. To be exact you probably need to reach the stage of at least expert to do what I did in the second example.

Finally, if you reach the stage of mastery towards the necessary skills, you should be able to do the last one. To reach this stage truly depend on your hard work and your understanding towards the particular ninjutsu.


You have to keep this in mind. Every ninjutsu technique is different and the way you mold the chakra will be different. For higher-level ninjutsu class techniques, the level of difficulty will increase.

Thus for you to achieve an instant cast on that, it will need a higher mastery level altogether. You also need to take note on the technique you are using during your molding and execution.


During combat, some people will use multiple hand seals, some use limited hand seals and some just need to chant the technique names. This is because they can use those actions to improve their picture of the technique they are going to use.” –Yuna


“In general your progress starts from beginner – intermediate – advance – expert – master; and even when you reach master there is always a way to improve after that. But it’s up to your personal enlightenment.” – Yuna


‘So the progress stages is as expected, very similar to the general understanding of competence stages.

The beginner will probably be unconscious incompetence, intermediate is conscious incompetence, advance is conscious competence, expert is unconscious competence, and finally at mastery where it is at a stage of reflective ability over the other stages.

However, I do see even further advancements of grandmaster or higher stages based on what my mother explained. Anyway time to learn them… back to kid mode…’ – Azuma mind


“Ooh… mum what is the two skills I need to master.” – Azuma

“Hehe, someone is quite eager…” – Yuna (Yuna looks at Azuma snickering)


“Mum!~” – Azuma

“Ahaha, ok-ok, the two skills that you need to learn is shape transformation skill and nature transformation skill. The shape transformation skill greatly relates to chakra control while the nature transformation skill is your attunement towards the elements as well as your understanding about the elements.


To explain it further.


Shape transformation is your ability for you to control the chakra. Controlling the form, movement and the concentration of the chakra. When you are able to do it, you will be able to determine the shape or size, the range, and the strength of the technique.


Nature transformation is your ability to mold the chakra to define the element of the chakra. It will allow you to define the properties and characteristics you want for the technique. Both of this skills are interrelated with primal spiritual energy. You will understand it when you start practicing it.” – Yuna


“Ah… shape transformation and nature transformation…” – Azuma


Yuna watched as Azuma started to show his usual ‘figuring out something pose’ he have when he is thinking about something.

She smiled at him, as she knows that when he is doing that pose, it means that he is really trying to figure out the solution he is facing. She just waited for him to snap out of it.


“… but how do I change the properties and characteristics of the chakra!... Ah!” – Azuma


“Oh you are back.” – Yuna


Azuma realize that he was completely within his world just now.


“Sorry mum. I just…” – Azuma

“No apologies needed dear, it just shows that you are actually putting effort towards understanding and solving the problem you have.” – Yuna (She interrupted Azuma)


“So can you tell me what you are thinking about?” – Yuna

“Ah, yes. I was thinking regarding the two skill set mum mentioned earlier.

I do think that I sort of know how to improve the shape transformation skill but I cannot figure out how to go on with the nature transformation.” – Azuma

“Ooh, what did you figure out regarding how to improve the shape transformation skill do tell me.” – Yuna

“I think that my chakra meditation technique that I am practicing daily will help me in chakra control. And if I continue practicing it while also start the advance methods that I am not allowed to practice currently it will increase my chance of mastering the chakra control faster.” – Azuma


Yuna stood in awe at her son explanation, as he repeatedly show his ability for critical thinking trying to solve the problem by his own, being independent in his thoughts. This made her proud and happy in the same time.


“You are correct regarding the chakra meditation technique; the advance method will help you greatly in mastering chakra control.

Although there is, also other training methods that you may need to learn in tandem to it to hasten the pace of mastering chakra control. We will start with the shape transformation training with the nature transformation training after that.” – Yuna


“You were wondering just now about the nature transformation, and you are completely right, compared to shape transformation, nature transformation is completely different game.” – Yuna


“Firstly, for a person to mold the chakra to different properties is difficult and practically almost impossible for some. It is because some ninjas just do not have the sense or understanding to learn it. That is why identifying your chakra element affinity is very important. It will allow the person to know which element they are attune with.

With that, it will be easier to train and execute ninjutsus with their attuned elements. That is the main reason for hand seals, it help many to get started.


Without knowing your chakra element affinity, you will be running blind. The ones that run blindly will have a hard time trying to learn element ninjutsus. The lucky ones are usually the bloodline users like us. As we have a tendency to naturally create ice element chakra even without thinking.” – Yuna


“Moreover, it is this reason that we are starting with ice element. With you having a partial bloodline with Yuki clan you will be able to get a better head start compared to people without a bloodline.

As you saw previously when I used the ice dragon ninjutsu, it showed that I have already reach the stage of mastery on both shape and nature transformation skill.

It took me several years for me to reach mastery for shape transformation. However, for the nature transformation particularly the ice element it was completely nothing for me. Because of my Yuki clan bloodline, I am able to use ice element directly at a stage beyond many others, even when I was at your age I was already at the stage of expert. It took me a few more years to reach the mastery stage after that.” – Yuna


“In addition, due to ice element having affinity of water and wind. In general, I was also able to pick up water and wind elements easily from my understanding of ice element. This is the main reason that we are starting with Ice element first.” – Yuna


“Your grandpa and grandma will come later to help in the nature transformation, so we will start with the shape transformation first.

We will not actually teach you hand seals for the ninjutsu techniques as we have a whole vault of it in the library. You can just go to the library to find them out yourself. You will also learn about it in the Academy library.

What we will be doing is that we will train you in building up your core ninjutsu foundation. So let’s start with chakra control.” – Yuna


“Look at me; I’ll demonstrate the first basic training to improve chakra control, other than the chakra meditation technique.” – Yuna


Azuma looked at his mum as she walked towards a tree. He then watched her walk upwards the tree as she was walking on land. He was in awe.


“Your first chakra control training is to walk on trees; you do that by focusing a fixed amount of chakra on your bottom of your feet.

Learn to manage the amount, as too little you will fall off while too strong you will be pushed away from the tree.

After completing this we will continue with the next step your chakra control training.” – Yuna


Azuma then followed his mother explanation.

He started to focus a fix amount of chakra on his bottom of his feet and he place his feet on the tree. He tried to walk but failed in his attempt. He then started to increase the amount of chakra at his bottom of his feet and started again.

This time his feet got repelled. After a few more changes towards the concentration of chakra on his bottom of his feet, he manage to walk on the tree.

He even started to run around on the tree bark running in spiral until he reach the treetop.


Meanwhile his mother watched him, gasping at the speed he complete the tree climbing practice. As it just took him several tries. She then remembered that her father taught him the chakra meditation technique earlier than her, she remembered when she was at his age it took her a half day to walk on the tree, and additional day for her to do what her son is doing now. She just sighed at it.


“Good work dear, with this you should be around the intermediate stage of chakra control. At this stage, you will be able to use hand seals to complete the ninjutsu techniques easily. We will begin your next step straight away. Now follow me.” – Yuna


Azuma followed his mother to the lodge and they reached the hot springs.


“Ok dear, we will start our next phase, before that I think it is better that you change to your swimming trunks as you will be getting wet for this.” – Yuna

“Ah, ok I’ll get changing…” – Azuma


“This step will be harder than the previous one because you will need to constantly control the chakra emitted towards it. Observe dear.” – Yuna


Yuna started walking towards the hot springs, when she reached the water she just walked on it, as it was dry land.

She further continue by skating on water as if she was on ice, followed by tip-toe on water, and finger walking on water before she did a somersault back to standing on water. Azuma observed his mother feat and was just completely in awe, he wanted to start immediately.

He ran quickly to the edge of the hot spring and started concentrating his chakra at his bottom on his feet. Then he tried to step on the water… he failed…


“Hehe, it is not as easy as before, like I said you need to control the chakra emitted towards the water constantly.

When you succeed in doing so, you can start walking on water. You can further increase the complexity in the chakra control training by doing complex movements. Example of complex movements is like what I demonstrated to you before.


You will pass when you are able to do the things that I said without you noticing that you are on water or even trying it. It is as if you’re on land.” – Yuna


“Ooh… I will!!!” – Azuma


Two days has passed since Azuma started his chakra control training…

Ren and Hina arrived at the training lodge and saw Yuna by the front yard.


“So how is he getting on…” – Ren

“Father, you’re back. His progress never seize to amaze me, judging at the rate of progress now, I think we can start his advance chakra meditation already.” – Yuna

“Oh, that’s faster than I thought.” – Hina

“Let’s see…” – Ren


Ren walked to the hot springs to observe Azuma progress, Hina and Yuna followed him.

When he arrived, he saw that Azuma is just rolling around at the middle of the hot spring doing his basic physical workout on it. Ren and Hina was shocked…


“He started to get the hang of it yesterday, and then he started to do this today, sigh truly a prodigy… hehehe~” – Yuna (looking at her son proudly)

“Eh… hmm… ok looking at it now, I do agree that he is ready for the advance method. We will start after lunch.” – Ren

“Dear, it’s time for lunch…” – Yuna

“Ah, yes mum… grandpa, grandma you have come~” – Azuma

“En, we just arrived, come lets have lunch and we will start your next chakra control training phase.” – Ren

“Yes~” – Azuma


After the meal.


“We will go to the next step of your chakra control training, come we to the front yard.” – Ren

“Yes, grandpa.” – Azuma


“This is the last stage of your chakra control training that we will be teaching you, after this you will have all the foundation covered to continue training by yourself for chakra control mastery.” – Ren


“Azuma it is time for you to start your advance chakra meditation, we will observe your meditation.

Remember always stay in control and manage the flow; do not try to exceed the chakra potency by multiple fold from the get go. The more potent the chakra is more strain it gives towards your meridians.


Start slowly and increase the potency of the chakra. If you feel the strain, either maintain or lower the potency a little. That strain will be your current limit and you will start the meditation flow from there. Doing this will strengthen your meridians.

Do not exceed the limit excessively as it will damage your meridians. It could even damage the surrounding area within the meridians as well as your nodes.

The cycle will continue from there and there is no upper limits; it will be up to you. You can start now.” – Ren


‘Yes it is time, let’s see… I will start as advised and continue from there.’ – Azuma mind


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