RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 1 – Prologue (Part 1)

The multiverse is a hypothetical and theoretical conjuncture that discusses the existence of different universes within the multiverse. All of them had a common theme where the common theory, theorized that there is another universe beside our own universe.


Those universes could be the same identical universe that we live in now. A parallel or a mirror universe as some like to describe.


Besides parallel and mirror universes, there is also universes or multi worlds where those universes could be drastically different compared to the ones that we are living in.


It could be a universe that have different governing laws which could work as a replacement to the laws of physics or it could be a universe with have several governing laws together. There is also probably universe which have governing laws where chaos only exists within it.


The scope of multi world theory is further expanded when it also includes parallel worlds where the world reality had changed due to a change of action done by an individual.


The individual action created a shift within the universe reality to a different one altogether.


For example, the Great War better known as World War 1 happened due to the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. That assassination manages to happen due to the wrong turn done by the diver of the car when travelling. That wrong turn by the driver, lead the Archduke to the assassin location that allowed the assassination to occur.


So, what if the driver did not take the wrong turn?


The assassination could not have taken place then. The assassination that leads to the declaration of war did not happen now. The causal effect of that event will be world changing. The world we live in then will be very different. World War 1 may not have happened, which had a butterfly effect that led to no World War 2.

If that were the case the Prussian Empire or better known as Germany now would still probably be the technological center of the world. It was the location for intellectuals during that time.


When all those causal effects taken into account, allied nations like the United States of America would not be able to take that helm when the Prussian Empire lost during World War 1 and the following Germany during World War 2. In this scenario, the USA was not be getting the chance that they had in the original reality. USA will dwindle in to be just another country, and they could probably be collapsing, imploding due to their internal problems at that time.


All those hypothesis and theories are interesting to read and one thing for sure is that the multiverse theory will always be a theory until there is a way to prove it is not.

The theory itself had ended up with many alterations for several centuries after its introduction, however after that many years of alterations it still maintained as a theory.




The multiverse theory is common in scientific universes and its common within this universe as well…


The Arcadian Colony Fleet was going to be Humanity first grand colonization attempt to colonize the far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. It consists of huge dome like ships that spans several kilometers size. A utopian ship habitat specially engineered to be as self-sustaining as possible. It was the fleet that was going to spur the next Golden Age of space exploration; hence it was named the Arcadian Colony Fleet by the humanity of this universe.


It was a momentous occasion for them. They had been stuck within their side of the galaxy for several generations since the discovery of faster than light travel using warp engines.


It was not until the development of an artificial hyperspace corridor based on the theory of the wormhole which changed all that.


Various test was done. Advance probes were initially used to find out where the wormhole exit is. It was followed through by sending various advance explorer class ships in many different occasions to map the sector within the vicinity of the exit. Everything was good to go and the plan was set. The Arcadian Colony Fleet will be the first of the many others planned in the future. The celebration and hopes of many were placed on this momentous occasion.


It was however for naught. The unexpected happened, it was something that was not within their prediction. The celebration and hopes of many turned to be one of the greatest disasters of humanity at that time.


The fleet that entered the corridor was lost. A whole colonization fleet, tens of millions of lives was lost. Totally vanish not to appear at the other side of the corridor.



It was unknown to the humanity of the milky way galaxy but the fleet that they thought was lost actually survived the jump. The colonization fleet that exited the corridor found themselves at an unknown part of space.

It struck them that they were sent to a part of space which are uncharted by humanity. The star charts that they got from the previous explorations were completely different than the ones they are observing.


At first the fleet tried to communicate back while trying to figure what had happened. However, in the end it was decided that they could make the best of the current situation. They decide to find a location for suitable habitational planet at the star systems near their arrival location while they figure out their future.


Years had gone by and the lost colony fleet is now the Arcadian Union Republic (AUR). After 250 years of isolation and development, the AUR was now going back to the stars. 


Knowing that they were at an unknown part of space, the AUR explored and expanded their reach towards all fronts. After years of exploration, they manage to determine their location, they ended up in a galaxy which was unknown to Earth. A rouge galaxy isolated by great spans of several dark nebulas cloaking the galaxy from the eyes and sensors of the astronomers.


Even for the AUR they only found out their predicament and their location when their science ships exploring caught on to fragmented broadcasting signals which was similar to theirs. After identifying the source of the fragmented signals originated in the milky-way galaxy, the AUR started their exploration directed towards the direction in hope that they can get closer to their old home world.


After spending years of effort, they manage to reach the space void between the galaxies and even breaching the gaseous nebulas that blocked them.

During the expansion towards the Milky Way galaxy, the AUR Science vessels manage to gather vague fragmented information from various colonies of the milky way galaxy including their old homeworld Earth.


Everything was going well, the AUR were thriving in their new galaxy and they also started to explore beyond. Finding rouge systems that stray beyond the galaxy, establishing new stations for research and mining, as well as colonizing the terraformed planets. While they were developing in rapid pace, expanding outwards, they still kept gathering news regarding their old home galaxy including Earth.



It was unknown why that the Arcadian Union Republic did not attempt to contact Earth or any other colonies within the milky way. They had never tried to contact them once. 


Nevertheless, as time passes troubling news about loss of bases, starbases and even colonies to unknown invaders were gathered. Noticing the events happening, the AUR started their rapid expansion of relay probes towards the Milky Way galaxy. However, when years gone by as more and more accurate information was gathered the news and reports just got from bad to worse.


The news gathered were grave, the situation that humanity in the Milky Way galaxy was extremely dire. Everything that was happening was ordered to be classified and the AUR suppressed everything preventing it to be leaked to the public. 


What they gathered was humanity in the Milky Way galaxy was at war. Their enemy was completely of an unknown origin. However, there were compiling evidence that the enemy is not native to this universe. The ones that looked at the information gathered also knew it Earth was losing this war.


Footage acquired from news network of Earth and their outlying colonies of the invaders baffled the scientists. Their capability and feats was something they could not comprehend even with all their vast knowledge at hand. Towards the end, it was concluded that either the invaders originated in a galaxy extremely far away hence acquiring an energy source unknown to them or they are from another universe all together having a different understanding of the physical environment compared to humanity.

It was the consensuses by the scientists with all their wisdom and knowledge to consider most footage acquired them as totally beyond their understanding hence categorized as within fictional realm.


The report was shocking and many from the government looking at it could not believe it was real. However, with all the report and with the consensus by the scientist they agreed that this was a threat serious enough that will bring the fall of the Arcadian Union Republic.


Preparation and plans was set in place after the discussion with the top military Admirals and Generals about possible confrontation towards the unknown invaders. To avoid public hysteria the preparation had to be in secret, eluding the public by masking it as fleet exercises or testing of new military technology.

Some within the military even suggested that, more resources allocation to the research and development for galaxy travel so that they could send fleets to Milky Way to assist Earth.


They hope to bring the fight to them or at least to be able to send scouts to accurately gather information regarding the invaders. They wanted more active action instead of waiting for the worse.


The politicians on the other hand felt that the status quo should be maintained. Their judgement was valid but it was contradictive as well. They do not want to make any aggressive stance nor assist Earth because they do not know enemy and do not know the reason the war was happening in the first place.


When voice about sending specialize scout ships to gather more information about the enemy and the reasons they attack, the politicians shot it down by arguing about revealing their presence and it will make the enemy turn against them later. This situation occur in various forms and contradictive arguments were turning more ridiculous. It resulted in lack of progress about the situation.


In time however, views regarding the situation seam to change when news from Earth, their colonies and bases went silent. There were no new reports coming in while there were no movements or even sightings about the invaders beyond the Milky Way being observed by the deep space observation probes.


After a few more years the Union active stance seem to wane. The circulation of the hypothesis that the invaders may not know about their existence and even if they do they may not be capable to travel across galaxy was rampant among them. A hypothesis that do not have any factual grounds beside their cognitive bias and personal interest was now turn to their personal fact.


The error of judgement by them were extremely uncomfortable for the one that was pursuing the objective facts about the whole situation. When future voices about possible confrontation with the invaders that were backed up by new evidence and probable new theories was heard it was snubbed and silenced by the ones that is already within their own personal bubble.


The mindset of many in political arena being ignorant and arrogant of many issues has been engraved in humanity nature, proven by many historical facts. In many occasion their ignorant and arrogant ways have always lead to disaster to humanity and even downfall of some civilizations.

Their ignorance regarding the unknown invaders is a huge blunder to everyone. However, a few within the military continue in secret preparing with their limited resources they have at hand. Hoping that what they prepare for will not be necessary in the future.


There is always hope but the hope of those within the military that secretly prepare for the eventuality of confrontation against the invaders were unanswered. After 50 years of holding to their hope, total war broke out between the Arcadian Union Republic (AUR) and the invaders.

Author Note: Hi AzWings here, this is my first fanfiction.

The prologue is original and I plan to use this world in my original story. It will be later on as I still need to learn more. Hence I am writing this fanfiction to get experience and learn from it. I welcome constructive feedback. I really thank you for reading my work.

For the readers that want to jump straight to Naruto fanfic start from chapter 3.

Please note that I am new in writing and over the course of writing this novel my way of writing may change as I get accustomed to one way than another. Thanks for your understanding.



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