Random Portals

Chapter 45: A Wisps Trade

that were left of their clan when the honored Wisp flew into their tent.

“Okay, so I’m going to need your shards.” The Wisp said.

“What do you mean you need our shards?” Elder Vasuki asked.

“Exactly as I said. I need your shards for Steven. The next floor is going to be challenging, so he needs all the help he can get.”

“I gave Miss Evesakia a shard to help her on her way.” Goskia said. “We can not give our remaining shards away. It is all the wealth our clan has left. What will we do when we get out of this dungeon with nothing to our clan? We will still need a place to live.”

“Hmmm, I see your point. Although without Steven, you would just all parish. Hmmm,” the Wisp floated there as her light flickered, “what if I could offer you something in exchange for the shards?”

“And what would you be offering us?” Goskia asked.

“That depends on how many shards you have.” The Wisp said.

“We have three remaining.“ Elder Vasuki said.

“Although our finest warrior has already been promised one of those,” Goskia said, “To be more accurate, we only have two.”

“I see. How about a well-defended home with powerful allies to back you?” The Wisp said.

Steven was bored, he felt helpless with his mana so low. He couldn’t do anything. He had to be protected at all times. At least that’s what Nev told him, which was why she was so adamant about enthralling the humans again. Steven knew there were a couple drones on stand by watching him. He had gotten used to something always watching him. Not that he enjoyed it, he looked forward to finally getting some privacy when he was out of this dungeon. He had looked over his stat page and realized he still had a single attribute point from his last level. Placing it in health or mana would be ideal, as both would help keep him alive, but now that he knew Silvia could gain abilities, he wanted to see about giving it to her. Steven looked at the curse timer for what seemed like the thousandth time.

Mana clog-

Effect- lose the ability to recover mana.

Time remaining- 23 hours, 18 mins and 52 seconds.

Steven sighed. He couldn’t smoke anything as he had to put the amulet back on.

Eve was still working on her potion to affect the undead. She said she was close now to perfecting it after Goskia helped her. Fidah was off practicing with her bow that Silvia got her. As for the wisp, he hadn’t seen her since she had that idea of hers and flew off. Steven could practice with a sword or something but he really didn’t want to, he liked the spear, and that’s what he wanted to use. But that sometimes randomly drained mana so he couldn’t touch the thing less he drain the little mana he had.

It wasn’t much longer when Steven seen Silvia flying towards him. If he was honest, he had missed the little ball of light, but he didn’t want her knowing that. Then he saw several half Naga trailing behind her.

Just as Steven expected, Silvia flew right in front of his face, but this time, he just moved completely and let her have that spot. “I have solved our problem and got you two more shards. I could have likely got more, but the other shards were lost with the other half Naga. I suggest once we are out of this dungeon, we go after those shards.”

Steven was surprised by the Wisps complete disregard of his clever side step. He had expected Silvia to try and fly towards his face again, but she just acted like everything was normal.

“Sure, we can go get them. Was that the price for the shards?” Steven asked.

“No, shards are just good to have! Tell me you’re not wanting to be a Dungeon lord and stay in a dungeon somewhere, are you?”

“Not a chance! I want to explore cites and go on basic adventures. I’m actually not sure I’ll ever set foot in another dungeon after this!”

“I thought so. I just needed to make sure.”

Steven could now make out the half Naga, he recognized three of the four; they were close enough he was about to wave or should he just stand there till they approached him. He was fixing to ask Silvia, but she spoke in a whisper. “By the way you are giving them this dungeon after you take the domain and the arachnid will be giving them all rights to this dungeon along with safe passage to and from the dungeon and will also be negotiating any trades with the other races so the half Naga can hide and rebuild.”

Silvia spoke so quickly Steven had a hard time understanding it all, but from what he could tell, the Spider-kin would be the ones giving up the most. Steven had absolutely no need for this dungeon. He no longer worried about the spider Queen disobeying him, but he still didn’t want to anger her. But before he could voice his concern to the Wisp Goskia spoke up.

“I’m sorry to hear about your injury.” Goskia said as he looked at Steven’s bandaged arm.

“It’s not as bad as I had expected.” Elder Vasuki said.

“That’s all thanks to Eve. She has really been a lifesaver.” Steven said.

“Yes, losing her was a tremendous hit to the clan, not to mention the shard she got.” A half Naga said that stood next to Sirus said.

“That was a gift from Goskia himself and had nothing to do with the clan’s treasury.” Elder Vasuki said.

“Forgive me, I was not aware of this please…”

“Never mind all that,” Silvia said, “and just so you know, Elder Vasuki, Steven has been inflicted with a curse. It’s not the wound itself that’s the problem.”

“A curse? Will it…” Goskia started.

“He will be fine with in a day’s time, “Silvia cut in,“don’t worry, he will be able to complete the dungeon. Now let’s get to the matter at hand,” Silvia turned to Steven, “since you refuse to absorb the shard without having Miss Evesakia absorbing hers, I have brought you two more and Goskia here will complete the ritual. As smart as Miss Evesakia is, I don’t want to spend hours trying to walk her through how to draw the diagrams for the ritual when there is a perfectly capable person right here to do it.”

“That sounds good to me.” Steven said.

“And what about the matter we spoke about with your Wisp? Will you uphold your end of the deal?”

Steven still had no idea who this Naga was, but that was a good question. He would like to talk it over with Nev as it concerned her more than it did him.

“Of course he will. We are soul bound. My word is just as good as his.” Silvia said.

“Of course, honored Wisp. Please excuse him. He is new to the council and does not have the experience.” Elder Vasuki said.

Steven sighed internally. Well, shit. Looks Like he had already made this deal with or without his own consent.

“If you would Goskia.” Silvia said.

Goskia stepped forward and pulled out a desk of sorts from a bag at his side. He then pulled out two purple pillows and placed a shard on each one before he backed away.

“These,” Silvia began, “are what we have to work with. Your Naga servant was telling me she was worried about having permanent wings, so one of these may be better for her.”

Steven wished she wouldn’t call Eve a servant. “Yea, if she would rather have another one, I wouldn’t mind having wings.” Steven said.

“I will go and began the preparations for the ritual. Bring me the shard you chose for her.” Goskia said as he walked off.

Steven went to place his hand on the first shard to see what it was when Sirus spoke up. “Thank you for allowing my niece to have a shard.”

“There is no thanks necessary. I plan to have her get all her shards.” Steven noticed how Sirus’s eyes widened for a moment before he smiled and walked toward Goskia.

Steven just stared at the two remaining old Naga, unsure of what to say. He wished he could ask Silvia what he was supposed to do, but he didn’t want to ask out loud. Instead, he just sent both shards to inventory.

Elder Vasuki gasped, “did you absorb them already?”

“No, I just…”

“He is just seeing the effects of them.” Silvia said.

“Thats posible?”

“Domain holders are capable of many things.” Silvia said.

“What are their abilities?” The other Naga asked.

“Well, I…” No sooner than he spoke, Nev’s head appeared in front of him, causing Steven to stumble back.

“Sorry master, I was just practicing my webs in this form, what is going on?” Nev asked still hanging upside down from a web attached to the ceiling.

Steven looked at Nev hanging there. His first thought was how ridiculously attractive she was, so much so he wondered if she was getting more attractive somehow.

“I have obtained two Shards for Steven.” Silvia said with pride.

“I am impressed, Wisp. What did you have to give for these shards?” Nev asked as she flipped down to her feet.

“I’m glad you asked as it concerns you a great deal,” Silvia said, light flickering with mischief, “how about we discuss this somewhere we won’t disturb Steven.”

Nev glared at the Wisp, then glanced at Steven, who just shrugged his shoulders. “Okay let’s go.” Before Nev left, she made it a point to kiss Steven on the cheek, as if to show her loyalty to him. Or at least that’s what Steven assumed she was doing.

Steven turned back to Elder Vasuki and the other old half Naga, completely unsure what to do.

“Nev, tell Eve to come here.” Steven said before they got out of earshot. They were already heading in that direction and he didn’t want to be stuck with these two old Naga that just stared at him. He wasn’t sure what they even wanted, or if Silvia offered them something and they were waiting to receive it.

Not sure what else to do, he looked over the Shard tab in his inventory.

-Shard of an Icy Trespass

-Shard of the Deep Rooted Forest.

Shards had weird names. Sometimes they had nothing to do with the ability it gave, or at least that was Steven’s experience so far. He assumed Eve would want the forest Shard, which was also the one that spoke to him, but he would let her have it if she wanted. Having wings would be awesome. Although Silvia said he could get something else entirely, but it was likely to get wings of some sort.

Steven closed out the page, to find both Naga just staring at him.

“So, how are things?” Steven said a bit sheepishly. He knew they couldn’t see his stat or inventory pages, so to them he was just staring off into space.

“Our village was destroyed by humans and Elves, then we were forced to flee in this dungeon. However we have only had a few losses since entering this dungeon. Captain Sirus says that is thanks to you.” Elder Vasuki said.

“Uh.” Steven had no idea what to say to that. Was your welcome appropriate?

“Elder Vasuki, it is an honor to see you again.” Eve said as she walked up next to Steven.

Steven couldn’t be happier by her timing.

“It is nice to see you are doing well. How are you liking life outside the clan?” Elder Vasuki asked.

“It’s too soon for me to know, although I have fewer duties now and can focus on my craft more,” Eve then turned to Steven, “The spider Queen told me you wanted to see me.”

“Yes I did,” Steven said with a smile, “so we now have three shards.” Steven said as he placed them on the pillows, although he had to place two on the same pillow, which made Elder Vasuki take a step back in shock. Steven quickly placed the one Eve had him hold on to back in his inventory. He wasn’t sure why the Elder backed up. Maybe it was taboo to have shards so close together. Pushing those thoughts aside, he continued. “I’m letting you choose which one you would like to absorb. This one here is the Shard of an Icy Trespass and this one is the Shard of the Deep Rooted Forest.”

“You’re truly going to let me choose!”

“Well yes, of course.” Steven said.

Eve took no time in deciding at all and immediately chose the Shard of an Icy Trespass. As she did, her eyes lit up with pure excitement.

Steven was taken aback by this but was pleasantly surprised as he had his eye on the forest shard. He wasn’t sure why, but it was really calling to him.

“I am glad this matter is settled then,” Elder Vasuki said. “Miss Evesakia, please allow me to escort you to the ritual. Goskia is most likely finishing up the final touches.”

Eve turned to Steven as if to ask if it was okay. Steven simply nodded and handed her the Shard. He was a bit irritated that Silvia didn’t mention that’s what the Elders were waiting for, but he should know by now the Wisp had her quirks.

Steven turned to head back towards his bed. He really didn’t have anything else better to do than take a nap. But first, he turned to face one of the drones. “Watch over Eve, her life is extremely important to me, so keep her safe by any means necessary.”

Feeling much better now, Steven made his way back to his bed. As soon as he made it, he crawled in, ready for a nap. Mana curses were no joke it felt like he had the flu or something. “Mana flu.” Steven slightly chuckled to himself.

No sooner than he falling asleep, he felt someone get on the bed. He assumed it was Nev wanting to complain about the deal Silvia made, so he kept his eyes closed and just ignored them while he tried to let sleep take him. A few moments later, he felt something warm and wet grab him. Steven immediately tried to jump and roll away, falling onto the floor wrapped in covers. After a quick tussle with the covers, he got onto his feet, breathing hard, while looking at a wide eyed Elf.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Fidah said.

“Oh, it’s you,” Steven said, “and you're completely naked, and wet for some reason?”

“Ive been training, trying to become stronger. I was sweaty, so I took my clothes off so I wouldn’t get the bed dirty.” Fidah said.

“Okay, next time wipe the sweat off before you crawl into the bed, also you’re now on bed cleaning duty, you can wash the covers once a day.” Steven didn’t take his eyes off her while he spoke.

“Yes, of course, Mr. Odling,” Fidah said as she whiped her sweat off with a shirt, “do you want me to clean the bed now?”

“No, that’s fine.” Steven said, eyes wide and staring at the naked elf. He had definitely changed since coming here, before he would have looked away, but now he was just staring at her and didn’t want to look away. Steven shook his head and took a deep breath, then got back in the bed.

Fidah just stood outside the bed for a long moment.

“What are you doing?” Steven asked.

“Trying to dry off before I get in the bed.”

“It’s fine don’t worry about it. You can clean the bed later.”

No sooner than Steven finished speaking she jumped in the bed with him.

“I have such a weird life.” Steven mumbled.

“Huh?” Fidah asked as she cuddled up next to him.


Fidah made no moves towards him, and Steven wouldn’t dare make any moves towards her. He didn’t like the idea of someone trying to be with him because they thought they had to. He eventually fell asleep, though it was much more difficult to fall asleep next to a beautiful woman than he would have thought.

Steven wasn’t sure how long he slept before a bright flashing light woke him.

Opening his eyes, he saw Silvia pulsating her light right into his face. “Did you have fun with the Elf?” Silvia asked with a smug expression.

“We didn’t do anything.”

“I know little about human males, but I think that means there is something wrong with you. She is a perfectly attractive elf.”

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with me. And yes, she is, but she is also basically my servant now.” Steven said looking around, “where is Fidah any way?”

“Nev seen she was sleeping with you and made her stop cuddling you and get out of the bed. Then she found out Fidah was naked. And put the elf through some intense questioning before making her go train to get stronger. I highly doubt she will ever crawl in the bed with you again while naked.”

“Yeah, that sounds like Nev. How is Eve doing? Did she absorb the shard?”

“Yep, she is doing great. She is currently practicing her new ability.”

“What is her ability?”

“It’s best that you see for yourself.”

Steven got up from the bed, then checked his curse.

Mana clog-

Effect- lose the ability to recover mana.

Time remaining- 13 hours, 56 mins and 19 seconds.

“Oh, come on! Why didn’t you let me sleep longer? This curse nonsense is annoying and painful.”

“Eve left you a tonic to drink. Also, I was going to inform you that the arachnid has agreed to the deal I made with the half Naga.”

“Oh! that’s great. I figured there would be a lot more resistance than that!” Steven said.

“Oh, there was!”

“Are you going to elaborate?”

“You will find out what the spider Queen wants from you soon enough.”

“I really don’t like the sound of that.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry. Anyway I woke you up because your spider and her little minions have cleared out the hidden chamber and have found two chests for you to loot.”

Steven’s face immediately turned to one of excitement. “Finally, some good news!”

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