Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 31

|3rd POV|

The entire Wizarding World is in an uproar. The sight of a professor fighting an XXXXX-Beast alone with only a wand and sword is not something you can see every day. Nevertheless, it was an amazing sight, and many people were sitting at the edge of their seats watching the fight.

And the newspaper makes a wild title on their paper.

"A Legendary Fight!"

"A lone Wizard against the most dangerous Beast in England"

"A second coming Merlin?!"

Many newspapers speculate how powerful Gilderoy Lockhart really is and what kind of magic he uses. One the fight, Jacob shows the people that he can control water, wind, and lightning with nothing but his thoughts, and the people want to know how he does that.

Elemental manipulation is a hard thing to do. Unlike a common wizarding spell, elemental spells are more destructive and hard to control. It was not to say that a common spell is not destructive, but it cannot be compared with a raw elemental spell.

It is like comparing a scalpel and an ax. The common spell is like a scalpel, it is not too destructive if you use it to stab and slash your enemy, but it can be deadly when you use it correctly. On the other hand, an Ax can cut your head off with a single swing, but you need a lot of strength to do that.

Seeing Jacob control all of those three elements as if it was as easy as breathing makes people wonder how he does that. But, of course, the most vocal are the people in the researcher guild, where many genius wizards and witches gather to do research together.

They want, need, to know how Jacob does that. But, sadly for them, for the past three days, Jacob has not been getting out of his room and only getting out when he needs to attend his class and daily meetings between professors.

Not only that, Headmaster Dumbledore will not let a single reporter come and try to interview Jacob as it will disturb the student, or so he claims. In fact, Jacob asked Dumbledore for a favor to not let any reporter come at him.

He did not need a reporter coming at him when he was busy preparing for the incoming deadline that was getting closer every day.



|Another world needs to be saved.|


|1. Kill 30 Death Eaters when they attack Hogwart|

|2. Destroy Voldemort's current body (Optional)|

|3. Destroy the Horcrux in Harry's head (Optional)| |Finished|

|4. Capture Peter Pettigrew (Optional)| |Failed|

|5. Destroy 5 Hocruxes (Optional)|


|1. +20 to all stats and 3 Level-up|

|2. +20 to all stats and 5 Level-up|

|3. 2 Elixir and 1 Random Magical Accessories|

|4. +10 to all stats, 1 Thunder Rune and 1 Rage Rune|

|5. 1 Mythical item and +15 to all stats|

"Wait! Failed?! Does that mean he managed to escape? Dammit! I should have captured him earlier. Tch. That is annoying. The reward is good for that quest. At least it was not the main quest."

Jacob quickly gets up from his chair and walks out of his office. He needs to destroy the other Horcrux before it is too late. He already destroyed two of them, the Book and Harry; now, he only needs three more.

He knew how to get the first two but did not know how to get the other one. Jacob gets inside the staff room and sees Minerva sitting there reading some Daily Prophet.

"Gilderoy. Is there anything you need?"

"I need to use the Floo."

"Oh? Where do you want to go?"

"I need to take care of some business."

"Can I ask what kind of business?"

"The same business that released the Basilisk. I found a trace of the same energy the book Ginerva had."


At the mention of the book, the expression on Minerva's face starts to change. She looks horrified when she learns the news about Voldemort trying to achieve immortality by splitting his soul. She knows that Voldermort will somehow get back from his demise and continue terrorizing the world once more, but she never thinks that he is not dead but instead becomes a phantom that possesses other people.

"Yes. I need to take care of this problem immediately. Please tell the headmaster where I'm going."


Before Minerva could say more, Jacob had already grabbed the Floo Powder and disappeared from the staff room. His destination? Little Hangleton.

He first went to Diagon Alley before taking a Knight Bus to Little Hangleton. When he arrived not too far away from the village, he quickly spread his mana to the air and searched for something foul. But, unfortunately, no matter how good your wards are, you cannot mask the smell of your magic and Horcrux releasing a scent like no other.

It was not a smell that my nose could notice but rather a scent that only mana could notice.

After searching for a minute, he noticed something foul at the edge of the village. He quickly put a little bit of mana into his ring, cloaked his entire body with a concealment spell, and then used the wind to let himself fly.

A few seconds later, he arrived above a small shack in the middle of a forest at the edge of the Little Hangleton. Jacob slowly descends to the ground, but as his feet touch the ground, a red light flies at him so fast that he cannot properly react, and he feels his hand get black.

He did not feel anything other than slight discomfort coming from his hand. It is like a hundred ants crawling around his hands.

"What is this?!"

|That is the curse from Fate.|

It was the R.O.B.

"What? This is the curse?"

|Yes. Fate decides to put the curse on the ring as a homing missile that will come at you when you are closer. This is her main plan to make sure you are dead. The other plan is directly putting a curse on your body, but it will cost her greatly|

"That bitch."


"So, what happened now?"

|Go there and cleanse the ring. Cast a killing curse, and you can do whatever you want with the ring.|

"Oh! For real?"

|Yeah. Sadly, its real power can only be used in this world. Once you get your hand on it, it will become an otherworldly item and lose its real power. Lucky for you, its power is still quite useful.|

Jacob nods his head and walks toward the shack. He walked inside the shack and walked for a few steps before kneeling down. He touches the floor and takes out the plank to see a golden box that releases the worst odor he has ever felt.

He opens up the box and takes out a ring from it. He placed it on the ground and cast the forbidden spell at it. Then, after seeing the ugly soul screeching in pain in front of him, he nodded and looked at the ring.

|Resurrection Stone|

|A stone that lets you summon a shade of the dead and ask them any question that they cannot reject. The shade will answer your question truthfully and to the point. They cannot reject your question, or their soul will feel an intense pain that is worse than any torture in the living world.|

{Ability can be used three times every day.}

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