Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Update (Please read)

Hi, hello. I am back, once again.

I have quite a bit to say, so let's get to it.

(There's also a new chapter before this post)

Table of Contents:

1. Where was I for so long?
2. Fanfic (QoH, StW, RIW) status.
3. New Original Novel.
4. A Text-based story game.
5. Ko-fi account.


1. I'll be honest and not sugarcoat it. Mostly? I wasn't feeling it at all, even if the ideas and various scenarios swirled around my head constantly, it never got me to the point of me wanting to write.

This is why I spent a lot of time just replaying older games, reading a few books, listening to music and etc. But there was another thing that I was doing and that was contemplating an idea. That idea was simple, should I write an original novel?

And so, I spent quite some time, trying to figure out what kind of novel I should write, what it would be about, in what setting, and many other things. And I came up with something I am quite happy with, all of which will be shared later (Look at the 3rd point).

Some people (The ones from my discord server (Sorry for it being a wasteland)) also knew about my draft/conscription to serve the army. I had to go to different cities to take medicinal documents, to see if I am viable or not. When I first heard of it, which was back in January, I didn't want to do anything, I felt as if there was no point. If I were to go to Army, for 9 whole months, I wouldn't be able to write and update anyway, so I just didn't bother then.

Anyway, the good news is, that I am not viable to join the Army, the bad news? Is that my back is the reason why... Apparently, it's bad enough to make me not wanted for the army, so... I guess I have to live with that knowledge.

And I swear, before I knew of this information, I never felt anything, no pain, no uncomfortableness, yet the moment I learned of it. Everything just started to feel off for me, it's like some super mega reverse Placebo effect, seriously.

But that's about it, I am back and hopefully here to stay.

2. Due to the lack of updates and news many might think that my Fanfics are abandoned or at least put on hold, but that isn't true. I won't be stopping them for a while, when I do, there will be an explicit post, just like this one.

Now it's not to say that I will actually finish any of them, as that is far, far into the future. I mean, each Fanfic has 100K words already and they aren't even close to their finished state.

For the RWBY fic (StW), I have the story planned for at least season 7 (Season 8 won't exist, at least not the way it is in the show). And at the moment it's on Season 2: Episode 6 and one chapter of mine is one-two chapters from the show, but there will be a lot of chapters that won't follow it as well (Not to mention all the 18+ chapters), so the finished result will have a lot of chapters.

For the Frozen fic (RiW), the planned story is also long, it will last at least four years (most likely more), since the second movie is done three years after the first one, that's one additional year. It is a Polyamorous story just like my other ones, after all, so Elsa won't be the only romance-involved character. The point is, is that I will have to make a lot of chapters in between the three-year (1st and 2nd movie) gap.

For the Harry Potter fic (QoH), is a whole other matter, whereas the other two fanfics are destined to be long, this one? Phew, it's for sure way longer than the two. I started on the Fourth installment of the movies and books, the plan? To go through all of them and beyond. I do have to somehow set up multiple wives and their own relationships after all.

Basically what I am saying is this, all three of these fan fics will have more than 150 chapters. And if my math is right, the stories will be at least 500k words.

Which is a good thing, because I myself like long stories, in the website AO3, I've read through several 500k-1mil stories. But no matter how optimistic I am, I am not 100% confident that I will finish them one day.

Now, since I am back and have a lot more to do and express, there will be Three chapters for Fan fics (One chapter each) per 2 weeks. This new schedule will allow me to update and start my other projects consistently. This brings me to my next point.


3. My new original novel... Well, 'original' is a loose term nowadays, in this day and age if somebody actually made something really original that would be considered a miracle. No, what I will be doing is taking a genre like 99% of people and adding my own spin to it.

The genre is the 'Villainess/Heroine in an Otome-kind game', the spin? Everything is as generic and cliche as possible... Literally.

And yes, it's a Yuri novel, as that's all I write and read. Now, will it be Smut? Or Fetish filled like my Fanfics? It might be, I haven't decided yet.

For more information about it, just go to this link (https://www.scribblehub.com/series/527491/new-world-maidens/), there will be 3 ready chapters for you to read... But these initial chapters are the only free ones as the future ones will be on my Ko-Fi page. You will have to pay a few euros to read those.

Now for those that know they won't be doing such a thing, don't worry, all you'll have to do is just wait. I will update once I have a five-chapter difference. Meaning that when I upload Chapter 6 to my Ko-fi, I will upload the first chapter for everybody. And when I will have chapter 7 on Ko-Fi, I will upload 2nd chapter for all to see... And so on.


4. My own very first Text-based adult game made with Twine Sugarcube.

I always wanted to make my own game, to create a story for it that people would get to play, it just so happens to be an adult one, but what can you do.

This game will be inspired by Fenoxo's projects: Trials in Tainted Space, Corruption of Champions 1st and 2nd. And quite a few other games made by other folks, that I won't get into here.

This is an ambitious project, I know. creating a game alone will take time, a lot of it. But this is basically what I wanted to do for ages, writing is something I randomly got into (And I love that I did).

This is why, I am here to ask for help, and no it isn't the 'monetary' kind, anybody that wants to support and help can do so on my newly set up Ko-fi page, but they don't have to.

No, the way for you to help is simple. I have made a google form page, where you can go right now and submit your own character which you have in your mind right now.

Their personality, age, sex experience, and so on. Everything is in greater detail in the link right here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSft1zJyw_fiXkZIg98ovwX5XAVyzAf95XMUnql1hjyswJ-5BA/viewform

I can make up my own characters, but I think this may be more fun to do. I get to credit and give back to the fans that have read my stories till now, their own characters can come to life in form of written text, it's not much, but for now, it's all that I can do.

I know that if one of my characters were to appear in one of Fenoxo's games, I'd be quite happy, so maybe some of you will be happy in this case as well.

Anyway, I won't get into a tangent here, if you want to have a chance of seeing your character in a game in the future, go submit and they may appear.


5. I opened a Ko-fi page.

A lot of my new content will appear there before they come out to the public (This doesn't include my Fanfics as that could put me into some legal trouble, so they will always be free and available for everyone).

Right now nothing is there, when I have updates ready, then I will post them there.

So if you like what I do and want to see more of it, consider supporting me. Thank you all for reading what I write and for being patient with me, a vast procrastinating amateur author. 

Ko-Fi link: ko-fi.com/crimsonlust

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