Queen of Hogwarts (GL)


~ Queen's Moon ~

On the train which is moving towards THE Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, lies a lone cabin in which only one student sits.

A student with dirty blonde hair, a dreamy look that hides the sadness of the person, hidden to those that don't care to look at them, wearing clothes with the color of the Ravenclaw house,  sits alone while looking at some sort of newspaper.

All of a sudden there's a knock on the door of this lone cabin and then, the said door was opened by a very peculiar and unique looking girl with blood like eyes and crimson-colored hair that got the blonde looking at her without paying attention to what the girl was saying, except that her lips haven't moved once since opening the door, the girl was just looking at the blonde with a very patient smile as if knowing that her appearance needs a minute to take in.

Eventually, though, the dreamy-looking girl snapped out of it and listened to the girl in a very smooth and buttery voice say.

''Hello, may I please sit with you?''

And she started moving towards the comfy seats just as the blonde was answering ''Yes'' as if knowing her answer before she even answered, in truth, however, the girl would've sat there anyways, for she does whatever she wants, the question was just for the manners of which she has plenty if needed.

The girls both sat there while looking at each other, the blonde noticed that the girl before her sat very differently from what she has seen from other people, she sat with her legs crossed, both hands intertwined, and on her lap as if she were some royalty, while the other girl was looking at the blonde girl and appreciating her beauty, which reminds her of the beautiful moon in the night sky surrounded by a billion shiny stars.

Eventually the blonde heard the crimson-eyed girl speak with her smooth voice which is just nice to listen to.

''So, beautiful, what's your name?''

She asked and got the answer that she already knew.

''Luna Lovegood''

While the now named Luna who answered was thinking if she should ask about the 'beautiful' remark, but finally concluded to just ignore it for now.

''Such a gre-''

The crimson-haired girl didn't get to finish her statement because the door to the cabin, suddenly and very rudely, mind you, opened and in came two older looking girls with a mean look on their faces, who only looked at the blonde without registering that there's another girl there with them and started their petty bullying.

''Oh lookie here, if it isn't Loony... so, weirdo, how's another day without any friends... Hmm... Maybe if you were normal, you'd actually have somebody to talk to, oops, sorry, I seem to have forgotten that you have friends, what was it that you called them, again?... Right, Nargles and Thestrals and many other nonsense-driven dribbles. Good friends, indeed and they're all... imaginary'' while the first girl finished with a self-satisfied smirk, the second started laughing at Luna.

The Crimson haired girl was looking at the two and then at the blonde who was trying to hide her sadness and insecurities inside her dreamy looking smile and she was just about to answer but neither of the three expected somebody else to talk, the blonde didn't expect somebody to speak for her, while the other two, only now registered that there was somebody else here.

''Hah, my lovely moon, who even are these jesters, I don't think I ordered any to come and entertain us, especially not such lowly ones... So even if I did call for entertainment, you two would've not made the cut in a hundred years. Oh, and you're calling her weird? You're really, really stupid, aren't you? Newsflash, she ain't weird at all, she's unique and that's one of the most defining features that a person could have and that's why she's interesting, more than you two generic whores could ever hope to be. Want to know the weirdest thing? It's the fact that you ugly harlots are still here and interrupting the conversation we were about to have, I'd rather talk with LUNA here for hours instead of ever seeing the two of you again, so I suggest that you move along, worthless trash,... But, hey, one man's trash, can be another man's treasure... So how about you go and hand over your bodies to multiple men, maybe you will get lucky with one of them... But I doubt it"

All 3 pairs of eyes were looking at her as wide-eyed as possible, while the blood-eyed girl was appreciating one of those pairs of eyes, the other two, she really wanted to poke their eyes out with their own wands and just send it to their parents with a gift card, because she didn't want them here any longer, she asked them in a meaner voice that was borderline threatening.

''Will you leave willingly or shall I do something about that... You know, Thestrals do exist and they are creatures which can only be seen by people who encountered death, so, I don't mind showing them off to you, of course only one of you would get to see them... I hope that you're at least smart enough to understand what that implies... BOO''

And with that, the two gir-ahem harlots ran away with their legs shaking from the sheer murderous look that they received alone, the words were a bonus to that effect.

And just like that the tranquility of the cabin returned and the still-unnamed crimson-haired girl, yet again looked at the lovely moon with a patient and kind smile, while the blonde was looking back at her with a happy smile because she was protected but then it delved into a confused look for a few reasons, first being called beautiful, then lovely and also being called a moon, which prompted her to ask the royal-like girl in front of her.

''Why are you calling me words like 'beautiful' and also this 'lovely moon'?''

The blonde asked trying not to sound like she didn't want to ruin anything between the two, for the blonde is starting to enjoy her company. Unlike, she thought though, the girl before her got even more of a smile than she had before that question, which left her a bit perplexed, which is, of course, until she got an answer that instead left her a blushing mess.

''Why wouldn't I call somebody beautiful, when they are beautiful, it's the same as saying a wand is a wand or a flower is a flower, you're very beautiful like a lone moon surrounded by many shiny stars in the night sky, so I call you beautiful. And the lovely moon thing? Simple, your name Luna has a connection to the moon, and your last name is 'Lovegood' so I took half of it and tweaked it a little and called you 'Lovely Moon' which, by the way, I will be calling you like for the rest of the time we will know each other, well I will call you 'Moon' only, but a lot of times I will add the 'Lovely' remark, does that answer your question, my beautiful lovely moon?''

The Crimson haired girl really enjoyed the reaction she got from the girl in front of her but not wanting for the conversation to die down because she doesn't have much time left here, she yet again asked

''Does it answer your question, Moon?''

That prompted the other girl to snap out of her erratic thoughts and still with a light blush softly answered with a ''Yes'' and added a simple ''Thank you, you're also very beautiful'' at which the red-eyed girl kindly smiled, showing she appreciated her mannerisms. Well, she will ask one more question and leave for now, since because of the interruption they had, she has less time than she wanted to.

''So, Moon, tell me is there anybody you like, somebody that you'd like to be with, go on dates with and kiss?''

This question baffled even the dreamy blonde since it basically the second question she got from the girl, and it was a question she wouldn't expect whatsoever, but after that thought, a certain person came in her mind of the thought of them kissing and she yet again gained a light blush, which told everything to the piercing blood like eyes of the person before her.

''So you do, great, what's the girls' name? I'd really like to know''

''Uhm... shouldn't you ask a name for a boy?''

''Oh... sorry, I barely even look at men, only at blooming ladies, so my perception got sidetracked a little, anyway, what's the boys' name?''

''Okay. You were right, about it being a girl and her name's... um... Ginny, Ginny Weasley''

She let out while her ear tips had a hint of a red tint, at which the other girl, swooned internally at the cute girl before her, and then she registered the name she was told and her patient smile turned into almost a predatory smile for a few seconds before it went back, at which Luna noticed it but she had no clue, as of yet, on why that happened.

''Good, really good, I am happy that you got a crush, love is one of the best things to feel, but it also can hurt, which I imagine that you feel quite a bit of. Don't worry though it will work out in the end, it will all work out''

The Crimson-haired girl said, with the end being very mysterious, to the blonde but before she could question it, the girl before her stood up while saying.

''Sorry, lovely moon, but I have to go, we will meet again, eventually''

All that she could do is absentmindedly nod, still not used to being called 'lovely moon' But then before she left, she said a little bit too loud to her liking.

''You know my name and you have something to call me, but I still have no idea what I am supposed to call you''

With that said, the blood-eyed girl stopped in her tracks and with a very confident smirk said something that Luna didn't expect.

''Sorry, I forgot my manners and didn't introduce myself, but for now... you can just call me'' The blood-eyed girl pauses. 


And with that the now proclaimed Queen left the small room her moon, left, very confused, but intrigued about the whole encounter.

~ End of Prologue ~

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