Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 4

~ Very early morning of September 9th, 1994 ~

The Queen wakes up from her slumber, and wake, she does. She jumps out of her royal bed, not even changing her nightwear for other clothes, she just starts working out.

She first casts a spell on herself, so that she would be completely silent, both her movements and her breathing that will get a bit rapid, more than she would like, but her young body, doesn't allow her to be fully unaffected.

She stretches for a few minutes, jumping up and down a little, running in place lightly, so she could warm up, so she would not receive any injuries while doing the real workout.

She does training methods, such as, 'superman', 'plank', 'single-leg deadlift', 'reverse lunge', 'military press', so her womanly figure could stay at its best form. Before going into more intense training.

She 'Accios' her dumbbells and they just fly to her hand from her drawers below her bed. She uses her dumbbells for squats, lunges, upright rows, and deadlifts. Then she does standing shoulder presses, lateral raises, seated calf raises, push-ups, and finishes crunches.

She's standing now, breathing a little bit lighter than a few months back, she's getting used to it little by little, well more so her body than her mind. She knows what she's doing.

Still, she needs a shower now, she's all sweaty, so sweaty in fact, that her nightwear is clinging to her body, all scrunched up tightly, showing off her fit body, even without being nude, decently hard abs can be seen... And that is what Luna Lovegood woke up looking at... She can't complain, she likes it, it looks great.

While the Queen walks to the shower, she looks at her Lovely Moons' bed, only to see that her Moon is awake and dreamily staring at her... at her waist, abs, more than her in general. She casts her spell, so finally, sound can be heard from her.

"Like what you see, Moon?" The Queen says while stopping and posing for Luna, all while wearing a smug, arrogant smirk.

Luna's ear tips get a red it for being caught openly staring, but it went away as quickly as it came and she says normally "I do, you are very beautiful and so is your body"

"Aaaw, thank you, you're beautiful too," The Queen says with a smile before she goes back to arrogance "But, of course, my body looks great, a Queen wouldn't do without looking great"

And she restarts her move to the shower, just as she opens the door to the bathroom, she stops for a bit and looks at Luna again.

"You can look at me all you want, in any way you see fit, I and my body belong to you and your/my future wives after all'' And with a wink, she finally goes to take her well-deserved shower.

Luna is left staring in the general direction of the bathroom while thinking through what she heard... that was an interesting interaction, a good interesting, she finally thinks and starts getting up herself.

After the Queen leaves the shower all freshened up, with her mouth washed up and some light make-up done, so her features could pop, she sits on Lunas' bed waiting for her to be ready. While thinking about her plan on her first 'date' with her Moon.

After Luna leaves the shower all ready up to go and some time to spare for getting to class without being late, she looks at the Queen that sits on her bed with a thoughtful look, which looks quite cute, but she doesn't know if she should say it to the prideful queen, it might be disrespectful, just as she didn't like being called short.

The Queen finally breaks out of her mind and looks up to see her Moon looking at her, so she stands up goes to her, takes her hand in her own, and starts walking out of the dorm room and towards their first class, potions.

"So, before we make it to the potions classroom, I've got an idea, I'd like to test," says the Queen.

"what is it?" Luna asks curiously.

"Well you see, this is what I made up. I go into the classroom first, without you, sit down and wait, you only walk into the class, just as it's about to begin. Now, this is for me to see, if any of the third years have the... 'man jewels' to sit at the same desk as the Queen, or if they are too scared. And so, that's where you come in, Moon, your role in this, is simple. When you come in last, you look around quickly, to see if I am by myself, if not, you sit wherever you want to, preferably close to me anyways, but if I am by myself, well, you get your cute butt to sit with me" The Queen explains her idea.

"Hmm... Sure, but I do hope that nobody actually has the 'balls' to sit with you, I'd like to be the one to do it"

"Bold, very bold, especially with the vulgar translation of the jewels, but I love it" The Queen smiles pleased and continues walking with Luna before they get near the Potions classroom.The Queen releases The Moon's hand and with a wink leaves her to get into the classroom and she instantly spots the perfect spot to sit, it's perfect because everybody can see her from every angle possible, all the subjects are to look upon the greatness of the Queen after all. She sits down regally and just waits. And all she's thinking.

Is there anybody with enough courage to sit with her, or are they all peons to be led, instead of being discussed with. A Queen needs personal servants, not only subjects.

So she just sits and waits, not paying any attention to anybody looking at her and whispering about her. But she does still hear all of the whispers. Her hearing is great and enhanced with spells so that she wouldn't miss anything important.

~ The Monologue of the Queen ~

Oh? Disgusting? Because I want wives instead of husbands? Oh and because I apparently want more than one, calling me a cheater, eh? Good, good, continue, it will be all too sweet to vanquish all the rebellious nature you trash can muster.

The disgusted whispers are probably coming from fellow Ravenclaws, probably more out of fear than anything else, considering the show I put on yesterday, but that doesn't matter. I have no sympathy for any of them, they dare hurt my Moon, they will know the wrath of a Queen.

And of course... 'Cheating', 'Slut', definitely Hufflepuff, and their so-called 'loyalty', a bunch of fakes, almost all of them would betray their 'loved' ones for the right price, yet they have the audacity to call me a cheater because I choose to spread my loyalty towards multiple people. Well, too bad, I ain't just ordinary like all of you, I am extraordinary, I am a Queen, so while you can't seem to wrap your little brains around the idea of being with multiple people. I am capable of that and much more than you could ever imagine.

"Hey, can I sit here?" The Queen's monologue was cut short by somebody calling out to her.The Queen turns her head to look at who actually has the guts to talk sit with her.

As she looks at the individual, she smiles with pride.

"Of course"

~ End of Chapter 4 ~

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