Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 21

~ And magiphones continue ~

The Queen is walking around the halls of the school aimlessly, just checking out the architecture and sometimes judging some of the portraits... Even if they are there to preserve the memory of a dead person... She neither cares for the person nor for the occasional horrible painting, which would be better not seen by anyone. The dead should stay dead...

Which is a redundant thought, since apparently lots and lots of people get another chance at life, just like she did, which makes her wonder. Do these portraits get their own made-up souls once they get to be 'alive' and if so, could these portraits get another chance, or are they destined to be stuck inside the frames for the rest of eternity, that's both hilariously laughable and horrifically terrifying at the same time.

But she doesn't understand any of it, the one that let her live a second time was... A complete joke, an idiot with baseless arrogance, he was what most people call a god, yet she just doesn't see anybody praying to him, liking him either, ever... He's faster to get a cult perhaps if he doesn't have one already and if he does, it's probably forced too, so even that is an absolute nothing...

Didn't explain anything, only forced everything, as if he was a puppeteer. The Queen would commend him... If he was smart enough to actually be a good one, a puppeteer losing control of 'his' puppet? What good is he? But because of that, she has more than she would've... There is one thing she's actually grateful for when it comes to him, and tha-

"Oh, hey Lun"

The Queen snaps out of her thoughts and looks towards the one who called her, only to see the brightest witch of her age.

"Good morning, Hermione, you're up quite early"

"I needed to get some books from the library and also check something out, so I was making my way to it"

"Ah, yes, the library... Well, the Queen hasn't been there yet, so would you mind if I came along?"

"Oh... That may just be the first time somebody actually 'volunteered' to go to the library with me, I didn't even need to convince you, that's a new feeling" Hermione comments somewhat perplexed.

"What can I say... I like books, even if I've read a lot of them, but maybe I will find something new and interesting, or better yet, why not getting a recommendation from the Gryffindor witch-lady in front of me?" Says the Queen.

"Well, I never expected to be asked that. But I might have something"


Hermione just nods and looks closer at the Queen, more precisely her cheek "What happened?"

"Hmm, what?"

"Your cheek, it's bruised" Hermione says while slightly pointing her finger at it.

"Oh, that? Nothing much, I had some slight difficulties with a... inanimate object, it just didn't want to move out of my way, I guess that's why they are called inanimate, but I made it move away anyways"

"Uh... Okay?" Hermione says confused by the answer, but nonetheless takes out her wand and points it at the Queen's cheek "Here, let me. Episk-"

The Queen raises her hand in a stopping gesture, Hermione seeing it stops her incantation "What is it?"

"I am flattered by your attempt, but there's no need to heal it"

"Why not? The injury doesn't look okay"

"I know, but you see, it still has some use to me"

"An injury... has use?"

"Indeed, so instead of healing it, why not hide it for the time being" The Queen takes out her wand from her ear and points it at her own face "Invisibilicedo" And with that, the injury turns invisible and the Queen's face looks as perfect as before.

"That was the invisibility spell... And you used it just to hide the bruise, but not the whole cheek, that's quite impressive" Hermione compliments.

"Thank you"

"So... What use does an injury have? I'd really like to know"

"I'll show you when the time comes, you'll just have to trust me on that"

"And you can't just tell me why?"

"Because that's boring"

"Oh... I guess that's fair?" Hermione questions the validity of that answer.

"Mhm, now, shall we start moving towards the library? I don't mind continuing to stand, but wasn't there something you needed to do there?"

"Right, yes, let's go"

And as they start to move, the Queen takes a magiphone out of her bag and turns sideways to face Hermione.

"Hermione, do you know what this is?" Granger looks at the object, then back at the Queen, then back at the object.

"Wait... That's... Why do you have a rotary phone and where did you get it?"

"Huh, I don't know why I expected to surprise you with it, it makes sense for you to know about them. Well, anyway, I got it from Professor Burbage, as for why? Because they are so amazingly useful, the fact that they aren't used by wizards and witches just baffles me, it'd make everything so much easier and owls could actually stay home for their intended purpose... You know, being a PET, since that's what you buy them for. And with magic involved, these little bad boys" The Queen rolls the minimized magiphone around her palm for emphasis "Could have insane potential"

"I haven't thought about it, during the years at Hogwarts, I've done less 'muggle' things, so it slipped my mind, but that's quite a brilliant idea"

"I know, right? Stupid wizards, they are smart enough to somehow create new spells and teach them to others but are dumb enough to completely ignore a huge part of the untapped potential behind the muggle world, it's just... I have no words for how ridiculous that even is"

"Now that you mention it..."

"I expect nothing from the other 3 houses because of their different values, but isn't Ravenclaw's whole idea to seek knowledge? Then what in the actual stupidity is this?" The Queen shoves the magiphone in Hermione's face "Pretty sure this and everything else in the muggle world, could be considered 'knowledge' that isn't known, so how come they haven't been seeking it out. The whole idea behind the Ravenclaw house is a big fat joke, values are supposed to be valued, not be worthless words" The Queen rants irritated.

"That's a good point... There are not that many students in Ravenclaw who are 'pure-blood only' like in Slytherin even if they are purebloods, but I guess that's just the whole wizard world thing"

"Yeah... Stupid" The Queen comments "Anyways, back to what I wanted to talk about, I called these magiphones"


"I love the name"

"But it's just magic and phone..."

"That's why it's so great. It explains it for the ones that know what the original device is and could have the ability to intrigue the wizards because of the 'magic' part..."

"Huh... Will that work?"

"Yes, all you have to do, is play your cards right and everybody will want to have it, but by then... The Queen will be in their way. I'll entice them into the idea of having one, once they have that thought of trying it out, I'll let them try it out once for free... And when they get hooked, I will rip the idea of having one away from them, they don't deserve to have it, not anytime soon anyway, maybe someday I'll sell them, who knows"

"That's cunning of you... Why go so far?"

"I am a quarter Slytherin after all. And it's because I want to show them, how much of morons they are, I can already see how entertaining that will be"

"Right... I don't know you well, but the first impression of you that I got is that you treat almost anything like a game"

"That'd be correct, life itself is one big game. You either win at it or strike out and lose. But anyway, here's a magiphone for you, so want to try it out?"

"Sure? What's different about it? Or I suppose I should say, what's 'magical' about it?"

"Well, I can't take credit for this, but apparently it doesn't need the use of something called 'electricity', I'd get a book to read about it, but I have no idea where to get one, pretty sure Hogwarts doesn't have one, except maybe for Professor Burbage herself, but she's quite a sweet teacher and I already kinda tricked her into giving the device to me... So I don't want to use more of her goodwill, who knows when that will run out"

"Wait, wait, you tricked a professor? Again?"

"Yeah, it was pretty easy, almost as easy as it is to get in touch with somebody with the magiphone. But anyway, none of that matters, what matters is what I did with it"

"Of course..." Hermione fights the urge to roll her eyes.

"So, can you guess what I did just by looking at it?"

"Well, it's obviously smaller than it should be"

"Yes, anything else?"

"Hmm... What is that little hole to the side of it? If I remember right, the original didn't have it before and there's also a button next to it?"

"Ah, what an observation. Well you see, that is a little idea that I like to call a shout-call"

"By the name... And your naming ability..."


"I didn't say anything"

"But you thought about it"

"... Perhaps..."

"Am I really that bad?"

"No, no... Maybe?"

'Why is that a question"

"I am sorry"

"Eh, it's fine, I think it's amazing and that's what counts at the end"

"Yeah, well as I was saying, this 'shout-call' hole, probably has an amplifying charm cast on it, so it would make the caller be heard by everybody that's in the close vicinity if you need that at the moment"

"Correct, I feel like it's quite a necessary thing, if something important comes up, instead of me just hearing something told to me and then retelling it to the people around me, I can just pick up the call with that button that's next to it and there you go, everybody will hear it and I don't need to waste my time"

"That's quite genius. is there anything else that you've done with it?"

"I had a few ideas, but their use would be negligible, so for now, that's it"

"So, the one I am holding is for me?"

"Yes, oh and before I forget" The Queen puts her hand in her bag and takes out a paper, handing it over to Hermione "This is the number to the one I have, remember it and destroy the paper, you can't be too careful"

"Okay, I'll do that"

"Anyways, let me call you, and seeing as you already know the primary function of the device, let's try out the shout-call"

"Why not"

As the Queen starts circling the number that Hermione's magiphone has she comments "I can't believe that I haven't thought about it, but this number circling can get tedious, I will need a better way to type the numbers. An idea for the future"

"Okay, two more numbers and it shoul-" The Queen gets cut off by her magiphone's vibration, she blinks at it.

"Why'd you stop rolling the numbers?"

"Somebody's calling me... What a coincidence"

"But... I don't hear the ringing?"

"Oh right, I forgot, I added a vibration to it, the sound was too annoying, it's there, but I don't see the point of the ringing, maybe as a distraction or something"

"You could explain that later... Shouldn't you pick up first?"

"Right... Sorry, couldn't help myself, anyways"

As the Queen was about to pick up the phone stick, she stops her hand and lowers it down to the shout-call button and presses that instead.

"Hello?" The Queen starts first.

"Lun, good morning again, me and Fleur are up and are wondering where you are" Luna's sweet voice comes out of the magiphone.

"Moon, morning"

"That's Luna Lovegood? Right?" Hermione asks the Queen, expecting the answer to come from the Queen, she gets startled when it comes from a fourth voice.

"Zat be correct, who is asking?"

"Uh... Um..." Hermione doesn't answer, gets closer to the Queen, and whispers "This is so weird"

The Queen just stays silent and watches the brightest witch amused.

Hermione not getting the reaction or the help she wanted from the crimson-haired girl, finally answers the question by herself.


"'Ermione?" Fleur asks hearing a new name. Before Hermione could elaborate, Lovegood does it for her.

"Brightest witch of her age and a part of the golden trio, also lives surrounded by books all the time, I think that she'd like a house made out of books instead of candy as a gift during Christmas" That is not how Hermione would've introduced herself, but she can't really dispute it. And that gift idea... It's original at the least?

"Oh, I've 'eard a few zings about 'er, while walking around 'Ogwarts. 'Ello 'Ermione, a pleasure to meet you, I am Fleur Delacour"

"Uh... Right, yes, the pleasure's all mine" Hermione can't help but sound awkward, meeting somebody without seeing them is the biggest reason why, but the magiphone is quite a bit louder than she expected, so the voice slightly echoing off the walls adds onto it.

The Queen has had enough fun for the time, finally has the bright thought of helping the Gryffindor out, so she starts speaking.

"Fleur, Moon, we are..." But she forgot something important, so her help isn't any helpful whatsoever "Hermione... Where are we exactly?" And just like that Hermione is put on the spot again.

"We are... Um... On our way to the library, right now are on the fourth floor, so we are pretty close" After the initial surprise and greetings, Hermione gets more confident.

"Yes, that's exactly where we are" The Queen comments the obvious.

"Okay, we'll come there, is that okay with you Fleur?" Luna says and then questions the french lady. Hermione thinks 'shouldn't that question have been asked before the call'. Perhaps that'd be true if it was anybody else, but Luna Lovegood doesn't do anything by the book.

"It's fine wiz me" Fleur answers Luna.

"Well, I guess we will wait for you inside then, is there anything else?" The Queen asks.

"No, that was all, bye" And before the Queen has the speed to say 'bye' back, the call gets cut off.

"Well, that happened... So?" The Queen quirks an eyebrow at Hermione.


"What did you think of the 'shout-call', pretty amazing, isn't it?"

"It is"

"Ha, I am the greatest after all, so obviously it's a success" The Queen celebrates herself, by herself.

"But it was too loud" But her celebration gets shut down rather prematurely by the Gryffindor.

"Wow... Way to ruin the moment" The Queen says pouting.

"I'm... Sorry?" Hermione state-asks confused.

"Apology..." The Queen pauses and intensely looks at Hermione, making the girl slightly uncomfortable "Accepted" She finishes with a smile, letting the girl relax again.

"Well, you got the demonstration to the shout-call, it wasn't like I expected it to happen, but it did, so we might as well continue on our way"

Hermione nods and starts walking again, the Queen follows. But both of the girls don't make it far.

"Ms. Crimson, there you are" Both of them turn around to face the voice behind them, only to see Professor McGonagall walking towards them, so they stop and wait for the professor to get close.

"Good morning, Professor" The Queen greets McGonagall "Good morning, Professor McGonagall" Hermione does as well.

"Yes, good morning to you two too, now, ms. Crimson, could you please come with me"

"Mhm... Why? Where? And what happens if I refuse?" The Queen asks the professor, calmly.

"Because a Professor, who is me, asked you and you should listen. To the hospital wing. And I won't ask and just drag you there if you even think of refusing. Does that answer all of the questions that you might have?"

"It almost does, I have one more"

"Okay, but ask that while following me" McGonagall states and turns back so she could get to the staircases leading to the first floor.

The Queen stays in the same position for a moment and then looks at Hermione, who's watching the professor walk away, she also asks "That inanimate object... It was just a personal description, right?"

"Correct, but now, all you have to do is follow me and I'll show you how an injury has uses" And with that statement, the Queen starts following after the Professor.

Hermione looks to the way that leads to the Library, then back at the two walking figures... And the curiosity gets the better of her and she starts running after the Queen and the Professor while muttering "Damn it" to herself.

~ End of Chapter 21 ~

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