Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 39: Conduct yourself

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked her without showing any emotion.

Utara gripped the edge of the table. He winked at her furiously, trying to give her sign to watch what she would say next. Unfortunately, she didn't notice it.

"Because you are handsome" She said in matter of fact tone.

The gripped on the table loosed. Now he felt like he wanted to crawl back out from this room because of the drop of the temperature.

It seemed Senja notice the temperature changes. She held her head with her palm and tilted her head.

"You don't like it when I said you are handsome and I stared at you?"

He didn't say anything but the chills he gave off was enough to make people shuddered with fear.

Utara wanted to say something but there was no sound that he could produce.

In Utara mind he was on the edge of the cliff, ready to jump, while looking the immortal human with their normal life from a far. Wind breeze coldly, make a ripple on his robe. Only one push and he would jump to the dark below the cliff.

And 'the push' he need was coming…

"I know staring at people it isn't polite. I am sorry for that. But, like I told you, you are handsome. That all" She said stubbornly.

And that 'the push' he need. He jumped to the endless darkness.

I am death… goodbye my arduous life…

"You are not talk this much the last time I saw you" Xiao Tianyou said with evil smirk plastered on his lips.

"I don't think we ever met before"


Hearing Xiao Tianyao words Utara revive. "You say she is really Senja?" He asked excited.

Senja dumbfounded. How could that be?

Xiao Tianyao didn't answer it but assessing Senja in front of him.

"There is one thing that can prove it"

"What it is?" Senja asked nonchalantly.

"Every chore family member of black sword clan has tattoo"

Senja gasp with shocked. "I have tattoo…"

This statement drew their attention towards her.

"I have tattoo of three red leaves on my left shoulder"

Utara shrieked on his chair. His forefinger was pointing at her, trembled.

"Yesterday I asked you to show me your shoulder because of this! Not because I am a pervert!" He reacted as though as Senja had defamed him. "See! I told you it was you!"

Senja looked down, thinking hard. If that was true then, it was too much for just simply a coincidence.

What the old lady actually planning? Wait… this tattoo…

She was made this tattoo three years ago on her twenty's birthday… and it was indeed the old lady who coerced her to make this tattoo with this image.

Because of their closeness and she was like her own grandma, she didn't have heart to rejected it. But it turned out it was part of her plan.

Bloody hell!! How long she has planned all of this!! This old scum!

She felt annoyed because she didn't like to be fooled like this. It's like she had lay trapped in front of her eyes and Senja foolishly walk straight into it.

Senja gritted her teeth. She feel more dejected when recall the predicament she has to face last night.

"But, perhaps the tattoo has different image…" Utara tried to voice the worst possibility.

"I can show you" Senja lightly said it.

Both of them show unsightly expression.

"Lin will come, let her check when she is already here" Xiao Tianyou said it as a final then he stand up. His tall body gave an impressive impression.

Before he strode out of the door, he said with a trace of warning as his back facing Senja "Next time you see me, conduct yourself"

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