Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 85: Let's derive the Law!!

In the beginning, Jia was unable to understand the meaning of those laws. But when he was about to end his incantation something mysterious happened. Jia's body began to levitate in air. Her mind was getting filled with the three laws of nature.

Earlier she wasn't aware of their profoundness but now she was able to understand the hidden meaning behind them. As per her understanding, everyone who lives in nature follows the laws of nature.

When someone breakthrough for the first time he/she can get rid of the three laws of nature for a small amount of time. And this can be done by understanding the profoundness of the text that Xin was reading to her.

Bit by bit she was understanding everything about the nature. Not only nature she was also understanding the properties of the magiculus particles residing inside her.

She was just taking her time to process all those information when she felt something warm from her pelvic region. It was the vessel process of vessel construction.

Jia was undergoing through the natural process, unlike Xin who was using a scientific approach to tamper and expand his vessel. The construction didn't take long and an 'A Grade' vessel was created inside her.

The vessel was just consolidating inside her when Jia got a weird idea and a fierce impulse to try it out on her. Till now she had already read many riddles and the three laws of the nature. For some reason she wanted to become practical and use them for something useful.


She had no idea about it.

While she was contemplating about it an idea flashed through her mind. 'What if I integrate the power of time with my vessel? Won't it recover energy as much time as I want? I just need to reverse the flow of time inside me.'

Now that Jia had grasped the concept of time, she had a strong feeling that she can do it perfectly. Xin was observing the energy around flow around her and observed some changes in her surroundings time line.

"Whoa!! First dominance awakening and now Awakening Enlightenment!! That's some hardcore luck you have gotten there."

Jia clearly heard the term Awakening Enlightenment, and fixed it inside her head. The spell that Xin was chanting was the standardized version of FORCE Awakening. Anyone can learn it and recite back.

Jia had also learned it by heart. If wanted, she could recite it in the exact same way as Xin. But she didn't chose that path and took a different approach towards it.

She made her own version of the Law and incantation by integrating it with the concept of black holes. To be precise, she derived her own version of Law after analyzing and understanding everything in brief.

"The idea of a black hole, an object so massive that nothing could escape the grasp of its gravity, dates back to the time of creation. In principle, any object, even a rock, can be made into a black hole, by squeezing it into a tiny enough volume. Under these conditions, the object continues to collapse under its own weight, crushing itself down to zero size. However, according to the profound knowledge of the first human evolver Einstein's theory, the object's mass and gravity remain behind, in the form of an extreme distortion of the space and time around it. This distortion of space and time is the black hole."

Xin was listening to everything carefully but didn't show any interest in it. 

Why? What was the reason?

The reason was very simple. He already knew about it. Not only knew he already had his own version of laws. He didn't tell Jia about it's something that everyone must grasp on their own.

Jia continued her derivation. "In nature, the only objects that can form a black hole on their own are large stars - stars several times more massive than our own Sun. At the end of their lives, these stars collapse under their own weight, forming a black hole. While the original star might be millions of miles wide, the resulting black hole is just a few miles across. The hole itself is shaped like a spherical beach ball. The resulting black hole is the darkest black in the universe: No matter how powerful a light you shine on it, no light ever bounces back, because the light is swallowed by the hole. A black hole is a true "hole" in space: Anything that crosses the edge of the hole - called the "horizon" of the hole - is swallowed forever. For this reason, black holes are considered an edge of space, a one-way exit door from our universe; nothing inside a black hole can ever communicate with our universe again, even in principle."

At this point, Xin was getting a lil interested in it. She wanted to help Jia and tell her some more points about time and black holes.

"However, black holes are even stranger than that. As you get closer to a black hole, the flow of time slows down, compared to flow of time far from the hole. (According to Einstein's theory, any massive body, including the Earth, produces this effect. Earth's gravity is so weak that the slowing of time is not noticeable, but the effect has been confirmed using sensitive instruments. For example, at sea level you age one-billionth of a second less every year than you would if you lived on top of Mt. Everest.) Near a black hole, the slowing of time is extreme. From the viewpoint of an observer outside the black hole, time stops. For example, an object falling into the hole would appear frozen in time at the edge of the hole. Inside a black hole is where the real mystery lies. According to Einstein's theory, time and space, in a way, trade places inside the hole. Inside the black hole, the flow of time itself draws falling objects into the center of the black hole. No force in the universe can stop this fall, any more than we can stop the flow of time."

Xin was impressed by her derivation. Though not powerful as his own version it was somewhat profound in comparison to the laws of an average magician. 

"At the very center of the black hole is where our understanding breaks down. Einstein's theory of gravity seems to predict that time itself is destroyed at the center of the hole: time comes to an abrupt end there. For this reason, a black hole is sometimes described as the "reverse of creation." But no one knows how or why time could come to an abrupt end, any more than we know how time was created in the first place.

Einstein's theory of gravity no longer applies at these tiniest scales of distance, and new laws of nature must be found that describe what happens at the center of a black hole. 

Does the inside of a black hole lead to another universe, as some scientists have claimed? 

The truth is, no one really knows. We cannot do a direct experiment to find out, even in principle, since no information or evidence can ever get back out of a black hole.

That's what makes it so important to find and study black holes from the outside, while at the same time developing theories that can more confidently predict what might happen on the inside of the black hole."

With this Jia completed the first stage derivation of black hole and time. The first step involved finding a relation between them. And she got it to.

I.e. Flow of time becomes slower inside a black hole.

After taking a deep breath, Jia moved onto the second stage of her law derivation.

Now that Xin remembered laws are not only powerful chants they are something that shows someone's understanding of nature. The power of laws can be used in many ways. And in the world of magic it was mostly used in two places.

One was on battlefields, another was in research centers. Even though every other person had its own version of laws, they weren't aware about its practical applications.

Jia resumed, "At the edge of a black hole, time should appear to slow to a halt, and if the black hole is spinning, the very fabric of space should be twisted, carrying any nearby objects around with it. Scientists can probe this hostile environment by observing nearby matter that spirals in towards the hole.

The atoms in the matter emit X-ray light, whose vibrations serve as clocks that can help us precisely measure the flow of time and the distortion of space.

Black holes are the most efficient and powerful engine in the universe: Somehow, much of the matter falling towards a black hole is instead propelled outward at close to the speed of light – an effect that came as a complete surprise to astronomers. 

These jets of matter seem to start near the edge of a black hole, and are probably set in motion by the tremendous magnetic fields produced by the spinning black hole. NASA's Constellation-X will probe the interaction between in-falling matter, magnetic fields, and black holes, allowing scientists to understand how such powerful rays of matter could be created.

Every galaxy has a giant black hole at its center. These black holes were probably present when the galaxy itself was formed and may have aided in the galaxy's formation. If this is true, then black holes may play a pivotal role in the formation of conditions in the universe that are necessary for life. The very earliest galaxies in the universe cannot be observed with existing telescopes."

Even Xin was aware of it. Not only stars and planets even humans have a small black hole in their bodies!

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