Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 83: Once again?!

Slowly the recitation came to an end and Xin moved onto the second phase of his plan. 

"Miss Xeng, listen to me. The divine words that you have sorted out are good. They have balanced energy, but that's the very reason you can't balance them anymore."

"How so?"

"Mhm… It's like… Ahh how to say…" Xin paused in the middle. After giving it some thought he came up with a solid example that could give Jia a perfect idea of what she was doing and what she should do.

In the meantime Jia was muttering the riddles again to check if she had missed any divine words by chance, The first part "Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Black and purple shroud your sight

You could follow plaintive cries

Into darkness, into night."

'Moonlight', 'Blooms', 'Night' were the words that she got from the first riddle. She recited the riddle again to re-check if she had missed anything. And at the end of the recitation she determined she hadn't left out anything.

Moving onto the second riddle, "Falling, diving from the heights

Will you drown, or will you rise?

Moonlight blooms as the day grow slight,

Into darkness, into night,

Secrets that are dark" 

Like the first time this time too she did a thorough check-up on all the lines and tried to sort out the divine words amongst them. And like the previous time she got the three words 'Moonlight', 'Blooms' and 'Night'.

Though she was getting everything correct Xin's speech was still echoing in her mind, 'The divine words that you have sorted out are good. They have balanced energy, but that's the very reason you can't balance them anymore.'

"What could he meant by that?"

After giving it some thought and unable to come up with an answer she moved onto the next riddle. 

"Unnoticed movement

Unnoticed whispering

Whispering from beyond"

Once again like the previous times she concentrated her mind to find the words create turbulence. 'Unnoticed', 'Movement', and 'Whispering were the three words that she got.

Till then Xin was thinking about an example and Jia was utilising that time by re-checking the riddles again  by the help of her enhanced memory.

The last stanza, "Seas so ancient and wide

Seas to contain the sleeping

Sleeping as they were placed

Sleeping, but not forever

Forever they will always exist

Forever in the back of your mind" 

Previously the last stanza was a bit hard for her to figure out. Every word of this riddle was creating a turmoil in her heart. Even after reciting it multiple times she couldn't figure out the divine words out of them. But this time she didn't have to undergo through all that. She instantly focused on the words that she had gotten last time and checked them for any mistakes.

And yet, once again she got the words, Grow, Forever, and the last one was sleeping.

Now normally she should have felt happy after the completion of her task. But currently her facial expression that of un-satisfaction.

"Tch, tch. What am I doing wrong?!"

On the outside Xin was just about to explain when he got a call from somewhere and had to leave his work in the middle. Before going he didn't say much to Jia and said, "Be right back in some minutes."

Jia was dumfounded by his response. At one point she was thinking the person helping her must be a noob god and must have fled after unable to solve her problem.

She didn't give it any more thought and started to analyse the second set of riddles. She was sure that she will get some words from second set to use on first set.

"Debate and rate

With added weight

While patterns picked


A crime of rhyme

Debating time

The pros and cons

In sad sublime

The base of space

With time will race

Future coming

It's pacing grace

Fulfilled from where

In Space or air

Separate lives

Two fabrics fare?"

"Wight, pattern, space, future." Jia figured out them in an instant. Thanks to all her hard work from before she was getting proficient at it.

"There is no single, objective reality, but infinite realities without beginning or end.

When ten people view a glass, ten glasses are seen, everyone creating their own universe

Within their own perspective in

a different space continuum -

determined by the number

of observers in a


Without a singular or absolute flow of linear

time in relation to space - as indicated by

Einstein's Relativity Theory

Applied in quantum science - postmodern

philosophers refer to The Myth Of The

Given – the error of assuming

A modern Newtonian machine clock universe

out there in which spacetime is absolute,

linear, singular, and primary

Which is wrong, of course - Relativity established

the Subjectivity of Time's Passage while

Quantum Mechanics challenges

Time as a Prime Concept

replacing it with Causal


Modern sciences have been transformed into

postmodern sciences with a viable

Theory Of Consciousness

The Outer Ego co-creates within its own

Perspective, Space-Time Continuum,

Subconscious and Inner Ego

A unique Version of Objects and Spacetime

called the MULTIVERSE, therefore

our bodies and minds are a kind of

Space-Time Machine….

Space-time matter

Objects, cause and

Effects all are mine

And I belong to all"

Now this was a very big riddle that she had never felt before. Many words at a time were creating chaos and turmoil in her heart. It was becoming hard for her to figure out the energy levels and difference between them. Then suddenly, she remembered something that he adoptive hunter parents had taught her in the past.

According to them not only animals even hunters have a sixth sense with them. It's more like hunter develops this sense in the course of their hunting. Only few hunters in the world are capable enough to sense out this power and activate it for them.

Jia was thinking was this sixth sense an intuition power or deduction power?

After giving it some thought she decided that she shouldn't give it any thought in the first place. Sixth sense was a type of sensing ability and to activate it she must learn more about it in practical instead of  thinking and analysing about it.

The second riddle of the second set was too big for her to process her at once. So to ease down her work she divided it into two.

"There is no single, objective reality, but infinite realities without beginning or end.

When ten people view a glass, ten glasses are seen, everyone creating their own universe

Within their own perspective in

a different space continuum -

determined by the number

of observers in a


Without a singular or absolute flow of linear

time in relation to space - as indicated by

Einstein's Relativity Theory

Applied in quantum science - postmodern

philosophers refer to The Myth Of The

Given – the error of assuming"

She gently closed her mind and tried to feel all the turbulent feeling inside her. For some reason when she did it she could visualize them as a round ball of threads tangled with each other. Only two or three threads were useful and the rest of them were there to confuse her.

'Now that's weird. I couldn't activate this visualisation before but now I can do it properly!!'

She went near the ball and looked at it from different sides. In her mind she had visualised that the green threads were the right threads, and the rest of them were distractions. After looking here and there for some seconds she couldn't find the trace of any green threads.

It was as if the green threads have vanished from there. Suddenly a thought flashed through her mind that a riddle is an energy stabilised text on its own. And dissembling it will make it unstable.

And to make it stable she has to join them again.

Jia, " …"

She face-palmed hard on her face and tried to assemble the entire text again. 

"There is no single, objective reality, but infinite realities without beginning or end.

When ten people view a glass, ten glasses are seen, everyone creating their own universe

Within their own perspective in

a different space continuum -

determined by the number

of observers in a


Without a singular or absolute flow of linear

time in relation to space - as indicated by

Einstein's Relativity Theory

Applied in quantum science - postmodern

philosophers refer to The Myth Of The

Given – the error of assuming

A modern Newtonian machine clock universe

out there in which spacetime is absolute,

linear, singular, and primary

Which is wrong, of course - Relativity established

the Subjectivity of Time's Passage while

Quantum Mechanics challenges

Time as a Prime Concept

replacing it with Causal


Modern sciences have been transformed into

postmodern sciences with a viable

Theory Of Consciousness

The Outer Ego co-creates within its own

Perspective, Space-Time Continuum,

Subconscious and Inner Ego

A unique Version of Objects and Spacetime

called the MULTIVERSE, therefore

our bodies and minds are a kind of

Space-Time Machine….

Space-time matter

Objects, cause and

Effects all are mine

And I belong to all….

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