Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 77: From Heaven

Their heart, soul and mind was in absolute control of Luo Rin. She was controlling them like wooden puppets. If she wants the will to live in them increases substantially. If she wants the will to die in emerges drastically. And if she wants the will to fight back in them emerges, considerably.

Sia, Simon, Sk, Ron and the other members of the group could clearly feel this power of puppetry and the art of manipulation but they were entirely defenseless against it.

In their present scenario it was not about defenseless or not, it was about getting defeated or relinquishing to the opposite side. They simply didn't have any chance to win against their enemies.

Seeing the drama was coming to a halt Luo Rin gradually stopped her singing and let team Alpha have a control on their minds.

Sia and Ron snapped out first and became aware of their surroundings. The arctic wolves were advancing at an alarming rate and they had little to less time for their escape.

Both of them nodded and pointed their guns towards the enemy side. Earlier they were planning to escape some distance then set off those explosive powders on fire. But now it was late for that. If they want to escape then they have to take the risk of using their last trump card.



Two bullets were fired towards the enemy side. One bullet was targeted towards Simon's leg behind the Great Wolf while the other was targeted towards the wolf army around him.

The first bullet was fired by Sia and its target was the explosives applied on the meat of the baby pup's meat.


A loud sound came from the other side. The explosion was fierce enough to pulverize everything around a radius of 250 meters around it.

The second bullet was fired by Ron with a difference of some nano seconds after the first fire by Sia. 


This time the explosion was fiercer than the last time. Witnessing the sight of the explosion they became sure the Great Wolf was dead for sure. But the danger around them wasn't completely gone yet. Standing on the other side of the field was Luo Rin whose head was that of a Lioness then.

They were confident in their explosives for killing that gigantic wolf before them but weren't sure how to defeat a human with lioness head.

The explosion sound was so thunderous that the other members snapped out their confusion and started running towards their camp.

Earlier Sia was carrying both Simon and Sk but now she was only carrying Simon on her back. One of the bulky member of the group offered her some help and asked her to handover Simon.

Everyone had recovered from the effect of the enchanting voice. Their hunter instincts were working normally now. They were determined to leave that place and escape death as always.

Team Alpha with full spirits started their great escape and on their way they fired bullets for twice again. The thunderous sound of explosives echoed in the surrounding again.

Sekhmet was watching this show from a distance. She was getting excited just by imagining the scene when the Great Wolf will come out of explosion and tear those humans into pieces.

But to her dismay that scene never happened, and team Alpha escaped that place safely. Back on the camp, Jia was sleeping soundly, and had no idea about what's happening on the outside.


Early morning, time around 7 AM. 

Jia lazily woke up from her sleeping bag and drank some water from the water bottle near the bag. Her memory was hazy and her body aching all over.

For some minutes she sat on her place like a statue and started wandering what's she doing there, and why her body was in pain. 

Slowly and gradually her memory became clear and she remembered why she was in pain. It was none other than her own fault that she was injured and suffering from pain.

She remembered how last night she went inside a cave, exploded some bombs and let that entire camp. She was taking her time to process all those information when tons of information flooded onto her mind.

How she got wounded, how she was brought back here. Then that gigantic projection and Luo Rin everything was flooding into her mind.

She wasn't sure why she was feeling restless. All of a sudden some songs emerged in her memory. She wasn't sure when did she hear those songs and who was the one singing them for her.

I was the one slapped in the face, twisted circumstance

karma took revenge's place, and it was I who was disgraced

I got the rain, as you bathe in the sun

I was struck with pain and you had all the fun

you were graced, as i was defaced

karma is not a force to be reckoned with…..

"You were graced, as i was defaced"

Jia, "…."

She wasn't sure revenge of whom and what karma related to her. Then suddenly another song echoed in her mind, "payback was what I was taught, revenge was my only thought

yet, what I bargained 4 was not what i got

revenge was the only thing...on my mind

its all I could think about all of the time

what kind of misery would it bring....

to you...but karma did its voo-doo

and it striked me, not hitting you

the irony of it all, was that it was you who were supposed to fall

I was the one burned, but quickly my lesson was learned

that revenge may be sweet, but karma is a force you cannot beat"

Sia, "…"

Utterly speechless once again. Like the first time she had no idea just what in the world are these songs. Before she can reminisce about it another wave of songs hit her mind.

"Wind whistling,

Snow glistening,

We try not to,

But we're all listening.

Loud screams,

Bad dreams,

It's very far,

But close it seems.

Sad day,

Lost our way,

All we can do

Is simply pray.

Innocence gone,

Life no longer long.

We may not know,

But we're all doing wrong.

Joy lost,

The Holocaust.

We look to see

Hearts covered in frost.

Wars fought,

Sins taught,

Making mistakes,

Hoping not to be caught.

Not taking blame,

Pushing for fame.

As advanced as we are,

We're still all untamed.

Too much pride,

Needing a guide.

We will deny it,

But behind lies we hide.

Hurting others,

Betraying brothers.

Many forgetting

To appreciate mothers.

Lies are fed,

Filling heart and head.

Through all of these years,

Innocent blood has been shed.

Children abandoned,

Lonely and stranded.

We're all wasting the life

That we have been handed.

Taking from the poor,

We're loving no more.

Fight to be free,

End up starting a war.

People starting fights,

No longer enjoying the sights,

While mere mortals are taking

Our God given rights.

Soldiers killed,

Void can't be filled,

Pay close attention,

For pure souls have been tilled.

Need to find peace,

Work together like geese,

But greatest of all,

The hate needs to cease."

Hearing this tears started to come out of team Alpha's member. They were understanding every bits and pieces behind those lines. And realized how wrong they had become. Luo Rin was feeling excited after playing with their emotions and didn't give them a chance to recover. She continued again, 

"And then I realized

that to be

more alive

I had to

be less



I did it…

I lost my


and gained

my whole life."

"The irony of it all, was that it was you who were supposed to fall

I was the one burned, but quickly my lesson was learned

that revenge may be sweet, but karma is a force you cannot beat

by gods good grace, and happenstance

I was the one slapped in the face, twisted circumstance"

"karma took revenge's place, and it was I who was disgraced

I got the rain, as you bathe in the sun

I was struck with pain and you had all the fun

you were graced, as i was defaced

karma is not a force to be reckoned with….."

"Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

"Clouds are shifting, changing skies

Into darkness, into night"

"Through the forest, left or right?

Is it truth or just more lies?

Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Black and purple shroud your sight

You could follow plaintive cries

Into darkness, into night

Which is dark and which is light?

Which path is your soul's demise?

Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Grasping tendrils hold you tight

Clutching shadows drag their prize

Into darkness, into night

Falling, diving from the heights

Will you drown or will you rise?

Moonlight blooms as day grows slight

Into darkness, into night

Secrets that are dark

Secrets better left unnoticed

Unnoticed movement

Unnoticed whispering

Whispering from beyond

Whispering of a book

A book of death and evil

A book terrible but great

Great Old Ones are sleeping

Great tentacled one waits dreaming

Dreaming in water

Dreaming through ages

Ages of exalted nothingness

Ages of worship

Worship the Great Ones

Worship or perish

Perish in unspeakable horror

Perish knowing their anger

Anger reaching the tallest mountains

Anger penetrating the depths of the seas

Seas so ancient and wide

Seas to contain the sleeping

Sleeping as they were placed

Sleeping but not forever

Forever they will always exist

Forever in the back of your mind

Mind flashing through images

Mind cannot comprehend them

Them with their mighty forms

Them with tendrils of darkness

Darkness overwhelming

Darkness begetting nothing

Nothing is scarier than nothing

Nothing is more powerful

Powerful visions show the truth

Powerful is this ancient book

Book of eldritch horrors

Book depicting the end

End of life itself

End of the Old Ones' dreaming

Dreaming of the people's terror

Dreaming of his awakening"

At this point for some reason tears were coming out of her eyes. She wasn't sure what was the origin of those songs. But she was confident in one thing that the singer of those song must be a goddesses, descended from heaven.

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