Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 63: Sixth sense

"So Mr. Xin, what's you gonna do now? And you were acting weird cause of these snakes?" Nen asked in a low voice. After seeing the Snake jumping onto Xin, he didn't want to anger it and undergo the same.

"Hmm… For now, I will cure the rest of the customers in the restaurant. After that, I will fulfill my deal with them. And for your second question, yes, I was searching for these two snakes. They were sneakily absorbing magiculus from the alchemy fire."

"You hu-" Healing Snake was pissed again on hearing the word 'Sneakily,' but got stopped in time by the Wisdom Snake.

"Indeed, we were absorbing magiculus from the fire to recover our strength."

"Good, now wait here for some time till I get the rest of the people here. I will be back after that."

The two snakes nodded in unison and promised not to absorb any magiculus for the time being. 

Xin and the group headed towards the first room where Natasha and some other customers were resting. In the past half an hour, everyone in the room had recovered some of their strength. They were waiting eagerly for their saviour to appear.

Upon entering the room, Natasha was the first one to notice Xin and call out his name with a smile on her face, "Mr. Xin is here, finally here!!"

On hearing the name, every person in the room stood up at once and showed him respect by bowing down.

<Honour Points +5>

<Honour Points +15>

<Honour Points +10>

<Honour Points +5>

<Honour Points +25>

<Honour Points +35>

<Honour Points +50>

<Honour Points +55>

<Honour Points +100>

<Honour Points +110>

<Honour Points +100>

The system's window popped up out of nowhere and started to show notifications one after another. For a second, Xin was dazed by the number of points he was getting at that time.

After the notifications stopped, he asked Daisy to add them up and tell him the total amount.

"Useless trash, can't you do a simple task like that," Daisy shouted in anger and added that he had gained a total of 500 Honour Points (HP) by saving the lives of the people present in the restaurant.

Xin was busy chatting with his system, forgetting the fact that people were still bowing before him. 

"Ahem, Mr. Xin, Mr. Xin," Nen whispered near his ears.

Xin came back to reality and realized people were still bowing before him. Without doing any further delay, he asked them to rise up and sit in their places.

Nen and Zinon were tasked with looking after everyone and explaining to them more about the Chiseki Pollens. On their way back from the second room, Xin taught them about the pollens and asked them to teach the same to other customers present in the restaurant.

In the meantime, Xin was fastening his work of healing the rest of the customers. Though everyone was curious about what Xin was doing and the trick of controlling the flames, no one disturbing him by asking him such useless questions.

The reasons behind it were very simple. The first reason, they do not want to disturb him and make him lose his concentration by asking such irrelevant questions in a situation like that. Second reason, after the first wave and second wave, many hidden families and cultivation practitioners were coming out of their hides, they assumed Xin must be one of those practitioners and controlling those fires using some Chinese cultivation technique.

Xin took another half an hour to cure all the customers and bring them back to their top condition. With this, his current Honour Point added up to 1000 and another 500 as a bonus.

"Heh, Only 1500 HP out of 1 million. Still have a long way to go."

After taking a rest of ten minutes and recovering some of his stamina, Xin went to the second room again and asked the Wisdom Snake to come along.

Though suspicious, he followed him to the kitchen and asked the reason for calling him there. Xin remained silent for a while before asking him something that he didn't want anyone to know.

Fifteen minutes later, both of them came out of the kitchen. Xin had a victory-winning smile on his face while Wisdom Snake had a war losing expression.

Judging from their expression Zinon was sure that Xin must have gotten what he wanted, and the Snake must have faced miserable defeat.

"Ah, Zin, can you shift all the customers from the second room to the first room, except the two twins? I need to do some work there, and I don't need any type of disturbance."

"Sure, be right back in some minutes."

Zinon left that place and started to move everyone to the other room. Just within a minute, he emptied the entire room and handed it over to Xin.

"Thanks. While I am inside, don't let anyone disturb me or enter inside."

"Worry not, I will help Mr. Owner in that," Nen replied with a smile.

Xin assigned them their works and entered the second room with the Wisdom Snake. Only five people were present there, actually three humans and two snakes.

Xin created a complex circle on the ground from the bottle of tomato sauce and asked the two snakes to come there. The purpose of the circle was to act as a medium and transfer magiculus particles to the snakes.

He could have done it directly, just by touching them and transferring magiculus particles into their vessels. But he wasn't sure whether the snakes could handle his power or not.

While Xin was busy inside the restaurant, the outside world was becoming a mess. Train, plane, car, and bus everything had stopped. Some people were coughing blood while the others were fainting on the ground from excessive blood loss.

Medical, first aid and ambulance services were unavailable as the respective institutions' workers were suffering from the same blood cough.

Only a few people were safe from this disaster, and they were none other than the cadets of the underground JSDF city. When this disaster started, JSDF HQ evacuated the majority of the members to the underground city. And for the rest, they were given special suits to protect themselves from the pollens.

Research division under Natsumi was trying to get a cure for this pollen, but they were failing again and again in the experiments. It was not like they were noob scientists. It's just that they were trying to find a scientific solution caused by magical pollen. Their very approach was wrong, to begin with. It was not their fault, in the first place. 

Amidst all these, one more problem was arising somewhere, actually not somewhere it was arising all over the world. And this problem was termed Wildlife Evolution.

Magiculus particles are a type of mysterious particles, having different effects on different species of flora and fauna. For humans, it strengthens and boosts their physical psyche, while for animals, it makes them undergo complete evolution. 

Now that magiculus was available in the atmosphere, every species on earth, be it animal or plants, was inhaling these mysterious particles and circulating them throughout their body.

Wild animals were the first ones who were undergoing evolution, and the reason was none other than their sixth sense. Since ancient times, people believe that animals have a special power to foresee the future or predict the future.

They know what to do and what not to do in times of disaster. In times of tsunami and earthquakes, it has been observed that terrestrial wild animals move to higher grounds to protect themselves on water.

While aquatic animals create a disturbance in the water and migrate to different sea beds. According to scientific research, some species of fishes possess remarkable sensitivity to pressure waves with frequencies below 50Hz, which allows them to sense earthquakes at least 1 to 3 Richter Magnitudes smaller than those detectable by human beings.

Another report tells that snakes and fishes are the common animals in reports dealing with unusual animal behavior prior to an earthquake or tsunami. Both organisms possess particular sense organs. Snakes can perceive vibrations and infrared radiation, while fishes can perceive electric fields.

Terrestrial animals also have some superpowers like that. They can sense the ionization of the air caused by the large rock pressure in earthquake zones with their fur. It is also conceivable that animals can smell gases related to quartz crystals before an earthquake.

In this case, animals had already sensed the changes in the atmosphere and ecosystem. Thanks to the contribution and involvement of the magiculus particles. They had made themselves ready for the new changes, which was why they were the first ones to undergo evolution.

In case of humans, they were unaware of magiculus particles, and no need to tell they were afraid and apprehensive about this change.

This was why magiculus wasn't affecting humans at the same rate as it was affecting animals. Cause humans weren't accepting magiculus while wild animals were accepting it with open hearts.

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