Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 35: Shocking news

He didn't want to let Xin go. After watching the video one more time, Yamamoto went out of the recording room in a hurry. And before going, he asked Aisen to find Xin and escort him to the JSDF research division.

Meanwhile Xin, unaware of the events that were going on around him, was enjoying roasted pork and honey in the cafeteria. After eating everything he had ordered earlier, he was still feeling somewhat hungry, so he went through the menu again and ordered a full-body roasted pork and honey, a dish that cadets used to eat in groups.

Seeing the plates stacked near him and the hunger of the young man the café lady was wondering 'just how in the world can this boy eat this much?! And even after eating that many things his belly isn't bulging out?!!'

Not only the café lady, even Xin himself wasn't sure what's the reason for his monstrous appetite that day? And where was the destination of those foods that he had been eating for a while. Since the morning he had been feeling hungry as he couldn't eat anything due to the sudden visit of Nen and the others.

He was pretty happy when Yamamoto gave him the officer level food pass and asked him to eat as much as he wanted. But once he started eating, he realized his hunger was not calming down, and instead it was increasing with every food dish that he was munching down.

Xin even tried to ask Daisy about it. But for some reason, she didn't give a reply or any response to his question. So to satisfy his irresistible hunger, he ordered full-body grilled pork with tons of honey spread over it.

After finishing the entire grilled pork Xin thanked the café lady and went out of the cafeteria to have a look at the rest of the JSDF HQ. Half an hour later, when the café lady was carrying the stacked plates near the bench where Xin was eating two cadets in uniform came around, and asked the lady about a boy wearing a navy blue hoodie.

The first cadet was Aisen, and the second was the boy in spectacles named Hiroshi. Since the breakfast time was over and it was past 9:30 am (Service time) they had put on their uniform. After being ordered by Yamamoto they headed towards the cafeteria asking the whereabouts of their MVIP guest, Xin.

The café lady knew the two of them very well, as they used to help her with dishwashing sometimes when they have free time. Hearing the voices of the two familiar lads, the lady put all the plates on the table and stretched her hands to alleviate her pain. "You mean that kid with the food pass of Mr. Yamamoto?" she asked while rotating her neck.

"Yes, yes. We are searching for him. He is an MVIP guest of the JSDF HQ and we have been ordered to take special care of his needs." Aisen replied in a serious voice.

"Oh!! That kid finished eating half an hour ago and went out for a walk."

"Went out for a walk?!" Hiroshi intervened.

"I mean, went outside. Before going, he said if anyone comes here with a hoodie tell them to meet him near the JSDF research division. He will head there after having a look and walk around the HQ."

"Oh okay, JSDF research division then. We will head there as soon as possible." With that Hiroshi turned around and was going towards the exit of the cafeteria when Aisen asked the question which he had been curious about for a while.

"By the way, I have been wondering for a while, why are all these plates stacked here? Was there any party or officer level party while we were gone?"

The café lady nodded her head with a look of disapproval and told them it was neither a party nor an officer level party. It was that MVIP guest, Xin, who ordered tons of foods and munched them all alone.

Hiroshi was listening to their conversation and when he heard that the MVIP guest, Xin, was the one who had chomped down foods of more than ten persons, he made a note in his mind of never inviting him for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. God knows how many zeros he would get on the bill if he let him as much as he wants.

After completing their talk with the café lady, both of them went near Yamamoto and reported Xin's whereabouts and his big appetite to him. Yamamoto was a little shocked with the thought 'How come that slim looking person can eat that much without gaining any weight?!'

But he left the question as it is for some more time when he got notified of even bigger news.

"Cadets, dismiss!! Some urgent works have come up. It's something not related to us, but I want to investigate it for some reason."

Aisen and Hiroshi thought it must be some secret high-level information that he got notified of some minutes ago and left the room as soon as possible.

"What the fu** is happening in the world now? Have they gone mad or something?!" Yamamoto muttered in confusion and irritation. As he had said earlier, the news that he got was not something related to him or the JSDF HQ. But it was something that gave a big shock to governments of the different nations, especially the countries of the Asian continent.

Meanwhile Xin, he was wandering here and there around the JSDF HQ like a ghost in his casual wear. Some trainees were looking at his get up and were having thoughts like 'Lol, who is this guy?! Wandering here and there and there in trousers!!'

Xin was well aware of their intensive staring at him and his casual dresses. But he wasn't paying attention to them, as he was busy reminiscing about his past and the time that he had spent in the special army training camp of his past life.

In the world of magic, Xin was recruited for the special-forces in the first year of his university. That was the time when he entered the special army training camp and came in contact with Sarena and some others.

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