Project Divinity

Vol.1 Ch.11 – Who Talks About Super Robots On A Date?

Chapter 11: Who Talks About Super Robots On A Date?

Alexis was a nervous wreck. Elaine wanted to hang out with her. It wasn't a date but it sure felt like it, at least to her. Well, except for the fact that they couldn't dress up. Or go anywhere. Maybe not like a date at all, but Alexis' crush had only gotten stronger and having Elaine over in her room was still giving her odd flutters. What did she even talk to her about?

Alexis was a nerd. She was into science fiction. Movies, literature, shows, games, anything so long as it had futuristic gear for her to obsess over. That wasn't cool. She knew it wasn't cool. But she'd never bothered to find any hobbies that were cool because this was the stuff she liked.

It also helped deflect men. She'd never found guys attractive but it had taken her until she had turned seventeen to realize why that was the case. So whenever a guy showed interest and was doing the 'pretending to listen' thing, she started, for lack of a more sophisticated term, geeking the fuck out, telling them about the intricacies of the scifi gear of whatever story she was currently obsessing over until they got bored.

She had to be careful not to accidentally go full geek mode in front of Elaine and obsess about the CARD, her very own piece of obsession-worthy scifi gear.

Anyway. When Alexis had finally realized why guys just weren't doing it for her she had of course fallen for a straight girl, which had of course led to heartache. That heartache had taken her a couple years to get over and by that point she'd been stuck in a university major that was 97% men. So one could generously describe Alexis' love life and romantic experiences as 'lacking' and move swiftly onward.

And now she was pining after a girl again. A girl who was nice to her and seemed to have a lot of trouble not ogling her. But, on the other hand, the other two girls in their team were also interested in her and both of them seemed to have better chances with her, one being the pitiful kind of cute that a more confident person would have liked to bully and one the sexy vamp who also happened to be a vampire.

Alexis wouldn't even have minded sharing Elaine with them but she knew poly relationships were too rare for that to be a likely outcome. So she prepared herself for a nice, friendly, totally platonic chat where she hopefully wouldn't admit to being upset that Elaine had something going on with Evelyn.


Elaine was nervous as hell. She had no idea what Alexis liked other than that she'd been terribly excited by the CARD and the armor. On top of that, she still didn't know what she should be doing about the girls around her.

Evelyn had told her she was fine with sharing her but Elaine worried that that could only end in heartbreak. Real life didn't work the way her doujins did, where someone could assemble a harem of girls all willing to share.

Sure she had fantasized about conquering a whole bunch of girls, maybe a crossdressing guy or two, with her new dick but she'd been too ashamed of it to even approach one woman with it, let alone several. Until Evelyn.

Evelyn hadn't been disgusted. She'd been eager. It had given Elaine a huge confidence boost and she was worried it'd shown when the four of them had met up again.

But Elaine was sure Alexis wouldn't feel the same way Evelyn had. Elaine wasn't naive enough not to have noticed the way the girl was looking at her but if Alexis was a lesbian then what was between Elaine's legs wouldn't excite Alexis. It would disgust her.

She wanted to cry. Before the side effects Alexis would have been exactly the kind of girl Elaine would have gone for and now the girl would probably dry-heave if she saw her naked and that was if Alexis would even be alright with a relationship like this.

But she decided to put on a brave face and knocked on Alexis' door.


To their surprise and relief they ended up having fun. They'd shared their interests with each other, with Elaine admitting that she was into urban fantasy literature and watched the odd anime here and there while Alexis ate up anything scifi.

Eventually Alexis admitted: “There was this one anime that I actually got a little into.”

“What was it?”, Elaine asked.

“It was a super robot story, with the humans who had settled on Mars invading Earth to plunder its resources. The twist was that the Martians had super robots with physics-defying alien tech while the Earthlings had real robots.”

The term 'real robot', of course, did not refer to actual robots. It referred to a certain sub-genre of the super robot genre where the robots were not some kind of one of a kind magical super science project piloted by a chosen one but simply the next step in the development of military warfare.

In fact, from what Elaine had been told, some researchers were actually trying to make such robots in another part of the country, another experimental project to hopefully beat the Outsiders back with, same as Base 15.

“That actually sounds like a pretty cool premise”, Elaine said. She had been a bit shocked at how much Alexis could geek out on topics that excited her but it was really endearing and the girl was doing her best to hold back and involve Elaine in the conversation, which Elaine found even cuter.

“It didn't quite live up to that”, Alexis said. “The story ended up pretty dumb, with the writers trying four episodes in a row to raise tension by pretending something bad was going to happen to the princess character. But the best part was the protagonist. Not some chosen hero type, but a borderline autist with an above-average knowledge of physics. And since the Martians were messing with physics, he kept using that to his advantage.”

“How does knowledge of physics let you win fights?”, Elaine asked.

Alexis smiled. “Remember when you created that ball of plasma?”, she asked.

Elaine nodded. “Vaguely, yes. It's a trick I'd been tinkering with but up until that moment I had never managed it.”

“Well, in an early episode the heroes fight a mech with plasma blades. They can't approach it without getting carved apart and they can't shoot it either because the extreme heat makes the bullets explode or tumble off course. So the hero decides to use gauntlets of reactive armor to temporarily disperse the plasma before throwing the enemy mech into the ocean, where the plasma causes a steam explosion that blows the whole mech up.”

Elaine knew what reactive armor was. It was one of those military equipment things that sounded completely nuts and made up. It was tank armor built out of explosives, which sounded really rather counterproductive but when hit with a certain amount of force it would explode outward, throwing the projectiles back at the source. From what she'd gathered, Base 15 had reactive armor on its outer walls.

“Okay, noted. Do not throw plasma around when near Lake Ontario”, Elaine said. “You're really passionate about this stuff, right? Military tech, I mean?”

Alexis blushed. “Yeah, I babble about it, sorry.”

“It's fine”, Elaine said. “I think I might watch that show, actually, or is the story really that bad?”

“It's... forgettable”, Alexis said. “The music was phenomenal and the way the hero beats the villains is generally cool but the story was just meh. Also the ending... not to spoil anything but it was both ingenious and completely unsatisfying at the same time.”

“Now I want to watch it just to see how dumb the ending is”, Elaine said, then asked: “Maybe we can watch it together?”

Alexis' face lit up. “Sure, I'd love that!”

And so the two of them laid down on Alexis' bed, her laptop turned to them, and began to watch Aldnoah.Zero.

Elaine laid behind Alexis, the blonde's head resting on her bicep. Elaine held her right hand high on Alexis' hip, not intruding but still close. She wasn't quite spooning with Alexis though, for fear of getting an erection that would disgust her.

Alexis, meanwhile, had tremendous trouble focusing on the show. Her crush was holding her so close she could smell the scent of roses and musk and gun oil on her and it was driving her crazy.

When they got to the part where the heroes figured out that the mech with the everything-proof shield needed drones to spot for it because its shield absorbed even light Elaine asked: “Shit, is that something you have to worry about with your light magic invisibility? You bend light away from you, don't you? Does it blind you when you use it?”

It took Alexis a while to understand what Elaine had been saying through the haze of oh-my-god-she's-so-close and a bit longer still to formulate a reply before she stammered out: “N-no, I, that is, I mean, my magic takes care of that, I mean I can see just fine with it on.”

Along the way Alexis had placed a hand over Elaine's right and Elaine laced their fingers as she said: “That's good.”

They kept watching a little longer until they got to the haunting song that played over the end credits of episode four.

“You really weren't kidding about the music”, Elaine commented and instead of turning on episode five Alexis turned around and pressed her lips against Elaine's in a desperate kiss.

Elaine stiffened against her for just a second before melting into the kiss. Alexis was inexperienced and a little awkward but her eagerness made up for it. Elaine had to be careful not to go too far but Alexis was so amazing that it was a struggle for her.

Finally their kiss ended when Alexis had to come up for air and after she took a huge breath she started babbling: “I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I told myself I wouldn't do anything stupid like that. I really really like you but I know you don't care about me and why would you when you have girls like Evelyn and Ophelia around and I...” she trailed off as she felt Elaine's hand against her cheek.

“Shh, shh. I do care about you, Alexis, it's just...”

“That you're already taken”, Alexis finished.

Elaine shook her head. “It's not that I don't want you, Alexis. It's that I come with baggage you won't like.”

Alexis looked up into her eyes. “Let me decide that, please. What is so bad that it'll scare me off?”

“Well, for one, no, I'm not in a serious relationship with Evelyn.”

Alexis' eyes lit up.

“But yes, there is something going on, but she said she doesn't mind sharing me.” Elaine winced at that, but Alexis got even more excited. “Wait, you're okay with that?”

Alexis giggled. “I don't mind if I have to share you, so long as I get to be with you”, she said.

Elaine stroked her chin, but then said: “But there's something else. Something I've been keeping from you. It's something I'm embarrassed about and I think you won't like it.”

“Out with it”, Alexis demanded.

Elaine hesitated before explaining: “The experiments that made us into Awakeners had some odd side effects on me and I'm sort of a freak now.” She was embarrassed to admit it.

“It can't be that bad. You've got a gorgeous face and you're not hunchbacked or anything”, Alexis said.

Elaine snorted. “Well, alright, you asked for it.” And so she grabbed Alexis' hand and placed it over her crotch. She was already rock hard after their kiss.

To say that Alexis was inexperienced would have been an understatement, so when Elaine grabbed her hand and placed it on her crotch she was ecstatic at first. Then she looked at Elaine's concerned expression and felt around. She'd never touched any pussy but her own so it actually took her a moment to realize what was wrong. Then she felt it. It was hard and straining against the fabric.

No way.

She looked down at her hand cupping the bulge, then up at Elaine's face. Then her gaze went down to her chest. Her large but very obviously not fake chest.

“You have a penis”, Alexis said flatly, stating the obvious.

“Yes”, Elaine said. “I'm sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?”, Alexis asked.

That took Elaine by surprise. “You're a lesbian, aren't you? I'm sorry for not being what you want me to be. I didn't mean to.” Elaine looked away, tears in the corners of her eyes.

Alexis placed a slender hand against her cheek and asked: “Hey, it's okay, no need to cry. Why are you crying?”

“I didn't mean to disgust you”, Elaine said, almost too quiet to hear.

Alexis frowned at her, then grabbed Elaine by the shoulders and shoved her onto her back, hard. She climbed on top of her and placed her hands on Elaine's cheek, forcing her to meet her gaze. “Why do you think you could possibly disgust me?”, she asked.

“Because you're a lesbian and I come with the wrong equipment?”, Elaine asked back.

Alexis snorted. “Alright yeah, I'm a lesbian and yeah, it's weird that you have that, but I fell for you, Elaine, not for your cooch.”

Elaine blinked the tears away and said: “I... are you sure?”

Alexis wiped the tears out of Elaine's eyes and kissed her gently, just once, before replying: “Yes, I am. I'll take you any way I can get you.”

Achievement unlocked. Reached Bond Level 5. Awarded 500 Credits.

“I also have a confession to make”, Alexis told Elaine after wiping the notification away.

“What is it?”, Elaine asked, suddenly worried.

“I'm... a virgin.”

Elaine stared at her. “How the fuck did that happen? How did a girl as cute as you stay a virgin for this long?”

Alexis blushed and looked away. “It took me a while to figure out why I didn't like guys. Then I had my heart broken and when I finally got over that I was at university, studying engineering, surrounded by guys. And then the world ended.”

“Well that sucks”, Elaine said.

“Not really. I saved it up for someone special”, Alexis said with a smile.

Elaine stroked her cheek. “I have to admit something else, too.” Alexis looked a little worried, so Elaine said: “I've never had sex with this thing, either.”

“Wait, you're a virgin, too?”, Alexis asked, shocked.

Elaine shook her head. “Oh, I've had sex before. Just not since I grew this thing.”

Alexis frowned. “Wait, I thought you and Evelyn...”

“We didn't go all the way, no.”

Alexis relaxed. “I guess we can learn together then.”

“Are you sure you're fine with it?”, Elaine asked.

Alexis got a smile on her face and asked: “Let me try?”

Elaine was worried she'd see disgust on Alexis' face but finally she decided to extend her trust to the cute blonde. “Okay.”

Alexis did not start by taking off Elaine's pants. She finally had the woman she'd been lusting for right where she wanted her and she was going to enjoy all of her so she started by unbuttoning Elaine's top, exposing the lacy black bra the brunette was wearing. Alexis bit her lips, not having expected such a racy garment.

In truth, Elaine was much more comfortable in sports bras but that day she had gone for something slightly sexier. She knew that it had been slightly too optimistic but now it turned out that it had been the right decision. She loved how her breasts looked in this thing and even under clothes it gave them a nicer shape than her usual sports bras did. And Alexis seemed to eat up the view just as much.

Alexis carefully cupped Elaine's breasts, gently squeezed them, and then carefully pulled the lacy fabric down to reveal Elaine's beautiful pink nipples, gently flicking them and then rolling them between her fingers.

The feeling brought a memory back in Elaine. The way Alexis was touching her was almost exactly like the first time anyone had ever played with her breasts, only Alexis' fingers were far softer and more slender than those of the boy who'd touched her back then.

She shook the memory off. This was Alexis who was touching her and Elaine didn't need to think of anyone else. She grabbed Alexis by the back of the head and pulled her into a kiss. When they parted she whispered: “I love the way you touch me.”

“I'm not too rough?”, Alexis asked.

“You can be a little rougher with me if you want. I can take it.”

Alexis bit her lip and then dipped her head down to lick and kiss Elaine's cleavage and before sucking one of her nipples into her mouth. She loved the way Elaine smelled, roses and gun oil and sweat, and she tasted like all that, sweet and salty and simply divine.

While working on Elaine's nipples with her mouth she let her hand roam over Elaine's toned stomach. Toned was an understatement, the woman had a six-pack and Alexis couldn't stop running her hands over it. She slid down lower and started nipping at the brunette's abs, running her tongue between the individual muscles before dipping her tongue into her bellybutton.

Elaine hissed and pushed Alexis' head closer. Elaine was not a pillow princess. She was the one who took charge in bed. Always had been. She didn't know whether Alexis knew how much trust she was extending to her by letting her take the lead but she hoped the gesture got through.

Alexis was torn between being a nervous wreck and shaking with giddiness. Elaine was letting her try things out at her own pace without pushing her and she was deeply grateful for it. She was having the time of her life exploring the body of the woman she loved but she was also terrified that she would do something wrong. Then again, by the way Elaine's breathing was getting more and more ragged she must have been doing something right.

Finally, Alexis gathered her courage and opened Elaine's fly, then pulled her pants down. Elaine was wearing a pair of black boxer shorts.

“Aw, no lace?”, Alexis asked, her voice teasing. In truth, Alexis knew why Elaine wasn't wearing lace panties. The way the boxer shorts were tenting up she would probably have shredded a pair of lace panties.

She scooted back up to look at Elaine's face as she traced gentle circles over her dick through the fabric.

Elaine wanted desperately for Alexis to touch her but she was worried about rushing her. Still, she couldn't stop herself from whimpering out: “Please...”

Alexis bit her lip as she heard it and slipped her hand into Elaine's shorts. It felt hard and hot and big. Had this thing been attached to a man she would have found it disgusting. On Elaine, though, she merely found it concerning.

Will this even fit?

“Take them off”, Alexis instructed and Elaine hastened to comply, freeing her dick and making it bounce around. The tip was almost fully exposed, only the crown still hidden under the foreskin. Alexis wrapped her hand around the shaft and then looked at Elaine, who had her eyes closed and a look of desperate expectation on her face. Alexis had done her best to stay away from this particular organ for all her life but she knew at least a little bit about it. She gave it a few careful pumps up and down, not sure if she was doing it right, so she asked Elaine.

In response Elaine wrapped her hand around Alexis' and guided it slightly higher so that her thumb and index finger were making a loose ring around the crown. Then Elaine squeezed down on Alexis' hand to make her tighten her grip and then she pumped up and down in a certain rhythm, not too slow but not too fast. Alexis got the message and kept pumping the way Elaine had shown her, then leaned forward so she could lick, suck and nibble on Elaine's rock hard nipples as she worked on her cock.

Alexis was loving Elaine's reactions. The effect she was having on her by just pumping her dick was amazing and Alexis never wanted to stop.

“I'm getting close”, Elaine mumbled and started bucking her hips against Alexis' hand. In response Alexis tightened her grip a little, making Elaine gasp and buck even harder.

Alexis knew what was coming next, she wasn't that clueless, so she dug in her pocket for a tissue and held it in place so that when Elaine came with a loud groan Alexis was there to catch all of her cum. She would have loved to have seen the sticky liquid all over Elaine's chest and stomach but she hadn't wanted to ruin the pretty lace bra.

Should have taken it off earlier, she thought with regret.

She looked at the tissue filled with Elaine's cum in her hand. It felt heavy and she wondered if the quantity was always like this, then went glassy-eyed when she imagined Elaine pumping all of that into her pussy. Almost without thinking she dipped a finger into the sticky liquid and then put it in her mouth. It was slimy and salty but somehow, knowing where it had come from, she loved it.

Elaine was lying on her back, breathing hard. It had felt amazing for her. Even with her help Alexis had been new to this and it had taken her far longer to get Elaine off than if she'd done it herself but between her clumsy hands, the slow build-up, and the knowledge that Alexis had wanted to do this to her it had felt an order of magnitude better than if she'd done it herself. And then Alexis had dipped her finger into her cum and licked it off, looking like she'd tasted ambrosia, which had almost been enough to get Elaine hard again.

But before that could happen she grabbed the tissue, balled it up and threw it into Alexis' trash can, then flipped Alexis over and told her: “That was amazing. You were amazing.” She didn't kiss Alexis, though, for fear of getting any of her sperm where her mouth was going next. She didn't know if her cum could get women pregnant or if she was sterile like a mule and she had no intention of finding out, at least not like that. If she was going to get a woman pregnant it was damn well going to be deliberate.

She pulled off Alexis' shirt and pants and then looked at the lacy pink underwear she was wearing.

“Adorable”, she muttered as she kissed her way along Alexis' jawline, down to her neck, then to her collarbone and then to her cleavage.

She hooked her fingers behind Alexis' back to open her bra, then pulled it off. Alexis' small breasts were just as perky as Elaine had imagined they would be. The blonde made to cover herself but Elaine grabbed her wrists and pushed them into the mattress.

“Don't hide”, she cooed as she began showering Alexis' chest with kisses, some light as a feather, some sloppy, and some where she suckled so hard she left hickeys. Alexis moaned under Elaine's attention and started gasping when the brunette slid lower, leaving a trail of kisses all the way down to her panties. She kissed around the lining of her panties, then skipped past them and kissed Alexis' thighs, first the right, then the left. Then she pressed a single kiss right on the wet spot in Alexis' panties, eliciting a gasp from the blonde.

“Please, take them off”, Alexis whined and Elaine did as she was asked, revealing the cutest pink little pussy. Alexis was clean shaven, so clean that Elaine was certain she'd done it in preparation for this. She smiled as she realized that the blonde had a dirty mind after all.

Alexis had expected Elaine to kneel between her thighs and prepare to fuck her. She'd been scared yet excited by the idea, but it was not to be. Instead Elaine slid even lower, slipped her hands underneath Alexis to cup her butt, and then pressed her mouth against the blonde's pussy.

Alexis' eyes went wide. She'd fantasized about someone doing this to her but she hadn't expected Elaine to just go for it. She'd always thought it was something she would have to talk a lover into but instead Elaine just dug right in, working her in ways she hadn't even known she liked to be worked. Elaine nibbled on her outer lips, then sucked the inner ones into her mouth, one after the other. She licked all the way along her slit and then spread her open with her fingers, dipping her tongue inside just a little bit before coming back up to gently wrap her lips around her clit.

Alexis didn't know what to do with her hands. She wanted to grab Elaine and push her closer, she wanted to grasp the sheets, she wanted to hug herself and squeeze her arms. The feelings were too much and she could barely hold on as Elaine ate her out.

Elaine, for her part, was having great fun. Alexis tasted great, like cherries and honey, and the reactions she was getting from the blonde were simply amazing. She wore her heart on her sleeve under normal circumstances already but in the bedroom Alexis might as well have been keeping a running commentary her reactions were so easy to read. Everything she liked was punctuated by a gasp, moan or whimper and what few things Alexis didn't like she reacted to with a low buzzing sound of discomfort. The only thing that bothered Elaine was that Alexis was still a virgin and her hymen kept Elaine from going deep, stopping her from both fingering and tongue fucking her lover for fear of breaking it. But Elaine took it as a challenge, seeing whether she could make the girl come without pushing inside her.

Soon Alexis was writhing under her touch, trying desperately not to grab Elaine by the back of the head and shove her deeper or wrap her legs around the brunette. Elaine wanted to tell her to just let go and do it but to do that she would have had to take her mouth off Alexis' pussy and she wasn't going to do that. But then she remembered what Evelyn had done and used her right hand to tap out a message for Alexis.

Stop fighting it. Let go, I can take it.

The message flashed before Alexis' eyes just as she was getting desperate and she wrapped her legs around Elaine's back and sunk her hands into her light brown hair as she gasped. Then her gasp turned into a sweet cry of pleasure she couldn't stifle.

Alexis' pussy was contracting against Elaine's mouth and she allowed herself a moment of smug satisfaction that she'd managed to make her come this easily. She wanted to pull herself up and kiss Alexis but the blonde still had her all wrapped up so she kept her mouth pressed against Alexis' pussy, gently massaging the sensitive skin with her lips until Alexis finally relaxed.

Elaine crawled back up and was about to wipe Alexis' juices off her mouth when the blonde started showering her with kisses, apparently not minding to taste herself.

“That good, huh?”, Elaine asked, a cocky smile on her face. She might not have had any experience on how to use her dick yet but that didn't mean she didn't know how to make a woman forget her own name from pure pleasure.

“I didn't know it could be like that”, Alexis finally said.

Achievement unlocked: Reached Bond Level 6. Awarded 600 Credits.


After a lot of cuddling Alexis and Elaine decided to look at what the new Bond Levels had to offer, not that Alexis had any points to spend on them yet, but she simply liked to futz with her AR menus.

Bond Level 5:
Ildánach (Physical) – 50 EXP: Your Strength, Toughness and Agility are increased by 20%. Awakener's Strength, Toughness and Agility are increased by 10%.
Sunlight Channeling (Magical) – 50 EXP: Shortens the time required to summon the Winds of Magic by 30%. During daylight, shortens by a further 30%.
Soothing Sunlight (Recovery) – 50 EXP: Using light magic increases passive regeneration by 300% for as long as magic is being used.
Manifestation of Areadbhar (M) – 50 EXP: Allows you to summon a high level simulacrum of Areadbhar, which can penetrate all conventional armor and most supernatural armor on both thrusting and slashing attacks. Allows Awakener to summon an average level simulacrum of Areadbhar. Requires Apparition of Areadbhar.
Bond Level 6:
Charged Attack III (Physical) – 60 EXP: You can charge physical attack for 1 second to increase damage inflicted by 50%. Charge for 2 seconds to double damage instead. Charge for 3 seconds to increase damage inflicted by 150%. Works on both melee and ranged attacks, but not on spells. Requires Charged Attack II.
Masterful Light Magic (Magical) – 60 EXP: Grants access to masterful light-elemental magic. Grants Awakener access to advanced light-elemental magic. Requires Advanced Light Magic.
Beacon of Salvation (Recovery) – 60 EXP: 75% of all bonuses to regeneration that apply to you also radiate outward to apply to allies within 20 yards. Requires Beacon of Hope.
Manifestation of Aenbharr (M) – 60 EXP: Allows you to summon a high level simulacrum of Aenbharr. When mounted, all stats are increased by 50%. Allows Awakener to summon an average level simulacrum of Aenbharr. Requires Apparition of Aenbharr.

“Not gonna lie, I'm miffed there's no upgrade for Glory Hound available”, Alexis said.

“Yeah, that would have been really good”, Elaine said. “On the plus side, that means you can now focus on making yourself stronger. That stat boost is great, Soothing Sunlight sounds good and the upgraded Beacon of Hope will be useful.”

“True”, Alexis said. “But more importantly, look at the description on the new Areadbhar. On the base version I noticed that slashing attacks didn't really seem to do all that much, but with this they're much better.”

“Huh. Well, that could be useful”, Elaine said.

“Uh-huh. And it's all thanks to you”, Alexis said.

“No, this is your power. I just help awaken it”, Elaine told her.

Alexis shook her head. “No, you've done so much more. You helped awaken my power and you've made me a stronger person.”

Now it was Elaine's turn to shake her head. “You're much stronger than you think. You know, I was originally hesitant to start something with you. I was worried that Brandon had traumatized you and didn't want to push you. But he hasn't even slowed you down.”

“Not quite”, Alexis said and Elaine was worried she'd said something wrong. “Ever since then I can't handle people touching me from behind. If someone grabs my shoulder and I don't know who it is I flinch. I can't tell you how glad I am that you came to save me that first day.”

“Always”, Elaine told her and kissed her again.


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