Professor Vampire.

Chapter 293 - 293 Department of Mysteries incident

Chapter 293: Chapter 293 Department of Mysteries incident

After Voldemort's resurrection, many things gradually changed.

Dracula left Hogwarts and took away assistant Riddle. Snape temporarily took on the part-time job of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the last few days of the semester, assigning summer homework instead of Dracula, which made the young wizards complain bitterly.

Fudge was transformed into the lowest level vampire by Dracula, and returned to the Ministry of Magic to pretend to be normal, but he could not hide it from the insiders present, and the news still spread.

The regime in the British Ministry of Magic almost changed, and it was suppressed by Fudge and his diehards.

Dumbledore completely parted ways with Fudge, and publicly announced Voldemort's return at the end-of-term dinner, warning students to be vigilant.

Cedric became a vampire, chose to graduate from Hogwarts early, and went to Brown Castle to study the "High-Quality Vampire Code of Conduct" compiled by Selina and the innate abilities of vampires.

He was a vampire who was embraced by Dracula himself. His physical fitness and magic power have greatly improved in a short period of time. He really needs to systematically learn how to control his power.

Of course, how to face his friends and classmates with a new identity is also a matter that troubles Cedric.

Cedric's girlfriend, Qiu Zhang, who finally confirmed her relationship in the semi-finals, cried very sadly, and he had to promise her that he would often return to Hogsmeade to meet her...

Fortunately, the magic world has a precedent of the famous vampire singer Lorcan Deiss living in harmony with wizards.

Dracula gave a few instructions, and Deiss took the initiative to keep in touch with Cedric, using his own personal experience to enlighten him and give reasonable suggestions. So Cedric was not too confused.

Hogwarts issued him a graduation certificate in advance, which was equivalent to Cedric officially graduating in the sixth grade instead of dropping out of school - in fact, he was indeed better than almost all the students in the graduating grade.

As for Harry, his life became a little confused.

After Harry escaped from Voldemort's hands by the flashback spell cast by the same core wand in his and Voldemort's hands, he became the center of discussion in Hogwarts. His classmates all wanted to ask him what happened before he came out of the maze.

However, although Harry told his classmates how Voldemort was resurrected, only a part of them believed in Harry.

After all, after many years of classmates, they already knew the savior of the magic world very well. Everyone knew that Harry was just an ordinary person, and many people were unwilling to believe that he could escape from the terrible dark devil for the second time.

Moreover, there are two types of people who are willing to believe in Harry-

One is a group of fanatical fans such as Colin Creevey and Harry's good friends in Gryffindor. They are willing to believe Harry and are more willing to believe Dumbledore's warning.

The other group of students is mainly pure-blood students from Slytherin. They seem to be excited about the return of the Dark Lord and think that pure-blood students will become stronger under the leadership of Voldemort.

However, it is a bit strange that Draco Malfoy, who should be the most excited, is not as happy as his two followers. Instead, he looks a little anxious and his pale face becomes even more bloodless, which makes many Slytherin students think he is sick.


When the summer vacation came, Harry left Hogwarts Castle in a depressed mood and spent an unhappy summer vacation.

In addition to his aunt and uncle still treating him like a bug and shouting at him, and his cousin Dudley using him as a punching bag for boxing, there are even two Dementors who live on souls that have escaped the control of the Ministry of Magic and came to Privet Drive to ambush him.

Fortunately, under Dracula's training, Harry has long been able to skillfully use the Patronus Charm and easily drive away the Dementors.

These two Dementors were arranged by Umbridge.

She gave Fudge an idea, hoping to force Harry to use magic outside the school, and falsely accuse Harry of violating the "Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act" by using magic outside the school, so as to expel him from Hogwarts.

A savior who was expelled from school would surely have a greatly weakened influence in the magic world.

And Fudge could step on Harry, whose reputation plummeted, to further strengthen his political reputation-

Fudge, who was turned into a low-level vampire by Dracula, needed to strengthen his reputation to prevent himself from being squeezed out of the position of Minister of Magic by other officials.

In fact, Fudge basically stayed in the office every day and did not go out. When he encountered extremely important social events, he used Transfiguration to modify his appearance to prevent others from seeing the clues.

And as a low-level vampire like him, he could not control his desire to suck blood, so he could only secretly order a lot of blood from merchants who made blood-flavored lollipops and blood puddings, which barely suppressed his emotions of attacking others...

However, Fudge and Umbridge's plan failed after all.

When Harry came to the Ministry of Magic for trial, Dumbledore personally attended the trial as a witness for Harry and finally helped him get rid of the accusation.

Poor Harry, after a series of changes in the summer vacation, finally waited for the start of school.

But at the opening ceremony, he found that Fudge's assistant, the senior executive of the Ministry of Magic, and the acting deputy minister Umbridge became the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year.

She represented the Ministry of Magic to rectify the "bad atmosphere" of Hogwarts, and it was also a compromise made by Dumbledore to get Harry out of the accusation and let Hogwarts continue to receive the support of the Ministry of Magic.

This is because, after Dracula left, the funding chain provided by the school board to the school was broken-

Originally, Malfoy and other pure-blood families were the largest donors of Hogwarts' operating funds, but after Voldemort was resurrected, Lucius naturally had to make a gesture of drawing a line with Dumbledore and did everything he could to embarrass him.

Hogwarts students are exempt from tuition fees, and the school does not have many ways to make a profit. Hogwarts must have external sources of funds to operate.

In addition to the board of directors, the remaining funds are provided by the Ministry of Magic. Fudge threatened to cut funding and forced Umbridge to join the Hogwarts teaching team.

Umbridge's teaching method is not like Defense Against the Dark Arts at all. Instead, it makes students read nonsense textbooks without any practice and exercises. Even the dueling club has stopped.

The students of Hogwarts completely lost the opportunity to practice, just because Fudge stubbornly believed that the magic world was extremely stable and students did not need to beware of any dark magic...

In the first class, Harry clashed with Umbridge because he was angry at her teaching method and was eventually put in detention.

The huge gap made other students complain about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and they hoped that Dracula would return to Hogwarts, even if he led them to jump out of the window again...


In order to oppose Umbridge's control over the students and to let everyone learn more about defense so as to cope with the upcoming storm in the wizarding world, Harry and several good friends organized a small Defense Against the Dark Arts Club, which met in the Room of Requirement.

This club was named Dumbledore's Army, or D.A. for short.

The connotation of Dumbledore's Army was actually inherited from the duel club hosted by Dracula, which was to train students' practical ability.

Therefore, there were many more students who responded than Harry imagined.

However, due to the large number of people involved, there were still traitors in the D.A., and Umbridge relied on the traitor to discover that Harry was teaching everyone Defense Against the Dark Arts behind her back.

Everyone fled in a hurry, and in the end only Harry was caught because he was the last one to leave. Umbridge was overjoyed and finally found a way to weaken Harry's reputation. She was ready to expel him from Hogwarts on the grounds of illegal association.

However, Dumbledore took the blame for Harry and was deliberately expelled from Hogwarts to make other preparations to deal with Voldemort.

During Dumbledore's absence, Harry's scar hurt even more.

One day, in his hazy fantasy, he saw Sirius being captured by Voldemort and taken to a black door under the Ministry of Magic. However, at this moment, Principal Dumbledore was no longer in school.

"We must save Sirius." Harry said anxiously to his friends, "He is being tortured by Voldemort!"


"Are you sure about the accuracy of the news, right?"

In the most luxurious compartment of the White Dragon Bar, Dracula and Lucius sat face to face on the sofa.

"That's right. The Dark Lord has invaded Potter's mind and wants to trick him out to get a prophecy." Lucius' face was pale and his facial muscles were shaking with tension. "He seemed to say that the prophecy concealed the fate of him and Potter..."

"What he wants to do is irrelevant to me." Dracula shook his head, "All I need is a chance to stop him... If it's in the Ministry of Magic, this opportunity might work."

He looked up at Lucius and handed him a two-sided mirror. "Thank you for your hard work this time. When the time comes, feel free to find an opportunity to contact me with this."

Lucius took the mirror and a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

"Mr. Dracula, I feel that if the Dark Lord finds out that his plan has been exposed, he will probably suspect me." He said in a panic, "I think then..."

"After this time, you can get away from Voldemort." Dracula said, "You can stay in Dracula Castle temporarily, or I can help you arrange a house and be your Fidelius Secret-Keeper, both are fine."

Lucius' eyes suddenly showed a look of overjoyed joy. freё

"Okay... okay! Thank you so much, Professor Dracula!" He said happily.

For Lucius, after being an undercover agent for so long, he finally had a day to relax!


Beside the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Rolf, Ginny, Neville and other students stood together.

Harry and his friends finally got rid of Umbridge, and later, at Rolf's suggestion, they prepared to ride the Thestrals in the Forbidden Forest to the Ministry of Magic to rescue Sirius.

"Rolf, how do we ride them?" Harry walked to a Thestral and looked back at Rolf and asked.

"This is not difficult, but I didn't expect you to see the Thestrals." Rolf said, "I heard Luna say that you saw the Thestrals in front of the carriage before, but I didn't quite believe it..."

"Maybe it's because of what happened in the cemetery. I really thought Cedric was dead at the time." Harry said slowly, "And I also saw my parents who had left long ago, and remembered the things in my childhood when I didn't remember anything."

Rolf fell silent and stretched out a hand to pat his shoulder.

"Come with me, just get on." After a moment, he said to Harry gently, "Thestrals are actually quite docile. Luna and I often come to feed them. Let them help us today."

Harry put one hand into the mane of the Thestral closest to him and held it tightly. He stepped on the stump next to him with one foot and climbed clumsily onto its soft and smooth back.

The Thestral did not resist, but turned his head to look at Rolf.

"Got it, got it. I'll bring you more meat next time." Rolf seemed to immediately understand what the Thestrals meant by their expression, and said to them with a smile.

Harry sat on the Thestrals' back, turned around and looked around at the others-

Neville was hunched over, lying on the back of another Thestrals, trying to cross one of his short legs to the other side Luna had already sat sideways and was tidying up her robes, just like she would ride on the Thestrals every day.

But Ron, Hermione and Ginny were still standing there motionless, staring with their mouths open.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"How are we supposed to ride on them?" Ron murmured, "We can't see them."

"Oh, that's easy." Luna said as she slid off the Thestrals enthusiastically, and strode towards Ron, Hermione and Ginny, "Come here..."

She pulled them to the Thestrals standing around, and helped them ride on the Thestrals one by one.

She held their hands and told them to hold on tight before walking back to their mounts. All three of them looked nervous as hell.

"This is incredible," Ron muttered, stroking the horse's neck carefully with his free hand. "Incredible... If I could see it -"

"You'd better never see it," Harry said helplessly. "Besides that, are you all ready?"

The others nodded, and everyone's knees tensed under their robes.


He glanced down at the Thestral's sleek black head and swallowed nervously.

"So, London, Ministry of Magic, Guest Entrance," he said uncertainly. "Well... if you know how to get there..."

The Thestral stood still for a moment, then suddenly spread its wings with such force that Harry almost fell off.

It crouched slowly, then shot up into the sky like an arrow, so fast and at such a steep angle that Harry had to cling to its body with his hands and feet to prevent himself from falling off its bony tail.

They rushed over the treetops and flew into the flaming sunset, eyes closed, cheeks pressed against the smooth, silky mane of the Thestral.

They flew over the grounds of Hogwarts and over Hogsmeade Harry could see the hills and valleys below.

The day began to fade, and they flew over village after village, with lights dotted below them, and then a lone car speeding through hills on its way back along a winding mountain road...

"How bizarre!"

Harry could barely hear Ron shouting from somewhere behind him, and imagined what it would feel like to be so high in the air, unable to see his mount.

Dusk fell, and the sky gradually turned a faint, hazy purple, with small silver stars scattered around.

Gradually, a group of tall buildings appeared in the sight of the little wizards.

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