Professor Vampire.

Chapter 283 - 283 The current status of the secret realm and the ongoing competition

Chapter 283: Chapter 283 The current status of the secret realm and the ongoing competition

Just like the situation two years ago, Mount Olympus is now covered in a thick fog.

Dracula gently waved his wand in the thick fog.

A blood-red beam of light blasted towards a place in the thick fog, and the next moment, a hexagram magic circle surrounded by circular light appeared at the place bombarded by the spell.

Taking a step forward, Dracula instantly stepped into the rotating magic circle.

The moment he touched the light curtain, just like the time he came with Newt and the Greek Minister of Magic Albert two years ago, the world suddenly turned upside down.

The towering and majestic Mount Olympus turned upside down, hanging far above the sky.

And below Mount Olympus is a majestic and elegant building with a strong ancient Greek style, standing on a flat ground like water.

Andros's patron saint still stood there - as tall as Mount Olympus, like a silver giant that seemed to reach the sky and the earth.

However, the silver light on the giant flickered at this time, flashing from time to time, as if it would go out at any time.

Endless black fog filled the patron saint's surroundings, submerging most of those ancient Greek-style buildings, and these black fogs were still rising, and it would not be long before those temples and palaces would be completely buried...

Dracula knew that these buildings represented all the power that Andros could gather -

Most of these buildings were ancient Greek temples, which contained countless human beings' faith in gods, and were also full of the most earnest expectations of wizards and civilians in the magic world for Andros to defeat Herbo.

One building after another served as the array base, and together they formed a magical magic array, sealing Herbo's soul in this powerful array.

And the core of the array was the giant patron saint incarnated by Andros!

In the process of fighting against Helbo for more than 2,000 years, Andros's power was slowly weakening over time, but Helbo's soul power was growing for some reason.

As one grew stronger, the other weaker, and gradually, Andros was unable to suppress Helbo.

To this end, he borrowed the power of the building projection, and used his remaining power to communicate with the original building in the outside world, connecting the faith of ordinary wizards on this land.

In the end, Andros, with the help of the faith of outsiders, once again gained the power to rival Helbo.

However, people's faith is not endless. When this faith can no longer support Andros's confrontation with Helbo, the formation automatically absorbs the foundation of the Greek magic world, that is, the magic power that escapes outside.

This is a move that gambles the future of the Greek magic world, but these magic powers can't resist Helbo's sudden surge in power this time.

When these buildings are completely buried, that is when the secret realm collapses and Helbo is born!

Dracula's eyes became very solemn.

He flashed and appeared in the center of the giant guardian.

A tall man wearing a white robe-like outfit and bare shoulders stood pale in the center of the guardian, trying to maintain the suppression of Helbo by this secret realm to prevent him from breaking through the secret realm and entering the world.

"What happened here?" Dracula frowned and asked the man, "Why did Helbo's power become so strong in just two years? Wasn't he eliminated by us two years ago? It will take at least ten years for him to recover?"

Hearing Dracula's question, Andros turned around and smiled at him reluctantly.

"Ah, you're finally here, my old friend." Andros relaxed a little and forced a smile, "You didn't kill all the Dementors outside, did you? I can only think of plundering the dark energy of the Dementors to restore his strength..."

"How is that possible?" Dracula retorted, "In order to prevent you from dying too quickly, I have hardly killed any Dementors in the past two years... Besides, I just went to Azkaban a while ago, and the Dementors there are alive and well!"

"Ahem... What's the matter with Herpo's power?" Andros coughed weakly a few times and said to Dracula, "I don't understand, there was no sign at all, and he almost broke through the secret realm before I could react."

"When did his power start to surge?" Dracula asked.

"I've been in the secret realm and can't tell the exact time," Andros said, "but it's very close, no more than a few hours."

"A few hours..." Dracula frowned, "Why didn't he get into trouble when I was bored before, but he had to go wrong at the beginning of the semi-finals? I always feel that it's a bit deliberate..."

"Don't study whether it's deliberate or not, I can't stand it anymore!" Andros rolled his eyes unhappily beside him, "Hurry up, come and help!"

Dracula put aside his doubts and raised his wand-



"Point Me."

In the maze of the last project of the semi-finals, Harry held the wand flat on his palm and whispered to it.

The wand rotated and pointed to the dense hedge on his right.

This meant that the direction was north, and Harry realized that he had to go northwest to get to the center of the maze. The best way is to take the left fork and then turn right as soon as possible.

The road ahead is clear and empty all around. When Harry turns right, there are still no obstacles. It is as quiet as a quiet dormitory late at night.

Harry doesn't know why the maze is like this. Shouldn't there be thorns, countless dangerous magical animals, and countless difficult puzzles blocking his way one after another?

Such a smooth road makes Harry a little flustered. He always feels that this maze seems to be tempting him with a false sense of safety.

Suddenly, there seems to be some movement behind him.

Harry is refreshed and quickly picks up the wand to prepare for self-defense, but under the fluorescent light of the wand, it is Cedric who is running out from a small road on the right in a hurry.

He looks a little flustered at this time, and there is still smoke on his sleeves.

"Hiss, I just ran into Hagrid's blasting-tailed skrewt!" he shouted to Harry, "I've never seen such a big one in Care of Magical Creatures class, and I finally escaped from it!"

"Is it dangerous over there?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Yes, there are all kinds of traps along the way, and there are many scary magical animals." Cedric nodded, "Why, isn't that the road you chose?"

"I don't seem to have encountered any danger along the way..." Harry said hesitantly.

"Is that so?" Cedric looked at him with some envy, "Maybe you are luckier."

He shook his head, turned and rushed into another road, trying to throw the blasting-tailed skrewt that was approaching again away.

Harry also quickened his pace and took another road - if it weren't for the fact that he and Cedric couldn't help each other, Harry really wanted to form a team with Cedric, at least if they continued like this, the championship would be more likely to belong to Hogwarts in the end.

Turning a corner, he finally saw the first monster on this road... A Dementor slowly walked towards him, twelve feet tall, with a hood covering his face and his rotten and scabby hands stretched straight out.

It floated closer step by step, and touched him by feeling. Harry could hear the gurgling wheezing sound in its throat.

A cold and sticky feeling attacked his whole body, but he knew what to do... In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Dracula used a lot of these monsters as teaching aids. The young wizards at Hogwarts were afraid of nothing but Dementors.

Harry tried his best to think of the happiest things, and tried his best to concentrate on imagining the scene of walking out of the maze and celebrating victory with Ron and Hermione. At the same time, he raised his wand and shouted the same spell as Dracula on the other side:


A silver stag jumped out of Harry's wand and ran towards the Dementors. The Dementor took two steps back and tripped over its robes... Harry had never seen a Dementor so funny that it could trip over its own robes.

"Don't move!" He laughed and took two steps forward with the silver patronus, "I know you're a Boggart! Riddikulus!"

With a bang, the "Dementor" exploded into a layer of green smoke and turned into a funny clown.

The silver stag also disappeared because Harry used another spell.

Harry continued to move forward, walking as fast and as quietly as possible, still holding his wand high, listening vigilantly to the movements around him.

When Harry came to a fork in the road again, suddenly, a scream broke the silence around him.

"Fleur?" Harry shouted.

He recognized the charming witch's voice, but the scream from this voice, combined with the silent environment around him, was particularly terrifying.

Harry took a deep breath and stopped at the intersection of the two roads, looking for Fleur's trace... He didn't know what Fleur had encountered, nor did he know how she was doing now, thinking that he might be able to help.

No red sparks were seen - did this mean that Fleur had gotten rid of the trouble, or was the trouble she encountered too great that she couldn't even take out her wand?

If there was really no time to cast the red spark, Fleur's scream just now might have been heard by Professor Dracula...

Harry walked to the right fork with increasing uneasiness, but at the same time he couldn't help thinking that perhaps a warrior had fallen...

His heart was beating fast, and he continued to walk down.

I don't know how long it took, Harry only encountered a few magical animals that were not too dangerous along the way, and a few magical obstacles were not too complicated. He couldn't help but wonder if the wizard who set up this maze underestimated their abilities.

The trophy was getting closer and closer. After walking on a flat road for a few minutes, Harry suddenly stopped.

A sound came from a road next to him.

"What are you doing, Krum?" said Cedric's voice. "What on earth do you want? Warriors are forbidden to hurt each other!" freeweɓnø

Then Harry heard Krum's voice.


The air was suddenly filled with Cedric's screams.

Harry ran wildly along his path in terror, trying to find a gap to get through, but couldn't find one.

He tried the Crushing Charm again in a panic, which didn't work very well, but he finally opened a small hole in the hedge.

He stuck his leg into the hole and kicked hard at the dense thorns and branches. Finally, he kicked a gap and struggled through, tearing his robes.

Looking to the right, Cedric was lying on the ground, twitching, and Krum was looking down at him indifferently.

Harry climbed to his feet and pointed his wand at Krum. Krum looked up, saw Harry, turned around and ran away.

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled.

The spell hit Krum's back.

He stopped suddenly, fell forward, and lay face down on the grass without moving.

"Cedric, how are you?" Harry rushed to Cedric, grabbed his arm and asked hoarsely.

Cedric had stopped twitching and lay there gasping for breath, covering his face with his hands.

"It's okay, you came in time, I'm not that fragile." Cedric panted, "Maybe it's because he didn't master the Cruciatus Curse very well."

"I can't believe it... Krum sneaked up behind me... I heard it, turned around, and he pointed his wand at me..."

Cedric stood up, his body still shaking, and staggered to the ground.

They looked at Krum, who fell to the ground under the effect of the Stunning Spell.

"It's hard to believe... I thought he was pretty good." Harry stared at Krum in disbelief.

"I used to be too," said Cedric.

"By the way, did you hear Fleur's scream?" Harry suddenly remembered the scream just now, and looked at Cedric and asked.

"I heard it," Cedric nodded, "Do you think Krum also did it to her?"

"I don't know." Harry's tone was very heavy, and he said slowly.

"Don't think too much, the game is not over yet." Cedric held the hedge next to him and asked in a low voice. "Are we leaving him here?"

"No," Harry denied flatly, "I think we should shoot red sparks and let someone take him away... otherwise he might be eaten by the blasting-tailed skrewt."

"He deserves it." Cedric muttered.

But he still raised his wand and shot a string of red sparks into the air. The sparks surrounded Krum and marked his location.

Next, a very strange scene appeared in the maze.

Just now, because of Krum, the two warriors, Harry and Cedric, temporarily united - and now, the fact that they are opponents has returned to the minds of the two people.

After all, now that Fleur and Krum were eliminated, only the two of them and John were left on the field, and the probability of them winning the championship was greatly increased... Now everyone wanted to win the final championship.

Whether it was because of the honor or because of the 1,000 Galleons.

They walked silently on the dark path, and when they reached a fork in the road, Harry suddenly turned left, and Cedric turned right in tacit understanding.

Cedric's footsteps soon disappeared.

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