Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 57

"8 balls!" Night Long Wind shone with a golden light all over his body, and issued an absolute notice.

"What is this?" Everyone in the Qingxue was amazed, except for Oishi and Tezuka, it was the first time for everyone to see the night wind use the realm of selflessness.

"Is this the limit of Minister Tezuka's hard work?" Momojo said excitedly.

"No, this is another door to the realm of selflessness!" Tezuka said coldly, "The limit of talent can predict the tricks of the game!".

"Come on, Changfeng!" Fuji Shusuke's body was wrapped in blue light.

The real battle between the two began.



The back and forth between the two can no longer be the same as just now, and the angle and ball speed have reached another level.

"Both of them are so strong, this game looks more tense than my own game!" It was Kikumaru who spoke, in fact, everyone watching the battle in Qingxue was nervous and excited, who was stronger and who would win?

Boom! Fuji Zhou assists in the backhand to catch the ball, but this ball is different, after the counterattack, the whole ball becomes, golden, it is simply a golden ball.

The ball flew down on the half of the night wind, and then flew back towards the half of Fuji, like a boomerang about to fly back into Fuji's assistant.

"This is a Moby Dick counterattack that is one of the only triple counterattacks!".

The ball flew directly in front of Ye Changfeng, and a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Changfeng's mouth, and he jumped straight up in an instant. "Smash the Wave Ball!" Night Wind arm swelled, and a super smash knocked back the Moby Dick Whale.

In fact, Ye Changfeng has already simulated the route of the beluga whale's counterattack in his mind!

The golden tennis ball turned into a flaming fireball, and flew faster towards Fuji Shusuke.

"Have you seen through it?" a cold glint flashed in Fuji's eyes, "In that case, the giant bear will fight back!"

Night Changfeng's smash was turned back to the bottom line by Fuji, and Fuji turned around and looked at it, taken aback, because Night Changfeng had been waiting at the bottom line for a long time, as if he knew that Fuji would hit this landing point.

"Wave Ball 10 shots in a row!" Night Long Wind unleashed the Wave Ball, and the tennis ball shot towards Fuji Shusuke like a shock wave.

Fuji's body squatted slightly, and on the back of his right hand, the wind blew his chestnut hair, boom, Fuji caught the ball, it was Yan Huifeng!

The tennis ball flew into the night wind again, and it fell sharply.

The night long wind strode forward, the tiger's body leaned down slightly, and his right hand became horizontal.

The ball goes over the net, then falls to the ground and rolls back to the bottom of the net.

It is a zero-type chipping!

And this goal just happened to be the eighth goal!

Night Wind wins, the score is 2-1!

At this time, there was silence outside the venue, the pins could be heard, and everyone was speechless in shock.

"What's that?".

"What do we see?".

"Changfeng cracked all three counterattacks of his predecessors in just one goal, and it happened to be the eighth goal he predicted, could he really predict the game?"

"It's amazing! It's the best ball I've ever seen!" shouted Horio.

Fuji Zhousuke's face actually shed a few drops of sweat rarely, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he actually smiled, "Changfeng, you are so interesting! Originally, I thought that Qingxue only Tezuka could let me use all my strength, but now you are enough for me to fully unfold!".

The wind was blowing, and the sky was getting dark, as if it was going to rain.

"12 balls!" Night Wind once again issued an absolute warning.

Throw, jump, smash!

The ju-ryu flew and rushed towards Fuji, and hey, Fuji's eyes became sharper.

Caught it, Ju Long was smashed by Fujiichi, and the ball flew back to the right corner of the night long wind's half.

The night wind has been waiting there for a long time, boom! a powerful forehand return.

The bottom line. In front of the net. Midfielder. In this round, the two moved to almost every position on the court, and the battle intensified.

Fuji Shusuke looked like a mistake ball, and the tennis ball was picked up high. Chance ball of the night long wind.

Wanqiu Chaozong!

Ye Changfeng's whole body strength gathered in his hands and hit the Ten Thousand Ball Dynasty!

In an instant, tennis balls turned into thousands of them, almost obscuring the entire sky.

Fuji Shusuke turned around and closed his eyes. At this point, there was only ...... left in his head

The sideline, the long wind of the night, and the tennis ball.

Sight can deceive, but the sound and smell of the ball won't.

The Ten Thousand Ball Dynasty Sect of the Night Long Wind was actually caught by Fuji with his eyes closed.

The tennis ball soared into the sky in an instant, and it was simply a pillar of light that reached the sky.

It is the unicorn that lands, and it is more powerful than the unicorn landing in the night wind.

The ball landed accurately on the bottom line of the night wind, and the ball mark was deeply engraved on the bottom line.

And this goal is the 13th goal, and the absolute trailer of the night long wind has been broken!

Fuji won 2-2!

Ye Changfeng's heart froze, "No-two Zhousuke, is the sleeping lion finally going to fully awaken?".

Fuji Shusuke exhaled, spun the tennis ball with his left hand, and then put it down, hitting the ball with his right hand low!

came, the tennis ball that was knocked out kept swaying from side to side, faster and faster, and finally disappeared.


"Fuji-senpai is so scary!" said Katsuro, who had never seen such a serious Fuji Shusuke.

"This is the true state of the same!".

Swallow flashback!30-0!

The Bears hit back!40-0!

Fuji's state is getting better and better, and the power of his ball skills is getting bigger and bigger, and by the measurement of the super god system, he has reached the god level!

At this time, every ball of Fuji Shusuke is god-level.

Night Changfeng felt a kind of substantial pressure, which was different from Tezuka Kunimitsu's indomitable and awe-inspiring atmosphere, and the Fuji Shusuke who woke up was more like a murderous lion.

And this lion is roaring!

"Haha, it's so cool, it's so cool to come to the world of the Prince of Tennis!"

It's raining, and it's getting heavier.

The movements of the long wind in the rainy night and Fuji Shusuke were not affected in any way, and the two of them actually doubled the rhythm.

One Goal ...... Just as Night Wind put the dragon in his heart into the ball, a roar interrupted the game.

It's Coach Long Qi!

"Hey, you two stinky boys are going to fight!".

The night breeze was startled, he put down his hand, and the falling tennis ball hit him on the head.

"Don't be mistaken by the two of you! This is just a practice match, everyone is from the Youth Tennis Club, and you can play whenever you want!" Coach Long Qi sighed.

"Tomorrow is the semi-finals of the Tokyo Tokyo Games, don't you know that rain is the worst enemy of tennis, and what if one of you gets injured?"

"Cut~ I'll let you go today!

"Hehe, there will be a chance to ...... in the future


"Alright, I'll go take a shower first!"

Taocheng outside the field touched his nose, "Changfeng, this kid is so cunning, and now he is still 3-4 behind!".

PS: Brother goalkeeper, you said it too late, please be early next time, haha.

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