Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 17: Sharing is Caring

'Finally back home,' I thought as I reached the door. It had been an exhausting talk with Shalltear. I mean, I wasn't averted to being perverted, but she came on rather strong. At least she had listened when I told her I was just there to advise her. To be honest, the difference was probably only this noticeable because I had a talk with Naberal just a moment before I went to the vampire.

Perhaps it was because I didn't feel the same sexual attraction to Shalltear as I did to most other girls in this tomb. I didn't even have anything against her small breasts - not that it wasn't a contributor to my lack of sexual interest at all, but it wasn't that big of a deal, considering what her mouth could potentially do -, it was just the consequences of us doing it.

The fact was the moment I did something with her would put Albedo on a back foot and that irked me, especially knowing that these two were consistently 'fighting' each other back in the series. I wouldn't touch her if it meant that Albedo would have to take teasing or even insults from the vampire.

I dispersed these thoughts and stepped inside my house. Of course, Fubuki had already stepped forward and opened the door for me. "I'm back," I called out, not expecting Albedo to peek out from the corner of the hallway. After seeing me, her face brightened, and approached me. She dusted off her hands on the apron she wore over her white dress. There was even some faint backing powder on her cheek.

"Welcome home, darling! I prepared-" I didn't even let her finish her sentence and was already hugging and kissing her. I just pulled her body into mine for a moment. She was flustered at first but quickly melted into my touch. When I hefted her soft yet firm booty with one hand and fondled her right breast with the other, she started moaning into my mouth before she gave the tiniest effort to resist me. Pushing me slightly with the hand on my shoulder.

From her words, I figured out what she wanted to show me, so I reluctantly let her go. It took her a moment to regain her breath. After her breathing returned to normal and her blush had faded significantly, she grabbed my hand and shyly pulled me towards the seat at the dinner table. She then remembered that Fubuki was there too and waved her toward the chair to the left of me.

"You cooked something," I said. It was obvious from her appearance. She looked slightly embarrassed to be called out like this and sighed.

"Well, not really... I just can't seem to do it. It always ends in failure."

"I see." Probably because cooking wasn't one of her job classes, I thought idly as I cupped her face with one hand and wiped away the powder that was staining her cheek. My eyes moved from the smudge on my thumb to look into her eyes. "I can see you were putting in a lot of effort."

"N-no, not really..." She looked really bashful and her eyes darted around, trying to avoid looking at me. "… I- In the end, I just helped with cutting and preparing the ingredients for Aneko and Sueko! It's nothing worth mentioning."

"That sounds like you contributed a lot to the meal. I can't wait to eat something you helped with. Now, I'm really looking forward to it."

If she had been bashful before, she was now getting nervous about whether I would like what she had prepared. To be fair, she was probably nervous before and my words just brought it up again. She nervously bit her lip before urging us to sit down. After I sat, she rushed out of the room in the kitchen's direction, leaving me to look at Fubuki for a clue about what she had prepared.

Fubuki uncertainly shrugged her shoulders before taking off her coat to hang it up. My eyes trailed down her back and her long legs before she sat down in the seat to my left, causing my eyes to snap up to her face again.

Her face had a faint blush as she looked to the side and crossed her arms under her breasts, lifting them up slightly. She was definitely doing that on purpose. When she waited during my talks with the others, she crossed her arms as well, but she didn't pronounce her breasts like she was doing now.

It took only a few seconds before Albedo stepped into the room again with a large wooden rectangular board. She placed it carefully on the table and I could finally see what it was. Well, I had already smelled it, but seeing it confirmed filled me with happiness.

A giant party pizza with different toppings was divided into several sections. "Awesome," I said as I looked at it. I saw Aneko bringing in some peach iced tea and some normal water as well. It was only getting better and better. Perhaps it was because of what I had said as an NPC. I used to always drink water, but to be honest, I would have gone for anything when I wasn't able to eat or drink anything. Peach iced tea was one beverage I must have brought up.

Aneko bowed before leaving, which confused me for a moment until I noticed that only three places were set at the table. I only caught a glimpse of the two maids when they returned to close the doors to the kitchen and hallway. Aneko had a teasing smile on her face as if she was saying, "Enjoy yourself," though I couldn't help but notice that she was also reluctant to close the door. I would make it up to her, eventually.

Sueko was mostly concerned with the pizza. She looked at it while licking her lips. It seemed like just because she cooked the pizza, didn't mean she didn't want to eat it. I should probably leave a piece for the two.

Fubuki seemed to realize that the maids wouldn't be eating as well and was about to stand up and leave before Albedo placed a hand on her shoulder, "Sit, Fubuki. I want you to be here." She squeezed her shoulder comfortingly, causing Fubuki to nod slowly, though still confused.

Albedo then served me a piece. "Here, darling." As she lifted the pizza piece out, cheese strings connecting the piece to the rest of the pizza could be seen like it was straight out of a commercial and placed it on my plate. Damn, that looked appetizing.

Albedo was about to proceed to serve Fubuki as well when the other woman did the reverse. She used her telekinesis to serve herself and Albedo a piece as well. I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, but I assumed it was some sort of play of power dynamics between the two.

My focus went back to the piece on my plate as the smell wafted into my nose. I didn't dally any longer and cut into it and brought it to my mouth. It was tightly packed with cheese and other toppings, which was sure to give me a real foodgasm.

... As expected, it was seriously good, but I expected nothing else from those two master cooks. The nostalgia and taste were almost overwhelming. As I took a bite of it, I was immediately struck by its delicious flavor. Oh, and the crust... It was perfectly crisp and golden brown, with a satisfying crunch.

Honestly, the taste caused me to almost annihilate the entire pizza. Good thing the nostalgia let me dwell on the taste, making me enjoy the pizza to the fullest. It was coming from the greatest cooks. A pizza with the finest tomatoes and well-seasoned with herbs.

The cheese was a blend of mozzarella and sheep's milk cheese, which melted perfectly and added a creamy consistency to it. The toppings were varied and perfectly cooked, adding an array of flavors and textures to the pizza. I couldn't help but savor each bite, relishing in the mouthwatering taste of the pizza. Good thing I held back in the end or I wouldn't have been able to leave some for Aneko and Sueko.

I glanced at the few pieces before placing the pieces on two plates that I had in my inventory. Don't ask why I had common plates in my inventory. Skyrim fans would know. It was only after I was done that I noticed the two were watching me with that dreamy look in their eyes as if they admired a beautiful sight, something exceedingly arousing or fascinating. I was not ashamed to say that I felt bashful at that moment. Did I make noises when eating?

"*Cough* It was great. Even a better experience than what I had imagined it. Thank you, Albedo."

Why did I feel bashful about eating while those two were clearly not any better off?? Look at them having devoured their pieces… too bad I didn't listen. I had been too focused on eating...

Either way, it didn't seem fair, so I gave Albedo a once over as I thought about how I would punish them. She shivered slightly in fear… no, it was in anticipation. She looked slightly bashful in Fubuki's direction. She contemplated whether she was going to say something when she remembered something and looked toward the door leading to the kitchen. "You can bring it in now."

Her call caused the door to open almost instantaneously and Aneko to stride in with three plates in her hand. She looked somewhat surprised when she came inside, but it was just a moment later that she calmly placed it in front of us.

She hesitated when she saw the two plates I had placed the leftovers for them before she glanced at me and gave me an appreciative smile. She muttered a small 'Thank you' before she moved out of the room as swiftly as she came in. Through the closing door, I could see Sueko tiptoeing, trying to get a glance inside, while Aneko blocked her view and then distracted her with the pizza.

When I smelled the dessert that they had brought in, my eyes landed on it almost instantaneously. My mouth was already watering as I looked at it. Warm Brownies with glazed chocolate over them. Oh, fuck, that looks great.

"You really remembered everything I had talked about, huh?" I muttered with a smile on my face as I pierced one brownie with my fork.

"I have noted it all down." She said sweetly as she propped her chin on the back of her hand as she watched me. It was just before I placed the brownie in my mouth when I saw Albedo look over to Fubuki, urging her to eat as well as I took a bite of the brownie. I was immediately struck by its rich, chocolaty flavor. The brownie itself was soft and moist, with a slightly crispy crust that gave it a satisfying texture. The real surprise came when I opened the center, revealing a warm, gooey chocolate filling.

The warm chocolate inside the brownie added a whole new level of deliciousness, making the brownie taste even more satisfying. I couldn't help but savor each bite. Truly, one of the most delicious treats I have ever had and despite the richness, it wasn't too sweet that I thought it would clog my arteries from the sugar inside. The explosion of flavors erupted in my mouth, causing me to close my eyes. For just a moment, despite its otherworldly deliciousness, I pretended I was back home as I tasted the brownie.

Truly had been a perfect dining experience, with lots of emotions not unlike the one I had on my first date with Albedo. And from the look of it, I wasn't the only one enjoying the experience. Fubuki was astonished and glanced at Albedo. Her eyes were telling me she felt awe at what Albedo had prepared.

The sight made me calm down again before I opened my mouth again. "So, what brought this impromptu date up?" I truly didn't want a silent war to be fought among my women, as it would only promise future headaches, and considering Albedo's glances at Fubuki, I knew something was up. Though perhaps it was more a 'friendly' competition, still...

I had initially suspected that Albedo might have wanted to flex her housewife skills at Fubuki, perhaps not consciously, but certainly subconsciously.

"It was because of what you said after our first date." Albedo calmly answered.

"You mean how I wanted to have a date regularly?" I glanced at Fubuki for a moment. Then why did she want Fubuki here as well?

She seemed to have caught onto what I was thinking. "Yes, and I figured it was only right to have Fubuki take part in them. I didn't want to hog you for all myself..." The suspicion of an ulterior motive was almost instantly dissolved when she said that.

It wasn't because she wanted to flex on Fubuki or to make herself look better in front of me. She was worried that she came across as selfish, so she invited Fubuki to our date because she thought that would make me happy. I took her hand and rubbed over the back of it, trying to soothe her.

"Albedo... you know going with me on a date and spending the night together isn't hogging me, right? It's fine if you just want to spend some time with me alone." She was about to protest, but I gently squeezed her hand to interrupt her. "If I wanted to go on a date with Fubuki, do you always want to be part of it and make her include you as well?"

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. In the end, she shook her head, "I am fine if you two want to spend some alone time, but I didn't want you two to feel that I was standing between you two-"

"Yes, I know, but it's fine to spend some time with me alone. In the future, I don't want you to feel obligated to involve everyone I take fancy on. I mean, if you want to, you can join me when I am with someone else and I would always love your company, but just because I like someone else doesn't mean you have to include them during your time with me if you don't want them to be... It is fine to be a little selfish." After all, I was the one being selfish for wanting to have more than what any man already deserved...

"I... I understand." She breathed slightly easier, and it seemed like she rather liked this conclusion.

"Thank you for understanding, Albedo," I said with a smile. "I am going on dates with You because I want to spend time with You because I enjoy Your company. We don't have to involve anyone else unless we both want to."

She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "I appreciate that. I really do. I'll try to remember that in the future." She glanced toward Fubuki. "However, I think I would like to include Fubuki. At least, for today's date."

Fubuki looked grateful since Albedo acknowledged her. Previously, I had mentioned to her that I saw her and the maids more as Albedo's wife-sisters than anything else, but to be given the okay by the wife seemed to have eased Fubuki as well. She eased into her chair.

The perfect posture she had assumed during our exchange right now was only broken by the tension leaving her body before she re-assumed her posture.

"Good," I said as I reached out to Fubuki's hand as well before giving their hands a gentle squeeze. "That reminds me of another topic we need to discuss." The two's eased posture straightened again as they noticed my solemn tone.

"I wanted to get your opinion about marriage. My status is a bit delicate and I also don't want to hurt you, Albedo. However, I am not sure if I could deny you, Fubuki. If you wanted to marry me." I asked, watching their reaction.

Before Albedo could answer, Fubuki opened her mouth. "I think... Albedo-sama should be your only wife. It would become a problem otherwise. When you are claiming more women, they might get arrogant if they have the same status as Albedo-sama, especially if you choose an outsider. The future of Nazarick shall be always in your hands first and Albedo's hands directly following yours. Everyone else should be considered as your concubines as the king's right. I doubted anyone that truly loved you as we do would complain about that arrangement."

She was definitely already thinking about managing my harem and apparently, Albedo saw an ally in her as she reached over the table to squeeze Fubuki's hand. She accepted it with a gentle smile. With our hands intertwined, it almost looked like we were praying and with the setup of an angel, demon, and elf, it was quite ironic.

"Of course, even without your remark. I would have considered Albedo's decision foremost. There is no way someone would drive a wedge between us again." Albedo had teary eyes when she heard.

"Truthfully, I wouldn't mind if you married Fubuki. However, the most important thing is how you treat them, right? As Fubuki said, if they can enjoy your love, no woman would complain regardless of a meaningless title bestowed to them."

A meaningless title? If Ainz gave us his blessing, it shouldn't be meaningless to them, right? To be honest, just Ainz's expression of having to marry me for the nth time would be priceless.

The two smiled at each other. It seemed they were really bonding over this talk. Perhaps because they realized they had the same point of view on this? Or was Albedo concerned about Fubuki? However, then she wouldn't have said that she wouldn't have minded me marrying her, right?

"I understand." I glanced at Fubuki, who noticed my gaze and gave me her undivided attention. "Just to be clear, I see you as my second wife." She turned bright red in response and looked down at her plate, only glancing at me with a happy but also embarrassed smile. Didn't we just confirm this status for her and I even said this already before, right? So why did she suddenly get this happy? Was it how I said it?

"Let's just enjoy each other's company and have a good time, okay?" Of course, I made a mental note to go on a date with Fubuki as well. She had taken a backseat during the last few days, but she had been incredibly busy as well, so few opportunities had arisen.

Albedo nodded, her smile growing a bit wider. "Okay, I'd like that."

"Then let's get to the main course for the day." With that, I took their hands and guided the two blushing maidens to the stairs before Albedo suddenly stopped. I looked over, and she raised her hand to her temple with an angry frown. It seemed like she got a [Message], I thought idly as I sent Fubuki to the bedroom to wait for us, while I waited for Albedo to finish her call.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sueko sneaking into the dining room, heading straight for the brownies, while Aneko shook her head slightly at her little sister before she looked over at me. She gave me a small wave with her one free hand before heading into the dining room to clean up.

I turned around to look at Albedo, who sighed, annoyed. When she noticed my look, she smiled bitterly. "Neuronist had told Demiurge that she wouldn't be able to learn much more of our prisoners, so she had killed one of them. That prisoner disappeared directly after dying, just like you had predicted. Demiurge called me to go down and get her report as well to plan what to do next with the information gained, so we can adjust our plans for conquest."

"I see..." I was slightly disappointed, but that was something I predicted would happen with Albedo. She would be crowded with work. I needed to think about how to elevate some of her burdens.

"We see each other next morning at breakfast? I will try to make it quick, but I don't want to rush work and risk making mistakes..." Her voice sounded out with hope, slightly masking the disappointment she must feel.

"Yes, you can even come inside my bedroom whenever you want to, even if I sleep... I would have come with you, though..." I glanced upward to gauge how Fubuki would react to this last-minute cancellation.

"It would crush her." She came to the same conclusion. "I would feel terrible if I was the cause this was denied for her, especially after our talk just now. Perhaps it would appear like you valued my time over hers."

"Maybe I could bring her with us? It would-" She pressed a finger on my lips to shut me up.

"Go up there and destroy her pussy. Let me take care of work. I will be up before you know it. Enjoy yourself and... don't exhaust yourself too much. Leave me some." She gave me a peck on the lips and before she could distance herself, I hugged her tightly and deepened the kiss to convey my emotions.

My hands sensually roamed across her body until I landed on her butt, giving it a squeeze, and causing her to moan out. She gave me a ghost of resistance by tapping my chest with her palm that was resting on it. I released her, even though I knew I could make her stay if I continued to push her.

"I love you." She said with a blushing face, heart-shaped eyes, and a wide smile as she gazed into my eyes and at my soul. The heartfelt emotions conveyed through her expression made my heart skip a beat. She really was unintentionally pushing my buttons perfectly.

Her declaration was almost overwhelming, while my, "I... am eagerly waiting for your return," left me ashamed of myself.

She brushed her hand across my cheek. "Don't force yourself... We have all the time in the world." Her words weren't about me having to wait for her, were they?

I wordlessly gave her another peck or two before I sent her off. She smiled and waved me goodbye before teleporting away with the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, which she had gotten at some point. She wore the ring on the middle finger of her non-dominant hand.

After she left, I glanced at the dining room's door where Aneko's and Sueko's faces could be seen, peeking out of the door as they spied on us. We both had already noticed them, but we were too caught up with each other to care for them.

"You can retreat for today. Fubuki and I won't be leaving the bedroom tonight. Oh, and let Albedo inside wherever she wants. You don't need to ask me or announce her if she doesn't want to." It was about time she got permission to enter every room without having to ask for my permission first. After all, it was supposed to be her home, too. Better late than never, I guessed. "The same goes for Fubuki."

They stepped out of the door and bowed to me properly before heading down the hallway, going into their rooms, while I headed upstairs to the bedroom. I opened the door and found an already naked Fubuki lying on the bed with the sheets covering her. Her dress was bunched up on the floor just in front of the bed. She seemed to have expected Albedo and was confused when I just closed the door behind me.

"There was some progress with our prisoners, so she had to go take care of that." Fubuki frowned before straightening herself from her prior shy posture, still covering herself with the blanket.

"I will get dressed-"

I held up my hand, "She said she would be unhappy with me if I left you like this and gave me instruction to 'destroy your pussy', so that was what I am going to do. She will join us the next morning."

"Oh." She looked slightly lost at those words as she blankly looked ahead before her eyes focused back on me when I took my first step while undressing myself. "Is that truly fine?" She asked as her excitement and bashfulness returned. She crawled backward until she hit the bed's headrest.

"She spoke no lies. Let's not disappoint her, shall we?"

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