Prince of Crows


As I stepped into the library, I was enveloped in a world of scent and sound – the musty aroma of old parchment mingling with the faint smell of beeswax candles, the soft rustle of pages turning echoing in the dimly lit chambers.

  A century has passed since Lancaster’s witch trial in 1612. I spent my days and nights studying and experimenting with my blood magic.

Looking around, I was still amazed by how beautiful this library was.

The library featured traditional architecture with rich, dark wood paneling that covered the walls and ceiling. The woodwork included detailed carvings, showcasing craftsmanship reminiscent of a bygone era. The ceiling is coffered with a central recess, adding depth and architectural interest.

Dominating the center of the room is a large, elaborated chandelier with multiple tiers of lights and crystal decorations. This chandelier provided a soft, ambient light that reflected off the polished wood surfaces, enhancing the warm atmosphere.

Tall, dark wooden bookshelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling, filled with an extensive collection of books. These shelves were meticulously organized and contained a variety of volumes, possibly including rare or antique editions. A balcony level accessed by a staircase extends the shelving capacity and adds a gallery feel.

The furniture consisted of four plush armchairs upholstered in rich, deep blue velvet arranged around a central round table of matching dark wood. The chairs invited comfortable reading and discussion, and they were positioned to foster an intimate gathering around the table, which supported a few books and a lamp.

The floor was covered by a large, ornate rug featuring intricate designs and a color palette of blues, beiges, and browns harmonizing with the overall decor. The carpet added a layer of warmth and texture to the space, complementing the luxurious aesthetic.

The library exuded a sense of grandeur and seclusion, ideal for solitude and contemplation. It was designed to be a functional space for reading and researching and a visually stunning environment that celebrated traditional design elements. The setting was tranquil and insulated, likely quiet, with the sense of being in a private, scholarly retreat.

This room was indeed my favorite in the whole manor. I spent more time in these walls than anywhere else. I felt at peace, surrounded by all this ancient knowledge. It was too bad I had far past gained everything I could from them. It has gotten rather tedious. I have been pondering what to do now. Looking at my five feathered companions, I asked, 

“What do you think I should do now that I have learned everything from these scrolls and books, my friends?”

Using the soul bond we shared, they used a form of telepathy to answer with a very predictable “Hunt!” Laughing in amusement because my friends were so straightforward in their ways of life. 

   Settling down in my favorite armchair near the fireplace, I thought about all the training and experiments I had done. Looking at my left index finger, a beautiful obsidian crow was wrapped around my finger in a gothic-style ring, with two dazzling blood-red gems in the place of its eyes. “They were very productive.”

   As I delved deeper into my studies within the library of the Rook Manor, I found myself ensconced in a world of ancient knowledge and arcane secrets. Surrounded by towering shelves lined with leather-bound tomes and illuminated manuscripts, I lost myself in the intricate patterns of rune scripting and the delicate intricacies of blood magic.

   With each passing day, my understanding of the mystical arts grew more profound, and my mastery over my abilities expanded to encompass new realms of possibility. Under the watchful guidance of my mother, a powerful blood witch, and my mentor, I delved into the mysteries of my own bloodline, unlocking the latent potential that lay dormant within my veins.

   With the aid of my five crow companions – Erebus, Anubis, Samael, Nyx, and Hela – I made groundbreaking discoveries that pushed the boundaries of my power to new heights.

   Through tireless experimentation and dedication, I unlocked the secrets of creating tattoos imbued with the essence of my crows, allowing them to dwell within my very flesh without the need for constant summoning. Each intricate design told a story of ancient magic and timeless bonds, a testament to the deep connection I shared with my avian companions.

   But it was my invention of blood diamonds that genuinely captivated the imagination. By solidifying my blood into glistening diamond shapes, I created works of art that transcended mere adornment. Each jewel radiated with the raw power of my blood magic, a tangible symbol of my mastery over the arcane forces that coursed through my veins.

   My creation of blood diamonds was a feat born from my ingenuity and mastery over blood magic. This process combined ancient alchemy with the raw power of my vampiric nature. It began with a deep understanding of the properties of blood—the life force that coursed through my veins and fueled my supernatural abilities.

   Drawing upon my knowledge of arcane rituals and esoteric symbols, I began by channeling my blood magic into a concentrated form, harnessing the potent energy that pulsed within me with meticulous precision. With each pulse of my heart, I willed my blood to merge into a shimmering crimson essence dense with the power of my ancient lineage.

   Next came the process of solidification – the transformation of my liquid blood into solid form. Through a series of intricate incantations and gestures, I manipulated the molecular structure of my blood, binding it together with aetheric energy to create a substance of unparalleled beauty and resilience.

   As the blood began solidifying, it appeared like glistening diamonds, their surfaces sparkling with an otherworldly luminescence. Each gem bore the unique imprint of my magic, infused with the essence of my vampiric nature and imbued with the power to channel my blood magic with unparalleled efficiency.

   But, creating blood diamonds was not without its challenges. The process required a delicate balance of energy and focus, with even the slightest deviation risking catastrophic failure. I devoted countless hours to perfecting this technique, refining my understanding of blood magic with each successive attempt.

   Finally, after weeks of tireless effort and unwavering determination, I created my first blood diamond – a flawless gem of breathtaking beauty and power. With its creation, I unlocked a new realm of possibility, harnessing the full potential of my blood magic in ways I had never imagined.

   As I gazed upon my creation, I knew I had forged a legacy that would endure for centuries. For within the heart of each blood diamond lay the essence of my power – a testament to the boundless potential of the supernatural world and the indomitable spirit of one who dared to defy the limits of mortality.

   As I delved deeper into my search within the library of the Rook Manor, hoping to find new material to read, I sensed Branwen watching me with what I could decipher as a mixture of pride and concern on her face. I could understand the pride, but the concern is a bit baffling to me. 

   Branwen approached me, her footsteps echoing softly against the polished marble floors of the library. "Malakai," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "It is time for you to leave the manor and embark on a century-long voyage. The world awaits you, my son, and I can no longer keep you cooped up within these walls."

   I turned to face my mother, my eyes alight with curiosity and excitement. "Where shall I go, Mother?" I asked, eager to hear her guidance.

   Branwen hesitated momentarily; her mind seemed racing with the possibilities before them. And then, with a sense of resolve, she spoke. "There is a place in Tuscany called Volterra," she began, her voice grave. "It is home to a council of vampires known as the Volturi – a group of powerful beings who rule over vampirekind with an iron fist."

   She paused, her gaze locking with mine. "I have received word from the daughter of an acquaintance of mine in Tuscany," she continued. "Her father has been ill for quite some time now. She has asked for some of the remedies I concoct for said sickness. Bring this to her as well as this letter for my old friend. His name is Konstantine a panther shifter.” Handing a crystal bottle of blue liquid and a letter with our family seal.

   I listened intently, my heart heavy with the weight of my mother's words. I knew that the journey was her way to give me a reason to explore. I am certain she noticed my sightlessness. 

   So, with a nod of acceptance, I prepared myself for the journey ahead, knowing that the road to Volterra would be long and arduous, even in avian form. But with the guide rune, my mother gave me, it shouldn't take me more than a day or two to reach this girl.

An hour later

As I stood before the door of the residence in Volterra, my heart raced with anticipation. I had flown swiftly and tirelessly, guided by the mystical rune my mother had bestowed upon me, its power pulsing with ancient magic as it guided me unerringly toward my destination.

As nightfall descended upon the city, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets, I raised my hand and rapped gently upon the door. The sound echoed through the quiet night air, mingling with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of voices.

Moments passed, each stretching into eternity as I waited with bated breath for a response. And then, like a gentle whisper on the wind, I heard it—the sound of footsteps approaching from within, accompanied by the soft creak of the door as it swung open to reveal a figure standing at the threshold.

In the dim light of the moon, I could see the silhouette of a young woman framed against the warm glow of candlelight emanating from within. Her features were obscured in shadow, but her voice was clear and musical as she spoke in Latin, the words rolling off her tongue with a musical cadence.

"Yes, who is?" she inquired, her tone polite yet curt, as she peered out into the darkness to discern the identity of her visitor.

With reverence and respect, I stepped forward into the pool of light cast by the flickering candles, my crow companions perched silently upon my shoulders, their eyes glittering with intelligence and curiosity.

"I am Malakai," I replied, my voice calm and steady despite the excitement that pulsed through my veins. "I have come bearing a gift and a message from a friend of your father's. May I come in?"

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