Prince of Crows


Five years had passed since Seraphina, and I began our training under the Venator family. In those years, we had grown in skill, understanding, and strength. I had mastered swordsmanship and martial arts under Gabriel's rigorous tutelage. Seraphina had perfected her fire magic and learned the basics of sword fighting and martial arts, her prowess becoming evident in her graceful yet powerful movements.

Yesterday, Raphaela declared Seraphina's magic training complete. The pride in her eyes was unmistakable as she acknowledged her daughter's accomplishments. Gabriel, too, glinted with satisfaction as he observed the fruits of his rigorous training regimen.

Tonight was our last night with the Venator family before Seraphina and I set out on our journey. The house was filled with a sense of antics, passion, and bittersweet nostalgia. The setting sun cast a warm, golden glow over the mansion, its light dancing on the walls and creating a serene ambiance.

I had prepared a teleportation parchment for Raphaela, ensuring she could meet my mother and Konstantine at Rook Manor. Along with the parchment, I sent a letter to my mother detailing the information I had gathered on the biology that might help cure Konstantine's ailment. The notes were carefully placed in my desk drawers in the upstairs library, a treasure trove of undiscovered scientific knowledge.

As the evening descended into night, we gathered in the grand dining hall for one final meal together. The room was adorned with candles, their flames flickering softly, casting a warm and inviting glow. The table was laden with an array of delicious dishes, each one prepared with care and love. It was a feast that celebrated our time together and marked the beginning of a new chapter.

Raphaela, ever the gracious hostess, stood at the head of the table. Her eyes shone with unshed tears as she looked at her daughter and me. "Tonight, we celebrate your accomplishments and the bond we have formed. You have become a part of our family, Malakai, and we are grateful for the time we've had together."

Gabriel raised his glass, his deep voice resonating with pride and affection. "To Malakai and Seraphina. May your journey be filled with adventure, growth, and discovery. Remember, you always have a home here with us."

Lucian and Felicia, who had become like siblings to us, echoed Gabriel's sentiments. Felicia, her shy demeanor replaced with a confident smile, added, "We've learned so much from you both. Your strength and determination are inspiring."

Seraphina, sitting beside me, looked radiant. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and a hint of sadness as she gazed at her family. "I will miss you all," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "But I am excited for the journey ahead. Thank you for everything you've taught us."

After the heartfelt toasts, the room filled with laughter and conversation. The bonds we had formed over the years were evident in every interaction and shared memory. It was a night of celebration and reflection that would be etched in our hearts forever.

As the evening wore on, Seraphina and I found a quiet moment to step outside. The garden was bathed in the soft light of the full moon, the roses—now a deep red—glowing in the silvery light. We walked hand in hand, the cool night air filled with the scent of blooming flowers.

"Are you ready, Malakai?" Seraphina asked, her voice soft and filled with anticipation.

I looked into her eyes, seeing the moon's reflection in their depths. "Yes, Seraphina. Shall we? Time is burning."

We returned to the house, where Raphaela awaited us with the teleportation parchment. She hugged Seraphina tightly, whispering words of love and encouragement. Gabriel clasped my hand firmly, his eyes conveying the depth of his respect and pride.

With a final embrace, Raphaela activated the parchment. The familiar swirl of magical energy surrounded her, and with a flash of light, she was gone, on her way to Rook Manor to aid my mother in curing Konstantine.

Seraphina and I stood at the threshold of the mansion, looking back one last time at the family that had given us so much. "It's time," I said, my voice steady and determined. Together, we stepped into the night, the path ahead filled with endless possibilities.

Changing into my Avian form, my jet-black feathered wings glistened in the moonlight as I spread them wide before flapping them in flight. The night wind felt soothing on my feathers as we flew high above the clouds. 

As Seraphina and I landed at the edge of the Mapuche territory, the sounds of war echoed through the air, a constant reminder of the conflict that plagued this land. We knew our mission was crucial—to save Pire and ensure the safe birth of her child, Nahuel. Pire's sister, Huilen, would also play a critical role in this endeavor.

My crows had already scouted the area, finding a secluded cave deep within the forest. It would serve as our base of operations, a place where we could keep Pire safe and ensure she had the sustenance she needed.

Before meeting Pire and Huilen, I had a crucial task to complete. I needed to deal with Joham, the vampire responsible for creating hybrids through deceit and seduction. His existence threatened the safety of vampires. I set off in search of him, leaving Seraphina with a plan to join me later. I needed her to meet Pire and Huilen at their home and explain everything.

I had explained everything to her on the flight here, so to say she was surprised to hear that I had memories of a past life was an understatement. She had also confessed that I was her mate, that she imprinted on me the day we met. I was not that surprised. I had an idea that was the case on account of how fast her affection for me had developed. What did surprise me were my own feelings. I had fallen for her almost just as quickly.

It took a little bit of time to track Joham. His predatory nature left a trail that I could easily follow. Confronting him in a remote part of the forest, I saw the cunning and malice in his eyes. He didn't deserve the power he wielded nor the lives he had taken.

"You must be Joham," I said, stepping into the clearing where he stood.

He sneered, clearly unimpressed. "And who might you be?"

"Your end," I replied, drawing my sword.

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