Primordial Trap System

Prologue 01 – Death and Lucky Pulls?

After that weird accident were for some reason, I followed that little blonde girl from a distance, I think I met my end after being run over by a car after I pushed that girl out of the way. I am floating in a weird white place, I don't feel my body nor can I see nor hear it, it is like... I was just a soul floating in this weird place, seeing that I am dead and all... it might be the only reasonable explination....

Weird... for some reason I don't feel distressed or anything.... usually in the novels I used to read, the Mc usually freaks out after their death... but I don't feel anything... maybe I am waiting for the after life to claim me in this space. Wished there was someone to speak too... don't think I can even talk since I have no vocal cords... since when am I so logical, how long I have been floating here and why am I asking so many questions...

"Your mind sure is going ballistics, shooting so many random thoughs." a random female voice sounded from somewhere... I think I am going a bit crazzy... wish I can converse with that random voice in my head... but I don't have a mouth to talk to... wait, I neither have ears but I still heard that female voice. 

"Well you just need to think on what to ask and I will read your superficial thoughs about what you are asking and answer to the best of my abilities. For starters, you are in the domain of I the great and powerful Trixie, Goddess of Magical Might and Fateful encounters." the self proclaimed Goddess of magic or some stuff. 

"Well you are quite the brave one, maybe you are stupid or something, insulting a Goddess when I already told you I can read your superficial thoughts. If not for the fact that I witness your heroic deed of saving my trouble maker of a daugther, which has a mortal vessel at the time and was vulnerable to death. Not that she is a bad kid... just that she is a bit of an airhead... but you save her vessel thus I, the Great and Powerfull Trixie shall bestow on you the chance to chose your own fate." The Goddess proclaim with a powerful voice.

Before I can think of something three giant wheels appeared in front of me... they have different words writen on it, each wheels have thousands of different things. 

The first wheel of random names on it, I can see Earth in there, but I don't think that it is refering to the element, so the first may be a world selector wheel...

The second have a bunch of words that end with System, so I guess I will get a System in my next life, there are stuff like Ancestral Dragon Lord System and Magical Schoolgirl System, even lewds one like that Futanari Alpha Goddess System and Super Ugly Bastard System in there.... 

The final one have a bunch of stuff in there from a Common Iron Longsword to God Cleaver so that is my sacred treasure, there is also armor and clothing items, aswell as pills and rings....

"Well as you have thought, those three wheels will give you a bunch of benefits. Instead of following the norm and reincarnate as a new baby in your old world with no special gift, you will get the chance to reincarnate in an awesome new world with a cool system and a nice treasure. What you get depends on your Luck and your accumulated Karma, anything goes so be mindfull that if you reincarnate as a dog, for example, because of the system you will be able to buy mutations and aquire evolutions to develope further into the chosen path. So don't be afraid if you don't like one of the gifts, they will just serve to mark your new begining for a new path of power, some Systems or Treasures may also lead to a Godly Spark of your own." so I can become a God "or a Goddess" or a Goddess... wait what?

"There are some Systems that require you to be a certain gender and or race so there is still a chance you can reincarnate as a female, there are also systems that lock you into a certain age too, like the Cute Shota System and the Cute Loli System, were the main goal of that system is to become as cute as possible with the option to go  for a lewd path if you are into that, there are alot of sick people in some world that would enjoy having their way with the cutest child in the world that never ages, a treasure to some degenerates and there are some that just want to protect them and rise them, they can adapt their race by absorving their mana too... but enough about that." why the long explination for such a system? 

"I love to collect cute things, so that is one of the most polished systems in there, we Gods and Goddesses like to create systems to give to a bunch of people that meets our requirement, some other lesser Gods were also interested in you, like the Ugly Pig God that made the infamous Super Ugly Bastard System which is at it's thirty-first revision now, apparently it makes the user 20% uglier..." the hell did I just heard... I am really into hentai, probably the reason why I did not had a real life girlfriend and died a virgin, but the Ugly Bastard tag is one of my most hated ones... it is in the ranks of Scat, Guro and Vore....

"Well I am a Major Goddess, so I can assing systems at random instead of how the Lesser Gods who can only give their main system, some medium gods like to make a bunch of joke system after they polish their system programing skills, since they need to make about a 20 systems to increase their God Rank. I personally have 69 systems both lewd, cool and most importantly cute, now enough talking and spin the wheels, just will them to move and they will spin."

Better get this over with... now spin wheel of worlds. After I finished thinking it the wheel started spining really fast and after what felt like an eternity it finally stopped at a world called Yggdrasil, the world of the gigantic tree of life, acourding to the info that was dumped on me.... it is an advanced world of magic that is apparently 80 times bigger than Earth.... a world were achieving godhood is not that difficult for someone with a godly system like reincarnators. The third best world on the wheel... so nice. 

"Lucky you, landing on the Creator second world. now spin the others my boy, you will get a higer chance to get one of my 69 systems, go go goooo." for some reason the Goddess, sounds like a cheerleader... wish I could see her... but I have no eyes... whatever, Wheel of Systems, please do your thing and give me a good system.

The wheel started to spin gaining some ridiculous momentum and after another eternity it finally stopped..... what the hell is this.... "That is my fifth system ever made, it is extremely polished and it is in the sixty-sixth revision, the one and only Primordial Trap System... not gonna lie, but this system started as my first troll level, then it developed to the point that it has the second highest potential of my whole arsenal." 

Why do I have to be a trap... now I will have a small penis... like those sissies from mangas which are almost always bottoms.... "After the fiftieth revision the penis mutations were included too so don't worry about such a detail, just enjoy your stay and become my ultimate trap." she said and I felt a bit better... not like I was a tall buff dude on my old life... I might have been a trap on my previous life, though I was only 18 years old so maybe later I would grow some facial hair... yeah right... for some reason all my family members don't grow any body hair, even my dad looked a bit like a highschool girl... mom was a bombshell too so my genes were more on the female side except my penis which was about seven inches unlike some of the traps from hentai which have kid side penises.... maybe dad was also pretty big and I got some of his genes... he kinda looked like my older sister...

"You know I can read you thoughs right.... whatever, spin your final wheel... of all the things he can think... he.... sigh..." mmm for some reason I don't feel any shame speaking about stuff like my penis size... whatever guess I will be in your care Wheel of Treasures, lets do this!!!

It started spining extra fast and when it stopped, it stoped on a bikini.... seriously what the hell can I re-roll please, I am not a crossdresser... "The Orichalcum Chain Bikini is actually on the top of defensive clothing treasure, it also increase all your stats depending on the amount of skin you actually reveal, up to 100% while also boosting your regenaration of both Health, Stamina and Stamina by up to 300%, it also has self cleaning, self repairing and self adjusting, it will also hide your junk inside a special dimmension. It also has an internal magical silk insert for maximum comfort while you wear them, that also reduces damage taken depending on the amount of skin you reveal for up to 50% bassically only needing this set of underwear to have the best early game stats." the Goddess just revealed how broken those damn panty and bra combo is.... wait if this underware I can just wear other stuff over it, I won't get the most oug of the pair but... fine... and why do you now so much about it? 

"Well I know a God that knows a Goddess that talked with the Sister of the husband of the Goddess of Lust and Craft Nelliel, she is a Seamtress Goddess that makes erotic wear with broken skills, you really are a lucky guy, getting the third strongest world, with my second strongest system and the best bikini in existense. Lewd systems are the easiest to progress through, since you can get expirience by having sex aswell as killing stuff. You will also get my blessing which basically makes you untaintable and your soul will be protected aswell as an extra boost in your base Charisma and Magic stats." she finished and I started feeling warm, kinda hot in here or what?

"Don't worry you are just going to be born again, but don't worry, you won't be a baby when you arive since your new body will be forged by the system which in turn will be the most compatible with it, you will also be spawned by the world tree after that body gets finished, inside one off the countless roots so you will spawned in a forest area. See ya later my chosen." your what-

But before I could even finished complaining I entered a black room and started.... getting... sle... zzzzz.... zzz... z.


"Why did you told him that everything will decided by luck and fate, Creator..." an older God asked the Goddess that was speaking with Louis a coupple minutes ago. Only their siluette is vissible, while the older God was bald and with a super long beard and an extremely muscular build, the Goddess was the true meaning of a Bombshell, giant chest, flaring hips and thighs, super long and silky hair, she would make any being explode in lust if only they weren't scared of her, she can last several hundred of years making more Lesser Gods and Goddesses with an unlucky God or Goddess that she happens to fancy.... 

"Well I though it would be fun seeing him tring to get the most overpower stuff because of his luck... his luck was what actually earn him the chance to meet my daugther on his world... of all the billions living there only he noticed her and actually helped her... humans aren't supposed to see gods, you know. Now Norden, tell me, was hacking my own system to reward a pure little virgin soul that actually saved a Goddess from loosing her physical vessel, some of the best stuff that I have incorporated that best suit that particular soul, he is secretly a Futanari loving Trap that has a crossdressing father, one of the sexiest mortal currently alive in that world as a mom and a perfect trap constitution from birth, I fullfiled his inner desires while I temporarily dissabled his emotions so he doesn't try to back down on his true wish, almost resisted at the end there... and he is a low level soul... that can see and touch a God's physical vessel." the Creator Goddess finished and turn to leave swinging her waist seductively while showing her massive butt to the old man that was sweating bullets.

"I didn't know that he was such a special case... he was meant to go to that Lesser Pig God... luckily you spotted him in time... mother..." he said in a low deep voice while his eyes trailed the sexy figure of the mother of all Greater Gods. suddenly he heard a snort and an angry stomping behind the old man... turning he saw the siluette of the Giant Pig God, Glutteus... 

"He was my perfect vessel to test the new Brainwashing Corrupting Cum skill, snort.... why did mother took my toy away from me... I get he saved one of our sisters, but who cares, with the amount of faith energy of that lowly world she would die anyway... and mother still doesn't even care about her... snort." he was angry but it doesn't matter... he does have a point mother, usually doesn't care for mortals... maybe I can... no I better not interfere... she chose him for a reason so I will just trust her judgment and ignore the hacking she did to the system and just focus on fixing it... 

If only they knew that she was just bored.... 


Basic Hume Shape finalized.....

Initializing the Primordial Trap System.... 

Downloading 66 patches....

Installing full package....

Adapting Basic Hume Body into a Cute Trap....

Evolving Basic Hume Trap.....

Evolution into Higher Hume Trap completed....

Integrating Soul of Louise the Virgin Pervert....

Perfect Fusion of Soul, Body and System initialized.....

Perfect fusion completed....

Blessing of ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ integrated...

Blessing of Yggdrasil integrated...

Rebooting system in 3..... 2... 1.

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