Primordial Trap System

Chapter 23 – Sacred Phoenix Vs Evil Prince, The Emperor

As the Battle Junkies duke it out for the amusement of the two Goddesses, on the other side of the forest a certain Prince was elated to hear the news about his beloved conquest target. 

He was getting closer and closer to the home base of Jorm, he just found out that the Trio of fiery Maidens was sighted near a cave in the middle of the rain forest... after his loss with the Golden Valkerie which by now he knew was a male, he would still bang him if he survive his punisment first that is...

He still remembers his loss to him... he crippled his second, third and fourth wives by absorbing their accumulated experience. His first wife had his same blood, so she was inmune to his Demonic Charm Absorbtion... but atleast he got her pregnant, now she can return to his father's side and leave him alone. In the past four month, after his previous defeat, he was abusing his Absorbtion Technique, gaining strength at a ridiculous speed... but now he has to overcome the Lv750 bottleneck.

He liked his three wives, they were fun till the end were they scream after he ate their experience and they watch as he completely crippled each and everyone of them. But it was worth it, since now he will get my beloved wife back plus an additional two other Absorbtion targets... 

Out of nowhere a red laser flew past his face leaving a deep burn on left shoulder and some burnt hair. He started healing and moving towards the shooter and started dodging and weaving through what upon closer inspections were arrows. He soon reached a clearing in the woods at the base of a mountain and an archer cloaked in red fire with another giant horned woman standing next to her on top of a small platform.

He knows that everyone on the island has to be Lv750 or less to enter, he was Lv750 and was capable of fighting with a Lv800 alone. He saw the two women in front of him before moving out of the way of an arrow, he loves hard to get women that put up a good fight. Before he could rise his new sword to slash at them, they vanished from their place and were replaced by his main course, Elizabeth that came down from the sky covered in her iconic blue flames.

His day couldn't get better. He was happy he will be with the girl he liked, he found replacements when she dissapeared into that cursed city that dares get in the way of the emperor. They didn't even last the whole night with him, before they were a broken mess, he would proceed to devour their talents after raping them silly, he can still hear their sweet screams for help, he can't help but smile and look at the Flame Goddess in front of him, she has a super healing factor so she was basically an un-breakable toy that he wants to posses.

"My dearest, destiny still says that you are bound to marry me and here you are, falling from the sky just to see me. I shall proof to you my strength and you will fall for me. Witness my greatness, my talent and my love.... but I forgive you, now come let us fight so I can prove to you my dear, that I love you." He ready his New Artifact Longsword, Estrella Negra which has a black neutral aura surroundin it.

"As if don't know the type of man that you are... even if you were a nice person, you would still be a man so you are not even close to my ideal partner. I have three wives for a reason, so get it through your thick skull, that to me you are disgusting... in both soul, mind and body. Now you will have to die so I can be free from your stupid ideals and agendas, here in the Dragon Continent no one will know how you will die and the emperor will not kill my family out of retaliation." Elizabeth said while she summoned her three staves which floated behind her and glowed with different tones of blues and started her casting while she floated mid air.

"Unfortunately it doesn't matter what you think, after I am done with you, everything you are and will be, it is just my wife, true and loyal, like you should. Those wives of your can come with you to my place if you want, then we can share them, but enough about you, we shall see how much you shall struggle and remain true to that or submit to me." He started gathering energy on his leg and then walked in the air.

Elizabeth grabbed her Lachesis Staff (Improves Spell Effect) and her Clothos Wand (Improves Healing Spells) and unleashed her partial Assault mode, both of her staves fused with her and she turned into an 8'2" tall Phoenix hybrid woman. Elizabeth was now made of pure blue fire, she still looked the same but her scarf was replaced with small fire wings and have the two absorbed staves effects as passive effects she then grabbed her Atropos Rod (Improves Spell Damage) in her right hand, the massive rod now looks more normal in her hands. 

She was now casting more spell with her left hand as a ball of fire started to form and she swung her masive Atropos Rod down to meet his Estrella Negra. She never stopped casting her spell and after several exchanges, the sphere of blue fire started to float above their head and shot small bullet size fire balls towards the prince forcing him to defend against it.

He was starting to get mad, he likes to see his woman struggle for him, but Elizabeth was pushing him around and he doesn't like that one bit... he used his Firmament Slash towards her and cut her legs thinking of making her feel a bit of despair... but she acted like nothing and the legs didn't even bleed. As soon as the blade pass through her legs, she was already regenerating and had her legs back. He can feel that her magic reserves were almost endless, she released the next spell at the moment he cut through her legs and a blue heat laser hit the prince and pierced his back making him spit a mouthful of blood.

Black lines started to seep through the hole and a black like tumor emerged around the hole and started reconstruct his damaged chest and burned organs. Another laser was shot but he deflected it with his sword and released a black wave that cut through Elizabeth but not before more lasers barreled through him burning his skin and organs. They have both spit a mouthful of blood which was evaporated by the hit, they keep flying up higher and higher he started attacking her in close combat while he was dodging lasers in a trained fashion.

His resources were depleting fast, his healing working overtime while also doging lasers to prevent unnecesary injuries. Elizabeth only has to worry about her mana pool, which was huge, she also used a Goddess Breast Milk to keep up with her Mana Consumption.

"Getting tired already Trash Prince? I can do this all night, but can you?" She started taunting the Prince so he messed up, contrary to what she was saying, once the MP recovery potion effect is used up, she would have to release her assault hybrid form since she would not be able to supply that form for long.

"It doesn't matter if you can or can't do this all day, your attacks cannot kill me, so it is only a matter of time, soon I will have my way into your pants and you will love it." He was getting excited, he knows that Elizabeth doesn't trash talk, he knows that there has to be an effect that is making her generate that much mana. She was like a glowing reactor of mana in his magic perception, she was like a burning sun that will soon die out.

But he got too excited and over extended, Unleashing his sharpest slash attack, his 'Firmament Slash - Final Cut', he manage to deep into her chest, blood flowing from her wound he cuts through her heart but before he could activate his contract to seal her will and use one of his treasured pills to heal her, she started to crack and blue light bleed through her skin as she used her ultimate move she learned a while ago Flames of Rebirth, but never used it since the conditions were pretty harsh... she has to die...

He looked at her eyes wanting to see her despair and anger towards him, but what he got gave him a chill.... she was laughing like a maniac and just like the analogy he used, she was like a dying sun... when a star dies, it makes a gigantic explosion that destroys everything and restarts everything from scratch. He forgot about the Super Nova, but who can blame him, he doesn't know what happens when a star dies, only gods can travel the space around this massive world.

Before he could retreve his sword, he was surrounded by a pair of gigantic wings made of fire. A massive explosion hapened when she closed her eyes, destroying everything in its path, the small mountain that Shuiro was using as a tower, was reduced to ash and a massive crater was left, the trees in the surrounding were safe as the explosion ignores neutral entities and heals allies.

Several miles around them the fires soon return to the center and tranformed back into the shape of a naked woman. She was naked and in all her futanari glory, she walked towards the still healing body of the prince whos face was melted and only his roght eye was seen. He looked at her in horror... he never expected that his crush was also a man... he did all of that for nothing... soon blue fire gathered arround her, forming her traditional Cerulean witch look... she was running low on Mana, but she still has enough to use on last move, she raised her hand and all three staves floated around the prince.

"Be judged and condemned for your crimes against others. I will now put you at the judge's hand for your soul is taited with sin, burn in the flames of eternity until you truly repent, your family may grief for you, but know that they will be overjoyed to know that their son will be reformed and reincarnate with a better character and hopefully a female body with a noble system, rather that that trash... goodbye Trash Prince... and thanks for understanding... Flames of Judgement, Infinity Gate." She said a small prayer and a spiral gate made of fire appeared between the three staves and his soul started to get sucked inside the portal.

"You Freaking Bit-" his words were cut off when the Gate of Infinity closed and his body turned into black goop that soon turned to ash and scattered in the winds. He will only be missed by his sister, who despite how bad he treated her as his first wife was the only one that truly loved him. She knew that someday he would offend someone that even their father respected for their power.

She was now pregnant with the next Emperor, only a pure blood can inherent the Imperial System and become the next Emperor. 

As soon as his soul left the plain of mortals his Life crystal shattered and the Imperial Family knew of his demise. They don't know how he died but that he left them... it was obviously one of the participants of the Dragon Continent Festival, maybe a monster...

'Why would he challenge the World Eater... he knows he can't kill it. I don't think any other monster can kill him, the others might gang up on him...' the Emperor though to himself and looked at the crying Princess while she caressed her belly, it was what was left of him...

"SHADOWS, bring me all the info on everyone that entered the Dragon Continent, do a background check and investigate all the interactions he had with them before they entered... their are bound to be witnesses... to not take the Emperor authority in their eyes... they should be the heir of another kindom or empire... but who..." the Emperor said to his shadow.

"It might not be one of them your highness, according to the Shadow squad, he was in good terms with the three heirs and the only female heiress always keeps his distance, her White Lotus Sect would not kill the heir of a powerful family, on the contrary they are very open with wanting her to marry a powerful Family, but she has no interest in the current line up. She was a bit interested in the clan of the Eternal Flame, Elizabeth who was still missing, aswell as one of the hidden Clan Heirs of the Four Paths, Shuiro... they are both extremely angry at our Empire because they blame the Prince for their disappearance... maybe it was a hidden expert of their clan or a paid one to put the blame on them." The Shadow reported what his network had on the heir before they entered the Dragon Continent.

"Spreading the rumor that the Golden Valkerie was the culprit and that the prince fought her off is not working too good huh... it works on the masses but them, we cannot loose those two powerful clans when we are so close to finally killing that danm traitor... how dare him chose a Dragon over the Humes. His son is also danderous, acourding to our seer he will be another one of the reincarnators, but he will be with the body of a true dragon and the soul of a heroic general of a modern world that has reincarnated various times... he is the priority... one of the true dragons will be out for the count while I take care of Bahamut... we need to capture the reincarnators aswell... they are neutral to the other clans but openly hostile with our empire..." the Emperor was thinking about the Golden Valkerie for some reason, that crossdressing Valkerie had the power to severely hurt the prince when the first met, and he had a higher level too... maybe...

"Put a warant on the Valkerie, put on it that he killed the prince because he wanted to steal his wife to be, Elizabeth and that Shuiro was involved since she was friends with her. We can put the blame of everything on him..." the Emperor said and the Shadow dissapeard.

'With the next Emperor about to be born in six more months I can finally ascend with a peace of mind, knowing that I took Bahamut down and left a pure Emperor on the line after all is done.' He rubbed the ridge of his nose and masaged his temple. He sat on top of his Golden Throne with an all gold armored red robe.

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