Primitive Man

Chapter 39: Current state

Garnt stammered for a moment, trying to find the right words to explain his actions to his infuriated mother. "I... I was just training with Kiriah and Baktou, Mother. They needed to improve their combat skills, and I thought this would be a good way to help them get stronger."

Gundo's anger didn't seem to subside as she glared at her son. "In the middle of the village, with all these people betting on you, Garnt? You couldn't have found a more appropriate place for their training?"

Garnt's eyes darted nervously between his mother and Aunt Ayra, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the spectacle. He knew he had made a grave mistake. "I... I didn't think it would cause any harm, Mother.

I wanted to make sure they were prepared for the challenges ahead."

Gundo's grip on Garnt's hand tightened, and she pulled him closer to her. "You have a responsibility as the patriarch of this village to set a good example, Garnt. This kind of behaviour is not befitting of someone in your position."

Everyone who gathered to watch the duel, quickly started to leave seeing Gundo blaming her son. They didn't want to get caught in the problem and anger Gundo, who was known to have the ability to even tame, Garnt.

Garnt's shoulders slumped in defeat as he realized the gravity of his actions. He knew his mother was right, and he had let his desire to train his siblings and show his dominance cloud his judgment. "I'm sorry, Mother. It won't happen again."

Gundo nodded, her anger slowly subsiding. "I know. Now, let's go back home, and we'll discuss the appropriate way to punish you. And as for Ayra," she turned to her sister, "please take Kiriah and Baktou with you and ensure they receive their punishment for participating in this chaos."

Ayra gave Garnt a mischievous smile before nodding in agreement. "Of course, Gundo. Come on, you two troublemakers, let's go."

As Garnt was led away by his mother, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment.

[Still can't go against her, even after all this time. Looks like there are few women that can tame this wild dog.]

"Whatever, I don't want to argue with you," Garnt said looking at Gundo's ass swaying through her garb, which he quickly averted his eyes from.

After six years, Garnt's mother underwent significant changes in her knowledge and behaviour. She transformed from someone who didn't know much, like a cavewoman, into a full-fledged doctor for the village. She not only gained a lot of knowledge but also became a strong and capable leader.

With proper food and health care, both men and women in the village became more beefy and healthy. Compared to her past self, Both Gundo and Ayra started to look a lot more beautiful and sexy since Garnt started to teach them about several things.

[Within these six years, you managed to find sixty people faithful to you and build so many things, but we are going to increase our speed from now on.]

"Ugh~ I had to kill so many people that tried to harm me or my family, most of the males wanted to take the leadership for themselves, so I had to kill them. But lucky for me, with little care and food, their children didn't hate me, at least most of the time."

Garnt remembered about all the things he had to go through to develop his village up to current state.

[Don't hesitate. We have promised and we can't hold back. We will do the wildest thing, but won't regret it. That's how we do things.]

"I know, but now I have to survive this," As soon as he said that, Gundo entered the house and saw the girls were working on several things and quickly asked them to clear a spot.

"Ehhh~ what is our patriarch doing here?" One of the girls questioned curious.

"He is going to help you, My son wants to help his villagers and give a proper example of how a leader figure should be," Gundo said and quickly pushed Garnt by the shoulders and forced him to sit next to a girl, who glanced at him with side eyes.

"This is my first time talking with him!"

"Kyah~ Lady Gundo, is it true that Patriach is younger than me?"

"Can I help you with anything?"

Suddenly, all the attention in the room shifted, and anyone could practically see the hearts in the girls' eyes as they began to gaze longingly at Garnt. Their eyes were locked onto him, their giggles and whispers filling the air.

Gundo, noticing the sudden change in atmosphere, felt her temper flare. She raised her voice, demanding everyone's attention. "Enough! Back to work, all of you!

Sit back and wait until Garnt finishes his punishment of making more ropes." Her stern tone quickly restored order, and the girls reluctantly turned their attention back to their tasks, albeit with longing glances thrown in Garnt's direction.

[Garnt, are you going to marry one of these girls? You can take multiple girls, but make rules so others won't start going crazy with their mating. You need a proper order.]

"Hmm, I don't really know. I know about all the romance stuff thanks to your holy scripts." He paused for a moment and looked at the girls next to him without making it obvious and then he continued.

"All of them are beautiful and attractive and I would really like to have sex with them, but I don't want to spend my life with them. I don't feel any special love toward them. Is it a bad thing?"

Eva laughed hearing his words, seeing him being straightforward.

[Not really. It is normal for men to seek beautiful girls. But you always need that special someone to have a special connection with, so no need to be confused, it is normal.]

With her reassuring words, Garnt kept doing his punishment faithfully trying to avoid the eyes of the girls, who kept looking at him, so he could quickly finish this and do something interesting instead of doing boring labour.

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