Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 46: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 2 ("A Child Broken")

We were sitting alone on a bus back to 4 Privet Drive when I spoke up.

"How are you, M'lady?" I asked from next to her on the other seat, watching the outsides go past them. She had jolted from admiring her suitcase and looked all around her.

"You need not worry, Harriet," I said while turning to face her. She near instantly locked onto me, eyes that held nothing but apathy. She smiled, but it was one so broken yet hidden so well that it caused my heart to ache in pain.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't do my duty and protect you again." I said solemnly, she merely tilted her head with an unasked question. "I am the Familiar of Merlin, and it is my duty to guide his descendants down their path to Avalon."

"That doesn't explain why you are sorry you couldn't protect me?" The monotone voice she spoke with had none of the mask she wore around others in Diagon Alley. 

She wasn't the abused and reserved child that would break out of their shell with positive reinforcement.

She was a dead child, one who had given up on all hope of living and resigned herself to death. The deity himself, hanging by her shoulder and waiting for her to join him in his realm.

"It is my job to protect Merlin's descendants and guide them to Avalon should they choose this path. You are now the last one left, and after you are gone my journey shall be over." I spoke, the words feeling engraved into my very body, yet not my soul: like I've known this all my life, and yet, I'm only learning of it now.

"Does that mean you knew my Mother?" She asked, a spark of hope in her voice that she forced, yet her eyes didn't change. 

"Yes, your mother was a wonderful woman who would never have allowed you to be placed with your aunt." The conviction in my voice caused her body to waver and the tiniest of flame sparked in her eyes before being mercilessly crushed.

"Then… Then why was I placed with her?" She asked, as tears started to stream down her face. "Huh, I thought I ran out of tears years ago," she stated matter-of-factly as she touched the stream of salty water trailing down her cheeks and dropping onto her oversized jeans.

"I can only assume that it was to make you malleable, to make you into someone who could be made into a martyr without complaint and even do it themselves," I said. She picked me up and hugged me tightly as she silently wept.

"My name may be Cath Palug, yet I am called Fou; and I shall be your faithful companion forever. Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories." 

She hugged me tighter and buried her head into my fluff, "I'll hold you to it, Fou," she quietly whispered into me. I do not know why, but it felt like a pact was formed between us.


When the bus arrived at Little Whinging Privet Drive, Harriet had cried all of her tears. Paying the driver with a "Thank you," she grabbed her suitcase and left the bus, the little white ball of fluff nowhere to be seen as she walked down the drive.

When she arrived at #4, she was smacked down by the patriarch and shoved into her cupboard under the stairs. He held no fear, as he had trained the girl with fear and pain to do whatever he pleased.

When morning came, the house was silent as a mouse compared to the ruckus that was banging around the night before. The cars didn't move, Petunia wasn't sticking her nose into other people's business, and Dudley had not gone to school that day.

The school called and was greeted by the Dursley house answering machine, and the days passed without any activity from the home. When the bobbies arrived, the house was a mess.

Furniture was strewn about the living room and destroyed with splatters of blood here and there, they had to use a battering ram to even get in the house, the kitchen was destroyed with cabinets on the ground and dishes destroyed everywhere.

A trail of blood led from the living room upstairs toward the bedrooms. Vernon and Petunia's room was in disarray, with Vernon found disembowelled on the floor. Petunia was no better, she was hung from the fan and showed signs of struggling, the way it was set up suggested that she had to watch her husband die while she did.

Although his room wasn't any better, filled with broken items that a child would normally play with, Dudley was spared from such pain. According to the autopsy report, he was stabbed through the heart before his throat was slit with the kitchen knife found on his night table.

And that was what was released into the press, along with a list detailing Vernon's copious amounts of disgusting porn, and the diary found in the cupboard under the stairs detailing what he had done.

There was no trace of who lived under the stairs, only that she referred to herself as a freak, as she was told to by Vernon. She was violated by the whale of a man. And he was just a child and was given a quick death, for the sins of the father are not the sins of the son.

The bobbies had to release the information written in the diary, along with Vernon's stash. The public cried in outrage for the poor girl and the abuse she suffered at the hands of the Dursley's.


I watched, astralized, as Vernon smacked Harriet around and she did nothing but resign herself to her fate. She sat there and took it, she asked me not to do anything until they went to bed.

Dudley leered at her and Petunia sneered as she forced her to make dinner, they forced her to stand in the corner with nothing to eat and watch as they ate her cooking.

I saw as Vernon grabbed her by the neck and choked her while cramping her into the cupboard, the chains of fate that linked her to it were already damaged, and now they were broken, and the Dursley's were much rougher with her.

The SAO notification sound pinged in my ear, bringing my attention to the Quest Window as it popped up.



-[Available]- +1



I clicked on Available, the window opening further and giving me even more conviction to end this horrible torture.




'A Child Broken'

You've seen what's happening to this child, will you stand by?


0/1 "Walrus" Killed.

0/1 "Horse" Killed.

0/1 "Pig" Killed.


Emiya Family Magic Crest, ??? Pendant, Avalon (Sheath), A Pink Amaryllis



I didn't hesitate for a moment to accept, I only had to wait for them to fall asleep. And when they did, I struck, I gagged Vernon and dragged him down the stairs. His head hitting the steps woke him up in a daze. He tried to speak, but I reinforced the ropes I used to hold him.

I still didn't know why I had an unlimited output of Magical Energy, but I used it to my advantage as I condensed the energy into arms and used them to pick Vernon up.

I used him as a battering ram to destroy the living room, the furniture breaking from his sheer weight and pieces stuck into his flesh as I split open his stomach and grabbed the salt from the kitchen.

I dumped it over the cut I made in his gut that was bleeding profusely, and proceed to drag him back up the stairs. Furthermore, I dumped him in a corner of the room as I walked over to the now awake and struggling Petunia. She had managed to manoeuvre the tape off her mouth as I tied a rope around her neck.

She was hanging from the fan moments later, struggling to get the rope off her neck and breathe in air after I untied her hands. Furthermore, she had a front row see to watch me rip the cut I made into Vernon's gut and dump his innards out over the floor.

He'd die in moments, I watched as the lady who suggested that her husband violate her niece struggled before I left to Dudley's room. His death would be quicker and less painful than his father or mother.

He abused Harriet, so I slit his throat, waking him up from the pain he started to struggle to breathe, and I had him watch as the knife was raised up and stabbed into his heart.

The struggle soon stopped, leaving him to be carried away by Thanatos. I walked down the stairs as under my fur condensed the full Emiya Family Magic Crest on my very skin.

The crest brought with it the research and spells of the Emiya family, the Innate Time Control that Kiritsugu Emiya used and the spells of his Father and Grandfather and so-and-so forth.

"Inventory" The window popped open showing me my current item list,


??? Pendant

Avalon (Sheath)

A Pink Amaryllis


An unknown Pendant, a Sheath and a Flower. All three items catalystic in nature, I closed the window as I walked to the cupboard under the stairs. We would be out of here through the back door and far away by the time anyone investigated.

When I opened the door, it was to Harriet, on her hands and knees writing in a diary. It would contain her story in this house, it would be damming evidence for the police to use.

It was her salvation, her revenge. She would taint the image that they had projected of normalcy and drag it through the sewers to be destroyed! She looked up directly at me and smiled, that small flame she had ruthlessly crushed just earlier today, had returned and began to smoulder once more.

She grabbed what little items held value for her and her suitcase carrying all of her items, picked me up, and we left through the backyard, closing the door as if we never went through it.

This was the start of her journey, the start of her fight to not die and survive. For fate no longer held its strings on her.

[NEXT TIME ON THE JOJ- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]

Author Note: Time!

Yoooo! So this is the rewritten version, AND I NEED BETA READERS! If anyone wants to help out they can join my discord, or Either or link works.

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